At one command, there was a lot of noise. I felt like a general commanding thousands of troops. At this moment, I felt very powerful. I dreamed of such a scene many times. Today, I realized it.

The moment I gave the order, all the troops behind me surged up and rushed out in the wind, shouting and roaring. One by one, they were crazy and restless.

Chen Haoran, who was close in front of him, faced with our stormy attack like a flood, his dignified face also became ugly. Then, he waved his hand and coldly said a word: "up!"

In an instant, the two forces of us were entangled in a struggle. The scale of the group fight and the sensation of the scene were unprecedented. The men fighting on the battlefield, in the fight, also constantly issued the sound of roar, deafening.

I stood in the same place, looking at the surging and fierce battlefield, my heart seemed to have thousands of horses galloping and surging. Today is really different from the past. Who could have thought that I, who is disgusted with being a coward, is now directing the country in such a grand battlefield.

Shen Muchen, they are helping me, even Ma Qiang, who once had a festival with me, also stood up to help me, share the same hatred with me and fight for me..

However, with the passage of time, the situation on the battlefield seems to be getting worse and worse. Although our side has more people than the other side, the fight is obviously at a disadvantage. Because the scene is too chaotic, our forces have no planning at all. Many people are fighting at random. If it were not for Chen Haoran, the people who are bold and wear distinctive clothes, I guess The people on our side can't tell who is the enemy and who is the friend.

Chen Haoran's people are different. They seem to be used to the big field and fight in groups. What's more, they are very regular, with clear division of labor and orderly fighting. Therefore, there are many people on our side who are easily defeated by them. The situation is not optimistic.

My hands holding the handle of the knife were unconsciously clenched. My whole body was hot and dry, like thousands of ants running in my body. Suddenly, I had an impulse to rush up and fight them to death. Shen Muchen, standing next to me, only looked at the scene of the fight, but his body was still.

All of a sudden, Shen Muchen's eyes were tight, as if he had found something unusual. I followed his eyes and found that Zhao Dong, Chen Haoran's number one cadre, suddenly rushed to me with a steel pipe after he quickly knocked down my brother. Looking at his ferocious appearance, he just wanted to cut me directly.

I raised my knife and was about to fight for death. However, Shen Muchen, who was next to me, took the lead in meeting him. His speed and agility made me surprised. I never saw Shen Muchen fight with my own eyes, but today, I look at Shen Muchen with another eye.

It turns out that Shen Muchen is not only beautiful and shameless, but also has this hidden strength. Shen Muchen is a strange guy, not only has courage, I have wisdom, but also has strong fighting power. His action and posture are totally irresponsible. Even Chen Haoran's I have no time to think about other things. I want to stay in school and fight in this war To win in the fight, there is only one way. To catch the thief, catch the king first, and defeat Chen Haoran. Only then can I have a chance to win.

Therefore, when the onlookers were surprised why I had been indifferent for so long. When brothers were lying on the ground in grief, I squeezed the handle of the knife and rushed straight to the battlefield and attacked in the direction of Chen Haoran.

All the people in the battlefield were fighting with each other, and they had no time to take care of me. Chen Haoran, who was fighting with crabs, had no spare time to take care of me. I took advantage of his unprepared, rushed to his back and directly cut down.

This time, I was determined to take Chen Haoran down. I wanted to do it with one move, but I never thought that things suddenly changed and became so absurd. I don't know if it's because I'm soft handed or I've never used a knife to cut people. I just cut my brother's back with this knife. He didn't fall down by me. On the contrary, I successfully angered him and made his whole person furious. He suddenly turned around and kicked me a heavy kick directly. He attacked him. I was kicked off in an instant The knife fell to the ground.

When the crab saw this, he quickly grasped the right time and wanted to quickly defeat Chen Haoran. However, Chen Haoran was completely angered by me and completely red eyed. His anger made him very sensitive. Before the crab attacked him, he was beaten and retreated.

Then, Chen Haoran quickly shifted the target and pointed the spear at me. He could see the fire coming out of my eyes. His voice was full of anger. He yelled at me: "you dare to sneak on me and die!"

