Just came back, I don't want to make trouble, but it doesn't mean I'm afraid of it. Besides, Peng Xuefei, the big lady of the sea Gang, is here. I don't care about these little bastards. I'll fight one by one, and I'll fight one by one.

Although green hair's strength is not bad, or in other words, their ability is not bad, but compared with me, there is still a distinct gap. Now even if I only exposed three success forces, I can be regarded as a master. I don't need to spend much effort to deal with them. After only a few rounds, these people were knocked to the ground by me, and even, the virtue is more hateful Well, I took the knife from his hand and stuck it in his thigh. He was crying on the ground in pain.

After howling for a long time, he calmed down and yelled at us: "do you know who I am and dare to provoke me? You are dead!"

His attitude is not general arrogance, for his rampant, I did not have time to speak, Peng Xuefei suddenly strides forward, with a fierce spirit, went to green hair, one foot on his chest, said to him: "which gang are you?"

At this moment, Peng Xuefei really showed her domineering spirit. In the face of this group of vicious gangsters, she not only had no fear, but also became more and more powerful. She was worthy of being the first lady of the Shanghai Gang.

Just now, there was arrogant green hair. Maybe he felt Peng Xuefei's difference. His eyes slowly showed a look of fear. He swallowed his saliva, and then cautiously said, "we are from the green dragon Association."

Green dragon club! I am familiar with this gang. At first, under Zhang Wenshan's command, I fought with the green dragon association more than once. Even their vice-chairman was killed by me. However, I still wonder how dare the green dragon Association dare to fight such a bloody battle in the street at will.

Of course, Peng Xuefei also had the same doubts as me. She suddenly increased her strength at her feet and said in a sharp tone: "isn't this area the territory of the Hai Gang? How dare you behave here

After hearing Peng Xuefei's words, I knew that this area was actually under the jurisdiction of the Haibang. It's no wonder Peng Xuefei would care about such a bad incident on the Haibang site.

In the face of Peng Xuefei's momentum, green hair had no confidence. Now hearing Peng Xuefei's words, he was more surprised and said in silence: "do you still know Haibang?"

Peng Xuefei impolitely raised his foot and kicked him fiercely. He said in a cruel voice, "don't talk nonsense, say it quickly!"

Green hair felt pain and his face twitched. Then, he swallowed his mouth and explained to Peng Xuefei, "this is indeed the territory of the sea gang. But now the leaders of the sea gang are unable to protect themselves. Who else can control us?"

Green hair's words made my heart suddenly burst twice. A special emotion grew in my heart. I didn't expect that the leader of the great sea gang would be unable to protect himself. This is just incredible and shocking to me.

Only half a month later, all the changes have been made in such a short period of time. No wonder the provincial capital has changed a lot. No wonder we saw such a bloody fight as soon as we came back. No wonder the supermarket boss said that the whole provincial city was in chaos. It turns out that the reason for this series of turbulence is actually related to the gang leader of the sea gang.

Peng Xuefei, as the daughter of the party concerned, suddenly heard the news, and her face immediately changed. However, among her looks, most of her looks were sad, but there was nothing shocked. It seems that she had just guessed something. Her mind was very careful. Through what happened here, she might have expected that there was something wrong with the Haibang. Therefore, she cared so much This question.

Slightly pause for a moment, she immediately and harshly asked green hair: "what's the matter, clear point!"

In the face of Peng Xuefei's strength, and I was covetous on the side, green hair could only hold her breath. He did not dare to hesitate and immediately said what he knew.

After listening to his narration, I realized that the great turmoil in the provincial capital had something to do with me.

At the beginning, I overturned the five halls of the Hai Gang with one person's power, killing the hall leader and vice hall leader, as well as their more than 100 masters. This is a big thing in the provincial capital, and it also affected the status of the Hai Gang leader.

However, the internal instability of the Haibang is not a matter of a day or two. Last time, I heard from Mu Nan that there were cracks in the Hai Gang. It was because of this that Peng Yi wanted to marry the Sheng family as soon as possible and stabilize his position in the Haibang.

Of course, it is not only because of the extermination of the five halls that Peng Yi became like today. The reason why his supreme dignity was provoked and why it was said that the leader of the Hai Gang was in danger was that Peng Xuefei and I were arrested.

It can be said that the disappearance of the two of us caused an uproar inside the provincial capital. The leader of the Haigang gang was angry because of his daughter's missing. After all, it was his own daughter. He could not be angry. His face was damaged by his daughter's arrest. He would be more angry.

The most important thing is that Peng Xuefei and I are missing. In addition, two families are involved: Sheng family and Xia family. To be specific, Sheng Mingjie and Qiqi are concerned about Peng Xuefei's disappearance. Because of Peng Xuefei's disappearance, Sheng Mingjie cares. Qiqi will care about my disappearance. Both of them seem to be putting pressure on the Haibang.The Sheng family thought that it was I who eloped with Peng Xuefei, while the Xia family thought I was implicated and asked the Haibang to find me out. Anyway, the development of the provincial capital to this situation today is rooted in the disappearance of Peng Xuefei and me.

