At this time, the hair on my body could not help but stand up. The more panic I felt in my heart, I felt that I couldn't really fight with Peng Yi, an old man like Peng Yi. However, I insisted on my belief that I could never admit my identity. No matter how smart my opponent was, I would not admit it. Otherwise, all my efforts would be wasted.

In the end, what Peng Yi doubts is my strength. I don't need to be cautious about others for the time being. As long as I explain the strength well, I quickly pretend to be stubborn and retort: "I have practiced martial arts since I was a child. I have some foundation. My strength is not weak. Many people know that they don't fight. I can kill them without any problems. Peng Peng Peng depends on it Do you think I'm solo? In your opinion, is it that the person whose martial arts are beyond your expectation is solo? "

When I said these words, my tone was very bad, and I felt aggrieved and aggrieved. Although I knew that my explanation was not convincing enough, I did make sense. As long as my sense of injustice was strong enough and my anger was strong enough, it was possible for me to be trusted.

Peng Xuefei, who was close to me, believed me without hesitation. When she saw that I was angry, she was not willing to. She even ignored her father's advice and directly complained to Peng Yi: "father, I brought Jiangnan wind to visit you. He was almost killed here. He didn't say any complaints. Now you doubt him. Do you think it's appropriate for you to do this?"?

With that, Peng Xuefei's eyes were red, and she looked very sad and resentful. Peng Xuefei's attitude reduced the sense of panic in my heart. No matter how dangerous the situation is at the moment, I'm not alone. There is always Peng Xuefei's unconditional support for me. Only, I know that in Peng Yi's eyes, Peng Xuefei's opinions can't be used as opinions What she said should not affect Peng Yi.

However, what shocked me completely was that Peng Yi once again subverted my understanding. He even heard Peng Xuefei's words. After hearing Peng Xuefei say these words, he even showed a kind smile on his serious face. He nodded with a smile and said in a harmonious voice, "OK, OK, OK, I'm wrong. I don't ask. I'm a little strange. It seems that I have more than one I'm worried, but after all, there is something strange about it. If I want to admit Jiangnan Feng's identity and let him be with you, I'm still a little worried about being a father. In this case, give me two days to deal with the gang's affairs, and then make an in-depth understanding of Jiangnan style, and then talk about your business. What do you think? "

Peng Yi's words are very objective and reasonable, which makes Peng Xuefei unable to find a reason to refute. Originally, Peng Xuefei didn't hold absolute hope when she brought me here. She just wanted to beg her father to agree. Now, with such a big event happening in my family, I'm doubted again. How could Peng Xuefei admit our relationship at once? It's absolutely impossible, Peng Xuefei is not a vexatious person. Seeing her father's compromise, she didn't push forward any more. After a while, she said somewhat farfetched: "OK!"

It's reasonable to say that Peng Yi's attitude has changed so much in an instant. I should feel relieved and relieved. But I didn't, but my heart became heavier. Because Peng Yi was really too hard for me to see through. He clearly doubted me so much. How could he let me go because of my little trick or Peng Xuefei's words?

Suddenly, I suddenly had a very bad premonition in my heart. I felt that this was particularly wrong, but I couldn't tell you what was wrong. I had to stand still with a clear conscience.

When Peng Yi got his daughter's reply, he turned his head and looked at me. Now, his sharp eyes have completely narrowed down. All that shows on his face is amiable. He looked at me with a very gentle eye and politely said to me, "sorry, Jiangnan wind. I asked you a few more questions, and I hope you don't blame uncle. You saw what happened today. It happened in the gang Such a big thing makes me have to be careful. Originally, you are a guest and Feifei's lifesaver. I should have entertained you well, but you also know that today is really inconvenient. Let Feifei bring you another day, and I will treat you well! "

Peng Yi's order to leave is a little euphemistic, but the meaning is very clear. Of course, I will not die and stay in this suffocating place. Hearing him say this, I will directly follow his words and say frankly: "it's OK, uncle Peng. I don't mind. It's not too early now. I should go home too!"

Seeing me so sensible, Peng Yi could not help but show a gratifying look on his face and immediately said: "see off the guest!"

