At the beginning, they were a little reluctant. I didn't want to spend time with them. The knife in my hand suddenly forced my bare head's neck to see blood. At this moment, the bald head himself was in a cold sweat. Now the provincial capital is in chaos, and the dead often happen. Everyone is afraid of death, and barehead is no exception. He immediately yelled at his group of younger brothers.

His group of younger brothers, in his voice, immediately backed back. After they retreated, I directly said to Peng Xuefei: "come with me!"

Said, I bareheaded, has been back to his van, back to the car side, I see the car key is still inserted in the car, busy Peng Xuefei said: "get in!"

Peng Xuefei immediately understood what I mean. Without hesitation, she quickly got on the copilot, while I grinned at my bald head: "little bald, you've made a mess in this area, even there's no taxi. I can only borrow your car!"

After that, I threw the knife in my hand on the ground, and then flashed it to the bald butt, which directly made him fall into a dog's excrement. At the moment when my bald head fell to the ground, I had already got into the van, started the car, and galloped away.

I don't care about the traffic rules now. I take this broken bread as an airplane, and it's going all the way fast. In a moment, I'm out of this area.

When I was sure that I was not being followed, I slowed down a little, and then joked to Peng Xuefei: "Feifei, you are savage today. Fortunately, the people of the green dragon association are not very powerful, otherwise we will be really hard to get rid of!"

After that, I pretended to be in a state of shock. In fact, it's not the bald people who are poor, but I'm too strong. Now my physique under normal conditions is extraordinary. No matter in terms of speed, agility or strength, I have made a qualitative leap. Even if I hide my real strength, I can easily deal with those people, but I don't want to show it It's very abnormal. I've got a thief to catch the king first. I still pretend to be lucky.

Peng Xuefei has no doubt about my skill now. She just smiles calmly and says softly, "I believe you, I'm not afraid of anything with you around me."

This sentence is a woman's greatest trust in men. The sense of security is also a kind of poison. With this sense of security, Peng Xuefei will not be afraid of anything. No wonder in that chaotic scene, Peng Xuefei can show her overbearing side.

However, Peng Xuefei seems to have something on her mind. After talking to me, her head can't help looking out of the window, as if in deep meditation.

I knew that she was still thinking about her family. Out of instinct, I could not help but comfort her by saying, "Feifei, don't worry. I believe your father can deal with the gang's affairs."

Peng Xuefei laughed and said frankly, "I don't worry about the gang. I know my father's ability. He should be able to solve it. I just wonder if my family didn't save me. It's because of the pressure in this respect, not because they don't want to take care of me!"

After listening to Peng Xuefei's words, I was completely clear. I said that how she had been worried about all the time. What she cared about most was that she was abandoned. It was a knot in anyone's mind. Even if she came back home, I'm afraid the knot would be difficult to untie.

Maybe Peng Xuefei is right. Her father didn't save her, maybe because of this. For a long time, Peng Xuefei guessed that Suluo kidnapped her, but I knew clearly in my heart that it was impossible. So, who kidnapped us?

I didn't have a clue at all. Now it seems that it has something to do with the Hai Gang leader's impeachment. No wonder he can't compromise and save his daughter. It turns out that he is in trouble himself.

I can almost understand him now, not to mention Peng Xuefei. In order to make Peng Xuefei calm down, I immediately gently said to her, "well, it should be, otherwise your father will surely save you. It is the so-called tiger poison that doesn't eat children. He doesn't care about you!"

After listening to my words, Peng Xuefei really began to smile. She seemed relieved, and a sense of happiness emerged.

See Peng Xuefei is OK, I am also gratified a lot, then, I just seriously asked her: "now where are we going?"

Peng Xuefei hardly thinks of cableway: "take me home!"

I nodded my head, and then immediately according to Peng Xuefei's address, driving a van, galloping away.

The speed of the car increased again, just like my heart beating at this moment. I couldn't help speeding up. I felt that I was a step further from the plan.

After about an hour's flying, we finally arrived at our destination. Peng Xuefei got off the car first, and I jumped down immediately. As soon as I got off the car, I was completely stunned. Peng's family was really extraordinary. The whole large area where I lived was full of bright lights. Especially, the magnificent buildings in the far away Peng family were particularly domineering under the light.

