Every word of leader Peng's words is sincere, and it seems to come from his sincerity. Every sentence is from the bottom of his heart. When people listen to him, he can't help but want to believe him. His elder brother is really moved. He frowned and asked in a puzzled way, "what's the relationship between this and the housekeeper?"

After hearing the speech, Peng Yi pondered for a moment, and then explained slowly: "you should know about Feifei's arrest. You just said that it has nothing to do with you. I believe you, no matter how you disobey me, you will not arrest your own niece. But have you ever thought that since Feifei was arrested, the situation in the city was turbulent and the internal strife among the sea gangs intensified.

When Feifei was arrested, I received an anonymous message asking me to promise them two conditions: one, take the initiative to abdicate; the other is to release Su Qiyao. I am sure I will not agree with them, because I know that even if I promise, Feifei will not be released. Moreover, once I agree, the Haibang will not collapse for the sake of the family Dayi, I can only have been bound, can only ruthlessly ignore and flesh and blood kinship.

At that time, my first thought was that Su Luo was the kidnapper who proposed these two conditions, because only he would care about Su Qiyao. However, for so many days, the other party has not made any big noise, which is not like Suluo's behavior style. Slowly, I gave up this idea, but I couldn't think who would capture Feifei. Today you rebel, I even doubt you, No If you don't admit it, it's not you.

Until now, housekeeper Ren, who I trust most, betrayed me, and I suddenly realized that he made me feel that someone wanted me to step down behind the scenes and let the gang die. In other words, the purpose of the kidnappers to capture Feifei was to split and disintegrate the gang. I understand. They want to release Su Qiyao. Maybe it's a cover, which makes me suspect that the kidnapper is sulo's cover. The real purpose of the other party is to want me to abdicate, because they know that the sea Gang is in my hands, and it is not easy for them to destroy it! "

Peng Yi's calmness and sagacity are obvious at this moment. From a small beginning, he introduced the key point of the whole thing. Only when he finished his words, many people were a little confused, especially the elder brother in front of Peng Yi, who did not understand very well.

Seeing this, Peng Yi quickly went on to explain: "my silly big brother, don't you understand? It's not a day or two for you to have an opinion on me. There have been signs of civil strife in our gang for a long time, but at least it will not reach this level. So, what caused the situation today? In other words, when did the provincial capital change so much? Didn't it start when Feifei was arrested? Now think of it, someone must be manipulating this chessboard secretly, step by step, let us intensify civil strife, kill each other. That is to say, the people who took Feifei are those who are covetous to us and want to decompose and annex our maritime gang. Do you understand my explanation now? "

Now, Peng Yi's analysis is more thorough. At last, the white browed old man finally heard some signs and had a little understanding. However, he was still a little puzzled and asked, "I'm probably clear. It's really like what you said, but I still don't understand. What's the relationship between this matter and housekeeper Ren?"

After saying that, he directly turned his eyes on housekeeper Ren. Similarly, Peng Yi also focused his eyes on steward Ren. Both the two strong men looked at him at the same time, as if to let housekeeper Ren, an old fox, have no escape.

The eyes of other people in the audience also cast their eyes on the steward Ren. Once again, the Hall fell into silence and deep silence. After a while, Peng Yi broke the silence and said to his elder brother:

"originally, I didn't want to have anything to do with housekeeper Ren, but he betrayed me and turned to you. This practice makes me think that this whole thing has something to do with him Turn it off. Think about it. He is such a smart man. How can he not know that Haibang has more prospects in my hands than in yours? Why does he betray me and turn to you? And do you think that with your simple thinking, can you really manipulate this white eyed wolf with careful thinking?

Therefore, I feel that his rebellion must have a great purpose. He just wanted to make our brothers fraternal and split the Haigang. It happened that Feifei's arrest was the fuse that caused us to hurt each other. In such a connection, I naturally thought that steward Ren had something to do with Feifei's arrest. His ultimate goal might be to annex the Haigang. If we want to know the truth of the matter, we should first control Ren steward. In any case, even if we want to fight internally, we should first solve the foreign enemies, right? "

Peng Yi's analysis is very clear and persuasive. Most of the people on the scene could not help but look at the leader of the gang, and even doubted the original intention of the old fox. Even Peng Yi's elder brother suddenly realized that his eyes flashed, and he immediately said to housekeeper Ren in a cold voice: "steward Ren, I didn't want to doubt you, but you do There are so many problems that I can't understand, especially the things that happened tonight. Now, can you give me a reasonable explanation? "

In the face of the doubts of the two big men of the Peng family and the suspicious eyes of many people in the audience, Ren housekeeper, the old fox, just as if he had been illuminated by a magic mirror. He could not hide himself, and there was no escape.

