Peng Qing's character has always been arrogant. Just like his martial arts, Peng Qing is particularly rough, giving people a sense of boldness and domineering. However, at this moment, he has completely stopped cooking, looking depressed and depressed. Obviously, he has been disheartened. He does not continue to resist in the corner, and he directly admits defeat.

However, although he looks very decadent, but his tone is very sincere, I can hear that he is convinced that he lost the contest.

Of course, from Peng Qing's head down to his speech, I can basically see that Peng Yi has no ability to point acupoints. Then, why can Peng Qing completely admit defeat by his simple move? I still don't understand this point.

When Peng Yi faced Peng Qing's admission of defeat, he did not show too much emotion. He did not show any arrogance or complacency. His expression was still calm. He only showed a secret smile at the corner of his mouth. He said to Peng Qing, "really? If you don't accept it, you can continue to compare it! "

After hearing the speech, Peng Qing sighed and said leisurely, "don't compare. Your unique skill is a finger of Zen. If you didn't leave your hand just now, my heart can be pierced by your fingers. I didn't think that your strength has reached this level. My father said that my martial arts attainments were far inferior to you. I didn't believe it. Now, I believe it!"

When he said this, Peng Qing's tone was really sincere. He was convinced of Peng Yi from the bottom of his heart. He was really impressed by his younger brother and was willing to be inferior.

At this point, I finally know why Peng Yi's fingers can make Peng Qing admit defeat. It turns out that Peng Yi still kept his hand in the end. He won this contest in the way of a gentleman.

Now I have a new understanding of Peng Qing. He has surpassed my imagination countless times.

In fact, when I first came here, I felt something strange. At that time, I vaguely felt that there must be a powerful person in it, which made me afraid.

Pang Yi's strength is very big, but I guess Peng Yi's strength is too big for me, but I guess Peng Yi's strength is too big for me.

From the beginning of the fight to the end of the battle, Peng Yi kept a calm attitude. Even, he did not do his best to win. He subdued Peng Qing so easily. What kind of strength is this?

It's terrible. It's really terrible. I've really seen Peng Yi's horror. So far, I haven't found any shortcomings of Peng Yi. In front of me, he seems to be a god man, impeccable. If he hadn't caught my father, I might have taken him as an idol. But, because my father is in his hands, we must It's the enemy.

However, what makes me sad is that through today's events, I have deeply understood how big the gap is between Peng Yi and I. in front of him, I'm just like a mole ant, and there's no way to compare it.

All of a sudden, there was a trace of fear in my heart, because Peng Yi was so powerful that I realized that I was small. How can I act in front of Peng Yi? How to hide identity? I was afraid. I was really afraid of exposing myself, and finally died here. With a heart of uneasiness, I continued to stare at Peng Yi quietly.

After Peng Qing said that he was completely convinced, Peng Yi's face finally showed a gratifying look. He said to Peng Qing sincerely: "brother, originally, according to the rules of the gang, you are a death penalty. However, you have made great contributions to the gang. You can also contribute to the eradication of foreign enemies tonight. I will not kill you. I will remember your life first, and you will redouble your work for the gang in the future Now our Haibang is facing a severe test. It needs you!

Peng Yi's words show his composure, magnanimity, intelligence and determination.

Now, with the enemy in front of us, the Hai Gang really needs Peng Qing, a strong man who is not afraid of life and death. Originally, the situation of the Hai Gang was internal and external troubles, but now the internal worries are relieved. What the Haibang is facing is foreign aggression, which requires more internal unity.

At this time, Peng Qing was also aware of the current situation and Peng Yi's painstaking efforts. Therefore, he did not wriggle and assured Peng Yi in a very solemn manner: "don't worry, I will!"

Through a duel, the two brothers completely changed their quarrel into friendship. This not only eliminated the gratitude and resentment between them, but also eliminated the internal hidden danger of the whole Haigang, because all the people present clearly saw Peng Yi's wise and divine power.

The appointment of Wu Tianhao as the housekeeper shows us Peng Yi's wisdom and the martial arts contest with Peng Qing. No one questions Peng Yi any more, and no one has any rebellious heart any more. We will only have more admiration for the leader than before, and more loyal to the sea gang.

Today's storm is both a blessing and a curse. Although the Haigang lost a lot of people, it was a blessing in disguise. Because of this, the Haigang, which was divided internally, became an unprecedented unity.

