After this sentence, Peng Xuefei's eyes still showed a look of praying. After Peng Xuefei finished this sentence, I was even more excited. I felt that my legs could not hold up my body. But my eyes were still very firm and looked at Peng Yi with reverence on his face.

Until this moment, Peng Yi finally turned his attention to me. His eyes didn't have much meaning. He just said to me casually: "you call Jiangnan wind, right? Do you like my daughter?"

This seemingly casual sentence, but asked me creepy, like a needle.

Suddenly, it dawned on me that Peng Yi seemed to have been testing me. When the former housekeeper revealed that I was su Luo, he still looked at me carefully. However, it was imminent to deal with Wu Tianhao at that time. He had no time or energy to pester me, so he left me alone.

However, at the back, Wu Tianhao and Ren housekeeper ran away. The others died. He still didn't look me in the eye. Even now, he has dealt with Peng Qing's affairs and denounced the rebellious Dharma protector elder. They didn't pay attention to me. It's totally unreasonable. If I'm an ordinary person, it's normal to be ignored, but I may be Suluo According to the law, Peng Yi can't ignore me. The Hai Gang has been trying to catch me for a long time, and the whole city is constantly looking for me. After I killed Wutang, he hated me very much. Peng Yi's position is not stable, which has a lot to do with my killing Wutang. How could he not care about me?

Even if he didn't think I was Suluo, at least he had to ask about the situation, but he didn't until Peng Xuefei pulled me to the front line. Although it was a very casual word, I immediately felt that it was extraordinary. Yes, he was trying to explore me and testing me. Fortunately, I didn't flinch or run away, If I really left ahead of time, I'm afraid I'll be in pieces now, because in that case, I'll expose myself directly.

Sure enough, Peng Yi is smart. Compared with Wu Tianhao, Peng Yi is much more powerful. In front of him, I feel too much pressure. However, no matter how big it is, when I think of my father, I have to cheer up and I can't even fall down. Therefore, for Peng Yi's question, I still quite frankly reply: "yes, I like Feifei, very much!"

In the tone, full of firmness, expressed my determination, I am trying my best to play my second generation rich identity.

Peng Xuefei listened to my words and showed a happy smile. But it's easy for me to cheat Peng Xuefei. It's too difficult for me to deceive Peng Yi, who is clever and brilliant. After hearing my answer, he just gave a smile and then said, "well, you're a good young man. Let me take a look at you. You and Feifei have experienced so many things, and you can be together, but I can only One worry is that if Ren housekeeper, he says you may be Suluo. I am very concerned about my daughter's marriage. If I want to be my son-in-law, I can't worry about it. Do you have anything to say about the doubt of Ren's housekeeper? "

Peng Yi's scheming is really profound. On the surface, he still looks like a senior. However, if he was surprised, he hit my heart and made my heart beat wildly. Obviously, he doubted my identity and was very suspicious. Otherwise, he would not be playing tricks and scheming with me here. Before I started to reply, Peng Xuefei couldn't help fighting for me Refuted: "no, father, how can you believe Ren's words? He is obviously instigating dissension. Jiangnan style is kind-hearted and kind to me. He rescued me from the dungeon, and he helped me escape house arrest and brought me here. He has helped me countless times. He can't be solo!"

Peng Xuefei's intention of protecting me is obviously deep, and her words are not objective. How can a shrewd Peng Yi listen to Peng Xuefei's excuse? After Peng Xuefei's voice dropped, he directly said to Peng Xuefei seriously: "Feifei, don't speak first!"

After that, he looked at me again. At this moment, Peng Yi didn't hide anything. His eyes were like wolf's eyes in the night. They were bright red and dazzling. They seemed to see me through.

Then, Peng Yi's majestic voice floated again in the silent Hall: "Jiangnan wind, give me an explanation!"

At this moment, Peng Yi finally stopped covering up. He slowly wiped away the trace of gentleness. What was revealed on his face was solemnity and solemnity. His king like breath gradually emerged, giving people a supreme dignity.

Indeed, my identity may be su Luo. This is absolutely extraordinary. Whether it is for the sake of the overall interests of the Hai Gang or for the sake of her daughter's happiness, Peng Yi must attach importance to it, and he does not need to make a fuss with me any more.