His face slowly darkened, not as calm as he had just been. However, in the face of such a powerful majesty, he did not appear to be alarmed, on the contrary, he was very confident.After a pause, suddenly, his eyes were cold, and he laughed coldly: "ha ha ha ha ha, the Peng family turned their faces and didn't recognize anyone. However, I'm not afraid to tell you, indeed, you two brothers are not qualified for my obedience. At present, in my heart, there is only one master I want to be loyal to!"

On the territory of the Hai Gang, under such a grand scene, and under the questioning of the two big men of the Hai Gang, Ren housekeeper dare to be so rampant, which is really incredible.

But in the face of steward Ren's madness, the relatively hot tempered a Bai Mei and the gentle Peng gang leader didn't break out. Their focus was not on Ren's last words, but on Ren's last words. The two brothers almost asked in one voice: "who is your master?"

"It's me!"

Two words, simple, but also so important, almost in the moment when the two people's voice just dropped, the voice suddenly came out, all the people present heard it, the voice came from the outside of the hall, so, all of them coincidentally looked at the door of the hall.

Under the full attention of the whole audience, a group of people slowly poured into the entrance of the hall. However, at this moment, in my eyes, it seems that all people are air. Only the leaders of those people occupy my whole sight, which makes my heart jump wildly and makes my eyes almost jump out.

Because, this person is no one else, actually betrayed my father, and finally killed my father, Wu Tianhao, who was caught by the sea gang.

When I saw that it was Wu Tianhao who took the lead in breaking into the heavily guarded hall, my brain turned to paste in an instant. It was completely unexpected and stirred up my memory of being in a state of turmoil.

Wu Tianhao is the man I hate most in my life. His insidiousness, his cunning, his mystery and his terror make me gnash my teeth. I wish I could tear open his heart to see what is hidden in his black heart.

I clearly remember that at the beginning, he appeared in the box of my old classmates' party, relieved me of the dilemma at that time, and severely hit Gao Fu Shuai, whose nostrils were up in the sky.

At that time, Wu Tianhao was simply my idol. I admired his calmness and magnanimity. Later, I was arrested by Wanlong and almost died. Wu Tianhao saved me in time. His help to me was not once or twice. I could not help but regard him as a benefactor, grateful to him and deeply trusted him.

Even though my father reminded me that Wu Tianhao could only be used and could not be relied on, I still chose to trust him. It was because I believed him that I agreed to fight with the Xuanwu gang. But in the end, during the war, Wu Tianhao suddenly stood me up and nearly killed me. From that time on, my trust in Wu Tianhao vanished. At that time, this man left an indelible impression in my mind.

What made me hate him more was that he threatened Ziyi and asked Ziyi to marry Fu Dong. Everything started from that incident. It made me feel hurt all over the body. It made me have a huge hatred with the Buddha father and son. What's more, it led my father out of the mountain.

Although, my father's appearance solved the Buddha and rescued Ziyi, who was almost buried alive. But in the end, my father was introduced here by Wu Tianhao, and finally fell into the trap of the Hai Gang and was captured by the life of the Hai Gang.

It was because my father was arrested that I came to the provincial capital alone. I suffered too much inhuman torture here. Here, I felt guilty to Ziyi, and even let Ziyi commit suicide in my hand, until I was in a coma.

The root cause of today's situation is Wu Tianhao, who used his scheming to force my father out of the mountain and led my father to fall into the sea. It was also him who let Ziyi be abused again and again. I have already gone deep into the bone marrow and I would like to cut him into pieces.

However, after arriving at the provincial capital, I didn't hear any news about him. He seemed to evaporate from the world.

I really didn't expect that this big enemy that I hate to hate would appear in this situation at this time, and still appeared as the housekeeper. It really shocked me. I was shocked that my head was just like a concussion. After a long time, the paste in my brain slowly dispersed and my brain finally could think.

As soon as the brain began to turn, I immediately felt a heartrending hatred. If Wu Tianhao was the master of the housekeeper. That's not to say that Wu Tianhao is also the culprit of the abuse of Peng Xuefei and me!

Even, it is Wu Tianhao who is behind the scenes who caused the great turbulence in H Province and the situation that the maritime gang has created today.

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