I know my situation very well in my heart. I know that I don't have any capital to boast about, and I don't have a strong background, and I don't have the ability to fight all over the world. What I have is just a spirit of desperation, but even so, I don't want anyone to interfere with my life. I don't make trouble, but it doesn't mean I'm afraid of things..

But I don't know why, when I heard the warning of the young man in front of me, I felt like I heard a very funny joke. My breath was idle in an instant. My mouth couldn't help laughing. I looked at him and said defiantly, "are you sure you are suing me?"

Said, my eyes unconsciously looked around.

The young man in front of him replied, "don't look. I'm just warning you. I hope you can remember my words. It's not only for you, but also for Fang Qing."

Since then, I have made a poison oath to myself in my heart. I will never let Fang Qing down in my life. Even if the sky falls, I can't separate Fang Qing from me. However, this strange boy in front of me is nothing.

Looking at his attitude, I was also very disdainful, so I said faintly, "are you scaring me? Tell you, Chen Haoran, I'm not afraid. What's more, it's just a word from you. If a word can scare me off, then spread it out, how can I get along with Suluo in this school?"

However, to my surprise, this strange boy didn't mean to do it. He just shrunk his mouth and said to me indifferently, "I'm not trying to scare you, but to remind you with kindness."

Listen to his words, it seems that there is something in the words, I am very puzzled to ask: "what do you mean?"

The young man still coldly replied, "it's too late for you to quit now, because you don't deserve her at all. Although you are not the same as before, there are some things that can't be changed. These objective things will affect your life. Even if Fang Qing doesn't care about those things, don't forget that she still has parents. Do you think you have passed her parents' test? "

A second ago, I was confident enough to hear his words, but I withered. A fierce sense of fear eroded my heart, my body, and my faith wavered at this moment.

I'm used to cold words, but when I hear good advice, it makes me feel worse than swearing. I really sink. I fall in love. I just care about excitement, but never think about Fang Qing's parents.

I naively thought that as long as Fang Qing and I really love each other, we can be together forever. However, I forget that there is also Fang Qing's parents. Although we have not met each other, we can tell from her home environment and the tone of her speech that day that her family background is absolutely different. Such a family, how can I look at nothing.

Indeed, only Fang Qingcai had a blind eye on me. Her parents could never have been like her. How could they have got into their eyes in terms of my background?

The more I think about it, the more heavy the burden on my heart. The confidence that I finally won't be easy to drum up is broken again. However, when I think of Fang Qing, in order not to transfer school and her parents' cold war, she and a girl can fight against fate. How can I, a man, lose to a woman.

Fang Qing is extremely important to me. In any case, I will not give up her. No matter how difficult the road ahead is, I will insist on going through it. Therefore, I firmly suppressed the inferiority complex in my heart again. Then, facing the strange youth, I said calmly: "I don't need you to worry about it. I believe that now is not a feudal society, everyone has a choice The right to choose your own love

After hearing this, the stranger shook his head helplessly and said with a little sneer: "you are too naive. I'll tell you the truth. Fang Qing and I met each other when we were young. Our family and her family are business partners, mutually beneficial cooperation. Fang Qing's parents have always arranged me and her together. What they care about most is that they are well matched. Therefore, you are not at all May be considered! "

Hearing this, my heart couldn't help shaking. Originally, his purpose of looking for me was to tell me that he and Fang Qing were a couple, let me let go, but even if I really let go, would Fang Qing definitely choose him?

But when I was about to answer his words, he seemed to see my worries, and then opened his mouth and said again: "please don't misunderstand me. I didn't want you to make love to you. Although her parents have arranged us for many times, it was once a thing. I also told them clearly that Fang Qing and I are just playmates. I have only family affection for her since I was a child Take care of him as a sister, and now I have someone I like, so we can't

Hearing this, my heart calmed down. I asked weakly, "what do you want to say?"

The strange man replied, "my purpose here is not to show off my family power, but to keep you away from Fang Qing. It's because of the relationship between Fang Qing and you that I've come to advise you, because Jiang Wuji is coming back!"

Jiang Wuxian is also Jiang Wuxian. Why do you always hear Jiang Wuxian's name recently? What kind of person is he? Why does everyone show so much respect for him when he is mentioned? Even Chen Haoran is afraid of him. I have heard of famous figures in the school. But Jiang Wuxian is the only one who I am not familiar with. Even this name is my first time know of.But what can I do? I still care about him who is called a psychopath, or does he have the ability to know the sky, and does not break the law when he kills without a knife.

