Peng Xuefei's initial impression on me was that she was beautiful and cold-blooded. I remember the first time I met her, that is, at the door of the classroom, I accidentally stepped on her foot, which made her have an impression on me, and also remembered me in my heart. Since then, she has repeatedly looked for opportunities to punish me.

I was in her repeated trickery, slowly close to her, but, at the beginning of me, how to pester her, can not win her favor, on the contrary, the more I stick to her side, she seems to me more irritable, from the beginning to the end, I can not melt her iceberg like heart.

It was not until we entered the dungeon that our relationship had a breakthrough change. We went through hardships together, walked on the edge of life and death together, overcame difficulties together, and supported to live together, and the two people reached a real mutual dependence.

At that time, it seemed that we were both longer than a lifetime. Every minute of pain, my memory was particularly deep. However, what Peng Xuefei said to me in the dungeon also made me remember fresh. I remember that she said her life experience and her fragility. Before she was in a coma, she said that she lived in pain and persisted, just to accompany me.

All this shows that Peng Xuefei has feelings for me. However, I didn't think that Peng Xuefei, a high and cold lady, has no love. Once she has love, she is so direct and domineering. She gives me a strong kiss by surprise, and then confesses to me so domineering that I can be her official boyfriend.

She really caught me off guard. Even her confession didn't need my response, so she announced my identity directly. This is also Peng Xuefei's character.

If I had heard Peng Xuefei's confession in the past, I would have been dizzy with joy. After all, the purpose of my approach to her is to pursue her and take her to achieve my goal.

But now, after so many things, and even, we have experienced life and death together, suddenly, I have achieved my goal, but I can't be happy, because I know that Peng Xuefei and I have no end. I cheated her and let her pay her heart. Finally, if I abandon her, let her know that she is just a chess piece, then she will It's a deep, deep wound.

In the past, I didn't have any special feelings for her. I only regarded her as the daughter of my enemy. In that case, if I caught her, I would not feel guilty or anything. But now the situation is different. My feelings for Xia Xiaoxiao are more than the general friendship among classmates. At least, I understand her miserable life experience and her pain and helplessness She has deep compassion, at the same time, we share weal and woe together, I got her true confession, my heart can not be touched, but also can not be so natural to hurt her.

But what can we do without harm? Let me confess my life experience to her at this time, and then let Ziyi and my father live and die? Of course, this is impossible. At this stage, things have no turning point. Even if I can no longer bear to hurt Peng Xuefei, I must continue to hide my identity and cover up the old one with a new lie.

Moreover, because I was caught in the dungeon, it took me too long. Ziyi can't afford to wait. I don't have much time. I have to act as soon as possible. Now, Peng Xuefei has fallen in love with me completely. For me, this is a good opportunity. I can't miss it, no matter what.

So, I quickly suppressed the mood in the heart, the surface showed a surprise appearance, happy reply: "great, you finally agreed to me!"

My voice is jubilant, expression is more happy, Peng Xuefei see me so, her face also finally emerged a trace of smile.

With this long lost smile, she leisurely said to me: "well, this escape from death, also let me understand a lot of things, life can't be blindly tolerant, sometimes, also should consider for themselves, should be tough once!"

When she said this, Peng Xuefei's smile gradually lost, replaced by her face of perseverance, her voice is also sonorous and powerful, showing her heroism completely.

It seems that she has been completely OK, and my heart can't help but be gratified. I quickly replied: "yes, you finally figured it out. Ha ha, I'm happy to have a hard time!"

The voice just fell, I directly reached out my hand, gently stroked Peng Xuefei's hair, with the action on behalf of my love.

Peng Xuefei felt my tenderness, her eyes sparkled, and she responded with my endless softness, saying, "Jiangnan wind, thank you for your sincerity, thank you for your perseverance, and even more thank you for saving my life!"

Today's Peng Xuefei is really different. She shows a strong and resolute side and is not stingy and gentle. She turns all the words she wants to say to me into three thanks.

Her thanks are very sincere, but I can't take it for granted, because I know very well that in that abyss dungeon, if there was no Peng Xuefei, I might not live. We can say that we support each other and cuddle together, and finally we live together.

After a little hesitation for a while, I still whispered back: "this is what I should do!"

Peng Xuefei heard, did not say anything more, just showed me a happy smile, all the words, are contained in this smile.In fact, I understand in my heart, such as Peng Xuefei, a girl with a cold personality, she will either not agree to your pursuit. Once she agrees, she will be determined. Even if there are more obstacles in the road of love between us, she will accompany me to gripe my teeth and insist. Her character is so stubborn. What she said to me earlier also shows that she will meet and block us Any difficulties in front of us will defend our love to the end.

Therefore, I am close to her goal is a complete achievement, for my plan also has a breakthrough development, now the only problem is time, I need to leave as soon as possible.

But Peng Xuefei's body has just recovered, and it is certainly not suitable for long-distance travel. I must try my best to help her to take care of her body. So, I directly said to her, "Feifei, are you hungry now? I'll get you something to eat?"

Peng Xuefei shook her head and whispered, "I want to take a bath."

Her words made me suddenly wake up. Yes, Peng Xuefei and I have never taken a bath since we were locked up in the dungeon. Although our Father Sun may have wiped our bodies, our bodies are still messy and have a bad smell. But I have been in the dungeon for too long, maybe I am used to the smell, so I don't feel much.

But Peng Xuefei is different. After all, she is a girl. It is her nature to love cleanliness. The first thing she wakes up is not to eat, but to take a bath.

