After a while, we came to the gate of the manor. But, to my surprise, when we approached the iron gate, two uniformed guards patrolling the iron gate suddenly stopped us and yelled: "stop, Peng's courtyard. You are not allowed to get close to it!"

This time, I was really stunned. How could I think that the patrolmen of the Peng family even dared to stop Miss Peng's family and drink so impolitely to her. It was like eating the courage of a bear heart leopard.

Peng Xuefei herself was also very surprised. She opened her eyes and looked at the two uniform guards, and then she said, "are you new? Open the door, I'm Miss Peng, Peng Xuefei! "

I thought that Peng Xuefei's name would scare the hell out of these people. But what surprised me again was that the faces of these two guys were still calm and their momentum was not reduced. They were not polite. They yelled at us again: "I'm sorry, it's an extraordinary time. The leader of the gang has ordered that no one is allowed to enter!"

After hearing this, don't say it's Peng Xuefei. Even I couldn't hold my breath. He yelled at them directly: "are you blind? This is Miss Peng of your family. She's home now. Don't you get out of the way? "

My voice was full of reproach, and my voice was sonorous and forceful. But not only did I not scare the two uniformed guards, on the contrary, I also alerted other patrolmen, who instantly regarded us as troublemakers and surrounded us one after another.

Seeing that the situation is not optimistic, Peng Xuefei quickly rounded the stage and said: "everyone, we are not here to make trouble. I am Peng Xuefei. Please inform me that I am back!"

Obviously, the guards like these robots have no reason to talk about. They can't be tough. Peng Xuefei has only good words to say.

And one of the leading guards, it seems that Peng Xuefei's difference, he immediately cold voice back: "wait!"

With that, he went to the walkie talkie in front of the door and said something. After a while, he came over and said to us, "wait a minute. Steward Ren is coming soon."

Helpless, I and Peng Xuefei can only stand outside the door waiting.

The outside of the manor is very quiet, even a little strange, only intermittent insect sounds add a little vitality here.

At this moment, my heart became more and more complicated. Originally, for the leader of the Hai Gang that I was about to meet, I raised the spirit of 10000 points to prepare to deal with it. Now, such a disturbance makes me have a new understanding of the sea Gang, and I feel more unpredictable.

Peng Xuefei was afraid that I would think too much, but also specially explained to me: "it may be related to the recent events, even the number of guards has increased, which is not usually the case!"

I smile bitterly: "it's OK, I have patience!"

With these words, our surroundings fell into a dead silence again. In this strange and quiet atmosphere, we waited for more than 20 minutes. At this time, the gate slowly opened.

All of a sudden, the uniformed guards on patrol outside, just like welcoming the emperor, stood in their respective positions and made the appearance of welcoming the master.

Then, three people came out slowly from the manor. At the forefront was a kind-hearted old man in Zhongshan suit. His first impression was that he was very kind and friendly.

Strangely enough, the old man should be very old, but his hair is black and translucent, which makes him more and more powerful. At first glance, his momentum is very extraordinary, obviously, his strength is not vulgar.

After him, two men in suits, like robots, have no expression. From their bodies, I can feel the unfathomable. If it is true, the Haibang is indeed a hidden dragon and crouching tiger. No wonder it can become the largest gang in the provincial capital.

Peng Xuefei saw the old man with black hair and immediately stepped forward and called out kindly: "Ren housekeeper!"

From Peng Xuefei's tone, I can also feel that she still has great respect for the black haired old man. When the black haired old man suddenly saw Peng Xuefei, his eyes flashed a little surprise. It seemed incredible. He looked at Peng Xuefei for a long time, and then excitedly said, "Miss, it's really you. At the beginning, when the guard reported, I didn't How about the letter! I didn't expect you to come back! "

Peng Xuefei slightly frowned for a while and said with a little doubt: "yes, I'm back. However, Ren housekeeper, what's going on at home? Why doesn't the guard let me in?"

Steward Ren sighed and said leisurely, "well, it's a long story. Now that there's chaos in the Haigang, we have to be careful. Let's go. Let's go in and talk about it again."

Peng Xuefei nodded and said, "OK, but my boyfriend is here. I'm going to take him in with me."

After that, she went straight to take my hand and pulled me to Ren housekeeper. Then she introduced me to the housekeeper: "this is my boyfriend, Jiangnan style!"

Hearing this, Ren housekeeper couldn't help but look up at me. From his eyes, I couldn't see any redundant look. Maybe as a housekeeper, he was loyal to his duty and did not care about his own business. Therefore, for my young lady's boyfriend, Ren housekeeper didn't say much, but kindly said, "let's go in together."Later, this kind-hearted and kind-hearted housekeeper introduced Peng Xuefei and I to Pengjia manor.

As soon as I entered the manor, my vision seemed to widen in an instant. Indeed, there was a different kind of cave here. It was just like a paradise. If you were in it, you would feel relaxed and happy unconsciously. Every place is a landscape, every point is a bright spot. Most importantly, the area occupied by it is very large, and it looks very magnificent.

In this magnificent villa garden, there is a huge fountain, which is particularly symbolic. At night, under the reflection of colored lights, the fountain emits colorful water, which is both galloping and beautiful. There are not many flowers and trees on the left and right sides of the garden. There are many rockeries, and any place is equipped with colorful lights, which is incomparably beautiful.

Basically, I can enjoy different scenery all the way. However, a little different from the natural beauty, the manor is surrounded by guards, which is very strict.

The iron gate we passed at the beginning was only the first pass. After we came in, there was a more strict checkpoint. We had to swipe the card to enter. All the guards in the park were like eagles in the night, circling around to guard. We did our duty and were extremely strict. I was also a housekeeper, so I could go smoothly.

