Every time I hear this sound, I feel like I'm in a dream. However, the voice that haunts me is so sudden that I think I have hallucinations. I don't even dare to go back to confirm whether it is true or not.

Waiting for my reaction, Fang Qing came to me and said, "Suluo, what are you standing here for?"

See this familiar face, I have a trace of sober, at the moment Fang Qing died of laughter is so charming, especially smell the light fragrance of Fang Qing body, make me intoxicated, I am more and more sure, standing in front of me is a big living man, I can deeply determine all this, not a dream!

At this moment, I was so excited that I almost cried. I almost couldn't help but run forward to hold Fang Qing. Fortunately, I still have a trace of rationality. I know this is the reality. In reality, Fang Qing and I are just classmates. Fang Qing can't like me, a coward with a bad reputation.

So, I can only try to cover up the excitement in my heart, pretending to be indifferent to the wind and light back: "just accidentally leg cramp, in this ease."

However, I can only casually pull a lie to cover up the embarrassment at this time. It doesn't matter to me whether she believes it or not. Before she answers, I say again, "what are you doing here?"

Fang Qing light reply way: "this is not school, ready to go home to eat, walk here is closer!"

So it was. I said, "well, I didn't eat, or we'll treat you."

Fang Qing thought about it for a moment and said, "that's OK."

So, the two of us, at her suggestion, went to a nearby hot pot shop. Fang Qing sat opposite me and ordered the dishes conscientiously. The light fell on her, making her look more attractive. Her eyelashes were very long and her eyes were dark and shining with charming light.

I see some crazy, afraid that she found something strange, quickly bowed down to drink tea, after drinking, I can't help but secretly aim at her a few times, may be out of sincere love for her, when I see her, my face can't help but blush and get hot.

Finally, after she ordered the dishes, I still asked her the question that I had been struggling with in my heart, and asked: "when did you go back to school? When did I go to your class a few days ago, when I went to your class to look for you, I heard from my classmates that you are going to transfer schools?"

This question has been bothering me for a long time. It is also my most concerned problem and also the one I fear most. I just want to hear her answer in front of Fang Qing, so that even if it is bad news, I can be completely relieved.

Fang Qing looked at me, tooted her mouth, and said, "I didn't say that I would transfer. My parents just wanted me to transfer. However, I fought a cold war with them with a strong attitude. Finally, I won the fight and insisted on staying, because I like this school!"

With that, she also looked at me with deep eyes. I gave her a little smile, and at the moment, my heart has been in full bloom.

When I touched her eyes again, I found that she was looking at me, so we looked at each other for a moment. The air was still, and only the sound of our breathing was still. It felt like the window paper between us was made of wax paper, which could not be pierced. I don't know what she's thinking, and she doesn't know what I'm thinking.

After a long silence, Fang Qing finally broke the silence and asked me with concern: "Suluo, how is your injury? Does it still hurt? "

I suddenly regained consciousness and replied, "well, it's all right, just a little skin injury!"

Obviously, my words can't deceive Fang Qing, especially the knife wound on my shoulder, but really, it can't be hidden.

Fang Qing just like this, staring at me, staring for a long time, slowly, her eyes are a little wet, she with a touch and a tenderness, said to me: "Suluo, thank you!"

I scratched my head, indifferent answer: "don't be polite, this is what I should do, besides, I just don't like to see more people bullying less!"

Finish saying, I also simple and honest smile. Fang Qing was speechless by me. She put away her tender feelings and asked me implicitly, "Suluo, have you never been in love before?"

When she finished this sentence, her face turned red, but I didn't pay attention to them. When I heard the word love, my heart felt like a needle prick, which hurt, really hurt.

Love this word can not help but let me Shen Yue, a I deeply like people, but also hurt me the most people, I even despair of love, I dare not love again, that day the other side Qing said, is also casually said, I did not hold too much hope, but after these things, I suddenly found that I really like her!

But in the face of girls, my heart always has a sense of inferiority, inferiority even myself are afraid, think of this, I can't help but lower the head, inferiority of the reply: "Well!"

The voice is so bleak, but did not expect, Fang Qing listened, but smile, smile is so happy, with my desolation formed a sharp contrast.

She asked in a delicate voice, "solo, I'm going to ask you a serious question. You have to answer it honestly. Do you really like me?"This question, let me stay in a moment, this is also too direct, I do not know how to answer, just lenglengleng looking at her. In the light of the light, Fang Qing is really dazzling and beautiful, but I dare not tell the truth. I'm afraid she thinks I'm delusional and has other plans.

