In the process of walking, my eyes are cold and firm, and my steps are calm and powerful. However, the faster my heart jumps, the closer I get to the villa gate, the more nervous I am. I feel that I have never been so excited as today. It's like walking on a steel wire. If I don't pay attention, I will die without a burial place.

However, the more dangerous the road ahead, the more cautious I am. What I show is a man in black, and Peng Xuefei, beside me, seems to be infected by me. She also holds her head high and follows my rhythm and strides forward.

After a while, we came to the front of the hall, where there was a large circle of guards guarding around, surrounded the villa. In front of the main door of the villa, there was a man in a white suit with a headset on his ear. He looked around like a patrolling eagle with sharp eyes.

I can see that he is the leader of this group of guards. The guard of Peng family manor is not low in strength, and the strength of this man in white can not be underestimated. Facing him, I am more and more cautious. However, the way to be careful is to show natural and calm.

Peng Xuefei and I wore the black man's costume. Before, when I was walking in the manor, any guards I met did not investigate me. It can be seen that the black man's identity is not ordinary, and the guards will not do unreasonable things by skipping the level. Even if the man in white is more powerful, his identity is only a guard. The only difference is that he is the leader of the guard.

Therefore, I believe that he, like other guards, should not dare to stop me. Sure enough, when Peng Xuefei and I swaggered into the main door, the man in white did not stop us or even asked us a question. He waved his hand to let the guard back away and let us in.

When I entered the villa, I immediately felt nervous and felt light all over. However, after walking a few steps, I suddenly felt an invisible tension. At the moment, I was walking in a quiet corridor. There was no one standing guard or patrolling. When Peng Xuefei and I walked inside, we could hear the footsteps and the sound reverberated in the empty In the corridor, it looks very strange.

The most important thing is that the corridor is a bit dark and quiet, which makes me feel a huge sense of oppression. It seems that there is an invisible thing pressing on me, especially suffocating. This villa is a devil that can swallow me up at will. Even though I am very powerful now, I still can't help but feel scared and scared Has become small.

With a very uneasy heart, Peng Xuefei and I went straight through the quiet corridor and came to the inside. Standing at the door, I saw the central hall of the main hall at a glance. It was like the emperor's golden Luan hall, which looked very magnificent.

Peng Xuefei said that this is the main hall for her father's office meetings. In the past, once a meeting was opened here, it would be very lively. But today, the bustle in this hall is extraordinary. We can see from afar that the interior of the huge hall is already full of people.

Besides, the people here are not as miscellaneous as the guards outside. All the people gathered here are top experts. I can feel the powerful momentum coming from so far away. It seems that all the experts of the manor have gathered in the central hall.

Obviously, there is something wrong with the leader of the sea gang. It seems that the situation is still serious. Peng Xuefei and I looked at each other. From her eyes, I could feel her nervousness and anxiety. In fact, I was not wrong. I knew very well that once we entered the hall of experts in front of us, our situation would be more dangerous.

But the more this kind of time, the more I want to keep calm, and I also want to infect Peng Xuefei, let her unconditionally trust me, so as to naturally play the role of a man in black.

Therefore, I directly pretended that nothing happened and said to Peng Xuefei: "let's go!"

Peng Xuefei deeply looked at me, and then firmly nodded his head.

Then, shoulder to shoulder, we walked slowly towards the bustling central hall.

Time, in our tension and expectation, fleeting, not a moment, we entered the bustling central hall.

The interior of the hall is extremely spacious. Although there are many people standing inside, it will not make the hall seem crowded. On the contrary, at a glance, the hall is still empty. Although there are many people inside, they stand in their respective positions in an orderly manner. They seem to be holding a hero's meeting with solemn and clear-cut positions.

I can see at a glance that there are hundreds of people who are divided into two departments. One group of them is standing in the middle of the hall. There are more than 30 of them. They are very powerful. However, they are obviously in a weak position. The number of them is much less than that of the other department.

