In front of this amazing scene, let me completely confused, I really did not think that Peng Xuefei would be so straightforward, although, I have already known her feelings for me, for me, she must be willing to sacrifice herself, after all, she has fully recognized that I am her other half, so if I take the initiative a little tonight, she will definitely fall.

But I managed to restrain myself. Peng Xuefei was so active that I was caught off guard.

Normally speaking, even if she falls in love with me and the iceberg melts, she will not be so open.

For a moment, I was a little confused. After a long pause, I asked, "Feifei, what are you doing?"

At this moment, the moonlight sprinkled on Peng Xuefei's bright and clean body, making her look particularly beautiful, just like the fairy daughter in the sky. Facing my consternation, she gave a shy smile. Then, she slowly moved my hand, gently bent down, and whispered in my ear: "after we go back, we will face my family, and the interference of Sheng family, only listen to me Peng Xuefei's words, I just extricated from the state of confusion. I finally understand why she would take the initiative and can't wait. It turns out that she is worried about the obstruction of her family. She is right. The Sheng family is very powerful. As long as Peng Xuefei lives back, she will inevitably be unable to help herself. But if she has a relationship with me, in this case, even if his father wants to take the initiative, she will not be able to help herself Even if Sheng Mingjie is generous, it is estimated that the Sheng family will dislike her.

It is in order to defend our love that Peng Xuefei is willing to go out and give me her most precious first time. Maybe, in Peng Xuefei's opinion, this is the most feasible plan. Moreover, looking at her tone, she must think that I will promise her. After all, I am a man and a man who has been pursuing her for so long. Now give me such a chance to get her If I don't agree, it's really strange.

It's just, I really can't do that. I'm very sorry for cheating Peng Xuefei's sincerity. If I take her away for the first time, I'm not a human being. What's more, I can't apologize to Ziyi. I can't cross that boundary at all. At this moment, I'm really messy, but at this time, I need to calm down and my brain turns quickly.

In Peng Xuefei's lips gently kiss in my ear, ready to make trouble with me, I once again reached out and pushed her away, and said sternly, "Feifei, we can't do this!"

Peng Xuefei is immersed in the confused situation, as if drunk, suddenly saw me so serious, she woke up, puzzled asked me: "what's the matter?"

I swallowed my saliva and tried not to put my eyes on Peng Xuefei's weapon. Then, I looked straight into her eyes and patiently explained, "Feifei, I know that you want our feelings not to be obstructed. I hope so, but we can't use such extreme methods. You should know that if this thing spreads out, it's bad for your reputation What you want is your father's temper. He wants to know that I have had a relationship with you and he can't kill me. Therefore, even if you want your family to agree that we are together, we should also take the right path. I believe that as long as we have the heart, we can certainly influence your family! "

This is the best reason that I can think of. When one side is impulsive, the other side must be calm. My calm analysis with Peng Xuefei makes Peng Xuefei calm down, and her face slowly sinks down.

Look at her face is not very good, I can not help but said: "Feifei, I love you, you have to believe me, anyway, I will move your family, your first time, I want to stay until our wedding night, so that it can become my motivation, urge me to move forward!"

As soon as I heard this, Peng Xuefei's little depression disappeared immediately. Her eyes began to become firm. She believed what I said, nodded heavily to me, and replied, "I believe you!"

Then, she put on her clothes, like a kitten, lying beside me obediently. I was afraid Peng Xuefei had an idea in her mind. This night, I specially hugged her to sleep, pretending to be very intimate.

The next day, just before dawn, I got up and did some simple exercise in the hospital. After two days of recuperation, my body was almost recovered and the gauze of wound could be removed. Now even if I returned to H Province and faced with risks, I could not be afraid. At this moment, my mind became more calm.

When I was doing morning exercises, a male voice came from behind me: "I got up so early!"

The sudden voice, let my action immediately stop, I quickly turned back, found that sun dad is a serious face standing behind me.

I don't know if I was too focused on sports just now. I didn't hear Dad Zhang's footsteps. Seeing his serious appearance, I quickly replied, "yes, uncle sun, you are also very early."

Sun's father gently grinned down the corner of his mouth, showing a trace of if there is no smile. He said kindly, "well, you have to leave in the morning. I'll get up early to make breakfast and send you off after dinner."

After listening to this, I couldn't help flowing a warm current in my heart. I looked at my granddad deeply and said gratefully, "thank you, uncle!"Sun's father waved his hand and said, "you're welcome, but there's one thing I'd like to ask you for help."

When he said this, sun's father regained his seriousness. Sure enough, he came to see me for something. I didn't think much about it. He directly asked him, "what's the matter, uncle?"

