Seeing that Fang Qing was full of food, she looked at us silently. This kind of occasion was still not suitable for her. So she sent her home under my proposal. She was very reluctant at first. She was afraid that I would drink too much and no one would take care of me. After several arguments, I won. However, she said that she would not delay me to accompany them, so she went back by herself. What I wanted to send was rejected by her on the ground of listening to her, I just sent her to the door, stopped a taxi for her, and told her to tell me when she got home.

After seeing the car disappear from my sight, I turned into the house and went back to my seat. I could not help but sprinkle a handful of dog food to my brothers again, but in exchange for their jokes.

This night's wine, I drink is the most happy, the happiest, the most reckless, I drink one cup after another, constantly dry, constantly shouting, constantly laughing, the previous hoard in the heart of the unhappy and cowardly spirit to release, I drink a drunk, numb, even how to go back I don't know.

The next day, I arrived at Fang Qing's community as scheduled and waited for her to go to school together. I suddenly found that I would never be tired of falling in love with someone I like. If I left for a short time, I would miss her and would like to stay together every minute.

If I can, I really hope to hold on to Fang Qing and never let go. Fang Qing is also, but because of his character, he can't be too extreme.

When we separated in the evening, we made an appointment to go shopping together while tomorrow is a big week. Fang Qing thinks my dress is too rustic. She wants to help me renovate. She wants to change my clothes and hairstyle. I'm still looking forward to it. Let's see what she can do to me. Our appointment is at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning, and we will see you at the side door of the school.

The next morning, I arrived half an hour ahead of schedule at the appointed time, waiting eagerly for Fang Qing's arrival in the appointed place. However, when it was nearly 11 o'clock, she still didn't see Fang Qing. I knew that Fang Qing couldn't be late for such a long time without any reason. Even if something was delayed, she would call me to inform me. The more I thought, the more wrong. I quickly took out my mobile phone and dialed Fang Qing's phone number, but it turned out to be turned off.

I was in a panic, Fang Qing. What's the matter? I ran to the school, hoping to get Fang Qing's news from her classmates. Just at the moment when I was about to run into the school, I suddenly saw Huang cancan and several little sisters coming out of the teaching building. As soon as I saw her, I suddenly remembered how she had bullied Fang Qing. So, I didn't After all, he ran straight forward and stopped Huang cancan's way. He yelled: "tell me quickly, where is Fang Qing?"

This time, Huang cancan saw me, and there was no more arrogance in the past, and the little sisters next to her were very sensible and didn't yell at me. Maybe it was because she witnessed all the crazy actions I made with a smile after my madness that she was respectful to me. Just listen, Huang Cancan stammered and said, "I, I don't know, where is she What does it have to do with me? Don't ask me, I don't know

I can't believe what she said. Fang Qing offended her in the whole school. Now Fang Qing has lost contact with me for no reason. Don't think about it. It must have something to do with Huang cancan. Thinking of this, I grabbed her collar directly regardless of whether she was male or female, and roared: "to tell the truth, did you catch Fang Qing?"

Huang cancan's eyes were red when I made him cry. "I said it all. It's none of my business. You're crazy. Let me go!"

I was so anxious that I didn't have the patience to talk to her. I gritted my teeth, pulled her clothes, and yelled: "if you don't tell the truth, believe it or not, I'll strip all your bitches and tie them to the school flagpole."

Hearing my cruel words, not to mention Huang cancan, even the other little sisters beside her were startled and murmured in a low voice: "how can you wronged a good man like this? Sister can said that she didn't do it."

At the moment, Huang cancan, who has always been a bully, has shed tears. She choked to me and said, "I really don't know. Even if you kill me, I don't know!"

Seeing her like this, my mood also slowly calmed down. I thought about it without prejudice. Maybe it was not Huang cancan't do it, otherwise, she couldn't have come to me to catch her.

When my mind became clear, I suddenly thought of another possibility. Fang Qing's disappearance was not necessarily that she had offended anyone. It was very likely that I had implicated her. Now all the people who know me and her in our school know that we are in love. In case anyone asks me for revenge, it's not certain to catch Fang Qing. And the only one who retaliates against me, except Chen Haoran, I really can't think of a second person.

