Speaking of it, since I have pursued Peng Xuefei, she has been surprised countless times. Almost every time, I will refresh my existing strength and make progress every time. Perhaps, it is because I have created so many miracles that Peng Xuefei is not strange now. For her, even if I can pick up the moon in the sky, I am afraid she will believe that she will not deliberately go If you doubt me, you will look at me more and more.

But after a short period of happiness, Peng Xuefei's expression began to be sad again. She seemed to think of something, and suddenly asked me, "Jiangnan wind, the person who caught us that night was Ren housekeeper?"

At this moment, Peng Xuefei should have known everything, and I didn't hide it. He directly replied, "yes, he took these people in black and captured us!"

Peng Xuefei listen, eyes more sad, she muttered to herself: "how can Ren housekeeper be like this, he is so honest, he has been very good to me before!"

When she said this, Peng Xuefei's voice was full of sadness, and her eyes were full of disappointment and pain. Indeed, being betrayed by someone close to her was really unbearable. What's more, the housekeeper also personally sent her to the hell on earth, so that her life was better than death, which could not be accepted by anyone.

Seeing Peng Xuefei fall into the sadness again, I immediately comforted her: "Feifei, no matter who, always is the interest supreme, he rebelled, should also be the interest drive!"

After that, I squatted down and uncovered the mask of the man in black on the ground. Then, I asked Peng Xuefei, "Feifei, have a look. Do you know this man?"

Smell speech, Peng Xuefei immediately looked down at the man in black, looked at a few eyes, and then replied: "it seems that I haven't seen it!"

After listening to Peng Xuefei's words, I can't help but feel puzzled. According to the truth, these people are highly skilled in martial arts. If they are members of the Hai Gang, then Peng Xuefei will surely know them. But if Peng Xuefei is unfamiliar now, doesn't it mean that these people are not members of the Hai Gang? Is Ren's rebellion colluding with the outside world?

Of course, these ideas are just my guess. I didn't tell Peng Xuefei. I only know that staying here for one more second is dangerous and must leave immediately. Therefore, I got up straight and said to Peng Xuefei seriously: "Feifei, we can't delay any more. The guards of this manor seem to be housekeepers. If we delay, we will not be able to leave Go away now

Peng Xuefei heard my words, also return to God, she asked me blankly: "where to?"

I said in an emergency, "of course, you want to die here!"

Peng Xuefei said dully, "but how can we go out?"

I pointed at my clothes immediately, and said, "if you just put on this dress, they will not recognize it. That's how I found you here, hiding from the guard's eyes."

Hearing this, Peng Xuefei's eyes suddenly showed a trace of astonishment. Then, she lowered her head, glanced at her chest, and said shyly, "but I'm a woman!"

I just remembered that Peng Xuefei and I are different. My figure is not different from that of the man in black, so other people can't recognize it. But Peng Xuefei is different. Although she is tall and tall, she is similar to the tall man on the ground, but Peng Xuefei has front and back, concave and convex. Even if the black robe is loose, it is easy to see the difference.

After pondering for a while, I just stare at her murder weapon, leisurely said: "it doesn't matter, you wrap it up, many women disguise as men on TV, that's how you do it!"

My words let Peng Xuefei more shy, the face is not from the red light, delicate to drop. I didn't have time to flirt here. I immediately squatted down and took off the black man's black robe, even his shoes.

After taking off, I said anxiously to Peng Xuefei: "there is no time. I can't manage so much now. Please change it quickly."

After that, Peng Xuefei bit my lips and hesitated

I was speechless. When she was at Sun Yihan's house, she took the initiative to give her life. Now she was embarrassed. I didn't care. I went out of the room door and sat in the living room waiting for her.

About ten minutes later, Peng Xuefei came out of her boudoir.

When I saw her, I was petrified. Because Xia Xiaoxiao, who wore a black robe and a black mask, was very domineering. It could be said that she was valiant. More importantly, she seemed to have listened to my words and wrapped up her upright weapon. At a glance, it did not stand out at all. If she went out like this, I believe no one could recognize her 。

Peng Xuefei saw my eyes staring at her, a little embarrassed, although, I can not see her expression, but from her head down dare not look at my posture, also know that she is shy.

Afraid of her flaws, I immediately went to her side, a serious face said: "Feifei, don't show flaws, play your normal nature to walk upright, fearless, no one dares to stop us!"

After listening to my words, Peng Xuefei raised his head, looked at me, and firmly said, "well, I know it!"Without delay, I said to her directly, "let's go."

