I can't help but turn my eyes and observe the next ward. I found that there was no one in the huge ward except uncle Yang. It looked really lonely.

Tossing and turning, I still couldn't help asking uncle Yang, "uncle, did anyone come to see me these two days?"

At this moment, uncle Yang seemed to suddenly become a worm in my stomach. He knew what I wanted to ask. Almost without hesitation, he directly asked me, "is that girl named Fang Qing you want to ask?"

Uncle Yang said so, I was embarrassed to nod the head, did not continue to say.

Looking at me like this, uncle Yang gave a helpless smile and said, "I've heard that your fight is due to that girl. It's really unexpected that our family's solo can also be a hero. Tell Uncle, are you in love? "

I didn't expect that uncle Yang would ask such a question. I shook my head vigorously and replied, "no!"

Uncle Yang saw my embarrassment, sighed and said, "that girl came to the hospital the next day after you were in hospital. After seeing you, he left in a hurry. As for the specific situation, I don't know!"

After listening to Uncle Yang's words, I can't help but feel a little lost. I took out my mobile phone and looked at it. Obviously, there were several strange calls and several short messages on my mobile phone. I was excited to open it, but I didn't have the qualification to be about Fang Qing. I wanted to call her and ask her about it, but I still resisted. I only had a good time and recuperated.

The next two days, I have been in the ward, with the doctor's advice, peace of mind to raise the wound, Yang Shu accompanied me, almost every step. During this period, only Shen Muchen and his group came to see me. However, as soon as Shen Muchen arrived here, he was scolded by Uncle Yang and said that he didn't take good care of me.

Shen Muchen just embarrassed companion smile, did not refute. I feel very embarrassed to do it. I know very well that I still occupy a certain position in Shen Muchen's heart. Every time I have something to do, he is duty bound to help me, but in the end, he didn't get it, and he was also blamed. I really feel sorry, but Shen Muchen doesn't care about these. Now he has regarded me as a brother. He is the kind of brother who shares life and death together. Therefore, I am not affectation. I deeply remember this kindness in my heart.

After a few days, my body was almost recovered, and my spirit came up. The knife wound on my body was scabby. But when I looked at the mirror and saw the striking scars behind me, my heart was still scared.

I looked at Uncle Yang and said, "I'm going to go back to school."

On hearing this, uncle Yang immediately said, "what? Back to school? I'm just going to tell you that I'll take you home and let you cultivate for some days. I'll say hello to your school. It's OK! "

I smile, said: "no, uncle, this little injury is nothing, I don't want to cause trouble in school, and I owe a lot of credits last semester, learning task is heavy, can't delay!"

In fact, I want to go back to school, mainly to see how Fang Qing, otherwise, go home alone, will be bored. Now I don't want to be alone anymore.

Most of all, my heart will always have some kind of desire, concern, stay in the hospital for more than a second is too long, the heart has already floated to the school, I really want to see the school Fang Qing. I don't know why, I suddenly miss her very much, miss her very much, it's kind of from the heart to miss her.

However, my excuse does not seem to have much persuasive, uncle Yang still disagrees, firmly said: "your injury is not good now, not suitable for activities. Although I have adjusted the matter between you and the boy named Chen with his parents, I am sure that the boy will trouble you again, so you'd better go home with me first! "

I shook my head without thinking and said to Uncle Lin seriously: "it's OK, uncle Yang. He has his principles. He should be able to count his words and won't move me. If he really wants to move me, no matter where I am, I will not escape. In the future, no matter what happens, I have to face it bravely. Some things can only be solved by myself! "

At this moment, my eyes became very firm. I had been submissive since I was a child. At this moment, I also had my own beliefs and opinions. No one can change what I want to do, even if it is uncle Yang. Look at my stubborn attitude, uncle Yang has no way but to accept me!

In the afternoon, uncle Yang handled the discharge for me, and directly sent me back to school. Before he said goodbye to me, he told me repeatedly that once something happened, he would call him at the first time. I nodded to Uncle Yang and made a bold decision? We have entered the school. Once again set foot on this campus, my mentality as before, just gradually feel that they have a new change, as for where changed, even I can not say.

However, in the eyes of others, I did have a great change. I changed from a mental illness to a madman who was not afraid of the world. Although the war had passed for many days, I still enjoyed talking about how I defeated Chen Haoran. Many people know why Chen Haoran and I fought. Some people praise me, some fear me, and even others still look down on me. However, I don't care.