Thinking of this, my heart became more and more entangled. I almost raised Huang cancan and asked, "what about Chen Haoran? Is he back? "

Huang cancan's tears all made her make-up, but she didn't dare to wipe it. She said to me wrongly, "we still have contact a few days ago, but now we do."

When Huang cancan's words are half finished, he takes them back and pauses. Seeing that she seemed to have something to hide from me, I tightened her collar and was about to ask again when my mobile phone rang suddenly. I quickly let go of her, excitedly took out the mobile phone to see, is a strange number.Without any pause, I pressed the answer button. Immediately, a very magnetic woman's voice came from the other end of the phone: "are you solo?"

I didn't think about anything. I answered directly, "I am. What do you want me to do?"

Just listen to, the other party's voice instantly became cold up, indifferent said: "I am Fang's mother!"

This sentence, in an instant, I woke up in the chaos, Fang Qing disappeared, her mother called again, I suddenly feel that bad things have happened slowly. Perhaps, her mother also found that Fang Qing was missing, so she called to ask me. Maybe, this is the last thing I dare to think about. Fang Qing's disappearance may be related to her mother.

However, no matter what the situation, the first time I talk to Fang Qing's mother, I must be cautious and polite, and never leave a bad impression on her mother. I took a deep breath and politely replied, "Hello, aunt, what can I do for you?"

Fang Qing's mother didn't have any unnecessary nonsense. She went straight to the topic and said, "I want to see you."

Her voice is really cold to the bone, I don't need to think about it. Her mother is the biggest barrier between me and Fang Qing. And the person who can bring this barrier out, out of the strange man, I really can't think of the second person.

I really didn't have any preparation in my heart. If there was Fang Qing, I could discuss with her. But now Fang Qing has disappeared. I have no confidence. I can only refuse to say: "Auntie, I don't have time now. Xu Nan is her."

before I finished my words, mother Fang interrupted me directly and said, "Fang Qing has already I'm locked in my house. You don't have to look for it. I want to see you now. Will you come or not? "

Fang Qing is locked at home. Hearing this, I really don't know whether I should be relieved or sad. Anyway, Fang Qing is not in danger, which is a great good thing for me, but now, our love road has encountered the biggest difficulties. If I don't promise to meet her mother, I may not see Fang Qing in the future. If I promise her mother, how should I face her later?

After pondering for a long time, I finally agreed. Without any nonsense, mother Fang gave me the address to meet and asked me to arrive within an hour.

Hung up the phone, I noticed that Huang cancan was still staring at me. I said to her in a hurry: "I'm very sorry, this is a complete misunderstanding!"

A little surprise flashed in Huang cancan's eyes. When I turned to leave, I walked a few steps, and her curse was spread behind me: "Suluo, I won't let you go, I will ask you to pay for everything just now!"

I had no time to pay attention to her. When I got out of school, I quickly stopped a taxi and drove directly to the spot where I saw her. About 40 minutes later, I came to the place designated by mother Fang. This is a coffee shop. After I went in, the waiter took me directly to a private room on the second floor.

The moment I pushed the door in, I saw a woman in her forties sitting on the sofa, her eyes looking at the scenery outside the window. She was so powerful that I could not help shivering.

Completely ignored me, back to me, whispered: "come and sit down!"

Her voice is still so cold, the problem is, her temperament is colder than her voice, indifference with an indescribable momentum. The first time I came to such a high-end place, I was very uncomfortable. When I saw the imposing mother Fang, I became more restrained.

I silently walked to the chair opposite to mother Fang. I sat down slowly and said weakly, "Hello, aunt."

When I sat down, mother Fang turned her head and looked at me. Her eyes were so smart that I didn't dare to look at her. I immediately lowered my head and rubbed my hands nervously.

For a moment, mother Fang picked up her coffee and sipped it. Then she said to me in a cold voice, "what do you want to drink?"

I didn't want to think about it. I quickly replied, "no, auntie, I don't want to drink it!"

Fang's mother ignored me and said to the waiter who brought me over: "give him a cup of kopi luwak!"

After the waiter left, mother Fang spoke slowly and said coldly, "do you know why I took the time to see you?"

I shook my head blankly.

Fang's mother was still adamant and said in a cold voice, "I've heard of you, a child with low self-esteem. I sympathize with you, but I won't accept you. Originally, I didn't intend to see you. However, Cheng Zheng said many times that you pestered Fang Qing in our family, so I thought I would meet you!"

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