Because of our disappearance, the provincial capital was in chaos, and the internal turmoil of the Haigang was not constant. Therefore, some conspirators took advantage of the situation to say that the leader of the Hai Gang was incompetent and should abdicate, and asked the Hai Gang to elect a new gang leader. This statement was supported by many members of the maritime Gang, and many reactionaries became more active. Many of the Haigang impeached the gang leader The outside world is already an open secret. Many people are speculating that the leader of the sea gang may be forced to abdicate.

Therefore, the current Haigang are all in their own internal affairs, and they have no time to take care of the external affairs. The provincial capital is the place where the big gangs like Haibang used to sit in the town. Coupled with Peng Yi's reputation, there are not many people who dare to make a move on Tai Sui's head. Now, the Hai Gang leader himself is in a dilemma. How can other gangs care So much.

As a result, the major gangs in the provincial capital vied for territory, and wars of various sizes continued. The police were in great trouble. They could not take care of the other side. The fight we saw just now was that of the Qinglong Association and others. There were dozens of battles like this in a day in the provincial capital.

Such changes have left me for a long time to digest, but the emotion generated in my heart is becoming more and more distinct. This is a feeling of stealing joy. Originally, my biggest goal was to rescue my father from the sea help. Now, the great turbulence of the sea Gang is absolutely beneficial to me.

But Peng Xuefei, after listening to green hair's story, her expression became more and more dignified, but she was not as anxious as she imagined. She just moved her feet away from green hair's chest, and her face was deep.

I know that although Peng Xuefei is dissatisfied with her father, it is her father in the end, and her blood relationship can not be erased. Now, her father has something to do, how can she not be sad, so I absolutely can't show the little bit of joy in my heart. On the contrary, I try to comfort her and say, "it's OK, Feifei!"

Peng Xuefei smile, just want to say something to me, but she didn't say anything. Suddenly, two minivans came out in the air, crash, the door opened, and a large group of people jumped out of the car. One of them was bareheaded with a bloody face walking in the front, and said to the green hair on the ground: "little green, why haven't you retreated? What's your situation?"

Obviously, he was startled by the scene. His eyes were full of disbelief.

When green hair saw the bald head, it was like seeing the Savior. He immediately got up and struggled from the ground. He said pitifully to the bald head, "brother, I was beaten by him!"

Said, his hand also pointed to me, immediately, bareheaded eyes swept to me. My sight also just touched him. At this moment, we looked at each other. Judging from his bareheaded clothes, his identity in the green dragon club should not be low. From his aura, I can also guess that he is a master.

He looked at me with penetrating eyes for two seconds. Then, He reproached the green haired monster and said, "are you kidding? Such a little punk can knock you down!"

Green hair bitter face said: "yes, big brother, he is a master! They also asked me about the Hai Gang. I don't think they are ordinary people! "

When bareheaded heard this, his face became serious. He immediately took people to encircle me. He was in the forefront. He was quite domineering. With this momentum, he looked at me with dignity and asked forcefully: "boy, tell me about it. What's your origin?"

The number of people on the other side is large and full of momentum. Peng Xuefei beside me can't help becoming a little nervous. I don't care very much. Anyway, for me, even if I don't expose my strength, I'm confident to deal with this group of ants. My expression did not change, still cold Su, I looked at the bald man lightly, and casually replied: "who am I? You don't need to care, you just need to know, it's better not to block my way, otherwise, you will regret it!"

When he heard this, he was very angry. He directly drank: "brothers, dry him for me!"

As soon as the voice fell, they would attack me, but as time went by, I had already taken the first step, shaking my body and sprinting in the past.

I don't want to waste time with them. When my bald head opened his mouth, I went straight to him. Maybe I didn't expect that I would take the initiative to attack. He was surprised first, and then he clenched his fist and attacked me.

Unfortunately, his movements were not as good as mine. I rushed to him and hit him in the chest with one punch. As he retreated, I shot again and again.

At this moment, the bald man who suffered a loss was also angry. He suddenly burst out his momentum and launched a violent attack on me. Although he is very big and strong as an ox, his skill is still quite vigorous and powerful. He is a practical practitioner, but his moves are very fast in others' eyes, but in my eyes, they are too insignificant Every time he makes a move, I can easily resolve, and I can always find a gap to hit his vital point.

No two times, the bald was kicked to fly by me, and the bald boy with a machete was looking for opportunities. Seeing that their eldest brother fell down, he immediately swarmed to me. I followed the boy at the front and quickly seized a machete from him.The weapon was in my hand, and its lethality doubled in an instant. Those younger brothers were shocked and didn't dare to mess with them. I didn't have time to go around with them. I flashed to the bald head and put the knife on his neck.

Immediately, the whole audience was suffocated because of me, and the green hair several even yelled: "boy, I advise you not to mess around!"

Bareheaded himself is relatively calm, perhaps, he has fully understood my strength, he did not move, but asked me in a deep voice: "which way are you?"

I did not change color, frivolous said: "you do not have the right to know!"

When the voice dropped, I lifted my bald head, held him with a knife, and said to the audience, "all of you, back off, speed!"

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