This country road is not wide, the cement is also a bit pitted, there is no car driving all the way, Peng Xuefei and I can only walk all the way forward, at the moment, the sun has been shining on the earth, the ground began to become hot, looking at Peng Xuefei, I couldn't help asking with concern: "Feifei, or I carry you!"

Peng Xuefei shrunken mouth, domineering response: "I'm not so delicate, I can go by myself!"

Said, she also accelerated the pace, out of the taste of heroine.

I shook my head with a wry smile and immediately followed.

The road is very quiet, there is no traffic, no pedestrians in a hurry, occasionally the farmers working in the fields nearby make several voices, which adds a kind of harmonious beauty to the quiet.

After walking for a while, Peng Xuefei suddenly asked me, "why don't you take one?"

I jokingly replied, "I am afraid you are jealous?"

Peng Xuefei gave me a look and said, "I want to listen to the truth."

Originally, Peng Xuefei also can see that I have other purposes, so, I did not joke, seriously replied: "take a little girl around, always inconvenient, more importantly, uncle sun specially told me, told me to refuse a contain, he didn't want to go out with one!"

Smell speech, Peng Xuefei chuckled and said: "I guess it is like this!"

Although Peng Xuefei is lost in love, she is still smart in other things. I can't help praising her: "good, very smart!"

Peng Xuefei didn't laugh with me, and continued to be strict: "Jiangnan style, do you think Yihan's family is a little strange, a good little beauty, her father has always let her nest in the countryside, refused to let her out to see the world, and we did not hear her mention her mother!"

I licked my lower lip and said, "it's a little strange, but it's a household affair, and we can't get involved in it. Besides, he is our Savior, so I respect his choice."

Peng Xuefei nodded, did not say anything, unconsciously, we have come to the nearest town.

The town is very backward, the place is not big, and the economic development is not good. It is similar to the rural areas in ordinary places, and there is no official station. We still found a free ride and gave some money to get to the county.

At about 12:00 noon, we finally arrived at the bus station of the county. In the station, we inquired and found that there was a bus connecting to us in this small county. Although our current region and the provincial capital are not the same province, they are still adjacent. This place is not far away from the provincial city. It can be reached in five hours by bus. Therefore, we do not need to I'm going to transfer to the city. I bought a bus ticket directly.

The departure time is 1:30 p.m. originally, we still have time to have lunch. However, our money is too limited. We have no money to spend in disorder. We can only eat the dry food that our Father Sun gave us, including pancakes and steamed bread. We bought two bottles of mineral water, and we will deal with a lunch.

I don't care. I'm used to suffering, and I can eat anything. But Peng Xuefei has to suffer with me. I can't help it. I said to her, "Feifei. I'm sorry to let you suffer such an injustice

Peng Xuefei said with a smile: "compared with where the insects, delicious."

Hearing this, I couldn't help but smile and said, "don't worry, I'll treat you to the most delicious meal after I go back."

Peng Xuefei swallowed all the pancakes she chewed in her mouth, then she said leisurely, "compared with there, I like my life more now!"

When she said this, Peng Xuefei's eyes showed a touch of melancholy. Obviously, she has been reluctant to go back. Although the days are a little bitter and a little down and down, Peng Xuefei prefers it, because here she can stay with me, without being disturbed.

In the final analysis, Peng Xuefei is similar to me. She doesn't care about glory, wealth and rights. What I've been looking forward to is to live a carefree life with my beloved woman and live a free life with the world.

However, this matter is extremely difficult for me, because I have to save my father in order to save Ziyi. It is also the firm belief that let me break through all barriers, and even survive from the hell like dungeon on earth. Therefore, I can't shrink back in any case.

At this moment, my eyes became particularly firm, I looked at Peng Xuefei deeply and said seriously: "it's OK, Feifei, you have to believe that our tomorrow will be better!"

Peng Xuefei gently Er, did not answer, but her expression is still gloomy, perhaps, the closer the road to the provincial capital, the more complex her mood.

When the time was almost the same, we got on the bus, the car started on time, and drove towards the H Province.

Maybe it was too tiring to walk all the way. As soon as Peng Xuefei got on the bus, she narrowed her eyes slightly and took a rest.

And I looked out of the window and the scenery flashed by, and my thoughts began to float. Half a month has passed since I was arrested, which shows that I have only half a month left. I have to rescue my father and get blood Ganoderma lucidum in such a short time.This matter is imminent. When I go back to H Province, I will start to do it immediately. Anyway, I have figured out all kinds of ways. The big deal is a big war. However, that is the last resort.

Now, Peng Xuefei and I have disappeared for such a long time. I don't know what's going on in the city. As for which way to choose, it depends on the situation. At least I've achieved more than half of my success. I've captured Peng Xuefei's heart deeply. Maybe, I can use Peng Xuefei to save my father easily. This is the best ending.

