After several twists and turns, I also found my love. Although there were a lot of unhappiness in the middle of the way, my efforts were not in vain. From the beginning of playing jokes to now I really like them, I have experienced them one by one in just a few days.

After listening to what I said to her, Fang Qing nodded heavily and said, "well."

At this moment, the feelings accumulated in my heart gushed out like a flood. I did not have to worry about it any more. I held Fang Qing in my arms again. My mouth kisses her hot lips again. This time, Fang Qing changed from passive to active, sucking me heartily and releasing it as much as possible. I buried all my emotions in my heart through this kiss Come out.

This kiss lasted for a long time. I reluctantly let her go when we couldn't breathe smoothly again. Now, Fang Qing's face has become more ruddy. I couldn't help covering her face with my hand and said excitedly, "why do you want to promise me? I'm the worst person!"

Fang Qing was not happy to hear me say this. She blocked my mouth with her hand and said, "who said it? I think you are very good. For me, I don't even care about life and death. In my heart, you are my hero."

I am the hero in her heart!

When I heard this sentence, my heart was really full of joy. Once upon a time, in addition to the one in front of me, who really identified with me, what I did was futile in the eyes of outsiders, and they all thought I was purposeful. I never thought that I would become a hero of the people I like one day, but at this moment, I heard my dream with my own ears It's come true.

While I was immersed in this sense of pride, Fang Qing nestled in my arms and said, "Suluo, do you know why I like you? Although I know what happened to you at school, I'm also skeptical, but through you saving me and even fighting with Chen Haoran for me, my view on you has changed completely. I don't believe that all the things you did before were voluntary. "

After a pause, Fang Qing took a breath and said again: "Suluo, you are sincere, kind, brave and just. You are the model of all men. The changes you have made since you came back are my most admirable. I like your courage and fearlessness. Now other people don't like you because they have no vision and don't know you enough. I believe that in the future, many girls will be crazy for you. Therefore, I will seize the opportunity and try my best to be strong. I can't let others take you away! "

Fang Qing's words, I boast are about to float up, no one has ever praised me so much, and no beauty has praised me like this. In particular, I can clearly feel the sincerity and love in Fang Qing's eyes. Being so adored by a woman, how can I not be excited and excited? I almost can't wait to say to her: "would you like to marry me? If you like, we'll get it tomorrow. "

But this is what I thought in my heart. I said with a smile, "Qing'er, thank you very much for your understanding of me, but you can rest assured. I can swear that I will never do anything sorry to you in the future."

Fang Qing said: "what I like is your frankness. I always look at people accurately. I'm sure you won't do such a thing."

I listened to her words, simple and honest smile, in the heart or very grateful for her trust. Suddenly found that, and Fang Qing fall in love, I seem to change is not me, as if all the previous experience of grievances and pain, are turned into floating clouds, I only know that at this moment I am very happy, really happy, unconsciously, I reached out to hold the girl in front of me, hugged very tightly.

Bright moonlight on our bodies, reflecting a different kind of beauty, insects and birds in the air singing, for us to write a song of happiness. The two of us, holding each other for a long time, quietly enjoyed this wonderful moment. After a long time, Fang Qing suddenly broke the silence: "Oh, my God, I almost forgot that you are going to close the bedroom if you don't go back!"

I immediately released Fang Qing and raised my hand to look at her watch. Sure enough, it was almost to the point, but I didn't panic at all. I just said casually, "that's a big deal. We won't go back to school!"

I specially added our two words in the words. Hearing this, Fang Qing suddenly became nervous and said, "don't think too much about it. I'm not such a casual person!"

I said with a bad smile: "I didn't say what to do, I mean, we just got together, we should have a good celebration, don't get me wrong!"

Fang Qing took out her mobile phone and looked at it. There were five or six missed calls. She opened it and found that two of them belonged to his father, and the rest belonged to her mother. Then she said to me, "sorry, Suluo, I have to hurry upstairs. My mother has already begun to urge me. If she doesn't go back, she will have to search me all over the city. We can have another day to celebrate."

Although some reluctant, but in the face of her refusal, I also understand that a girl's family members who do not go home at night will inevitably be a little anxious, which is a very normal behavior. So, I gently said: "well, you go up quickly, see you tomorrow!"

