In this way, we got up and left here. Our pace was very slow, slowly and leisurely swinging on the rural road. The air in the village was very fresh, and the fields on both sides were very wide, which seemed to cover the whole world. When we were in it, we only felt comfortable physically and mentally and had a wide vision.

To be honest, this place can be regarded as the most simple village. It has the most natural scenery and the most simple farmers. It is just like Tao Yuanming's paradise. Every family we pass by seems to be very harmonious. Men work and women weave. Life is simple and tasteful. It's happy and relaxed.

Such an environment makes people intoxicated and even more yearning for Peng Xuefei. Even, on the way back to sun Yihan's home, she couldn't help joking: "Jiangnan wind, or we don't go back and settle down here. I think the environment here is really good, and there won't be so many frauds. It's so good to live here carefree and carefree!"

When I heard this, my heart was shocked. She was right. This kind of leisure and free life without worry is really good, and I like it very much. However, I can't have a good health with her here. I have my mission, my task, and the people I care about are waiting for me outside. I must rescue my father in the shortest time. For me, the faster I leave here The better, how can you stay here forever?

It's just that my idea is unfair to Peng Xuefei. I only care about myself, but I can't care about her. Does she really want to stay here?

I gently pursed her mouth and pretended to ask her casually, "what's the matter? Don't you want to go home?"

Peng Xuefei gave a bitter smile, a little desolate Oh said: "ha ha, they think I'm dead. Since my family don't want to take care of me, it's meaningless for me to go back. Moreover, I'm worried that after I go back, my family will hinder us from being together!"

I can see that Peng Xuefei's voice was very bitter when she said this. Although she had expected that her father would not compromise in order to save her, Peng Xuefei was still sad. She felt that she was the abandoned product of a family. In the eyes of her family, maybe she was a dead person. She didn't want to face such a home People don't want me and her feelings to be blocked.

For Peng Xuefei's grievances and heartache, I understand the most, but I have to cruelly break her wish, have to persuade her to leave, after a pause, I was very patient with her and said: "it's OK, Feifei, we have survived such a big difficulty, are you afraid of interference from your family? You also said, now, no one can separate us, we can not escape, to face the reality bravely, and, you still have your mother at home, she may still be heartbroken for you, do you have the heart to go on like this? Besides, we escaped from the dungeon. Those kidnappers will know sooner or later that if we stay in this village, it will be easy for them to find us. Therefore, we must go back and I will not let you suffer in vain. No matter who catches us, I must pay his blood debt! "

My every word is a way, at the same time, also showed my determination, Peng Xuefei listened, directly on the key point nodded, said: "I know, just to joke with you!"

Finish saying, she also took my hand, a pair of innocent appearance.

The two of us, facing the scorching sun, hand in hand, happily walked to sun Yihan's home.

But when we went outside her home, something was wrong. We obviously heard a lot of noise in the courtyard. According to the law, sun Yihan's family was very harmonious with their father and daughter, and they would not make any noise at all.

In an instant, my heart suddenly two times, this must have happened.

My heart just gave birth to this idea, suddenly, sun Yihan jumped out of a corner, took me and Peng Xuefei's hand and said, "don't go in, hide quickly!"

At this time, sun Yihan's expression was very anxious, just like a big enemy. Although I don't know what happened to her family, I know that the more things happen, the less flustered I can't be. Compared with the past, my mood has changed a lot and become calm and steady. I didn't panic, but slightly frowned and asked in doubt: "what happened What happened? "

When sun Yihan saw that I was still calm, she became more and more anxious. She quickly explained: "the bully of our village has come. He seems to have heard that our family has saved a beautiful woman, so he went to the door specially."

When I heard this, my frown widened. Then I gently picked it and asked, "and then

Sun Yihan continued to say in an urgent way: "is it still necessary to say? He is a well-known villain in the village. He bullies men and women all day, and he doesn't know how many girls he has harmed. Even a little girl like me, let alone a big sister, he'd better hide away quickly. Don't let him see him, or you'll suffer! "

After listening to sun Yihan's words, I only felt a little speechless. Just now, Peng Xuefei and I still felt that this is a paradise. People living in this place must be very simple. I didn't expect that many things were not as simple as the surface. It turned out that such a quiet and secluded rural village would also have such a thing.

I can't help but smile bitterly, light said: "he is so overbearing, no one tube it?"When I said this, my expression did not show any signs of anxiety. It seemed to be in sharp contrast to sun Yihan's anxiety. She was anxious to let Peng Xuefei and me escape at the beginning. As a result, I not only did not run, but also asked about things here and there, and her expression was indifferent. She was shocked.

After a long pause, she explained, "who dares to control him? The village head is afraid of him. This man has been outside and has heard that he has practiced martial arts. He comes back with several younger brothers. He is the overlord of our village. No one dares to provoke him. Now young girls dare not stay in the village. People are worried because of him. Many people have left the village!"

