Now, hearing Peng Yi say that, it seems that Butler Ren is biased towards him. He is just pretending to give up to the old man with white eyebrows. But if this is the case, why does steward Ren kidnap Peng Xuefei?

When I was puzzled, the white browed old man spoke. Facing Peng Yi's momentum, the white browed old man's posture remained unchanged. He looked at Peng Yi with contempt and snorted coldly: "hum, so what?"

After that, he straightened up his chest again, and seemed confident. It seemed that he had planned everything in the strategy. He felt that he didn't care about Peng Yi's words at all.

Peng Yi's face changed slightly, but his self-confidence was not reduced. He looked at the old man with white eyebrows deeply and said leisurely, "elder brother, I know that you have done a lot of preparation for today's affairs. I also know that you have tried every means to put me under house arrest. The purpose is to be afraid that I would contact the dark hall. I might as well tell you that I had already asked Ren housekeeper to take care of him You should know more about the strength of the dark hall than I do. Do you think you can succeed in today's rebellion? "

All of a sudden, Peng Yi's words changed the atmosphere of the scene. Most of the rebels turned pale. Obviously, they all knew the dark hall and were afraid of the mysterious dark hall.

However, I have never heard of this so-called dark hall. Before, I have investigated the Haibang, but I only know that I have tried to understand the four and five halls of the Haibang in this city, as well as the various halls in other cities. I feel that it is just ordinary. Even the last five halls were destroyed by me, but at this moment, I suddenly know, There was a dark hall in the Hai Gang. What's more, according to Peng Yi, this dark hall is a huge thing.

At the scene, besides me, there were also some people who were confused. It seemed that the rebels who were startled in the hall were all high-level members of the Hai Gang. Maybe it was these high-level people who knew the existence of the mysterious secret hall entrance. Through them, I probably knew that the dark hall was really the most secret entrance of the Hai Gang and its members It can be said that some hermit experts, such as retired elders, Dharma protectors and other top experts, will enter the dark hall. It is said that there are still some abnormal level masters in it.

The members of this hall don't need to do anything. They are like hermits and live a leisurely life. As for what happens in the guild, they hardly care about it. In other words, they are isolated from the world. After all, their so-called retirement means that they don't intervene in the affairs of the society. However, once something important happens in the guild, the leader of the guild can still ask the senior members of the sect to help them People, just like now, in the face of civil strife, the Hai Gang will not immediately destroy the gang, but it will at least be fragmented. At this time, the leader of the gang can indeed invite the dark people out of the mountain.

However, it is not easy for them to get out of the mountain. Listening to the comments on the scene, it seems that the location of the dark hall is very secret. No one in the outside world knows about the location of the dark hall, even within the Haigang.

Moreover, the hermits in the dark hall, who were isolated from the world, had no communication equipment to communicate with the outside world. Therefore, the white browed old man confined Peng Yi and some important figures of the Hai Gang in Peng's manor. In this way, what happened in the gang would not be passed on to the dark hall.

However, although Ren housekeeper is not a member of the Peng family, he has stayed in the Peng family for many years with a deep foundation and status. He has become a loyal servant of the Peng family. Therefore, he is qualified to know the address of the dark hall, and he is easy to gain the trust of the dark hall. His personal letter with the leader's order can be equivalent to the leader's personal visit to the dark hall. Under such circumstances, how can people in the dark hall not go out?

At this moment, Ren Guan's family has arrived in the hall, which may indicate that the people in the dark hall have been invited out of the mountain. It is because of this that the rebels on the scene appear to be panic.

Peng Yi saw the rebel's face change greatly, and his self-confidence was even stronger. He felt that he had fought a beautiful counterattack. In the panic of the crowd, he slowly turned his eyes on housekeeper Ren, and asked seriously, "steward, has the dark room been arranged?"

According to Peng Yi, it seems that as long as the people in the dark hall appear, it will be easy to eliminate the rebellion. At this stage, things have exceeded the expectations of many people on the scene, and even I have become more and more confused.

Just when everyone thought that the balance of victory was going to lean towards Peng Yi, suddenly, a hearty laugh burst out from the noisy hall. The laughter was full of too strong momentum, which instantly made the whole audience quiet.

The huge hall, suddenly only the majestic laughter, this laughter, is the white eyebrow old man issued.