Walking deep into the manor, all kinds of buildings stand out, including European style and ancient style. Different styles have different flavor, but all of them are magnificent and tall.

Of course, appreciating the scenery is only superficial. In fact, I am observing the geographical form here. I carefully observe every detail. At the same time, I will let the housekeeper introduce me. Along the way, Ren housekeeper is telling about the recent situation, saying that the current situation is not optimistic, and sighing that the eldest lady has finally come back, saying that the master will be happy 。

But when we came to a European style building area, Ren suddenly stopped. He said to Peng Xuefei kindly, "you know the master's temper, and he won't meet foreigners at will. So, you first follow me in. After the master's permission, I will let Mr. Jiang go in. What do you think?"

Peng Xuefei always respected Ren's housekeeper. She also agreed with the housekeeper's words. Therefore, she directly replied, "well, OK!"

After that, she turned her eyes to me and said softly, "Jiangnan wind, wait for me for a while, my father will meet you!"

I nodded to say that I had no opinion.

Ren housekeeper immediately ordered the man in suit behind him to say, "bring Mr. Jiang into the guest room. It's a good treat!"

After that, the housekeeper Ren took Peng Xuefei to see the leader of the Hai Gang, and I was taken to a guest room by two men in suits.

The guest room is actually a villa, and it is also a luxury villa. The local emperor in the provincial capital is not the same. He is rich and generous, and his living place can be compared with the imperial palace.

In the living room of the villa, two men in suits were polite to me. They poured me tea, turned on the TV and asked me to wait here.

I'm not polite. I sit on the sofa and watch TV. Although I look indifferent on the surface, my heart is shaking. Through my observation of Pengjia manor, I suddenly feel that the pressure is greater. The strength of the Haibang is beyond my expectation. The guards I see on the surface are all powerful, let alone that Some people hiding in the dark, I can clearly feel that there are eyes everywhere in the manor, and the atmosphere inside is very different. It is too dignified, which makes people feel depressed unconsciously. Even the open scenery can not block this dignified.

Of course, what makes me even more unstable is that I can't see through the strength of the Peng family's housekeeper. What's the point of the Hai Gang leader's metamorphosis?

No wonder the Haibang is in danger of splitting up, and Peng Xuefei is not worried about his father at all. It turns out that the leader of the largest gang in the provincial capital is indeed more powerful than expected.

Now, I don't have the impulse to fight with the leader of the Hai Gang. I feel like I'm trying to kill myself. At present, I'm afraid that only through Peng Xuefei can I have a chance to save my father.

Or, when the Hai Gang is really split up, I will wait for the opportunity to win.

However, this is all my whim. How can such a big gang like Haibang fall down so easily.

The more I think about my heart, the more entangled, the confidence hidden in my body, unconsciously eliminated a lot.

Just when I was upset, suddenly, Ren housekeeper came in from the door and said, "sorry, Mr. Jiang, you have to wait for a long time."

When Ren housekeeper talks, he always has a kind smile on his face, which makes people feel very kind. As the housekeeper of Peng family, his status is extraordinary, and he is so polite to me. I can't help but think highly of him.

So, I quickly got up, very sincere reply way: "Ren housekeeper, you come!"

Ren housekeeper said with a kind smile, "come on, don't be polite. Sit down quickly."

After that, he turned his head to the two men in suits behind me and said, "you go out first!"

The two men took orders, immediately backed out, and consciously closed the door. ???When the suit man retired and I sat down, the housekeeper sat down on the sofa next to me, and poured himself tea leisurely.

Seeing him like this, I understood immediately that the old housekeeper must have something to say to me, or that it was the leader of the Hai Gang who came to test me.

At the thought of this, I can't help but keep cautious. If it's from the leader of the Hai Gang, my performance must be as natural as possible, and I can't be seen any flaws.

But what made me feel a little painful was that the housekeeper kept silent for a long time. He had been drinking tea leisurely here, which seemed to test my patience. As the boyfriend of Miss Peng family, I needed to pay attention to some problems. So I took the lead in breaking the silence and asked, "housekeeper, has uncle Peng agreed to see me?"

When I said this, I was very anxious. This was the first time that I met my father-in-law as a son-in-law. But in fact, I was also worried because I really cared about the attitude of the leader of the Hai Gang. If he would like to see me, he would at least give me a little more chance. This may be the only chance for me to get into the Hai Gang. I must grasp it well. So, finish this In a word, I keep a close eye on Ren housekeeper.

However, Ren seemed to be so leisurely. He didn't worry at all, as if he didn't hear my question. Until he finally put down his tea cup, he looked up at me and asked in a deep voice, "Jiangnan wind, there's a question, I want you to answer me truthfully?"

The tone of steward Ren suddenly became very serious, and his kind face became serious.

This time, my heart more and more uneasy, look like this, the situation is really not optimistic, certainly not as smooth as I imagined, otherwise, Ren housekeeper would not be so strange. But no matter what I am facing, I can't be frightened or show my flaws. I must be steady. I first picked up my cup and took a sip of tea. Then I opened my mouth and said, "well, steward, please say so."

My voice dropped, suddenly, sitting on the sofa Ren housekeeper's eyes suddenly cold, eyes exposed with his charity image completely inconsistent with the cold light, he cold staring at me, after a long time, he opened his mouth and issued a cold, harsh, vicissitudes of life hoarse voice, said: "I want to know, how do you come out alive?"

This cold voice is quite different from the voice of the housekeeper Ren I knew just now. At the moment, his voice suddenly became extremely lethal, which made my heart stop for a moment, and the hand holding the cup could not help shaking.

Obviously, this is his deliberate voice, but it is very familiar to my ears. I can hear it at once. This is the voice of the masked man who caught me and Peng Xuefei that night, the man with gloves

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