As the leader of the Haibang, Peng Yi has completely established his prestige at this moment. His root has been firmly rooted in the Haibang, and no one can shake it. His ability is also put in front of the people, leaving everyone speechless.When Peng Qing's case was settled, Peng Yi returned to the top of the hall and sat on the throne. Other people also consciously stood in their own position. Among them, Three Dharma protectors and five elders of the rebels stood in the middle of the hall, waiting for Peng Yi's fate.

Peng Yi was sitting in a critical position, staring straight at the Dharma protectors under the hall. After a while, he criticized the eight people one by one.

Obviously, Peng Yi's reprimand is not to blame them. At present, the Hai Gang needs people. Peng Yi can't kill any capable person here. The way he takes is to point out the problems of these eight people, criticize and correct them step by step, and give them earnest instructions.

What makes me look at Peng Yi differently is that he knows not only his elder brother Peng Qing, but also the Three Dharma protectors and the five elders. He seems to be able to see through each of them and tell the key to the problem.

In front of Peng Yi, these high-ranking masters of the Hai Gang seem to have become transparent people. They dare not have any careful thinking. They are all dishonored and ashamed of themselves by Peng Yi. However, they have no complaints, they are still very convinced and listen to Peng Yi's instruction carefully.

However, the more Peng Yi is like this, the more flustered I am on the side. His observation ability is really too sensitive and sharp. He can really see through everything. Everyone can't hide himself in front of him. How can I hide my false identity?

If I didn't kill the powerful man in black, maybe I could still have the strength to defend myself, and I could still keep calm. However, my strength has reached the point where I can kill the man in black. The housekeeper is suspicious of me, let alone Peng Yi, whose insight is against the sky. How can I escape his eye? I feel that I want to stay here, There's only one dead end.

Thinking of this, I can't stand any longer. When Peng Yi was scolding several Dharma protectors, I quietly whispered to Peng Xuefei: "Feifei, something happened in your family today. Your father still has a lot of things to deal with. Otherwise, I'll go back first."

I'm really retreating. It's not that my heart is not strong enough, but Peng Yi gives me a terrible feeling. No matter who it is, there are transparent people in front of him. Even Wu Tianhao's profound people are exposed by him and can't be refuted. How can I confront Peng Yi as a small role. I don't want to wait to die. It's so hard. I can't feel like I can't stay for another second.

However, Peng Xuefei didn't know my suffering heart. When she heard that I was going to leave, she thought I couldn't stay here. She immediately took my hand and pulled me to the center of the hall. Then, she faced Peng Yi, who was still talking, and said solemnly:

"father, don't blame your uncles any more. They are also confused for a moment Their original intention is to help the sea. Now, our Hong Gang has passed the difficulties. This is the good fortune among the misfortunes. Next, can you tell me something about me

Peng Xuefei's action really scared me. I can't get away now, but I'm directly the focus of the audience. This makes me feel more and more helpless, just like being naked and watching. I feel very uncomfortable.

But helpless, I still have to do my best to keep nature, the success or failure is in one fell swoop. Now that I have reached this stage, I will start from this step and act according to circumstances.

Peng Yi, who was talking, was suddenly interrupted. According to reason, he should be furious. However, he did not get angry because of Peng Xuefei's unreasonable impulse. Perhaps, the fact that the sea gang can wipe out the traitors in one fell swoop has a lot to do with Peng Xuefei. It is Peng Xuefei's appearance that makes housekeeper Ren can't wait to implement the plan, and Peng Xuefei's lucky escape makes Ren The housekeepers lost their hostage cards, and eventually the Haibang was able to annihilate foreign enemies and consolidate internal stability.

Therefore, this time, Peng Xuefei has also done meritorious deeds. Moreover, Peng Xuefei is not easy to go home alive. Peng Yi will not be angry with her easily. On the contrary, hearing Peng Xuefei's words, he also replied gently: "well, OK, Feifei, listen to you. What do you want to say?"

At the moment, Peng Yi is a kind-hearted father. I can't see through his heart at all. The more I don't know each other, the more anxious I am. I feel uneasy like being barbecued in the fire. Of course, I still cooperate with Peng Xuefei, pretending to be innocent and frank. At most, it is a little excited when ugly son-in-law meets his father-in-law.

Peng Xuefei listened to her father's words, and immediately replied: "father, I just want to tell you that I and Jiangnan wind have been together, and will always be together, I hope you can agree with us together!"

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