It's just that being a leader doesn't mean that he can be respected by all the members of the gang. For example, the current leader Peng Yi may be valued by his father. He married a good daughter-in-law and was elected only when he met the conditions. However, his performance of being content with the status quo gradually lost his popularity, which led to the current situation.

However, he is a big brother. He is a militant and has strong ability. People in the gang must want to follow such a leader. Therefore, he has more supporters and has the ability to rebel.

While I was wandering, his elder brother suddenly gave a cold drink and said, "well, since you don't know what's good or bad, don't blame me for being a big brother. I tell you, you have to give today, and you have to give if you don't give!"

When he finished this sentence, it was like giving orders. As soon as his words were spoken, those impetuous rebels immediately seemed to get the signal and began to slowly gather towards Peng Yi's seat.

At this time, Peng Yu and others were also ready to fight in the face of a strong enemy.

A fight seems to be about to start. Even Peng Yi, who has been sitting safely on the throne, can't help standing up.

Although the rebels on the scene were not convinced that he, the leader of the Hong Gang, wanted to overthrow his regime, Peng Yi's Majesty was still beyond doubt. His simple move to get up immediately stopped the rebels.

Peng Yi is like a sleeping lion at the moment. Now, the lion wakes up and gets up. Who can not be afraid. Even standing far away from me, I can feel his supreme majesty and aura.

Previously, I had a sense of suffocation, fear and depression as soon as I got here. Now, I suddenly realize that my feelings are caused by Peng Yi. His invisible aura is really too terrifying and powerful.

After he got up, he didn't speak. He just left his seat and walked slowly towards the old man with white eyebrows.

Peng Yu and others wanted to follow closely, but Peng Yi directly raised his hand and motioned them not to move. Then, he was alone and went to the leader of the rebels, his big brother.

Indeed, Peng Yi alone contains the power of thousands of troops. Every step he takes, the center of gravity of the hall seems to be changing for his movement, and the atmosphere of the hall is also changing for his movement.

At this moment, the whole hall fell into a dead silence. On the scene, only Peng Yi's footsteps could be heard. Every sound shook my heart. I was an outsider, and I should have nothing to do with this rebellion. But at this moment, seeing that the war was on the horizon, my heart was still on the edge. I didn't know who was hoping to win. After all, I was an outsider I feel that no matter who is the final winner on both sides, it is impossible to let my father go easily. I can't escape to face this powerful enemy in the end.

For me, the only hope is that both of them will die together, so that I can take advantage of it. At least, both sides will lose and lose a lot, so that I can enter and rescue my father.

Thinking like this, my heart rate can't help but speed up, more and more nervous, my eyes are closely watching the field, watching Peng Yi go to white eyebrows, the rest of the audience is also like me, staring at Peng Yi.

It seems that after a long time, Peng Yicai came to Bai Mei's body in the public's attention.

In the face of Peng Yi, Bai Mei is not afraid at all. He just looks at Peng Yi with bright eyes and a little disdain in his eyes. When Peng Yi got close to Bai Mei, he didn't mean to start at once. He just said to Bai Mei slowly: "elder brother, there is no denying that you do have the ability. You are a martial arts genius. You are also very strong in interpersonal relations. All the people in the guild are convinced of you. Four Dharma protectors, three are with you, eight elders, five are against you. The guards in the manor are all your trusted ones Most of them are from you. You have made me helpless and become a turtle in a jar. I admire your ability

Peng Yi's sincere praise makes Bai Mei feel proud. His look is more and more arrogant. He feels that he is the God who dominates everything. In his eyes, Peng Yi is just a gangster.

Seeing the brothers like this, I can't help but wonder. At this time, Peng Yi doesn't make himself popular, doesn't set up prestige for himself, and even praises his white eyebrows. Why is this? What's his intention? Is Peng Yi, the hero of a generation, really fallen into the end of his tether?

According to what Peng Yi said just now, his current position is indeed in danger. More than half of the relatively high-level Dharma protectors and elders in the gang have already stood with his elder brother. It can be seen from the scene that the whole Peng family manor is in the hands of Bai Mei. No wonder he can be so rampant. He seems to be completely in the hands of the winner, As long as the war starts, he and many rebels can crush Peng Yi and others directly!

In this situation, Baimei is indeed arrogant. He almost looks at Peng Yi with a look of contempt, and says to him in a god like voice: "you know it. Since you already know it, don't be stubborn and surrender yourself."

Hearing this, Peng Yi suddenly turned his mouth slightly and said with a bitter smile: "you are strong!"After saying these three words, Peng Yi's momentum suddenly burst out. The powerful momentum directly hit people's hearts and shook the earth. However, he still didn't move towards the white eyebrow. He just flashed back and flashed to his seat. He sat down domineering. At this moment, Peng Yi was no longer weak, but his majesty and spirit were fully displayed It shows the real side of the emperor.