After that, I quickly put on the mask I had taken off, and then with Peng Xuefei, I walked out of the villa.

Out of the villa, without stopping, we went to the exit of the manor together. However, after a few steps, Peng Xuefei suddenly stopped. Her eyes were staring at the big house in the distance.

I stood beside her and asked softly, "what's the matter?"

Peng Xuefei said foolishly: "Jiangnan wind, have you found that the guards are surrounded there!"

After that, she also pointed to the position. I nodded and said, "I know, I found out just now. It should be something happened to them. It's none of our business. Let's get out of here quickly."

When I finished speaking, Peng Xuefei's steps still did not move. Her eyes suddenly showed a anxious color and said to me, "but my father lives there!"

At once, I understood why Peng Xuefei suddenly stopped. Originally, she was still worried about the safety of her family. Yes, the house looked like the main hall, which must be the place where her father lived. Now, most of the guards gathered around the main hall and surrounded it. It was estimated that what happened in the villa, in other words, might be It's the leader of the Hai Gang.

However, now I have no time to take care of too much. I only know that if I don't run for my life, I'll die. This is the hell's cave. I can't stay for a moment. I can't let Peng Xuefei fall into danger. If she is rescued, I have to take her to escape.

So I immediately tried to persuade him, "Feifei, don't worry about your father. Didn't you say that? With his strength, he will be all right! "

Peng Xuefei's eyes are still staring at the villa, her voice has become a little hoarse, said: "no, just now this person seems to have said, my father's side of the accident, at first I didn't believe it, now look at the situation, I'm afraid something really happened!"

Obviously, Peng Xuefei is very filial. She is a filial daughter. No matter how her father treated her at the beginning, she still remembers her father at the critical moment. After all, she was the father who gave birth to her and raised her. No one can ignore her.

After listening to Peng Xuefei's words, I can't help but believe that, perhaps, the uprising has officially begun, and the gang leader of the sea gang may be really unlucky now.

It's good for me. To be honest, I'd like to go there now to see what happened. However, I'm in such a dangerous situation that the clay Bodhisattva can't protect himself from the river. I can only keep my life temporarily by relying on this disguise. If I'm exposed, I'll surely die. As long as I stay here for another second, I'll feel more It's too dangerous for me to stay here.

There is no way, I can only continue to persuade Peng Xuefei: "Feifei, it's OK. You have to trust your father. Besides, even if he has an accident, we can't save him with our strength. The most important thing for you now is to keep your own life. As long as you are not in their hands, your father will be less concerned, which is good for him. Feifei, we still have it Go first

I think, I said so clearly, Peng Xuefei should listen to it, will be more rational, think about saving life first, but I am wrong, Peng Xuefei is a stubborn girl, no matter when.

At this moment, her most worry is not her own life, she still said to me persistently: "sorry, Jiangnan wind, I can't go, this is my home, my family are here, no matter what happens, I can't escape, I can't!"

I looked at Peng Xuefei deeply, accentuated the way: "you know, you will lose your life if you stay!"

Peng Xuefei took her eyes back and looked into my eyes. She said sternly, "even if I die, I can't escape, because my name is Peng Xuefei. I'm a member of the Peng family, so I can't be cowardly."

When speaking, Peng Xuefei's eyes are full of perseverance, showing a heroine's courage and courage.

I can't help admiring her courage and filial piety. It may be related to her living environment. After all, she is the daughter of the leader of the Hai Gang. After all, she will have the nature of iron and blood. How can she shrink from the battle because she is afraid of death? More importantly, this is her home, and her family are here. How could she abandon her family to live alone.

I know that I can't persuade her, and there is no reason to persuade her, because if my father had an accident, I couldn't leave him and run away.

Thinking like this, my heart can not help but become entangled.

Peng Xuefei may have seen my dilemma, she took the initiative to say to me: "Jiangnan wind, I'm really sorry, I let you down some good intentions, I also know you are for my good, but I really can't go, you go first, I'll go in, OK?"

I looked at her with twinkling eyes, and said bitterly in her voice: "it's light, how can I bear to leave you alone?"

Peng Xuefei said with righteous words: "it doesn't matter, you go first. If they want to kill me, they would have killed me. I'm really fine. You should leave quickly!"I lowered my head and remained silent for a moment. Then I straightened my chest and strode forward with quick and powerful steps.

Suddenly, Peng Xuefei's puzzled voice sounded behind me: "Jiangnan wind, where are you going? The exit is over there!"

I did not look back, just very domineering reply: "go, I accompany you to go in together!"

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