With the rapid change of scenery outside the window, time and the rapid passage of time, my mood is becoming more and more urgent. Seeing that the provincial capital is about to arrive, I have an irresistible impulse and a kind of implicit expectation in my heart.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, Peng Xuefei had already had a good rest. She was staring out of the window with her eyes open.

After a while, Peng Xuefei turned her head and whispered, "Jiangnan wind, you should remember. After you go back, no matter what difficulties you encounter, you must stand with me."

I gently curved the corner of my mouth, firmly said: "I know!"

Peng Xuefei rubbed his temple and then said, "I'm worried about Suluo right now. I don't know if my family has solved it. If he is still there, it will be another threat to us."

Smell speech, I am a little speechless, did not expect, arrived at this time, Peng Xuefei is worried about, unexpectedly or Suluo, but she did not know, Suluo sat beside her.

For this cruel truth, I can only hold it in my stomach. On the surface, I have to pretend to agree with her and say, "his plot should not succeed, otherwise we would have been saved. Maybe your father might have killed us, so we don't have to worry about it!"

Listen to my words, Peng Xuefei's face did not get better, it seems that such a melancholy has completely haunted her, let her linger.

When I saw her like this, I could not help but take her hand and said softly, "don't worry, Feifei, we are not easy to come back from the dead. God has doomed us to be together. No one can hinder us."

Peng Xuefei this just showed a trace of smile, affectionate looking at me.

We have a word without a chat, finally, in the evening, we arrived at the provincial city bus station, at the moment, the sunset is about to completely sink, the sky gradually become a little gray.

After getting off the bus, we walked directly out of the bus station, ready to take a ride to leave. Only when we got out, we found that the gate of the bus station, which used to be a big traffic flow, became empty at the moment. Even, many stores were closed. This is unreasonable. It is not completely dark. It is a good time for business. How can so many stores close?

Just when I was wondering, suddenly, there was a sound of fighting and killing in the street on our left. Then, we saw two groups of people fighting together. It was real, violent and bloody.

After a while, the number of fighting personnel suddenly increased, more and more, and spread to our side. The crowd was panicked and scared everywhere. The owner of the small supermarket behind us, when he was about to close the door, looked at Peng Xuefei and I standing on the side of the road indifferent, especially kindly ran to us, and said urgently, "your little couple will not come here for tourism Well, I advise you to go back as soon as possible. It's a mess here now! "

I was dumb and asked: "what's the matter? Isn't the security of the provincial capital very good all the time? Is it beyond the police's control to fight in such public eyes? "

The supermarket owner said with a wry smile: "some people are in charge of it, but the police can't control it either. Now the whole city is full of fights and chaos. There have been several death incidents just around the bus station. I advise you to hurry back!"

Finish saying that, he also ignored us, quickly turned around and ran back to the supermarket, gave us a look of self-help, immediately pulled the iron door.

The words of the supermarket owner have been lingering in my ears. It's really hard to imagine. We have only disappeared for half a month, and the provincial capital has changed greatly. It turns out to be the same as that in the era of scuffle. It's so frightening.

Peng Xuefei beside me was also shocked and in a daze. She might not have imagined that the provincial capital would become like this. For a time, we were speechless.

When we were in a daze, suddenly, a man with green hair rushed in front of us and teased Peng Xuefei: "little girl, it's dark. You are not complete here. Can my brother take you to a safe place?"

After that, he also showed a lewd smile. I immediately returned to my mind and looked at him seriously. The green hair hand also carried a bloody machete. There were four or five small minions behind him, who were eyeing us.

This group of people was just involved in the fight, but look at their lawlessness and their intention of chasing girls, it seems that they should have won.

In fact, I can see that people like them are not ordinary thugs. They must be organized. They have rich combat experience and are very skilled in chopping people. I have just arrived in the provincial capital, but I still don't know the reason for this situation. I don't want to make trouble. Therefore, I just looked at them coldly and didn't say anything.Can Peng Xuefei where to endure green hair this kind of little bastard insult, she said a sentence directly and impolitely: "get out!"

A word, full of domineering, however, green hair see Peng Xuefei angry, he did not angry, but said with a smile: "ha ha ha ha, didn't see, it is a rose with thorns. I like you so much!"

After that, he also stretched out his dirty hand and wanted to touch Peng Xuefei's face. My eyes were cold, and I didn't say much nonsense. Instead, he directly kicked over the arrogant thug.

Several small minions behind him immediately helped him up. After the red haired monster stood up, his blue veins were exposed. He looked at me with red eyes and said angrily, "cnmd, dare to attack Laozi, brothers, cut down this son of a bitch!"

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