Without a little precaution, I went to the hall in the whirlpool. My actions were not muddled. My words were very cool. Peng Xuefei was stunned instantly.

Indeed, this action of mine is too unexpected for Peng Xuefei, but it is not my impulse. I have made up my mind to accompany Peng Xuefei into the tiger's den and advance and retreat together.

Although I know clearly that going in at the moment is an adventure, I still choose to take this road, because I can't watch Peng Xuefei fall into crisis alone. What's more, I finally infiltrated into the Haibang today, and finally caught an opportunity of internal division. Finally, I can quickly understand the situation of the Haibang by this way So easily missed, I need to take this opportunity to find a way to save my father. Even if it's risky, I don't mind.

Originally, just in such a chaotic situation, I only thought about survival and thought that saving my life was the first priority. I didn't think about other things at all. But now, Peng Xuefei is so persistent in going in, just to live and die with her family and face the difficulties together.

She is a girl with such filial piety and bravery. As a big man, I just want to escape, regardless of the fact that my father may be locked in this place. I don't try to learn more about the situation of the sea gang and how to rescue my father in the shortest time. This is really a selfish and cowardly performance.

What's more, even if I escaped from Peng's manor this time and saved my life, so what? My identity as Xu can is not safe. The Hong Gang rebels will not let me go. At that time, I will not only be unable to break into the Hong Gang, but also live a life of hiding. In that case, I have no direction at all. How can I save my father by brute force alone? I don't even know where he's locked up. How can I use brute force?

Instead of hiding and hiding in the future and completely losing the clue of Xia Xiaoxiao, I'd better go out tonight. Now I've been holding back for too long, and I don't have time to bear it any longer. Therefore, even if the road ahead is dangerous, I'll go out and try. I want to see what's going on inside them and what should I do Looking for a chance to come up with the perfect plan to save my father.

Just when I was in a state of mind, Peng Xuefei suddenly came up and grabbed me. He said in an emergency, "Xu Jiang, south wind, don't do this, you will be in danger!"

I stopped and looked at Peng Xuefei in a twinkling of an eye and said firmly: "do you think I am afraid of danger? I said, to guard you, I can't leave you alone. Moreover, I come home with you, not to see your parents? I can't go now, I haven't seen anyone yet

My voice was unquestionable, and the look in my eyes was very calm. There was no fear at all. In a terrible place like the dungeon, I could still survive and finally escape from life. Now, even if the villa in front of me is no longer dangerous, I can't be afraid. I firmly believe that I can cross all the gaps and turn the evil into good.

Peng Xuefei touched my eyes, her eyes can not help showing the color of firmness, which is also mixed with deep moved, but now we dress up, it is not good to make any intimate action, so, Peng Xuefei again moved, also did not make a good move, just looked at me affectionately.

After a while, she sincerely said, "thank you, Jiangnan wind!"

I joked, "no need to say thank you. Let's go."

With that, I went to the grand villa in the middle of the manor with Peng Xuefei.

Just, just a few steps away, my heart suddenly and violently vibrated.

because, as like as two peas, I found a dark figure coming straight from the front of us. His dress was exactly the same as mine. When he approached, I glanced at the cross bar on his chest without looking at it, and found six.

When I met such a person, I was afraid. My already nervous heart became more nervous. If the other person was someone else, it was ok, but this was a person with the same identity as us. In front of him, I just felt that I had no escape. If I said hello, it might be exposed instantly.

So, I can only choose to ignore him, calmly forward, Peng Xuefei is also the same, she also pretended not to see each other.

At the moment when we and he were about to pass by at the corner, the man in black suddenly stopped. He looked at Peng Xuefei in doubt and asked inexplicably, "old five, aren't you taking care of Peng Xuefei? How is it here? "

As soon as I heard what he said, I immediately felt bad, and the trouble finally came.

But Peng Xuefei, her heart bearing capacity was not very good, now suddenly facing questions, her body can not help shaking up, the brain is more confused, a time did not know how to answer.

The man in black asked this, it already showed that he was suspicious of Peng Xuefei. At the moment, when he saw Peng Xuefei's reaction, he was more and more aware that the situation was not right. He was about to say something, but I used my strength secretly when he was suspicious. For a moment, I was speechless, directly burst out the momentum of a tiger, and rushed toward the black six quickly.Old six in black originally paid attention to Peng Xuefei. Suddenly, he saw me attack. His eyes suddenly panicked, but his action did not hesitate, and he immediately wanted to resist. However, my speed was too fast and the attack was too fierce. Moreover, our distance was very close. It was too late for him to resist. Like a tiger descending from the mountain, I immediately fell on him.

