I witnessed Chen Haoran's madness. He was desperate to wave a knife at a woman. I saw this scene deeply in my eyes. Although I'm not a hero, I also have a bottom line. I can get hurt or die by myself, but I can't let a woman hurt for me.

Chen Haoran waved a knife to Fangqing. I was stunned on the ground. My body instinctively reacted. I didn't know where the strength and courage came from. At that moment when Chen Haoran raised the knife, I rushed to Fang Qing's body and protected her.

My body pressure on Fang Qing's body, this is the first time I have intimate contact with a girl, at this time I have no other ideas, just want to protect her comprehensive, that's all.

At this time, Chen Haoran really lost his mind. He was merciless when cutting people. His knife did not hesitate at all and continued to attack us quickly. However, I was flesh and blood. How could I resist the light of the sword.

His blade, directly cut on my back, a piercing pain hit me instantly, the pain I bared my teeth, cold sweat straight out. Blood, along my back slowly flow out, and then, a knife a knife in different parts of my body, I just did not cry out, the body was slowly red by blood.

Fang Qing, who was pressed by me, was stunned by this scene. Her eyes were full of fear. Her eyes were numb. Her mouth was open, but she was speechless.

However, the pain of the body did not make me fall down, but filled my body with anger. I hate Chen Haoran's ruthlessness, and even put her hands on women. If I hadn't blocked it, his knife would not have killed Fang Qing, but at least it would have made her look bad.

His method is really too cruel, in the heart of the angry belief, let me full of energy, with this drive, bleeding me, even slowly stood up from the ground.

I bear the pain, firmly stand up straight body, eyes red, like a hungry wolf general, looks very frightening, even heaven fearless Chen Haoran, see me in this picture, even stood up, a bit shocked for a moment, however, he was just wrong stunned for two seconds, after a moment, he will recover that pair of fierce expression, to my breach "Damn it, I dare to attack Laozi secretly. I am going to kill you now!"

After that, he waved the knife again and chopped at me. The knife, firmly and solidly, fell on my left shoulder. The pain made me cold sweat and almost fainted. I felt like a stream of heat surging past. The pain was beyond description. My heart was about to crack, but some kind of belief supported me, so that I didn't fall down again, still standing upright.

At this moment, not only Chen Haoran was confused, but also other people in the scuffle were startled by the scene. They stopped their movements and looked at me in a very synchronous manner.

You know, even in this kind of scene of group fighting, the guys we use are usually steel pipe swing sticks and so on, so that nothing special will happen. Unless there is a big hatred between the two sides, it is possible for someone to carry a sharp weapon. But this group fight is obviously just for the sake of winning or losing. There is no hatred of killing my father or robbing my wife. Therefore, the only one with a knife on the scene is the stupid and not pulling haw.

It was also because the knife was being cut on me that almost all the people on the scene gathered their eyes. Perhaps, everyone thought that my weak body and bones would suffer from so many knives, and it would certainly cause human life. Once a person was killed, even the bold people would panic. The boys who watched the fun were calm, but the girls who were less daring were Screams of fear.

What was more shocking was me. The knife in Chen Haoran's hand was directly cut on his shoulder, which was still very deep. However, in this state, I was still standing upright in the battlefield without shaking or shaking.

Especially when all of them touched my eyes like a hungry wolf, they were afraid to breathe. At this moment, the huge square suddenly fell into a dead silence. Occasionally, two birds flied through the air, leaving a shadow.

At this moment, my whole body was in a state of madness. The blood in my body was boiling and rolling, and a kind of unprecedented anger suddenly erupted. I was like a devil with my body shining back. Under everyone's breath holding attention, I suddenly stretched out my hand and grabbed the back of my shoulder. Then I roared into the sky and roared out my endless anger.

The roar shocked all the people in the square, and Chen Haoran's eyes were widened. What he looked like had nothing to do with me. At this moment, my hand grasped the back of the knife, bit my teeth and pulled out the machete inserted in my shoulder. Immediately, I threw the knife directly on the ground, allowing the blood on my shoulder to cross flow. I ignore, grinning, facing me Chen Haoran, showing a world's most evil smile.

My sudden evil smile, as if full of magic, let Chen Haoran more and more lost his mind, and even showed a little fear in his eyes. I was unprepared and tried my best to quickly jump at Chen Haoran. Maybe he was a little flustered at the moment, or he was completely shocked by my crazy behavior. I made a violent attack, and then I made a direct response He was knocked to the ground.When Chen Haoran reacted, the moment I was ready to push me away, my right hand had already grasped the dagger I carried with me, and quickly pushed it into his stomach.