With that, he turned around and strode towards me. Then he picked up my fallen machete from the ground and held it in his hand. His eyes were filled with the spirit of killing, as if to kill me.

The forced crab wanted to run to help me, but two of Chen Haoran's cronies saw him injured and immediately came to support him. They pointed at the crab and yelled at the two people: "you two, stop him!"

Immediately, the crab was entangled by the two muscle men, unable to get out of the body. Other people also want to help me, but they are also powerless. They either fall to the ground or are entangled by their opponents. There is no one who can come empty handed.When I fell on the ground, I could only look at Chen Haoran, whose eyes were red. Step by step, I came to me. The closer I got, the more murderous he was. Especially when I saw the blood dripping on his back, I already knew that Chen Haoran was completely angered by me!

I was surrounded by a breath of death. The invisible breath made me breathless. I felt suffocating and unable to move. I really didn't expect that the consequence of my opportunistic move would be like this. What's more, I didn't expect that I was so weak. I thought that my cowardly character would be changed by lifting the knife, But the hand that picked up the knife still looks like that. The knife in my hand is still like a scrap iron.

I didn't really participate in the League war, but this time, I finally joined in. Although I did, it didn't work. Instead, I was forced to stand in front of me and look down at me from a commanding position. My heart was hopeless. My body lost its ability to react, so I lost the confidence to resist, Just sitting on the ground, looking at Chen Haoran's next move.

Chen Haoran didn't say any unnecessary nonsense to me. He just raised his machete and chopped at me without any expression. I didn't want to resist again. I just closed my eyes and waited for Chen Haoran's thunder. When I was really desperate, a shrill voice came from another direction: "no!"

I immediately opened my eyes and found that Chen Haoran's knife had stopped, and Fang Qing did not know where it came from. She pushed the knife of Chen Haoran's hand and blocked it in front of me. Seeing her appearance, my heart couldn't help shaking. In such a dangerous place and such a crisis moment, Fang Qing, a girl, dared to rush over. Is she really dying?

Angry Chen Haoran, who was made more angry by Fang Qing, pointed at Fang Qing with a machete and yelled: "get out of my way!"

Fang Qing was staring at Chen Haoran and replied obstinately, "I don't want you to move him!"

Chen Haoran was obviously a little anxious, pointing to Fang Qing and swearing: "don't think I dare not beat a woman. If you don't get out of here, I'll chop you together!"

Seeing that Chen Haoran was so serious, Fang Qing was also a little flustered, but she still didn't go away. She just put her head aside, closed her eyes and said, "then you can cut me off!"

Seeing Fang Qing like this, I was angry and scolded her: "you TM brain is sick, I didn't tell you to get out of here, what do you come back for?"

Fang Qing bit her teeth and cried out, "yes, I'm rolling, but I'm rolling back!"

This sentence shows her determination, a determination not to be afraid of death. Compared with her delicate girl, what is the man who has been kicked to the ground and has not yet got up?

This time I was completely moved by Fang Qing, but Chen Haoran was already furious. He put out his hand and grabbed Fang Qing's hair. He threw it hard and roared: "get out of here!"

Fang Qing was so mercilessly thrown out and fell on the ground. This scene was completely in my eyes. I felt both heartache and anger. The fire in my chest burst out instantly. I red eyes and glared at Chen Haoran in front of me.

This violent maniac is worthy of his reputation. He doesn't understand any pity. After rudely shaking off Fang Qing, he immediately strides forward and comes straight to me.

Fang Qing, a silly girl, was so determined to protect me. When she fell to the ground, she tried her best to get up and threw herself at Chen Haoran's feet. She held his thighs tightly and tightly. She could not pull them. The more she pulled, she became more and more manic. Chen Haoran finally lost her patience and roared to Fangqing: "let go!"

It's more important for her to let go of her thigh, but it doesn't seem to scare her.

This time, crazy Chen Haoran lost his reason directly. He red eyes, raised his knife, and suddenly waved to Fangqing

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