This winding road is the only way to get in and out of Pengjiazhuang garden. It can be said that it belongs to the Pengjia family. Usually, only people from the headquarters will take this road. But at this moment, a burst tire nail suddenly appears on the exclusive road of Haibang, and there are still a large group of people standing at the intersection. It is obvious that they are prepared and the target person to deal with is me.

In fact, when I was in the hall before, I noticed something was wrong. Peng Yi, who was shrewd, suddenly changed his attitude and stopped targeting me. Even, he gave me an order to leave directly. This kind of abnormality made me feel strange. I felt that Peng Yi must have something in mind. However, for a while, I couldn't figure out what he was thinking, so I could only keep it Be alert.

However, I didn't notice any difference when I walked all the way from the hall to the gate of the manor. Moreover, Peng Xuefei accompanied me all the way, which made my heart feel at ease. Until I got out of the Peng family manor, I was able to cancel that worry completely. I thought Peng Yi had really let me go, but now it doesn't seem. He is really treacherous. What he has done should be done For Peng Xuefei to see, yes, it must be like this. He didn't want to see his daughter's heart hurt in front of Peng Xuefei's face, so he quietly directed a play code and ambushed me outside.

This unfathomable old slicker is intelligent, calm, wise and farsighted. If he is his own person, then this is his advantage. But if he is the enemy, these advantages have become my biggest hidden danger. I have seen his means. He treats the enemy mercilessly. If he doesn't stay, he will really kill one. If Wu Tianhao doesn't escape, they will die People are absolutely annihilated.

Now, he cleaned up those people and came to deal with me, and used this dark means to deal with me, which made me hate and helpless at the same time.

At this time, the group at the intersection had surrounded my car. One of the people with thick eyebrows and big eyes went straight to my window, knocked on the glass of the car, and said to me in an imperative tone: "get out of the car!"

His tone is extremely rampant. He looks very special. I have a special impression on him. I met him in the hall. He belongs to a role in Peng Yi's camp. Obviously, the facts have been put in front of me, and it is Peng Yi who ambushes me.

For this point, although I hate, but I did not give up, I try to calm myself, quickly turn the brain, think of a way.

If the tire didn't burst, I would have driven through. Anyway, it's better to expose my identity than to lose my life, but now I can't. They've cut my back. I can't even run as fast as I want.

Basically, I have no way to escape. I can't think about it. But I can't get caught. I don't want to die here. Absolutely not.

If I am in Pengjia manor now, maybe I will not think about how to get rid of it. After all, it is difficult to get rid of it. But now that I am outside, I still have a glimmer of hope. Unconsciously, I sweep the people around me.

Immediately, I realized that it was difficult to deal with it, because gang leader Peng had treated me as Suluo. All the people sent over were first-class experts. It was almost impossible to escape from them.

So I had to act according to circumstances. When the man ordered me to get out of the car again, I shook my head and finally opened the door and got out of the car.

As soon as he landed, the red faced man said coldly to me: "please come with me."

His tone was so arrogant, as if I was a criminal. I raised my head and looked at him straight. I said, "where are you going? Is that how you invite people? Anyway, I'm Feifei's friend and your guest! You all agreed to let me go. Now what do you mean? "

Although I know it's useless to reason, I still want to use the tone of Jiangnan style to make the final struggle.

However, the man in front of me didn't listen to me at all. He just laughed and said in a cold voice, "stop talking nonsense and go!"

His arrogance made me very uncomfortable, and I didn't want to be polite to him. I said to him directly: "what if I don't leave?"

He licked his lower lip and said, "I'm sorry then."

Finish saying, his hand unexpectedly without politeness grasps to my shoulder, the speed is extremely fast incomparable, once seized my left shoulder.

I couldn't let him ravage me when he started. My left shoulder immediately shrunk down and slipped from his hand in an instant. Like a fish, I immediately slipped backward. At the same time, I reached out my hand and pointed at him and said in a deep voice: "I warn you, don't mess around!"

However, what he got was a death order. How could he tell me any reason? His face became more and more red, and he said angrily, "this is a toast. You don't eat or eat penalty wine!"

