The little girl's home is a very shabby old house with many rooms, while Peng Xuefei lives in a small room with four walls pasted with newspapers. At the moment, Peng Xuefei is lying on a wooden bed, her body is still motionless, her face is also pale, no blood color. Although the dirt on her face was cleaned up, it was not as dirty as in the dungeon, but it still looked dirty and haggard.

This kind of her, let my heart can not help but sad, I with a trace of tension, went to her side, reached out her breath, found that her breathing is quite stable, this time, I hold the heart just slightly ease some.

Maybe, at the beginning, I was worried too much about Peng Xuefei's life and death, so I was too nervous. Speaking of it, my physique was because I was more than ordinary people, so I would wake up early. Peng Xuefei, who was hungry and tired to the extreme, naturally could not compare her mental state with me. It was normal to wake up later. As long as her fever subsided, I could actually feel at ease 。

In this moment, I seemed to be transformed into a sculpture. I stood by Peng Xuefei's bed, motionless. My eyes were staring at Peng Xuefei without blinking. My eyes were full of stories.

I seem to shuttle back to that period of time in the dungeon, the dark picture has been in my mind, thinking about all that I experienced with Peng Xuefei.

When I met Li you, she told me to come back to me.

Her voice is more than, the tone is very naive, like a child in the show off their good test results.

With her own great achievements, she asked me questions about where I came from, how I was hurt so much, and how I fainted on the deserted mountain.

I wandered in my own world and didn't pay attention to what she said specifically, but she finally asked me a lot of questions, and I heard a few words.

I am grateful for this little benefactor. I can't cross the river and tear down a bridge. I don't pay attention to others when I get a favor.

So, after all, I still came back to my mind and had a simple chat with her. For the questions she asked me, I casually perfunctorily, and she did not investigate.

Through chatting, I learned that her name was Sun Xiaohan. Since she was a child, she and her father have been dependent on each other. The livelihood of the family depends on her father's work in the field.

The village she lived in was a very remote village. It was very backward and poor. Up to now, no one used the telephone in the whole village. They didn't know so much. Most of all, this place was not within the scope of H Province.

I really didn't expect that I would be taken to such a place where there is no shit. It seems that the kidnappers are very clear that H Province is under the jurisdiction of the Hai Gang. If we are hidden in the scope of H Province, the Hai Gang will set up a huge net and turn the provincial capital upside down. That's why the kidnappers left Peng Xuefei and I in a pit on a remote mountain. No wonder no one could find us.

Now, although I was saved, Peng Xuefei was not awake. Originally, I wanted to take her to the big hospital, but after talking with the little girl, I knew that the mountain village was so remote and rugged that the nearest town had to walk for a long time. Moreover, there was no big hospital in the town. I needed to take a bus to the county seat. Only where could there be a hospital.

Peng Xuefei has to have something to do with such a turbulence. What she needs most is to take a rest. Moreover, although I can act myself, I feel very tired and powerless. Therefore, I gave up this idea and just solemnly thank sun Yihan.

Unknowingly, when it was evening, sun Yihan's father also came back from the field. He was a simple and honest farmer. He was a typical honest man. When he saw me wake up, he immediately put up a smile on his face, and his smile wrinkled.

After he said hello to me, he immediately went to cook and stewed chicken soup for me, saying that I should make up for it.

It's true that my body needs to be replenished most now. For so many days, I rely on some insects to support me. My body is really lack of nutrition. So, I'm not polite. I drink hot soup. After drinking the soup, I eat delicious rice. At this moment, everything is delicious for me, So luxurious.

After eating a full meal, my spirit immediately perked up, and I felt refreshed. However, my heart was always worried about Peng Xuefei. I had been expecting her to wake up quickly, but I was a little helpless.

However, sun Yihan's father is busy cooking medicine for Peng Xuefei after dinner. These Chinese medicines are prescribed by the doctor, which can supplement nutrition. The conditions here are poor, even the medical conditions are poor. There is no Western medicine, and the doctor is also a half baked traditional Chinese medicine. Therefore, what Peng Xuefei is given is also traditional Chinese medicine.

Originally, sun Yihan was responsible for feeding Peng Xuefei these two days. Now that I wake up, I will do it naturally. I hold a bowl, spoon by spoon, and slowly feed it into Peng Xuefei's mouth. However, after a bowl of medicine is finished, Peng Xuefei still doesn't respond. The whole person is still dim and has no sign of waking up.I really don't trust her. I always accompany her and guard her.

Although the village is electrified, the light bulb is dim, but it also makes the room clothed with a kind of hazy beauty. I am in the soft light, quietly accompany Peng Xuefei, heart pray 10000 times, hope Peng Xuefei quickly wake up.

At eight or nine o'clock in the evening, sun Yihan suddenly came to this room. She stood behind me and asked me in a low voice: "big brother, don't you go to rest?"

I didn't look back, but I said, "no more!"

Sun Yihan then asked, "big brother, you can see that you care about this sister very much. Is she your wife?"

For fear of suspicion from outsiders, I had to lie to him and said, "yes!"

Sun Yihan walked forward two steps and said with some emotion: "no wonder you are so infatuated with her. I believe this sister will be moved to wake up!"

This simple girl's words, like a soft spring, let me sad heart have a trace of relief, I can't help but look back at her, smile said: "thank you!"

Sun Yihan blinked his eyes and asked me in doubt: "big brother, are you from the city? My father said that the cloth on your clothes is very good, different from ours!"

I still maintain a pair of indifferent smile, way: "calculate is!"

