At this moment, my situation became more and more dangerous, and my anger also soared to the extreme. When they all besieged me, my momentum soared and I fought with them again. Although it did not break out completely, it was also on the verge of madness. I was like wild animals, biting the enemy crazily. However, I was crazy, and the enemy was more crazy. Each of them was angry With their strongest strength, and even some people took out their weapons, there is a trend to break me into pieces.

My black clothes were all scratched in the battle, and several wounds were made on my body. The blood was not too weak. It was the enemy who was too strong. They were fully prepared. Even the way of group beating was orderly and unhurried, and they cooperated with each other perfectly. I don't have three heads and six arms, and I don't have peerless magic skills. After I have knocked down seven or eight people in a row, I can't hold on. I'm black and blue all over. If I fight again, I'll only be captured.

I am deeply aware that once I am caught, I will almost die. Peng Yi is so clever and treacherous. He must have seen something that he would have launched such a campaign against me. If he was only a little suspicious, he could not send so many experts to deal with me. Therefore, if I was caught here, it would be like returning to hell It's a dead end.

Thinking like this, my faith in my heart is more and more profound. In any case, I can't be arrested. Even if this group of people are deliberately testing my strength, I don't want to be captured. My only thought at the moment is to escape and try everything to escape.

In a trance, my eyes began to turn red. My anger in the elixir field was surging, eager to try, and my fist was unconsciously pinched tightly. My whole person was about to explode completely. But it was at this crucial moment that I suddenly smelled a dangerous breath, which made my heart tremble and felt like being watched by the wolf in the night It's terrible to live in the same place.

After I came out of the dungeon, my sensory ability became extremely strong. It is not praiseworthy to say that, just like a dog, I can smell the dangerous breath at some special moment. Now, as I approach the moment of complete fury, I suddenly feel this dangerous breath. This breath makes me wake up in an instant, and I suddenly realize that I am still too impulsive.

If what I expected was right, there must be some real big man level masters in Pengjiazhuang garden. Yes, Peng Yi is so smart that he can't only send these people to deal with me. Since he is so calculating, he won't give me a chance to escape. At the moment, only a group of people are entangled with me, but the real masters are not moving out. The only reason is that they are peeping at me Look at me.

The group of people in front of me are only used to test me and make me crazy to show my real body. The real experts in the dark are the real tigers and wolves. They hide in the dark and wait for the opportunity to move. Once I show my real strength, even if the fact that I am solo is revealed, then these hidden tigers and wolves will show up and attack me recklessly.

Thinking of this, I immediately lost the heart of fury, because I knew that even if I completely broke out and broke through their defense lines, I could not escape the encirclement of the hidden experts. In the end, I still had a dead end. If I didn't break out completely, what I did was just self-defense, and I didn't really expose it. I still had a chance to argue with others Unable to argue, it's better to be arrested now, so I gave up the outbreak, and in this moment, that man's flying leg kicked on me.

I couldn't resist any more, so I was kicked to the ground and finally collapsed.

I thought they would subdue me and take me back to Pengjia manor, but I was wrong. The fierce man seemed to be very angry with me. After I fell down, he still rushed to my side and kicked me with his feet. While kicking and swearing: "Damn it, little B-Boy, TM dare to backhand, I'll beat you to death!"

This man started, and other people who were seriously injured by me also rushed to me and kicked me as sandbags. The more they kicked, the more they enjoyed themselves, as if they couldn't stop.

I had been seriously injured, but now they ravaged me. Even if I was beaten by iron, my body could not bear it. The acid water in my stomach seemed to be abused and my head was dizzy.

At this moment, I want to burst out, but I also know clearly, no, I can't expose, I must always be alert to myself, mania is exposure, these people abuse me so much, it's just tempting me, forcing me, provoking me to be crazy, I can't be cheated by them, I have to bear it.

Sure enough, just when I was beaten in a daze, suddenly came a loud voice in the night sky: "stop it!"

Immediately, the man stopped beating me, and they retreated orderly.

Then, beside the path, there are more than ten sea gang leaders headed by Peng Yi and Peng Qing. Among them, Peng Yi is at the forefront, his hair is flying gently in the night wind, his eyes are shining in the light, and his feet are steady and powerful.

As he walked along, he clapped his hands and clapped as if he were cheering for someone. The applause seemed ethereal and rhythmic in the deep night, but it was this rhythm that made people panic. After a long time, his applause stopped abruptly.His feet stopped at the side of my head. His eyes began to look down at me, who was paralyzed as a pool of mud. Then, he opened his lips and made a voice that seemed to pierce through everything: "yes, it's really good. It's really a hero's youth, and you still can't bear to break out. If you're in a state of madness, I'm afraid all the people I send will be stopped I can't stop you! "

Although I was beaten badly, my head was confused, and my headache was about to crack, I didn't lose consciousness completely. In other words, my consciousness was still clear. I saw leader Peng Yi leading a group of people out of the dark side of the road. I saw him come to my side and looked down on me with contempt. At this moment, in my eyes, he was a devil Wolf in human skin.

