For a moment, I was a little surprised. It seems that Wu Tianhao, a gloomy villain, has really opened up the huge waves in the provincial capital. Otherwise, with his job as a housekeeper, can such a storm be set off?

In any case, housekeeper Ren is ultimately a servant of the Peng family. Although he has high military value, he can not compete with Peng Yi and the white browed old man. If he is not supported, how dare he dare to rebel against the sea Gang.

Although there are cracks in the Hai Gang, how to split up is also a matter for the Peng brothers. They are all from their own families. The Hai Gang is the legacy left by their old ancestors. They can't watch the guild fall into the hands of outsiders. How can Ren not know that he is a foreigner or a slave? How can he covet the Hai Gang with his strength And he wouldn't be so overbearing.

Now that he has his loyal master and backstage support, everything can be explained. That is to say, the person behind the scenes who made so many things happen is actually the master in charge of his family, Wu Tianhao.

Wu Tianhao, he was not the owner of a nightclub. How could he subvert my impression of him again and again. He not only stirred up the city and made the Buddha die because of his plan. Even when he arrived in the provincial capital, he was able to control such a big conspiracy and play the biggest gang in the provincial capital with applause. Now I really don't know what kind of person he is?

More importantly, if Wu Tianhao is really behind the scenes. How could he have said the conditions for my dad's release? He tried his best to get my dad arrested. How could he want my dad to be released? Is this condition really just a cover? If not, what is his real purpose?

I can't think of it at all. The more I think about it, the more headache I get and the more confused I think about it. Wu Tianhao is really too unpredictable and scheming. I couldn't even guess what he was thinking in his mind, what kind of person he was, why he had such ability, why he was so targeted at my father, and why there was such a big turbulence in H Province.

Unconsciously, my eyes narrowed slightly without any trace. I stared at Wu Tianhao's eyes and sent out a fine light, as if to shoot him through.

Long time no see. Wu Tianhao's temperament is different. In addition to the temperament of the big boss, he also has the aura of leading cadres. However, this is only the temperament that he exudes on the surface. I still can't see through his real strength. I just think that he is very deep and deep.

I remember that before, wasabi told me that Wu Tianhao had hidden his strength. His real strength would not be much lower than that of wasabi.

However, it seems that, far from what wasabi said, Wu Tianhao's strength is far more than that simple. He is just a bottomless hole, which can not be seen through.

At the moment, along with Wu Tianhao into the hall, in addition to a leading black lettered man, there are also five men in strange clothes.

The men in black, who used to be mysterious and powerful to me, are now respectful and humble around Wu Tianhao. The other five men in strange clothes have their own characteristics, but their costumes are a little ethnic, and their looks are very indifferent. It seems that this Pengjia manor is just like their family, They come and go freely, and they don't look nervous at all.

Even so, as their leader, Wu Tianhao is even more straightforward. His expression seems to be particularly indifferent, but actually there is a kind of haughty taste hidden. It seems that in his eyes, all the people in the field are mole ants, which is not worthy of his attention.

Although he and several of his subordinates were small in number, their aura was extremely strong. After they entered the hall, other sea Gang masters in the hall consciously dodged away. For them to make way for a road, let these people come to the center of the hall unimpeded.

Because of the participation of Wu Tianhao and his group, there is a strange color in the huge hall. At this moment, the faces of the people with various expressions become more and more complicated. All the people's eyes still stay on Wu Tianhao and others. The hall has been in silence for a long time.

Finally, the straightforward character of Bai Mei broke the silence. As soon as he reacted, his eyes suddenly showed anger. Two white eyebrows stood up and roared at the housekeeper Ren: "steward Ren, you son of a bitch, you really collude with outsiders and betray me!"

The roar of the old man with white eyebrows scattered the strange atmosphere and spread the smell of gunpowder.

In the face of the anger and questioning of the white browed old man, Ren kept a calm manner. The old man's anger seemed not to frighten him. At the moment, he had been exposed anyway, and he didn't need to pretend to be servile any more. He just said in a deep voice: "eldest son, you just said that interest is paramount. So I'm sorry! "

With these words, Ren housekeeper went straight to Wu Tianhao.

This move of housekeeper Ren clearly indicates that he has already stood in line. He has chosen to stand by his master Wu Tianhao. Some of the people in the hall are the personal guards of Ren. When the housekeeper goes to Wu Tianhao, the men in black and some others in the hall all set off and followed him to Wu Tian Hao Howe's end.I have been looking at Wu Tianhao deeply, and this moment also immediately reflected. In order to avoid doubt, I can't help but move my steps with Peng Xuefei and approach Wu Tianhao's back.