Among the more than 30 people, I also saw several familiar people, including Peng Yu, the young leader of the Hai Gang. There are also the law enforcement elder he Yunxiang and two other elders who have appeared in Sheng Mingjie's party. Obviously, these people are the confidants and most loyal generals of the Hai Gang leader.

It seems that all of them have formed a small group of rebels, and all of them are not the same group.However, I didn't pay much attention to them, but quickly scanned several of the men in black. Then, I and pengxuefei joined them silently.

In this whirlpool of terror hall, I should be more cautious. Even if the heart is rough and rough, my eyes do not show any difference. It seems that I am a cold robot. I dare to carefully look at the scene before I mix into the ranks of black men.

The man sitting in the main position of the hall is the most attractive thing to me here. He is sitting in the chair like master position in a proud position. It is really like a generation of kings, so dignified and powerful.

At first glance, he was like an old man of old age. His hair was black and white. Under the light, his black hair was shining, his white hair was dazzling and dazzling, making him seem extremely overbearing. However, his face was not in line with his hair. His face was too different from his age, and he could not see the vicissitudes of life at all. It seemed very young. But he was whole The feeling of body giving. It was like a big year old, and it was really like a monster.

Almost at one glance, I can confirm that this person is probably the leader of the gang of the sea, Pengyi.

He, not only has a very invisible appearance, but also has unpredictable strength. On the surface, he seems to be a dying old man. He has no momentum at all. But in fact, he carefully understands that the air that he exudes is enough to crush anyone. Most importantly, his air field is so huge that people will be awed at the sight.

Peng Yu, he Yunxiang, and some of the high-level Gang I have been unfamiliar with, are all very respectful to stand beside the handsome man, silent.

The rebels on the other side were disciplined. So many of them were surrounded, but they didn't even rustle. They stood in their own positions and waited for a while, and watched the lambs in the field.

The atmosphere on the scene is very strange. No one opens a voice, no one moves around. It looks like this is quiet and solemn. But actually, it is very lively. The two groups in the field don't have a verbal argument, but they seem to be fighting with each other.

No wonder, I was in the inner hall. I feel the central hall is full of people, and the extraordinary momentum is huge. Originally, the bustle here is not a simple bustle, but a kind of momentum fight among the masters. It is because the momentum fight is too fierce, maybe I feel the invisible depression as soon as I enter the hall.

Such a strange atmosphere has been on, after a while, there was a sudden sound of foot walking outside the hall, breaking the scene of the quirky.

With the sound of footsteps, it is a huge figure. He moved into the central hall like a big mountain.

I went on the prestige immediately, and I was shocked again. The man who entered the hall is very old, but he is quite competent. A casual dress makes him full of youth and vitality. His eyebrows are white, and he can not help but give him a strong smell of desperation. Most notably, his eyes seem to burst out of a thousand juncture, which makes people feel terrible.

In a moment, I felt the extraordinary of the old man with white eyebrows. At least, his strength and his courage had reached the peak. As soon as he appeared, many rebels immediately gave way, and the old white brow walked to the center of the hall without obstruction.

Immediately, he faced the man in the Lord, and said with great enthusiasm, "ha ha ha, it's really lively. I didn't expect that things would make this step. I said that gang Peng and Haigang were all upset and split up. You still don't step back to give up the virtuous, and hand over the guild leader's order. Why is that necessary?"

When he opened his mouth, I felt more trembling, as if it was penetrated by something. His voice was too thick and powerful, which was beyond my imagination. Unexpectedly, there were strong people in this level in the Haigang. It can be said that everyone standing in the hall can not help but show awe to the old man with white eyebrows. Even in summer, others and others are in awe , dare not speak up to him.

The only expression is calm, is the man sitting in the main position. He listened to the words of the old man with white eyebrows. His eyes were still calm. He looked calm. As if anything, no one could make his expression rise and fall. He coughed and replied calmly: "elder brother, you are still rebellious. You are still a man who is still impatient!"

The mysterious man spoke with a little disappointment in his eyes. Besides, he could not see any other emotions.

And I, through their dialogue, is completely determined, this man sitting in the main position, is the leader of the sea Gang, Pengyi.

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