When Peng Yi was serious, Peng Xuefei didn't dare to interrupt. She just looked at me with a worried face and looked forward to my explanation. All the other people present also focused their eyes on me. It can be seen from their eyes that almost all of them were full of doubts about me. The thing that worries me the most is happening after all.

These dozens of eyes, like dozens of sniper guns, felt that if I was exposed a little carelessly, I would shoot countless bullets into my body, full of holes.

Even if I was strong in my heart, I would be flustered at this moment. Originally, I came to Pengjia manor unexpectedly without being prepared. In a hurry, I met the housekeeper who kidnapped us and was assassinated by them. In order to survive, I had to expose my strength and finally rescued myself and Peng Xuefei, but in the end Again came to this hall, one after another, let me completely unprepared.At present, the storm in the hall has come to an end, and I was finally pushed from behind the scenes to the front of the stage to accept the trial of so many people. Their eyes seemed to send out a burning flame, which made my whole body tingle. My heart also jumped wildly, and my palms were sweating. I couldn't bear the pressure, and almost wanted to get rid of the shackles of repression To admit your identity directly.

But the only reason I have left tells me that I can't collapse or be crushed. Otherwise, everything I've done will be in vain, and my sufferings in the dungeon will be in vain. What's more, my father and Ziyi are still waiting for me. I can't be so exposed and I can't be weak.

So, I tried to suppress the unstable mood in my heart and tried to adjust my attitude. Then, the corners of my mouth grinned slightly and showed a playful smile to Peng Yi. Then in a indifferent tone, I said, "I don't need to explain anything. A traitor's provocation. Why should I explain it?"

After saying that, I was still dissatisfied with my shriveled mouth and revealed my symbolic evil smile. My tone also had a sense of aloofness, which made the sea gang leaders on the scene show their displeasure.

However, Peng Yi doesn't care. He seems to have expected that I won't admit it. Seeing me like this, he didn't get angry. He just nodded thoughtfully, and then went on to say: "well, I don't believe Ren housekeeper's words. However, the rebellion of Ren housekeeper has made my suspicions heavier. I don't want to doubt you, but I have to get rid of myself Can you tell me how you escaped here with Feifei

Peng Yi's tone sounds kind, and he didn't use his identity to intimidate me. However, his expression is still rigorous and unusual. His posture is high, just like God's survey of human beings. He looks down on me. The light in his eyes is very strong, which really seems to be able to shoot through me. His momentum in the invisible is also oppressive I'm a little out of breath.

It's hard to disguise myself in front of him, but I can't tell the truth obediently. I know that Peng Yi suspects me at present because my strength is a little beyond the expectation of ordinary people. Therefore, in view of this point, I just described how I escaped from the man in black and how to rescue Peng Xuefei.

In the process of narration, the most important thing I want to hide is my strength. I can't take my martial arts too far. Only by attributing the key points of fighting the enemy to others, what I emphasize is two points: luck and sneak attack. That's the key to my victory. Anyway, the man is dead and dead without proof. I say so, Peng Yi has no way to deal with me.

However, I was wrong. After all, I underestimated Peng Yi. He seemed to be ready to investigate me, because after I explained, many people suddenly came into the hall.

I immediately took a look and found that the servants of Peng's manor were carrying the bodies into the hall. There were five bodies, two men in suits and three men in black. All of them were killed by me.

At the sight of these corpses, my heart immediately shook up, and the cold sweat was constantly seeping out from behind. I knew that this time I was really finished.

Sure enough, as soon as the corpse was carried in, Peng Yi immediately said to me, "these five people were found outside. It seems that all of them were from your masterpiece. Two of them were killed by the head in a boxing, two were killed by crushing their necks, and one was killed by smashing the bones of their whole body by random fists. Let alone that they are all experts, even if they are ordinary people, The people who can do such harm to them must be extraordinary. I'm curious. How did you do it? "

Hearing Peng Yi's words, my heart trembled even more. A deep shock filled my heart. I really didn't expect that Peng Yi had seen everything for a long time. He had been testing me to investigate me. Just now, when the sea Gang cleaned up the hall, Peng Yi disappeared for a while. Now it seems that he just went to check the body. Yes, that's it Yes.

Yes, at the moment, he seems to have identified me as Suluo. He has been playing tricks with me. His wisdom is far above me, which makes me even look up to him.

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