These two words should be amnesty for me. I can finally get out of this frightful grotto. However, I am still not happy. Although Peng Yi conceals it well, there is nothing strange in his words. No matter what he says or his expression, he is perfect. However, I always feel that he has any intention, even Peng Xuefei treats him Dad's sudden change was a little suspicious. She was worried about my safety, so she quickly said to Peng Yi, "I'll send you Jiangnan wind!"

On hearing this, Peng Yi immediately raised his face and reprimanded: "what do you send? You haven't stayed with Jiangnan wind enough. Your mother has heard that you are back. You should go to see your mother quickly!"

Peng Xuefei tooted her mouth and said, "I'll send it to the gate."Seeing Peng Xuefei's appearance, Peng Yi can't say anything more. He can only helplessly say, "go back quickly!"

After that, I said goodbye to Peng Yi, and then walked out of here with Peng Xuefei. I knew that Peng Xuefei was afraid that her father would embarrass me again, so she offered to send me. She was always thinking about me. With her company, I was really relieved, at least not so lonely.

Outside, I said to Peng Xuefei sincerely: "thank you!"

Peng Xuefei couldn't accept my thanks. She even showed a deep apology on her face and said, "thank you for what. I'm sorry for you. You helped me so much, but you were suspected and wronged in the end."

I didn't care to smile, pretending to be free and easy way: "it doesn't matter, this matter I don't put in mind at all!"

Peng Xuefei may see that I still have something on my mind, and once again explained: "in fact, my father was not a suspicious person. It may be that the housekeeper hurt his heart and made him suspicious. I hope you don't blame him!"

I speechless said: "fool, I'm really OK, how can I blame him, before I come, I made all kinds of preparations, this for me, as if it was a test, today has been pretty good, at least your father did not explicitly refuse me, right?"

Finish saying, I also showed a natural and unrestrained smile.

Peng Xuefei finally felt relieved when she saw that I was all right. A happy smile came out of her mouth. Peng Xuefei, at this moment, is obviously committed to me. Her trust in me is absolutely unconditional. At this time, it should not be difficult for me to pull something out of her mouth. However, I was just suspected to be solo. Now if I venture to ask my dad about something, it is equal to confess everything without having received a single blow of the bamboo.

After all, I didn't ask anything. I just walked inside the manor with Peng Xuefei and walked directly outside the gate.

On the way, I found that the manor was restored to its original state of order, as if nothing had happened. Wherever I went, there were patrols and guards with strict discipline.

This speed makes me speechless. The efficiency of Haibang is really fast. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I couldn't believe it. Who would have thought that, not long ago, there had been a great war in this manor.

Before we knew it, Peng Xuefei and I had already arrived at the gate of the manor. No one stopped us along the way, and there was no sign of bad. We came to the outside of the manor so smoothly.

Out of the door, my tense nerves are really relaxed. I feel that the air outside is fresh and refreshing, which makes me feel relaxed and happy. The haze around me seems to be dispersed in an instant.

I took a deep breath, and then went straight to the broken van I drove when I came. Peng Xuefei still followed me until she sent me to the van.

I stood by the door, looked at Peng Xuefei, and said softly, "OK, Feifei, it's time for you to go back. You just came home and met this matter. You haven't got a good reunion with your family yet."

Peng Xuefei nodded and whispered back: "well, don't worry, I will explain the situation to my father when I go back, so that he will no longer have doubts about you and let him accept you!"

I laughed and said, "I believe you!"

Peng Xuefei's sweet kiss on my face, some shy said: "Bon Voyage!"

With that, she quickly turned around and walked back to the manor.

I gently touched her cheek, then quickly got into the car and started to leave.

When the car galloped on the road, I really felt the breath of freedom. At last, I left the headquarters of Haibang. While I was glad, I also took a long breath. I could not help but speed up my horsepower and wanted to drive out of this not spacious road.

This road is the only way to Pengjiazhuang garden. Out of this path, there is a cross road outside. At this moment, I am so eager to rush to the road and enjoy the pleasure of liberation completely.

But just as I was about to drive out of the path, suddenly, with a bang, the tire under my car burst, almost like a reflex reaction. I immediately stepped on the brake and slammed the steering wheel to stop the car safely.

Shocked, I quickly raised my head and found that at the end of the path, a large group of people were gathering. Under the light of the light, they were standing in front of me just like the ghost emissary.

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