In the dangerous environment, my momentum instinctively changed. It was almost overwhelming and extremely fierce. The man in black was once knocked down by me, and we both fell to the ground together.

However, he is also worthy of being a master. He knows that the situation is not good, and he also wants to shout. Where can I be like him? When he makes a little noise, my head suddenly bumps into his head. It is not that I have practiced iron head skill, but in this case, there is no way. My hand has subdued him. The only thing I can stop him from speaking is his head In order not to expose, I can only spell.

I have to say, this move is still very useful, in the bang concussion, the voice of the man in black just stopped suddenly, followed by the sound of the man in black hitting the ground behind his head. Maybe I exerted too much force. I felt that my eyes were shining and my brain was in a daze. However, his condition was more serious, almost dizzy.

After a long time, the man in black was able to breathe. However, when he wanted to speak again, I had already released my hand and put my hand around his neck with lightning force. I couldn't see his expression. But from his eyes, I could feel his anger and reluctance. He looked at me hate and hate. Because his neck was pinched by me, his eyes were almost staring out.

Who is the voice that you are making with all his efforts

My eyes a cold, cold tone said: "I am to take your life of people!"

With this sentence, I didn't give him a chance. I pinched his neck.

In the blink of an eye, the life of the man in black fell, and his eyes were open to death, which made him look very uneasy.

I didn't look at him any more. I just shook my head and stood up from the ground.

After I got up, I found that Peng Xuefei on one side was completely dull. She was staring at me with very surprised eyes. It seemed that my means made her feel incredible.

The situation was tense. I didn't have time to explain to her, let alone delay. I immediately whispered to her, "come with me!"

Although this place is a dark corner, the guards around the hall can not notice this side, but after all, there are people coming and going. If a corpse is put here, it will surely attract people's attention. Therefore, I dare not have any stay. After saying this, I bent down and dragged the body of the man in black and ran into the flower bed nearby.

Immediately, I quickly stripped off the black man's clothes, while Peng Xuefei said: "quickly change on this set of clothes, your clothes are easy to expose!"

Through the words of the man in black, I immediately understood that the fifth man seemed to be specially responsible for the custody of Peng Xuefei. This is his task. Now, if old five suddenly appears in the main hall, it is easy to arouse suspicion.

Peng Xuefei was not stupid. She immediately understood what I said. Without hesitation, she immediately changed into Laoliu's clothes. Later, I hid Laoliu's body in the flower bed.

After hiding a good man, Peng Xuefei and I quickly walked out of the flower bed. This time, my steps were heavy, and I still had lingering fear. From meeting old six in black to hiding the corpse, it was only a few minutes. Everything happened so fast that I had no time to hesitate in the face of danger. Only by being so decisive and resolute could I survive.

However, to solve a black man does not mean to lift the danger. As soon as we started, we had a bit of a bad start. The road behind us is still so long, and the danger is bound to be heavy. I am afraid that the future will be even more dangerous.

Although Peng Xuefei changed into Laoliu's clothes, the risk of being exposed was much less, but we were still waiting for the unpredictable crisis. Even if I told myself, there was no need to be afraid and go forward bravely. In fact, I was not afraid of death. However, under such circumstances, my heart was still uneasy, especially, Peng Xuefei and I were in a special identity now Xu's slightest mistake, if we want to let people see through, we really can't do anything. It's estimated that we will enter the ghost gate directly.

That is to say, every second we are here, we are in danger of our lives. We must be cautious all the time. We can't show any flaws.

Thinking like this, I couldn't help but whisper a hint in Peng Xuefei's ear: "Feifei, you have to remember that after you go in, you must not be nervous. Even if you encounter a situation like that just now, you should try to keep calm, and don't let the other party realize that you're not right. Most importantly, you can't speak, OK?"

It's better for me to open my mouth. After all, I'm a man. As long as I'm not familiar with the old four, I won't find the clue. But Peng Xuefei is different. She is a girl, and she will be exposed when she talks.

Peng Xuefei also understood the seriousness of the matter. She immediately nodded at me heavily and said, "I know, from now on, I don't speak!"I gently, um, and then, I and Peng Xuefei went to the main hall together.

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