I really like it

As soon as I finished, I immediately lowered my head. I didn't want her to see my embarrassing side,?

Fang Qing listened, giggled, and said, "Suluo, I think you are a wood. Do you need me to ask such a question? Where did your courage go that day? Besides, I felt that I was shy enough. I didn't expect you to be more shy than me. Ah

I looked up at Fang Qing blankly and said, "no, but I suddenly feel that I can't match you!"

Fang Qing replied: "like is like, there is no match for on!"

After listening to her, I understood what she meant. What she was waiting for was my initiative, but I didn't understand what she meant. Thinking of this, I felt sad for my own stupidity. Since she wanted my initiative, I should do something.

At this time, all the dishes have been served. I changed the topic and said, "OK, OK, aren't you hungry? Let's eat first and then have the strength to do something else when we are full."

I casually said a word, did not expect to make Fang Qing imagination, but I did not pay attention to these, we both ate on our own, after I bought the bill, we both got up and left.

Walking in the street, my counterpart Qing asked, "are you going home now?"

Fang Qing said, "it's still early to go home. Let's take a walk."

I replied, "OK!"

The two of us walked in the busy street. For the first time, it was really the first time for us to take a walk with a girl. Moreover, we were our favorite girl. We felt a little excited and uneasy.

Just like this, I have been walking and walking. In the street and shopping mall, I suddenly found that shopping with girls is really a very tiring thing. After walking for a long time, Fang Qing looked at the time and it was almost nine o'clock. She said softly to me, "it's not early. I should go home, otherwise my mother will rush me again."

Night is already very late, a I also can't call a girl to go back by oneself, out of gentleman, I weak opposite party fine said: "good, then I take you home!"

Fang Qing refused and said: "it's OK. I can do it myself. Besides, it's very late. If you don't go back, I'm afraid you can't get into the bedroom."

It doesn't matter to me if I can't go back to my bedroom. Anyway, I can't ask a girl to go back alone. I can't do it out of the care of my friends. Only when I send her back in person can I feel at ease.

So, I said strongly: "you don't have to be polite to me. I can't ask you to go back by myself. I have no other purpose. I just want to send you back safely, so that I can go back to school at ease."

Seeing that I was so firm, Fang Qing couldn't say anything more. She had to agree. Her home was in a high-end community not far from the school. It took more than 20 minutes to walk. Unconsciously, we went back to her downstairs.

Fang Qing said to me, "that, I went up!"

I light return a sentence: "OK, goodbye!"

When I say this, my heart is lonely, looking at her back away from me, I feel as if this is the last time to meet. I don't know why I think so, why do I have such a feeling, but the separation at this time is so painful for me.

At the moment when Fang Qing had entered the unit door, I called Fang Qing again and said, "wait a minute!"

Fang Qing looked back and asked, "what's the matter?"

I walked to her in front of me, affectionately said to her: "Fang Qing, I like you, can we associate?"

Hearing my words, Fang Qing is silent. The time is fixed in these seconds. We are so close that I can feel Fang Qing's rapid breath and even smell her breath.

I am the first time to express my love to a girl. I have almost no experience in such a thing. For girls, I don't have any tender words, some are just straightforward, do not like to hide the character, said just their own heart.

See Fang Qing's face quickly red, made a very small voice said: "good!"

Hearing her answer, even though the voice is very small, I can hear very clearly. At this moment, I moved, my body moved involuntarily, and we looked at each other. In her unable to prevent, my mouth accurately kisses her lip. Excitement is the only word I can think of now. At this moment, I am incomparably excited. This kiss makes me very excited, and there is a kind of saying no Beautiful and intoxicated.

I never thought that I would have such a wonderful time. At this moment, I enjoyed Fang Qing's soft and moist lips, the feeling of her heart beating fast, and the kiss with the girl I like. I couldn't help but shed tears of happiness.We were immersed in this kiss for a long time, until our two faces were red and out of breath, then we separated. At this time, Fang Qing's eyes were blurred, her cheeks were flushed, and her face was like a cherry, which made people want to go up and have a bite.

After a short rest, I woke up from the intoxication and said to Fang Qing domineering, "from today on, I announce that you, Fang Qing, are my Suluo's girlfriend!"

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