She turned around and gave me a kiss, then ran into the corridor, turned her back to me and said, "sulo, you should go back early and have a rest. We'll see you tomorrow! Oh, by the way, let me know when you get to the bedroomFinish saying, then lost the trace, I stood in the same place, looking at Fang Qing who had already disappeared, the corners of my mouth couldn't help laughing, and then, I also left here and walked towards the school.

The next day, I got up early and came to the community where Fang Qing's family lived. Now I can't wait to see her. After waiting for about half an hour, I saw her walk out and didn't notice me at all. I suddenly rushed to her body and hugged her. Fang Qing screamed because of the sudden embrace "Ah

I cling to her ear and say, "it's me!"

When she turned her head and saw that it was me, she pinched my arm hard and said, "I want you to scare me!"

I am slightly aggrieved to say: "this is not to give you a surprise!"

Fang Qing replied arrogantly: "you are not surprised, but frightened."

My face full of apologetic reply: "OK, Qing'er, I was wrong, OK?"

Then, I changed the topic and continued to say: "OK, stop making trouble, if we don't leave, we will be late!"

Fang Qing looked at the time and said, "OK, I'll forgive you this time. If you're scaring me next time, see how I'll deal with you! Let's go. "

Say, we then set out to school, unknowingly, we returned to the school, walking in this familiar land, my heart has undergone earth shaking changes. Until this moment, I finally feel that I am a young college student, this is my age should have some happiness.

In the past, every time I saw couples on campus walking in groups on campus, my heart would be even more sad, and even envy would not dare to envy, because I felt that I did not even have the qualification to envy, and felt that I could not walk in school and my beloved hand in hand in my life.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, I can realize this long-term wish for me, and Fang Qing, my favorite person, walk in the campus, be a real couple.

I have never had a good laugh at school, but today I show a smile that is even more brilliant than sunshine. Fang Qing is still a little embarrassed, and she lowers her head in shame. Nevertheless, the picture composed of the two of us is quite eye-catching. People who know me will wonder that my psychosis will find a girlfriend, and those who don't know me will say one The flowers are on the cow dung. But no matter how others talk about it, I don't care what kind of eyes they cast. If I have Fang Qing, it's enough.

We passed through all kinds of comments and eyes like no one else. I sent Fang Qing back to the class like a flower protector. The students in their class saw the appearance of our two hands in hand, and directly exploded the pot. However, I ignored the noise around us and said goodbye to Fang Qing, and left straight away.

Back to the class, the students have been gossiping up, some people said: "I really did not expect, class three class flowers and Suluo together."

"I don't know what Fang Qing thinks. She's a beauty with a beast!"

"I have to say, solo is really a set of people."

There are girls said: "clearly is a beautiful woman with a hero!"

In a word, there are all kinds of things to say. At this time, I found that my sense of existence in the class was suddenly much higher. However, for the love between Fang Qing and me, everyone praised me one after another. They said that our class Suluo was in the class flower of class three, which really brought honor to the class!

Of course, although what everyone said was joking, I could feel that they were sincerely blessing us. After all, what we experienced with Fang Qing was clear to everyone. I offended Chen Haoran for Fang Qing. I went to war alone for Fang Qing, and blocked the knife for Fang Qing. All these things were bought by my actions No one doubts it any more.

Some people asked me that we were chasing each other, but for me, this really doesn't matter. It doesn't matter how others like to guess and think. The most important thing is that Fang Qingzhen and I have been together, and the ending can be good!

morning's courses were very idle. During the second forenoon, I went to a toilet, finished the toilet, washed my hands, and looked at my face again in the mirror. I could not help boasting, "boy, you are the most handsome!"

With this happy equinox smile, I turned and was about to walk out of the bathroom. However, this did not go out, but ushered in a person, blocked my way.

I remember that it was Fang Qing who asked him to go to the dormitory to call me. I just saw him. Out of politeness, I chose to get out of the way. However, he blocked my way again and again. I said a little impatiently: "please get out of my way!"

But he didn't mean to get out of the way. He was like a wall in front of my eyes. He looked at me seriously and said, "you can't be with Fang Qing!"

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