His words changed suddenly, just like his momentum. He looked down at the white eyebrows in front of the hall with a pair of very sharp eyes, and said in a sharp voice, "but do you think that with you people, plus the guards outside, can I really do anything?"

Peng Yi's change was so fast that many rebels in the field were frightened and their faces changed greatly. Only Bai Mei still maintained his arrogance. After hearing Peng Yi's words, he was only slightly surprised. Then, he recovered his indifference and said in a frivolous tone: "why, do you still have a second hand?"

After hearing the speech, Peng Yi's eyes were cold. Then, in the quiet scene, he kept his voice in secret: "steward, you can come out!"

At the moment, Peng Yi's face is full of self-confidence. The whole person is as calm as a mountain, and his momentum is like a rainbow. As if everything is under his control, he can be regarded as a real strategist and win a decisive victory thousands of miles away.

No wonder before, no matter how big the battle, no matter how strong the performance of white eyebrow, Peng Yi can do a good job, it turns out, he really has a second hand.

But, he this hind hand let my heart can't help but tremble, what he calls in the mouth is actually Ren housekeeper. You know, housekeeper Ren has been rebellious for a long time. At the beginning, Peng Xuefei and I were captured by him. Now, the men in black with him are all standing in the ranks of the white browed old people. Obviously, he has turned to the white browed old man. Don't Peng Yi know this?

This time, I am really messy, feel more and more nervous up, is really tolerant of panic, but do not know how good, I can do, still like a robot straight standing here, watching its change.

While I was shocked, housekeeper Ren had already walked out of the hall.

In terms of strength, I feel that Ren housekeeper can't compare with Bai Mei and Peng Yi, but in the whole scene, he can be regarded as a top-ranking expert. Naturally, his momentum is extraordinary. In the process of walking, every step has a strong momentum, and the whole person is stable and strong.

As soon as he arrived at the hall, he immediately attracted the attention of all the people and became the focus of the people present. At this moment, Ren housekeeper seemed to be shining brightly.

Like the whole audience, I have been focusing on the housekeeper ever since he appeared. However, my eyes are sharper than others. I stare at him closely and really want to see him through.

This old fox is too unfathomable. Although the Peng family, the four Dharma protectors and the eight elders on the scene are all top masters with high status and strong strength, Ren housekeeper is not only too powerful to measure, but also frightens me. It is the most difficult thing to deal with such a person.

In order to further understand the old fox and figure out what kind of tricks he was playing, I almost concentrated on him.

In the eyes of the public, Ren housekeeper came to the center of the hall with an air of dignity. He faced Peng Yi, who was sitting on the table, bowed deeply and called out respectfully, "leader!"

Seeing housekeeper Ren walking into the hall so confidently, Peng Yi's self-confident face shows a strange brilliance. He first laughs unconsciously, and then he says sonorously to the white eyebrow: "elder brother, although the housekeeper and you have deep feelings, you should understand that he has always been the most loyal, and his faith is loyal to the leader of all previous generations So, he is pretending to surrender to you. You let him change the guard of the manor secretly and house arrest me secretly. I know all these things! "

Peng Yi's words immediately made the whole thing clear, and the central figure of the matter was Ren housekeeper.

Through Peng Yi's words, it can also be seen that Ren housekeeper has a high status in Pengjia manor. As an old housekeeper of the Peng family, he naturally has the right to manage and distribute the whole manor, and the guards in the manor can naturally listen to his deployment. No matter what happened in the manor, as long as he intervened, it was natural.

It is precisely because he has such power that people will pay attention to him. No matter Peng Yi or Bai Mei, he must try his best to win over Ren housekeeper.

Just now, the reason why Bai Mei is so arbitrary and arrogant is probably due to Ren housekeeper's insincere devotion. In the dark, Ren housekeeper must have helped him a lot to make him so unscrupulous.

It's no wonder that the man in black can walk across the manor. Obviously, the man in black is the steward's own man. Since this old fox has the ability to manage Peng's manor and has the courage to let the white browed old man and Peng Yi grab it, it naturally proves that he is of extraordinary value and noble identity. He should be able to make his own people have an extraordinary identity, perhaps, in black Is the identity symbol of the party representing the housekeeper.

So far, Ren housekeeper has been regarded as a steelyard to measure the outcome. If he favors Peng Yi, Peng Yi's side will have a greater chance of winning. If he favors the old man with white eyebrows, then white eyebrow will have a good chance of winning.

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