With that, he immediately rushed to me with fury.

In any case, I can not be obediently dead, can not go back to that grotto with him, this is the last bit of faith in my heart.

So, I clenched my fist and fought with him. However, this man's strength is very strong, which is higher than the man in black. I can't fight him with my current strength. But at this time, it's very important to protect my life. I don't need to hide any more. Besides, in the eyes of the sea Gang, I'm a master who can kill a man in black. I don't have to pretend to be a grandson.Inadvertently, my anger slowly released, of course, I will not burst out, that way, they do not have to interrogate, I am equivalent to disguised recognition that I am Suluo identity, after all, can be crazy character. Except for Solo, it's hard to find a second one.

Fortunately, I am different now. In the past, I can only be driven to despair before I can go crazy. After being furious, I still lose my mind, like a madman. Now, I can control the fury in the elixir field as I like. Even if I am not angry, I can use my power. As long as I am not all broke out, ordinary people will not be aware of my difference In other words, I can quietly show my different side, so I naturally use my hidden power to treat the strong like him.

The night and the light interweave, I wander among them, just like a black ghost, constantly circling with him. Without a complete outbreak, I fought and tied my hands and feet. For a while, I couldn't defeat him. Of course, it was not easy for him to knock me down.

It can be seen that this man has a high position in the Hai Gang. He didn't quickly take me down in a few moves against me. His face was a little bit red. His face was even more red and his eyes were red. The more he hit me, he became more manic, just like a wild dog.

And I was calm, while he was circling, and kept retreating. After all, I knew in my heart that even if I won, I couldn't get any benefits. What I wanted was to retreat all over the body. Therefore, I was always in the defensive state and was looking for opportunities to slip away. However, this person is not a stupid person. My careful thinking was quickly seen by him, and Or, he didn't want to waste time fighting with me alone. He suddenly stopped and ordered to the people behind him: "let's go up together and take down the Jiangnan wind for me!"

All of a sudden, dozens of sea gang members came out and rushed to me. If we say that these are ordinary bastards, I can not be afraid of them, but these are the elite of the sea gang. Some of them even seem to be masters of the elite, and their strength is extraordinary. As soon as they make a move, I am in a passive state and lack of skills. Especially these people who have just experienced a mutiny, they seem to become more bloodthirsty and merciless to me It's a deadly move.

But I am a person after all, the defense of this can not prevent that, not a long time, I suffered a few heavy blows, hit my body pain, the corners of the mouth are exuded blood. Slowly, my body began to tire, a little bit unable to make up, my heart was also a little tired, unable to keep up with the rhythm.

As a matter of fact, I have fought many times with one enemy. If I am completely furious, I am not afraid of pain. My body is like steel and iron, and the whole person has endless strength. However, I am bound too much now. Although it shows a different side, I still need to be patient. I can't exert myself and can't break out completely, This group of people is not comparable to those defeated generals in the five halls. They are all masters. I just feel that the bones are going to fall apart after being hit again and again by them.

Just when I was hit hard again and again, the man took advantage of the opportunity and suddenly rushed to me in front of me and gave me a fatal blow. This guy's strength is originally high. His move now seems to have burst out all his strength. If he hits me, I will be seriously injured.

In the face of crisis, I always have an instinctive reaction. Even though I am physically and mentally exhausted, I still have corresponding potential when anger arises. I am really angry at Peng Yi's insidious cruelty. He has laid such an ambush for me, and the people sent down actually have the heart to die. At this moment, I can't bear it, and my blood begins to boil Teng, my eyes gradually issued a red light, eyes such as wolf, very fierce.

At the moment when the fatal blow was about to hit me, my foot was the first to move and quickly kicked to his chest. My speed was fast to the limit. In the blink of an eye, he was kicked back by me. His huge body knocked down two people. Finally, one of his companions helped him, so that his body could stand still.

Even so, the man was not very well. He seemed to have a breath in his chest and was extremely uncomfortable. He coughed heavily for several times and then relieved some of the pain.

at the moment, his red face turned into a black face, and he became angry. He raised his voice and yelled: "fight, fight hard, don't be merciful!"

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