Hearing this, sun Yihan's eyes suddenly showed a glimmer of longing. She looked at me with her eyes shining, and said with some joy: "then can you tell me how the city looks like? I haven't been there."

This little girl has been pestering me with questions for a long time during the day. Now she comes to ask me questions. She seems to be particularly interested in the outside world and people outside, and she likes to know more about it.

Although I don't want to answer, I will answer her patiently when I see her so eager to know the answer. Until more than 10 o'clock in the evening, his father saw sun Yihan still chattering in my room, and called her to go to bed.

Sun Yihan reluctantly left, and sun Yihan's father, when he left, comforted me and said, "young man, you don't have to worry too much. The doctor said that the girl is just starving. Now the fever has subsided and more rest will surely wake up!"

Then he closed the door and went out.

Quiet down, and I unconsciously look at Peng Xuefei, my eyes are very soft, my heart also has some peace, sun's words, like a tranquilizer, let me become a lot of peace of mind, but my heart more than expectations, I still pray, for Peng Xuefei deep prayer.

I don't know if Peng Xuefei heard the voice in my heart. Her mouth suddenly moved and even called out. She kept shouting: "Jiangnan wind, Jiangnan wind..."

unexpectedly, in a coma, Peng Xuefei would still call my name, which made me surprised and happy. I quickly held her hand and replied in a soft voice: "I am Feifei, I'm here. Can you hear me

However, no matter what I said, Peng Xuefei did not respond, which inevitably let me a burst of disappointment, but I was not discouraged. I took her hand and kept talking in her ear, saying softly: "Feifei, we have come out, we have escaped from the dungeon, in such a difficult environment, you have survived, you have come through, now we are Out of that hell, do you have any reason not to wake up? Open your eyes and have a look, we are really out! "

In order to restore her mind, I said all the words that I could say and encourage her. At that time, Peng Xuefei wanted to die several times in the dungeon, and I always tried to persuade her and comfort her. Now, I use the same tone and different words to keep telling her and cheer her up.

I don't know how long I said it. At last, I just fell asleep by Peng Xuefei's bed.

The next day, I woke up and lay down all night. My old waist was sour. As soon as I woke up, I stretched my waist and slowly opened my eyes.

But when I opened my eyes at the moment, I was dumbfounded, because I saw Peng Xuefei had woken up. She was looking at me with her eyes open. However, there was no change in her face. Her expression was still flat and there was no unnecessary color.

I thought I was dazzled. I quickly rubbed my eyes and then looked at them. I found that Peng Xuefei's eyes were still open. This time, I was more and more puzzled. At this time, Peng Xuefei suddenly opened his voice and said to me, "Jiangnan wind, are we in hell?"

Her voice, as it had been in the dungeon, sounded bleak and uninspired.

I was breathless, and quickly explained, "no, we have come out, we are saved!"

Peng Xuefei listened to my words, her eyes are still very dim, she did not have any of the kind of surprise I expected, feeling like a lost soul, she looked at me stupidly and said: "impossible, we must be dead!"

This silly girl is really persistent. She thinks she is dead. She doesn't believe me when I speak. I don't think much about it. I quickly took her hand and explained to her patiently that I thought of a way to dig up the earth and open the prison door to escape. Then she was rescued here by a kind-hearted person.As for the escape from the dungeon, I said it was very light, and it seemed to be a very simple thing, because I did not dare to tell too many details for fear of arousing her suspicion. Peng Xuefei, however, was not entangled in this matter. She was just clinging to the idea that she had been in hell. Her appearance was still listless and seemed to be living in the illusion.

Think about it, Peng Xuefei is not generally stimulated, she is a weak woman, can bear over, can survive, is really a miracle, now, she finally sober up, did not ease over for a time is also reasonable.

I'm afraid that if she goes on like this, her spirit will go wrong. Therefore, I didn't stop to enlighten her, comfort her, even call her to return to the real world.

However, let my saliva all said dry, also did not play a role, Peng Xuefei still stubbornly immersed in their own vain world, unable to extricate themselves.

I'm a little frustrated, and I feel hopeless. But at this moment when my heart cools down, Peng Xuefei in the void suddenly opens his mouth again and says, "Jiangnan wind, help me up!"

Although, her voice is still a little bleak, but at least with a trace of emotion, listening to my heart waves are rippling, I quickly support Peng Xuefei's body, let her sit up, back against the head of the bed.

Random, I looked at her with concern, and then, very seriously, asked, "what's up? Tell me what else is wrong with you

My tone is full of sincerity and sincerity. At this moment, Peng Xuefei is no longer a simple tool to be used in my eyes. I really care about her body. After asking this sentence, my heart is also up and down, still have a kind of faint worry feeling.

However, to my total surprise, Peng Xuefei did not immediately answer my question, but suddenly stretched out her hand, put her arm around my neck, and then blocked my mouth with her lips.

This moment, I was confused, my whole person thoroughly disordered, my eyes opened old circle, body stiff, but my heart was filled with waves.

But Peng Xuefei is desperate to kiss me, but her kiss is very unfamiliar, without a bit of skill, is to use her lips, constantly rubbing my lips, friction, seems to produce endless sparks.

After a long time, Peng Xuefei suddenly let me go. Suddenly, her face reflected in my stunned eyes. At this moment, Peng Xuefei's face was completely devoid of decadence, and the whole person seemed to have recovered her former look. Her expression was firm and domineering, and her eyes seemed to contain extremely tender feelings. She looked at me deeply and said with loud voice: "Jiangnan style, you will be my official boyfriend in the future, and no one can tear us apart!"

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