This is the outskirts of the province, and Pengjia manor almost occupies an industrial park, which is very strong. In addition, the only way to the manor is blocked by a big iron gate. There are two big stone lions standing at the iron gate, which is very dignified. Outside the iron gate, there are a number of uniformed guards on patrol. These guards alone seem to have extraordinary strength.Of course, I also know that this is not only the place where Peng's family lives, but also the headquarters of the Hai Gang. It's a place where the big men of the Hai Gang often go in and out. It's strange that the guard is not strict. I always feel that my father is locked here. Therefore, when I get to the point where he will never die, I may attack this place. But obviously, this place is easy to defend and hard to attack. I want to fight by force It's as hard as heaven. I can't kill myself until I have to.

Now, my own visit to this place, I can not hide the excitement, involuntarily, I feel myself and my father closer, even, I have an impulse, hurry to get my father out, obviously, this impulse is not likely to achieve, everything can not be too hasty, to act according to circumstances.

When I was a little distracted, Peng Xuefei's voice suddenly came: "Jiangnan wind, what do you see?"

I immediately came back from the loss of consciousness, looking at Peng Xuefei, laughing: "your home is too big, see infatuated!"

Peng Xuefei listened and didn't care much about this. She seemed to have her own worries. After a slight pause, she said to me, "Jiangnan wind, you don't have any urgent things to do now?"

This question was a little sudden. I didn't know what she meant for a while, so I asked her in doubt: "nothing happened. What's the matter?"

Jiangnan wind pondered for a moment and then said: "I want to take you to see my parents. I feel that now that I have just come back from the dead, even if my family is merciless, it is not good to refuse my wish. It is impossible for me to get into pain any more. Therefore, today is the best time for us to meet my parents."

Hearing this, my heart suddenly vibrated. Originally, I was a little excited to see the appearance of Peng's manor. Now, Peng Xuefei said to me, let me enter the headquarters of Haibang, and even meet her parents!

If Peng Yi doesn't want to see her father.

I once dreamed of meeting this enemy. But at the moment, when I heard Peng Xuefei's words, I felt that I had no preparation. Even if Peng Xuefei asked me to send her home, I didn't think she would take me in. You know, this is the headquarters of the Shanghai Gang. Ordinary people can enter it when they say it, but because of Peng Xuefei, I have a chance to enter.

However, for a while, I hesitated. Now, I just came back, and suddenly went to see the leader of the Hai Gang. I was afraid of revealing any vest. After all, the leader of the Hai Gang was definitely not an ordinary person. If something was wrong and he found out something was wrong, I might die without a burial place.

But even if it's a tiger's den, it's a great opportunity for me to get in. I'm so eager to rescue my father. Now I'm given this opportunity to go deep into the headquarters of the Hai Gang and see the leader himself. How can I refuse?

With this in mind, I went straight to Peng Xuefei and said politely, "I don't care. It's just that I don't care about my dressing up now. I'm so dusty and I haven't bought a gift. Would it be a bit bad to lose sight of my uncle and aunt like this

Although I made up my mind to go in, I still wanted to talk about these etiquette problems. Peng Xuefei could not see that I wanted to go in too much.

But Peng Xuefei listened to my words, just shrunk his mouth, said: "there is nothing bad, only in this way can we show that we share weal and woe, and survive from death. That's the decision. Let's go in! "

As soon as the voice fell, Peng Xuefei didn't wait for me to reply, and she directly led me to go in, and I followed her to Peng's manor.

My steps are slow and powerful, my expression remains calm and gentle, but my heart has been excited for a long time. The closer I get to that big iron gate, the faster my heart rate will be, and there is an uncontrollable tension.

I don't know if Peng Xuefei felt my heart beating. She reminded me again: "Jiangnan wind, you don't have to be nervous, just play your usual way, just be yourself!"

In fact, I also know what kind of person the leader of the Hai Gang is. He is a real hero. It's impossible for him to play tricks in front of him. He is definitely not so easy to fool. Therefore, I don't have to show off in front of him. I'm just pretending to be my identity, and I'm always worried about my father. I'm really afraid of a careless leader in Hong Gang Under the pressure of the momentum revealed the stuffing.

Of course, what makes me nervous most is about my plan. I always feel that entering the interior of Pengjia manor is the first step of my plan's success.

It is because of this, I can not avoid the excitement, but now I have a lot of calm compared with the past, even if it is such a big thing, I can still control myself, even if the heart beat in the thumping speed, but my surface can still be calm as water.

I turned my head slightly, looked at Peng Xuefei, assured calmly, "well, I know, Feifei, I'm ready to see your parents when I'm with you."

After that, I also smile to show my ease.

Smell speech, Jiangnan breeze also unfolded a warm smile, two hands can't help but pull my left arm more forcefully, we walk side by side, thinking of the manor inside to walk.

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