I casually replied: "thank you for your kind reminding, but here I can tell you clearly that I like Fang Qing, and Fang Qing also likes me. We just want to be with her. I don't care whether he is jiangwulian or Niaojiao traceless. It has nothing to do with me!"

After that, I passed him and strode away. But as soon as I took two steps, I heard the voice of a strange man coming from behind: "Suluo, you should know that Jiang Wuji is not something you can afford. If you really love Fang Qing, you should let go as soon as possible, and don't hurt her!"

River without trace, river without trace, I listen to the ears of paste, now I want to see this river without mark, he is in the end can fly, or say has three heads and six arms how, from back, I this person became strange, often is the other people afraid of things or people, I insist on doing the opposite thing with them, the idea in my heart is, even life is not wanted, i What else are you doing.

Therefore, I was lazy to pay attention to the strange man again, and left him alone in the bathroom.

Back in the classroom, I was in a mess and barely maintained until the lunch break. I went to class three to find Fang Qing for lunch. She came out when everyone was gone. At this time, Fang Qing saw that my face was not good and asked me what was wrong with me.

I squeezed out a smile and replied, "it's OK."

Although I tried to be calm, I felt even worse when I saw Fang Qing. I was really worried that I would not get together with Fang Qing.

Fang Qing saw that I had something on my mind. She suddenly held my hand and said softly, "what's wrong with you?"

In the face of Fang Qing's question, I didn't want to hide it. I directly held Fang Qing's hand, looked at her, and quietly replied, "Qing'er, I'm a little worried. Will your family object to our being together?"

I just said the worries in my heart, but the words behind the strange man were hidden by me. As for Jiang Wuji, I can only say that I am not afraid.

On hearing this, Fang Qing suddenly flashed a strange look in her eyes, but it was just a flash away. Immediately, she returned to her normal smile and said to me, "how can it be? My parents still respect my choice. The people I like have no reason to object to it. Now it is no longer the feudal society before, and they can't interfere with my feelings!"

The last sentence, Fang Qing said sonorous and powerful, I can see that Fang Qing is a desperate girl for love.

In order to stay in school and fight with her family for such a long time, she is a delicate girl who can dare to act and walk according to her own ideas. What am I afraid of as a man?

Since Fang Qing is so brave, I also want to have confidence in myself. So, I hold Fang Qing's hands tightly, look at her with eyes, and nod to her heavily.

Fang Qing said with a smile: "you have to believe in yourself, you are the best, at least in my eyes, no one can match you!"

After saying this, Fang Qing's eyes are very firm. She holds me in the palm of her hand and can't be robbed by anyone.

Fang Qing's determination has strengthened my faith. I will never give up. This is also the belief that people in love must have. Unconsciously, I fell in love again and threw all the words that the strange man said to me directly out of the sky.

Immediately, Fang Qing and I set out to the canteen together. Today's lunch is the same as usual, but I have different tastes. Maybe it's because of my mood. The same dish makes another delicious meal.

After lunch, we strolled around the campus again, playing a lot of love and giving dog food to others.

After school, in order to celebrate that I found true love, I made a place in the hotel and set up a banquet to invite my good brother Shen Muchen and his brothers to dinner.

All the brothers envied me very much. They found such a beautiful and quiet girlfriend. Everyone was very excited. Shen Muchen raised his glass and stood up and said from the bottom of his heart: "Congratulations, brother, this girl looks good. You should treat others well, don't be like me!"

In front of all my brothers, I said in a loud voice, "Fang Qing, I won't let you down!"

After that, the brothers all burst into laughter,

however, only one person on the scene was not very happy, that is, crab. He said defiantly: "sister-in-law, how can you look up to Suluo, compared with me, he can't fight, not as handsome as I am, in short, that's not good!"

I was amused by the crab's Tucao, and make complaints about it, "I am lucky!"

When the crab heard this, he was more reluctant. He ran directly to Fang Qing and said with a smile, "sister-in-law, why do you like Suluo? Is it because he captured your heart last time he saved the beauty? Besides, I also participated in the last group war. Didn't you see me? I am the most brave and aggressive one. You should thank me, but why don't you choose me

Fang Qing was blushed by the crab and said, "because you are too dark!"Immediately, there was a lot of laughter.

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