Immediately, Wu Tianhao also formed a team of more than 30 experts.

All of a sudden, the central hall, headed by Wu Tianhao, Peng gang leader and white browed old man, was divided into three parts, forming a tripartite confrontation.

At this time, as the pillar of the Hai Gang, gang leader Peng seemed more calm and natural. He didn't like the old man with white eyebrows to denounce Ren housekeeper. He even ignored Ren housekeeper.

Since Wu Tianhao appeared, Peng Yi's eyes have been staring at him closely. His eyes are like a torch, his expression is resolute and his posture is steady.

Until Ren housekeeper and others are standing in line, as stable as Mount Tai. Peng Yi, I finally moved. With Wu Shang's dignity, he took two steps forward and faced Wu Tianhao. He said in a sonorous and forceful voice, "Wu Tianhao, how could it be you?"

Peng Yi's posture at the moment is still calm. However, his sonorous tone is full of doubts. Obviously, he has known Wu Tianhao for a long time, but he doesn't know why Wu Tianhao appears here as a housekeeper.

I'm not surprised that Peng Yi knew Wu Tianhao. After all, it was Wu Tianhao who lured my father to the provincial capital, which caused my father to fall into the trap set by Peng Yi. Therefore, it's not surprising that the two of them have come and gone.

However, at this time, Peng Yi and Wu Tianhao did not seem to be old friends at all. Wu Tianhao, especially Wu Tianhao, was still holding a high spirited attitude in front of the leader of the Hai Gang. He seemed to despise Peng Yi. He just joked: "yes, it's me. It seems that I underestimated the leader of Peng Da Gang I didn't expect that the bureau that I planned carefully was uncovered by you. You really make me look at you

After listening to Wu Tianhao's words, Peng Yi frowned and said unhappily, "so you mean to admit that it's you who arrested my daughter?"

Hearing this, Wu Tianhao did not avoid taboo, and directly admitted: "yes, it's me."

When he said this, Wu Tianhao's attitude was really arrogant. As a kidnapper, he still kidnapped the daughter of the leader of the sea gang. He still dared to admit his behavior in the sea Gang's territory, which was absolutely unacceptable to the sea Gang people.

At the scene, many members of the sea Gang could not help but get angry. Their eyes were filled with anger. Some people even criticized Wu Tianhao.

However, gang leader Peng himself is not angry. He must be dissatisfied with the kidnapper who arrested his own daughter. However, he is not in a hurry to settle accounts with Wu Tianhao. Instead, he asks him in a slightly puzzled way: "I remember that at the beginning, you tried to unite with me to set a trap for Su Qiyao. Why, do you want to rescue Su Qiyao now?"

Although Wu Tianhao said before that the condition of releasing my father may be a cover for the other party, it is really strange and contradictory that this condition was put forward by the culprit who arrested my father. Peng Yi, like me, can not help feeling strange. Maybe he is also thinking about what Wu Tianhao's real purpose is, in case it is not a cover, but Wu Tian Howe really wants to get my dad?

However, the fact is not as complicated as I thought. Wu Tianhao only felt funny about the problem of leader Peng. He burst out a burst of laughter. Then, he said haughtily, "leader Peng, don't play riddles with me. Have you guessed that we are all smart people, so don't beat around the bush. How can a person who cares about the overall situation be accepted Let alone arrest your daughter. Even if you arrest your son, I'm afraid we can't force you to give up your position and release Su Qiyao. My purpose is very simple, that is, to make you lose Sheng Mingjie's support, make you unstable within the Haigang, and make your position irresistible! "

With that, Wu Tianhao's eyes suddenly changed and became extremely cold. What he said was not euphemistic and implicit. In front of so many sea Gang people, he had the courage to admit everything. He even dared to challenge the dignity of the leader of the sea gang. This directly aroused the anger of all the members of the Hong Gang and let the atmosphere of the hall sink into the air again In a strong sense of war.

Standing quietly behind the crowd, I finally realized at this moment that Wu Tianhao's fundamental purpose of kidnapping Peng Xuefei was to let Peng Yi lose Sheng Mingjie's support. He proposed those two conditions on purpose, because he was shrewd and knew that Peng Yi would not let my father go and give up the whole gang because of his daughter.

Therefore, when he kidnaps Peng Xuefei, he must have thought of the end. His ultimate goal is to make Peng Xuefei disappear from the world, so that Peng Yi can fall into the present situation.

It's just that I don't understand how Wu Tianhao would have planned to deal with Peng Yi. Isn't my father the person he has been dealing with?

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