In the hall, the kind Peng Yi no longer exists, and he finally shows his true face.

To his family, to be more accurate, he treats those who are in his favor. He has a tolerant and kind side. He has invisible dignity in treating his subordinates. However, he has only cruelty and bloodiness in dealing with the enemy, and his terror side is fully displayed.

Sure enough, as the leader of the Hai Gang, Peng Yi is not a simple character. If he can be the leader of a big gang, he must have his extraordinary ability. He seems to be the one who hides the deepest among all people. Even his own brother does not know his real strength, his city government and his mind, so that he will have today's rebellion and clowning.

Yes, Peng Qing made a fool of himself. He was turned around by Peng Yi. His ignorance and arrogance set off Peng Yi's wisdom and strategy. His high-strength force set off Peng Yi's more powerful ability. He became a clown directly. At last, he had to be grateful to Peng Yi and obey Peng Yi, so that he could serve the sea Gang faithfully 。

From this, we can see how clever Peng Yi's means are and how smart he is.

Shrewd, he can think of ten thousand ways to make the enemy suffer. Now, the role I play is his enemy. In order to force me to show my real body, he even adopts such despicable means to deal with me.

Obviously, Peng Yi is not an honest person. He is a good father in front of his daughter, but behind his back, he is plotting against me and killing me.

At this moment, he looked down at me, exposed me, looked at his scheming look, listened to his confident tone, he seemed to have completely recognized that I was Suluo, but I did not completely erupt, clearly did not lose my mind, clearly did not expose the side of terror, even, finally, they were beaten to lie on the ground, as if Dog abuse, he, how to determine that I was forbearance did not break out, on what basis to confirm that I was solo?

I supported myself and tried to think about my performance just now. I thought that my performance was perfect. I showed my strong side, but at the same time, I didn't show my violent side. At most, it proved that I had some strength and how to prove that I was solo.

It's impossible. I still don't think it's possible. Peng Yi can't be sure of my identity. If I had been sure that I was su Luo, he would not have to direct the play. He would have sent a master to capture me. The only possibility now is that he is still testing me. Yes, it's because they didn't force me to reveal my true shape He showed up in person and exposed me.

Thinking of this, I immediately restrained my anger. I just showed a look of anger on the surface. I looked at Peng Yi, who was a man with a beast's heart. He yelled at Peng Yi in his voice: "I'm so shameless. What kind of thing is one set in front of you and one set behind your back. It's hypocritical and disgusting. I know that you just look at me, and you're afraid of Peng Xuefei and me Pawns together, affect your reputation, just find an excuse to deal with me, but there is no need to play dirty ah

When I said this, because my mood soared to the extreme, I could not catch my breath. I coughed violently. My face was red with cough, and I looked extremely miserable and angry.

Indeed, the actions of the Hai Gang have to be affected. Besides, the Jiangnan style I play is also a bloody rich second generation. How can I easily yield to such humiliation and keep silent?

At this moment, I did my best to show the character and strength of a rich second generation. However, when I did this, I still couldn't hide Peng Yi's insight. He didn't believe my lies at all. He said, "Jiangnan style, don't pretend. I've seen that you are Suluo. Before, you played thirteen and mixed into five halls Now, you are playing the role of Jiangnan wind, approaching my daughter and fighting into the sea gang. Ha ha, you are really unscrupulous in order to save your father

Hearing Peng Yi's words, I licked the blood from the corner of my mouth and said, "is it? Does uncle Peng have any evidence? Feifei and I are in love. If you have no evidence, you can't help but beat me like this. Is this what a big gang does? I suspect that if you are afraid that I will tell you what I saw today, you will deliberately kill people! "

In terms of playing tricks, I'm not as good as Peng Yi, but after such a long time of experience, I'm no longer an ignorant young man. I know how to treat him with his own way. Peng Yi, an old and cunning fox, should care most about the Haibang. What happened this evening has had an indelible impact on the Haibang. Once it spreads out, it will surely let Hai Gang know It's bad for your reputation.So, I said it on purpose to anger him. Sure enough, Peng Yi's face changed rapidly after listening to me. However, he didn't get angry. He just said, "help him up!"

His voice was not loud, but dignified. As soon as his voice fell, two people, one left and one right, helped me up from the ground.

My body aches very powerless, but my eyes are still very firm, firm with a little dissatisfaction, faint, and a little aggrieved, and Peng Yi touched my eyes, he did not have any movement, his eyes are still deep, let me really can not see through.

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