In fact, all the young girls in Peng's village dare not even escape from the villain.

Originally, I was just a passer-by here. Now Peng Xuefei is well cultivated. I am ready to say goodbye to my father sun after lunch. However, since this matter has been met by me, I can't ignore it. Therefore, I didn't talk to sun Yihan again, nor did I listen to her words to hide. I just said to Peng Xuefei: "let's go and have a look."

Peng Xuefei certainly did not like this kind of person. Besides, she knew my ability, so she didn't worry at all. She said, and then she walked with me to the gate of the hospital.

Seeing this, sun Yihan was so anxious and dizzy that he kept shouting, "Hey, hey, you don't want to mess around. Something will happen."

Peng Xuefei and I just didn't hear, and walked straight into the yard.

As soon as we went in, we saw that the courtyard was in a mess. What was most frightening was that an old hen with eggs in his house died bloody on the ground. A big Tibetan mastiff was gnawing at the chicken and eating chicken feathers. The scene was bloody and cruel. The granddad in the yard looked in a mess, as if he had been beaten, but even so, his face did not have a trace of anger and dissatisfaction, this honest man, his mind seems to be out of its big, can swallow up all the grievances, he is still there, with the heart of the other side of the reason.

My cold eyes, looked at a group of people who came in to pick up trouble. I could see that the one with the dog was five big and three thick, with a thick gold chain on his neck and a bald head with a scar on his forehead. He must be the leading bully.

To tell you the truth, bareheaded is a bit rough and domineering, but it is also relative to the people in small places. Such a person in the provincial capital, even if he is a small leader in a big gang, does not matter, because he is light and has no connotation. On the surface, the past five big and three strong men are powerful, and the actual force value, I can basically see through, too general, and he is beside him The five younger brothers are even more in the bag. Only in small villages can he boast such goods.

However, the bareheaded dog is really powerful, which makes people shudder at the sight of it. It feels fiercer than a tiger.

I was looking at this Tibetan mastiff, Tibetan mastiff also found me and Peng Xuefei, immediately, it came to us, a look of ferocity.

Holding the Tibetan mastiff bareheaded, following the Tibetan mastiff's eyes, also found us, immediately, his eyes on the release of a very abnormal essence, he was staring at Peng Xuefei, a wanton face said: "ha ha ha ha, it's really a beautiful woman, it's really good, I sent it to the door, save me trouble to find it!"

Finish saying, he led the Tibetan mastiff to us together, his younger brothers also immediately gathered together.

Seeing this, sun's father quickly stopped him: "panghu, don't mess around. He's from the city. He's recuperating here for the time being. He'll go back soon. You can't afford it!"

It can be seen that sun and his heart are still full of courage for us.

But the big bald man named panghu didn't care about any city dwellers. His eyes were still fixed on Peng Xuefei, hoping to eat Peng Xuefei on the spot.

He didn't change his eyes at all. He just yelled at his father: "Sun Xiangru, don't toast or eat or drink penalty wine. If you don't believe me, I'll do your daughter together!"

After all, his daughter is his life. How dare he make fun of sun Yihan.

However, sun's father had to shut up and keep on approaching me and Peng Xuefei.

Soon, he arrived in front of us. After standing still, he ignored me directly and said to Peng Xuefei with an obscene smile: "little sister, brother, I'm in love with you. Can you accompany my brother to have a drink?"

The bald voice dropped, and several of his younger brothers immediately followed him, saying that they had a good time with their eldest brother.

When they were talking about it with great interest, a startling roar burst out of the troubled air: "get out!"

A word, I have been silent, I sent out, I this roar, really like a dragon chant, even the large Tibetan mastiff were startled to roar, bareheaded group of people were completely shocked, their eyes almost at the same time staring at me, eyes are all inexplicable.I don't know when, sun Yihan stood behind me. After I let out this roar, she suddenly gently pulled down my clothes and whispered in my ear: "big brother, don't mess around, fat tiger's dog seems to eat people!"

I didn't pay attention to sun Yihan. I just stared at his bald head coldly. After a burst of shock, he suddenly reacted. Suddenly, anger covered his face. He was very dissatisfied and yelled at me: "boy, are you talking to me?"

His attitude is extremely arrogant. From the very beginning, he didn't pay attention to me. It seems that the little white face beside Peng Xuefei is not worth mentioning at all.

Of course, he didn't pay attention to me, I didn't pay attention to him. I didn't need to reason with such scum. Without hesitation, I made a more domineering voice to him: "smart, now get out of here, otherwise, I want you to roll all can't roll!"

Hearing this, the anger of bald head soared to the extreme in an instant. With anger in his eyes, he swore: "looking for death!"

Then, he loosened the rope that held the Tibetan mastiff and roared at me: "Wangcai, bite him to death!"

This Tibetan mastiff named Wangcai is very vicious, at the same time, it is also very human. As soon as the bald voice fell, it shook off its claws and hit me fiercely.

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