Sun's father paused for two times, then leisurely said: "well, one including this child, listening to you talking too much about the outside world, now full of curiosity about the outside world. Yesterday I heard that you were going to leave, and I begged me to go out with you. However, I don't trust her outside. She is too small and simple to be cheated. But I can't persuade her. I can only perfunctorily say that if you are willing to take her, I will allow her. Now I want you to refuse her. Don't let her go out. I also know that you are not ordinary people. You should not want to take a burden with you

After listening to sun's father's words, I suddenly understood that this honest peasant uncle still has a brain. Although he never inquired about the private affairs between Peng Xuefei and me, it doesn't mean that he doesn't know anything. Indeed, we were hurt so much. I showed extraordinary strength yesterday. It would be strange if we were ordinary people.

Although, from a rational point of view, I don't quite agree with sun's father's practice. No matter how simple sun Yihan is, she is always a grown-up child. She should not always stay in this backward village. However, it is a private matter of others. He thinks that it is for the sake of his daughter's good, and I am not good at interfering. I can't bring a person with her Around.

So I solemnly returned to him and said, "Uncle sun, I understand what you mean. I won't let Yihan follow me!"

Hearing the speech, sun's father once again showed a smile and said to me: "thank you!"

With that, he immediately went to the kitchen to cook.

At this time, Peng Xuefei and sun Yihan also got up to wash.

At seven o'clock in the morning, sun's father made breakfast, which was the last meal on our parting day. Peng Xuefei and I cherished it very much. We ate slowly and tasted very well. But Sun Yihan wolfed down his porridge a few times.

She put down the dishes and chopsticks, directly aimed at me, dimple such as flowery way: "big brother, can I ask you something?"

Although I knew what sun Yihan was going to say, I pretended I didn't know anything, and asked with a puzzled face, "say it, what's the matter?"

Sun Yihan blinked playfully, and then he tooted his mouth: "I want to go with you and my big sister. I want to go to the big city and see what the big city looks like. My father has always said that I am not an adult and will be cheated and will not let me go out alone. But you are good people. Can you take me out?"

Looking at Sun Yihan's naive appearance, it's really hard for people to refuse.

Peng Xuefei didn't have any opinions about this, but she simply laughed. However, I promised my granddad that she couldn't take her with me. Therefore, after a little brewing, I immediately persuaded her to say, "no, Yihan, you'd better listen to your father's words and stay at home. Now the big bear has run away, and no one dares to bully you. The outside world is very chaotic and cruel, which is not suitable for you If you go outside, you will be bullied. Your brother may not be able to protect you, OK

Hearing this, the smile on Sun Yihan's face suddenly cooled down. She looked at me disappointed and said pitifully, "but I just want to go out and have a look at the outside world. I'll be back soon, isn't it?"

Such a simple little girl's desire, I really can't bear to refuse, but I have to be ruthless, so I said a lot of truth, to cheat her, to refuse her.

At last, the naive sun Yihan gave up the idea of going out, but her expression was obviously displeased, and the meal was quite embarrassing.

After dinner, Peng Xuefei and I packed up casually and were ready to leave. In fact, we had nothing to clean up, because when we came, we didn't bring anything with us, and we were penniless. Even my clothes were still in sun's father's. Therefore, we still had two sleeves when we went back. However, sun's father was a hospitable person. How could he bear to let us go back empty handed, He loaded us with dry food to eat on the road. He was not rich enough to give us enough money to buy back our tickets.

At eight o'clock in the morning, we set out formally. The village was very remote, and the roads were complicated and rugged. Sun's father was worried that we would lose our way and sent me off. Sun Yihan didn't want to send him at first. After grinding, he said that he was bored at home, so he came out with us.

Originally, I told them to go back to the village, but my father insisted on seeing me off. He said that we were not local people, and we certainly couldn't go out. I didn't refuse, so I walked along with him.

Today is another sunny day. Our party and four people are walking all the way under the sun. The mountain road here is very rugged and difficult to walk. Even Peng Xuefei, the eldest lady, can't bear it. However, sun Yihan, a girl who grew up in the mountains and fields, seems to walk easily and doesn't feel tired at all.

After walking for about two hours, we finally came to a small road made of cement. When we got here, my Father Sun said to me, "you can go straight along this road. After walking for more than half an hour, you can get to the town. When you get to the county, you can take a bus to the city."Feeling sun dad's intimacy, I felt warm again. I couldn't help but stretch out my hand and shake it with my father. I sincerely said, "thank you."

Immediately, I touched Xiao Fang's head again, affectionately said: "little sister, believe me, I will come to see you when I have a chance. Take good care and listen to Dad's words!"

Peng Xuefei also said hello to their father and daughter. After saying goodbye, the two of us walked forward slowly. After a few steps, sun Yihan's voice suddenly rang out from behind us: "big brother, you haven't told me your name yet?"

I stopped, looked back at her and said, "Jiangnan wind!"

Sun Yihan immediately showed a brilliant smile and said in a loud voice, "I remember, if I have the opportunity to go out, I will look for you!"

Looking at this flower like simple girl, I will smile and say firmly: "OK, I'll wait for you, goodbye!"

As soon as the voice fell, I turned back and set foot on the way back with Peng Xuefei.

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