All of a sudden, Chen Haoran, who has always been a bully, has twisted his painful face. However, he is worthy of being a strong man who has experienced many battles. He still has the strength to resist and wants to use brute force to push me away.

However, I'm like a crazy wolf dog. When I catch people, I don't let go. At the moment he wants to resist, I suddenly increase the strength of my right hand, pinch the handle of the knife and turn it around.

Immediately, Chen Haoran's twisted face became more ugly, tears could not help but burst out, and the body was still shaking. At this moment, the arrogant brother Haonan also counselled, afraid that I, a psychopath, would really kill him.

Chen Haoran is also a person. He is also afraid of death. I roared at him with a ferocious face: "admit defeat or not?"

Chen Haoran's face was like paper, and he kept sweating. His eyes were full of anger and panic. But obviously, he didn't accept me. He didn't intend to give up like this. He was still biting his teeth and didn't open his mouth.

Seeing his hard mouth, I strengthened my hand again. The dagger went deeper in his stomach, and my face became more terrible. With a cold face, I growled wildly: "if I don't admit defeat, believe it or not, I will kill you!"

Because I was too excited, my mouth could not help spitting out a mouthful of blood, directly sprayed on Chen Haoran's face. At this moment, I was ferocious, just like the devil crawling out of hell. I was gloomy and terrifying. If I continued to be so rigid, I might kill the man in front of me.

Seeing me so crazy, Chen Haoran's fear is deeper. Even if he is strong in his heart, he can't resist the threat of death. In this chaotic and terrible moment, facing a madman who has lost his mind, he is really afraid. He finally pried his lips and reluctantly jumped out three words: "I admit defeat!"

His voice was not loud, but it was ringing over the silent battlefield. Everyone in the field heard it clearly. My brothers who fell on the ground also heard it clearly. First, they were stunned, then suddenly, they burst out a burst of cheering, a burst of cheering for victory.

Shen Muchen and crab see this situation, then hurried to my side to see me. At this time, I, after winning, completely relaxed, my anger in the heart, also gradually extinguished.

So, I immediately pulled out the dagger inserted in Chen Haoran's body and left from him. But at this time, my first consideration was not my own injury, but ran to Fang Qing's side. I knelt down in front of her and held her in my arms. I asked with concern, "are you ok?"

Fang Qing has already become a tearful person. She keeps crying. For my questions, she just keeps nodding, indicating that she is OK.

See her all right, I also calculate thoroughly at ease, my mouth corner, showed a very honest smile, weak said: "that's good!"

With these words, I lost too much blood, and I had exhausted my last trace of energy. I was finally as soft as a deflated ball. My eyes couldn't hold on any longer. As soon as my eyelids closed, the whole person fell down like this.

At the last moment of losing consciousness, I vaguely heard Fang Qing's heartrending cry and brothers' anxious cry: "call an ambulance quickly!"

This time, I felt as if I had entered the hell. After being tortured, I finally woke up suddenly from my fear. When I woke up, my whole body was sweating and I felt like I was still in shock. However, when I saw Yang Shu's anxious face, my heart slowly calmed down and knew that I was back in the world.

However, the first feeling of returning to the world is pain. The pain of the body stimulates every nerve of my body. I can't help but tear the corner of my mouth. As soon as Uncle Yang sees me wake up, his eyes shine brilliantly and immediately calls for a doctor.

The doctor checked me according to the usual practice, changed the medicine for me, hung up a bottle of nutrient solution, and said that my body was weak, so I would be fine after a few more days' rest.

After the doctor left, Yang Shucai slowly told me about my coma. He told me that I had been in a coma for three days, which scared him a lot. At first, he thought it was OK to learn that I was fighting, but Uncle Yang was a little angry with such a senseless fight. He said that I was too reckless. If I had any faults, he would not know how to explain to my father.

Finally, he also seriously warned me not to be impulsive in the future. For uncle Yang's advice, I was in a trance. The whole person seemed to be immersed in an ethereal world, staring at the ceiling.

Uncle Yang looked at me like this, all helpless, sighed and said: "Oh, with your father a temperament."

I don't know if Uncle Yang is praising me, and I don't know my father very well. When he left me, I was still very young and could not remember his appearance completely.

For what kind of man my father was, I have no time to think about it now, but I gradually recall the war in the square that day. Although I know that I won the final victory, but my heart is still not happy, I always forget the moment before my coma, Fang Qing that earth shaking cry.

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