But in her present state, where can she take a bath? I didn't think much about it. I hastened to persuade her: "Feifei, you just woke up, and your body is still empty. You can't move around or get cold. You have to compensate for nutrition first. I'll get you something to eat?"

Peng Xuefei also did not affectation, intimate nodding.

Immediately, I went out the door.

Everyone in the village woke up early. When I came out, sun's father and sun Yihan got up, and even breakfast was ready. Listening to me, Peng Xuefei woke up, and they were very happy. Sun Yihan ran into the room and chatted with Peng Xuefei, while his father continued to live and stew for Peng Xuefei.

And I gave Peng Xuefei a bowl of porridge for her to drink. For her at the moment, porridge is the most delicious dish, and she has not had a dinner for a long time. Therefore, this time, she enjoyed it very much. She drank it up without two bowls of porridge.

Although the conditions in this small mountain village are not good and there are not many kinds of food to eat, there are natural food, wild fish, and the soup is very delicious. This kind of food is very useful for us to supplement nutrition. In particular, Mr. Sun was very warm-hearted and didn't treat us as outsiders at all. At noon, he killed a chicken and stewed US chicken soup. Peng Xuefei and I had a good time.

With adequate nutrition supplement, my spirit is better and better, and Peng Xuefei is also gradually getting better. For this, we are sincerely grateful to Mr. Sun.

Through contact, as far as I know, sun's father is a simple and honest farmer who doesn't speak much. He works hard and does more than he says. He greets me and Peng Xuefei very well. Sun Yihan is a simple and naive little girl. She always asks us questions like a curious baby. She says that she has never left the village because her father is afraid of her giving People cheated her out.

The more caged birds are, the more curious they are. I understand Sun Yihan's desire for the outside world. Therefore, I will answer many of her questions patiently.

One day passed quickly. By the next day, Peng Xuefei's spirit obviously recovered a lot, and she could walk freely. Therefore, she couldn't sit still in the early morning and had to take a bath. She couldn't stand the itching all over her body, and she couldn't bear the bad smell on her body.

However, when she asked sun Yihan, she knew that there was no condition for her family to take a bath, so she had to draw water to wash her body. However, this washing method didn't work at all. Sun Yihan knew that we cared about it, so she took us directly to a pond in the back mountain.

Sun Yihan told us that she often takes a bath secretly here, saying that the water here is warm in winter and cool in summer, which is suitable for bathing.

Peng Xuefei and I saw the quiet water in the pool, and we couldn't help but jump. For us, this is a large hot spring pool, which is the place we need most. Almost can't wait. I took off my clothes and jumped off the pond. Peng Xuefei followed her leisurely, but she was not too exposed. She still wore clothes and went into the water, equivalent to even people Wash your clothes with you.

Elder brother sun, you can go back to the shore and greet us slowly

It has to be said that this little girl is quite sensible and knows not to disturb us. After she leaves, Peng Xuefei completely lets go. She has no scruples and swims happily.

The pond is not deep, but it is very spacious. Peng Xuefei is like a mermaid, so smart, free and beautiful. Her gentle body is constantly wandering in the pool. Sometimes, she will plunge into the water, and her movements are graceful and straightforward.

Water is really precious to both of us. I didn't swim around like Peng Xuefei. I just immersed in the water quietly, but I felt comfortable all over. It seemed that every cell in my body was moistened and refreshing.Peng Xuefei and I have been enjoying the river for a moment. From time to time, Peng Xuefei will swim to me and splash water on me. I will also splash water to her with a smile. We are like a pair of mandarin ducks playing in the water. We have a lot of fun.

After a long time, the bad luck on our bodies and the unbearable memories in our minds seem to be completely removed by the pool water, and even our skin is softened. At this time, we reluctantly go ashore.

Peng Xuefei, like a lotus flower in the water, exudes an extremely charming light on the ground. My eyes are immediately attracted by her. Now she has no trace of dirt. Every tiny dirt has been washed away. Her skin becomes tender and smooth, and her temperament becomes clean and pure, especially on her body The clothes were thin, tall, she gave me an instant wet temptation, if not for my good concentration, I'm afraid my nosebleed will come out.

Peng Xuefei has already regarded me as her man. She has no taboo at all. Her expression is very natural. She always keeps her elegance and calm, and ignores my hot eyes.

Then, we lie side by side on the grass, enjoying the rising sun and the sun shining on our faces, we squint, gently say love words, talking about the heart.

Because of the dungeon experience, we have a common topic. From time to time, we will talk here again. I can still be relieved of that painful energy. After all, I am used to suffering. Although the dungeon experience is the most painful, I can accept it.

Peng Xuefei was born in a golden family, and she has never suffered from skin and flesh. Let alone such a terrible crime, that crime may become her eternal nightmare.

Of course, this is a nightmare, but it is also a fate. Peng Xuefei was even a little lucky to be able to experience this nightmare together with me, so that we finally got together.

Peng Xuefei said to me, I in the dungeon is the whole of her life. For me, she is alive, and because of me, she has the courage to live. I gave her confidence and gave her the strongest feelings. She really felt my love and saw my heart clearly through this time. Therefore, I was able to completely pass her test and let her give birth to me She had a strong and strong love.

The sun slowly became hot, time, also in the ignorance came to noon, to eat time, at this time, Peng Xuefei's clothes also dried.

So I sat up straight up and said to her gently, "Feifei, let's go back."

Hearing my words, Peng Xuefei also followed, she nodded to me, and then left here with me.

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