As a housekeeper, he is a wolf in sheep's clothing. Others may not know his true face, but Peng Xuefei and I have suffered his cruelty most deeply. What we have experienced in the dungeon which is more terrible than hell is still vivid now. The inhuman grinding, every inch of pain, the struggle and pain in our hearts are all beyond our lifetime Forgotten.

Therefore, we all have an indelible hatred of the culprit Ren housekeeper. It is precisely because of this that I made a special observation when the housekeeper showed his tail. Sure enough, her mood was constantly changing with the insidiousness of the housekeeper. Even in the end, she could not help but step forward and wanted to find housekeeper Ren's theory.

In fact, let alone the straightforward Peng Xuefei, even I have a strong impulse to rush forward to discuss with Ren housekeeper, to expose his malice in public, and to let the people of the Haigang know that the respected housekeeper is not for the sake of the great cause at all, he is an old fox with animal heart.

If I do, Peng Xuefei is more impulsive. After all, the sinister Ren housekeeper is aimed at her father. Even if she can tolerate Ren's cruelty to herself, she can't bear his trampling and betraying of his father's dignity.

But as soon as Peng Xuefei stepped out of her right foot, I had quietly held her hand. At this time, I had no reason to stop her, but it was at this crucial moment that I suddenly noticed that Ren housekeeper standing in the hall flashed a trace of cunning in his eyes. The fox like eyes immediately made me realize that things were not so simple 。

It was almost at the same time that I suddenly thought of what the white browed old man had said before. He said that he always acted in an open and aboveboard manner, and he would admit that he dared to do it. He almost rejected the arrest of Peng Xuefei. Moreover, Peng Yi also affirmed his character and believed that he did not arrest Peng Xuefei. That shows that catching me and Peng Xuefei may have nothing to do with Bai Mei.

I can see by myself that Bai Mei is a bit grumpy, but not inhuman. Otherwise, at the beginning, he will be able to fight with Peng Yi. There is no need to persuade Peng Yi to take the initiative to abdicate. How can such a person treat his niece so cruelly?

After a while, I felt that there was something strange in this matter. It was definitely not as simple as it seemed. In this case, Peng Xuefei and I were not suitable for exposure. Otherwise, we would probably die without a burial place.

Therefore, I timely pulled Peng Xuefei, did not let her act rashly.

Peng Xuefei was caught by me after the arm, involuntarily stopped the pace, looked at me, I am not good to make a sound, just gently shook her head to her, motioned her not to mess, my eyes, also in the non-stop transmission of my inner thoughts.

Peng Xuefei seems to be able to feel my mind, she pauses for a while, really retracts the foot, did not act rashly again.

The two of us are standing at the last side of the outermost part. At the moment, the focus of everyone in the hall is almost on the steward Peng Yiren in the middle of the hall. No one has noticed Peng Xuefei's small move and me. After I pulled Peng Xuefei back, I immediately released her, and then stood still in place, watching the scene in the field and watching its change.

For the housekeeper's immediate defection. On the scene, there are people who are happy and others are worried. On the rebel side, they must be relieved and happy. However, all the people on Peng Yi's side have pale faces and are very unhappy. Even some people can't hold their breath and accuse them of being a housekeeper.

However, Peng Yi, the original master, calmed down at the moment. He forbeared not to attack before, not because he was not angry enough, but because he was the pillar of the sea gang. He should not be too impulsive. At present, he has been fooled by his most trusted old housekeeper. He has lost his face and the chance to win. The situation at the moment is very unfavorable to him. He can't break out in any case, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable.

Now, he has suppressed his anger, and the whole person has regained his composure again. When he calms down for a moment, he seems to feel that something is wrong with him. Even he can be hoodwinked by the housekeeper. Can his reckless big brother really hold down the housekeeper?

Thinking of this, Peng Yi's eyes can not help but become deep. He used those unfathomable eyes to examine Ren housekeeper carefully. Then, he moved his eyes from steward Ren and turned to the old man with white eyebrows. In a calm voice, he said, "elder brother, you can't believe that, like housekeeper Ren, this kind of wall grass which is very deep in the city and is facing the battle?"

Peng Yi, who is keen, still suspects the steward. His words, which are full of deep meaning, also have the meaning of disintegrating the alliance between housekeeper Ren and big brother.