After laughing, the white browed old man suddenly took out a piece of writing paper from his pocket, spread it out, and scoffed at Peng Yi: "brother, the letter you are talking about is this piece of waste paper?"

The words of old man Bai Mei and the letter paper he took out shocked the whole audience again. Even Peng Yi, who was high on the ground and was not surprised by the changes, was stunned. He was surprised. He was completely surprised. How could he have imagined that the personal letter sent out by the housekeeper himself would fall into the hands of the old man with white eyebrow. He opened his eyes round and looked at the writing paper in his hand, and looked at the words on it.When Peng Yi didn't know what was going on, steward Ren stood up. He took two steps forward and said calmly to Peng Yi, "sorry, leader. I failed to live up to your trust and didn't send the letter out!"

Everything, in the housekeeper's words, it is clear that the old fox finally showed his tail.

On hearing this, Peng Yi's eyes suddenly changed and became ferocious. He glared at the housekeeper Ren and asked, "steward Ren, you betrayed me?"

Peng Yi was angry this time. This is the first time that I saw Peng Yi angry when I came into the hall. Before that, his own brother rebelled. He was not angry, and he always seemed indifferent. But this time, Ren Guanjia's betrayal made Peng Yi's Long Yan angry. Maybe, he couldn't figure out why the housekeeper was so angry Betraying him, or that he trusted too much as a housekeeper, was betrayed by his most trusted people, which was the biggest pain.

I understand Peng Yi's anger. At the same time, I finally got through my confused thoughts. At the beginning, I couldn't figure out what medicine was sold in Ren's gourd. Now, I fully understand that this old fox had betrayed Peng's leader, which can also explain why steward Ren caught Peng Xuefei.

He is a sinister villain, despicable and unscrupulous. He even plays tricks for the purpose.

Obviously, when he was with Peng Yi, he pretended to be a white browed old man, but in fact, he was pretending to help Peng Yi, and he really turned to Bai Mei. He really turns Peng Yi's performance around. I have to admire his superb acting skills.

However, how could he betray the leader of the gang and take refuge in his elder brother, who was so trusted by Peng Yi?

Just when I had this little doubt, Bai Mei's voice suddenly rang out. In front of all the people in the room, he replied to Peng Yi: "ha ha ha ha, my brother, you still have some experience in the river and lake. You are too young. It's not betrayal. It's time to know. No one will have absolute loyalty, only absolute interests. You can be blamed for being too small Anger, the benefits promised to the housekeeper are too small! "

Bai Mei is not only older, but also has more experience in the world. In terms of attracting people's support, Bai Mei is much more powerful than Peng Yi. Otherwise, he would not have rebelled against so many sea gang members. Even, he could take over the manager of Peng's manor as the housekeeper. You should know that Ren's identity is equivalent to that of the leader of the imperial forest army in the Imperial Palace and has great power.

At such a time, in the face of Peng Yi's anger, steward Ren can still look indifferent and fearless. At first glance, he is still kind-hearted and doesn't look like a treacherous villain at all.

When the old man with white eyebrow finished laughing at Peng Yi, he humbly returned to Peng Yi and said, "leader, I do this for the overall interests of the Peng family. I just think that Honghai gang has more prospects in your hands than in your hands!"

When the housekeeper spoke, he still kept a low attitude, and his tone was calm and courteous, completely like the tone of a loyal servant.

However, his peaceful words are not only rebellious to Peng Yi, but also take the opportunity to trample on Peng Yi's dignity. How can Peng Yi stand this? Even if Peng Yi's mind is broad, he can't help it. His face becomes ferocious. His eyes are full of anger, and even his eyebrows are raised. However, Peng Yi is one after all Dai Xiaoxiong, even if he was angry again, even if he wanted to let Ren's housekeeper die, he did not lose his demeanor in this situation.

In the end, he tried to bear it, but Peng Yi could, but there was a man on the scene who couldn't bear it.

This person is Peng Xuefei standing beside me. From the moment when steward Ren showed up, Peng Xuefei's eyes turned red. Her hatred for steward Ren was more than a little bit. However, she probably didn't know what role he played at the beginning. Therefore, she would observe the situation quietly and wait for the truth.

Now, the old housekeeper's fox tail is finally exposed, and he still maintains a posture full of justice, pointing out the rivers and mountains here, which makes Peng Xuefei immediately unbearable. She has been silent and firm, and finally walks towards the center of the hall.

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