Now, in our university, I, Suluo, have changed from a perverted Voyeur who was framed up to a madman who dares to fight and kill. Maybe many people don't know who it is, but when it comes to mental illness, almost everyone knows it. He is a man who looks thin but has no ambiguity and sense of justice in fighting.I walk on campus alone. Many people stop talking to me after they see me. However, their comments are basically positive. Maybe, because of this, the past that I was once unbearable has disappeared in these positive news. Of course, this is also the result I want. I don't want to be a person who is always looked down upon. I'd like to make a concession People are afraid of mental illness, at least, no one dares to provoke me.

I got the glory of the winner and felt satisfied. But Chen Haoran, who has always been high above me, fell into my hands this time. His majesty suddenly swept the floor. Maybe he was in the way of face saving, or he was also hurt badly. In short, he never came to school after the group war, which also made me a little relieved.

So, I went back to the teaching building and prepared to spend the rest of the class. After that, I waited for school to come to Fang Qing. When I came back to the classroom, the bell rang just after class. My appearance immediately caused a commotion. Even the teacher looked at me with surprise, and the students whispered with each other. Even I accidentally touched the adoration eyes of some girls. In the past, I didn't even dream about it.

I remember that when I first came to school, I was always alone. I was a little high in my heart. I couldn't see this junk University. At the same time, I had a deep inferiority complex. At that time, everyone looked down on me and hated me as a lonely and aloof person.

Thinking of this, after going through one storm after another, I changed. I have changed in everyone's eyes. In their eyes, there is no more dislike, no contempt, but all kinds of surprise and reverence.

However, I did not immerse myself in these eyes too much. My eyes simply swept and passed the crowd, and then resolutely returned to my own position. This position seems to be my exclusive position. In the few days I was away, I still kept it very clean and there was no sign of anyone sitting.

I quickly back to the seat, quietly sat down, did not say a word, the teacher left, the students immediately boiling, the girl is more straightforward I am a hero, this makes me a little embarrassed. I just responded with a smile, saying it was the result of the concerted efforts of the brothers.

This afternoon, I spent in the praise of the students, excited for a long time can not calm down, and finally stayed up until school, I directly ran to Fang Qing's class, through the window, I did not see her shadow, I found her class students inquired, told me that she had not come to school for many days. It made my heart feel lost.

After school, I went back to my bedroom with my lost heart. After about half an hour, Ma Qiang came with people. After seeing me back, Ma Qiang said with a smile: "Arlo, now you are famous, or I will mix with you in the future."

I replied: "don't, I just want to go to school well, don't want to do something that has nothing to do with learning! For whatever reason, I want to thank you for helping me

Ma Qiang didn't say anything. He just laughed and said, "Arlo, I still need to pay attention to it. Chen Haoran is not sure that he will hit you again."

I laughed and said, "well, I'll pay attention."

Then, Ma Qiang did not say anything, he left with people, before leaving, said to me, if there is anything else, remember to inform him.

Now I really don't hate Ma Qiang at all. I even have the idea of making a brother with him. At this time, I feel more and more that this northeast man has a real disposition.

In order to celebrate my discharge from the hospital and to help me with Shen Muchen and Ma Qiang in the group war, I set up a restaurant outside the school to entertain them. In the evening, they came to the banquet one after another at my invitation. However, after repeated invitation, Ma Qiang tried to get rid of something and didn't come. It's not good for me to say anything when I see him like this.

Because we were happy, we drank at all costs. Even though I remember the doctor told me not to drink for the time being, I still drank it. It was so happy to be with my brothers. If we didn't drink, it would be so disappointing. So, we drank one cup after another and drank a lot, but we were not drunk.

For several days, although there are people around me every day, but my heart is still empty. I go back to her class door every day for a circle, trying to see if she has come back. From time to time, I will also take my mobile phone, in a daze, as if waiting for something.

Two days later in the evening, when I passed the alley again, I finally understood why I was always lost, why I was always worried about her, and why her shadow always flashed in my mind. Originally, it was all because of love.

Perhaps, I really fell in love with the girl whom I freely confessed, and the girl who ignored life and death for me under the knife. Perhaps, this lingering emotion in my heart is love.

Thinking of this, the sense of inferiority that was buried in the deepest part of my heart reappeared. But it was at this moment that a familiar and gentle voice suddenly rang at my side: "how, do you want a hero to save the beauty again?"

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