However, his elder brother didn't believe Peng Yi easily. Up to now, he is still a safe and secure attitude. Hearing Peng Yi's words, he did not have any unnecessary reaction. He just laughed and said: "believe, of course, I have already reached a consensus with him. I have chosen to believe in my friends. The reason why he betrayed you is not that he intended to betray you, It's your own problem, because you can't convince the public at all. So, you don't have to stir up discord here. I won't be fooled by you. I'll give you another chance. If you are sensible, please step down and hand over the order of the guild leader! "

Peng Yi didn't get angry when he heard the elder brother say so. He just stood up from his seat and walked slowly towards him. He said leisurely: "I know more about Ren steward than you. He is always cautious, does everything well, and always shows loyalty. I trust him deeply. In my opinion, he can never betray me, No Maybe he betrayed Hai Gang, but I was wrong. He betrayed me. He cheated me and put me in a dead end.Now, it suddenly dawned on me that the matter, to this stage, must have something to do with him. This man is too deep to hide. Can you put him by your side and be at ease? Besides, you should be aware that many of the people present today, including the guards outside the gate, are housekeepers. If we really fight and lose both sides, he will make a profit. In that time, the Hai Gang will not be Peng but Ren. Elder brother, you don't want to be the eternal culprit of the Peng family! "

Peng Yi said this in an orderly manner. No matter how true or false it is, at least, he has already talked about people's heart. In particular, he seized the opportunity, found the breakthrough point, and described Ren as a treacherous traitor. Even if it was malicious and deliberately provoked, his elder brother would listen to it 。

In his elder brother's eyes, the family righteousness seems to be the most important thing. He doesn't dare to make fun of it. What's more, Peng Yi's words are also very reasonable, which makes his elder brother have to be cautious.

Seeing the elder brother's heart moved, the cunning steward could not stand at once. He hastened to move forward two steps and said sincerely to Bai Mei: "eldest master, why do I turn to you? You know that. You must not be provoked!"

As soon as steward Ren's voice fell, Peng Yi beside him suddenly broke out. He grabbed Ren's hand, threw it hard, and yelled, "get out of my way. We brothers are talking. What qualifications do you have to interrupt?"

Peng Yi either doesn't do it. Once he does it, it's like a dragon wakes up. The air seems to be burning up because of his actions. Ren housekeeper and other experts are suddenly thrown away by Peng Yi.

If it wasn't for Butler Ren's powerful strength, I'm afraid he would have fallen to the ground. But even then, he still stepped back to the side and staggered a few steps before he could hold his feet. The man in black who was nearest to him tried to hold him, but was stopped by steward Ren. Obviously, he didn't dare to complain about Peng Yi's sudden move, but he just looked at Peng Yi in horror.

But when I saw this scene, my heart was more than shaken. Peng Yi's small trial showed his strength of terror. He was so strong that he could not be imagined.

At the scene, many people were convinced by Peng Xuefei's strength. All the eyes were awed, but Bai Mei was still indifferent. After all, he was a master of the same level as Peng Yi. He just glanced at the housekeeper and saw that he was OK. It was not easy to say anything. In his opinion, a housekeeper interposed between their two brothers It's also a little abrupt.

For a while, the atmosphere in the hall became strange again. Ren was thrown away, and only Bai Mei and Peng Yi were left in the center of the field. However, their two air fields were too strong, and the air factors seemed to solidify, which made the people around them feel depressed.

After a long silence, Bai Mei finally made a sound. He looked at Peng Yi deeply and said with a heavy face: "brother, everything must be evidence-based. Don't rely on your presumptuous inference to convict others. What do you want me to believe in you

Bai Mei said that, it still sounds like whether Peng Yi's statement has been decided, but it is obvious that he has doubts about Ren housekeeper now, at least, he does not trust him so much.

When Peng Yi saw his elder brother wavering, he immediately felt a little relieved. Without much hesitation, he took the opportunity to continue to explain to his elder brother in a very serious way:

"brother, you should remember that I said to you that I was not trying to stabilize my position, but to stabilize the situation of the maritime gang. What you don't know is that although the Hai Gang is the largest gang in H Province, many big gangs in other provinces are covetous of us and want to enter H Province. Even, we've been targeted by big gangs with the intention of annexing us. In the face of foreign enemies, sometimes I'm very powerless. I know that force can only kill people, but not powerful gangs. Therefore, I will choose the way of climbing relatives! "

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