We looked at each other for a long time. Peng Yicai finally said, "you don't want to play with me. I don't eat this set. However, I'm not an unreasonable person. For you, I know something about you. The son of a rich businessman has a little background. He didn't come back from abroad for a long time. But the time when you returned home was too strange. It happened that you were taken away on the 13th, What's more, as soon as you come back, you will try every means to pursue Feifei. This is even more strange.

Of course, I don't care about all these. After all, there are so many people who try their best to join the Peng family. What makes me wonder is your martial arts. It's incredible that you have such a high level of martial arts when you are young. It's possible to say that you are the elite son of the big family or the Heishi family's successor, but you are just a person It is impossible for the rich second generation to possess such strength.

But you, the second generation of rich people, have a high level of military force and great courage. In order to pursue my daughter, you still dare to fight against the Sheng family. I really can't think of any other possibility except that you are Suluo! "

At this moment, Peng Yi once again showed his ability to analyze problems. He listed my doubts one by one, and highlighted my military force. Indeed, as he said, these points of mine are too coincidental, too strange, and even more unconventional. His suspicions may be tenable, but even if his doubts are more reasonable, he is not sure The real evidence is the most favorable for me. I will not admit it after all.

So, after listening to Peng Yi's analysis, I immediately burst into laughter. After laughing, I replied with confidence: "I thought you had any evidence. In the final analysis, it's just because of my strength. What's wrong? The second generation of rich people is not allowed to have high martial arts skills. Can't I practice martial arts since I was a child?"

I said a little bit forceful, but also showed my arrogance and unreasonable, side of Peng Qing? Seeing me like this, his anger soared in an instant. He was honest and upright. He couldn't bear to walk around here with me. He immediately proposed to Peng Yi: "since the leader has confirmed, what can we do with him? There are many ways to let him admit it. There is no need to waste words here!"

If Peng Qing is impatient, then Peng Yi is just right. On the contrary, he is more patient and more confident. He will not let his wisdom be questioned. If he decides that I am Suluo, he will try his best to force out my prototype. If he does not force me to tell the truth by his wisdom and shrewdness, he will never give up.

Just like before, Wu Tianhao and Peng Qing were beaten back to the prototype step by step by Peng Yi. A conceited person like Peng Yi will never allow his guess to go wrong. Moreover, he will never wait until tomorrow for what can be solved today.

Therefore, he did not listen to any persuasion, still stubborn against me, he used that pair of deep eyes, tightly staring at me, and asked in a serious tone: "since you have such strength, why did you deliberately hide your strength in school before?"

It seems that Peng Yi has already understood me thoroughly. Maybe since I approached Peng Xuefei, he has investigated my details. Otherwise, he would not have been so clear about my affairs.

After all, when I first appeared in H University, my strength was average, and I often quarreled with a group of students. But now, the strength that I have exposed is more than many times stronger than before. I feel like a heaven and a ground. It's really strange that I am like this, but I'm still dead "Can't I keep a low profile

On hearing this, Peng Yi didn't go into the matter any more, and he didn't get angry because of my hard mouth. On the contrary, his mouth slightly grinned and showed a meaningful smile. Then, he continued to ask, "who is your master? Don't tell me that you are self-taught! "

I can make up other questions and be stubborn, but this one makes me speechless in a moment. Peng Yi has done so much preparation, and finally he has moved out the most critical problem. It is really the most difficult for me to explain. For me, if I am a self-taught talent, I will not believe it. Even if I am gifted, I have been guided by grandfather Bai And my constitution itself is abnormal and cannot be explained scientifically.

This headache really baffles me. I can't make it up at will. With Peng Yi's shrewdness, he will be able to see through my lies. But what can I do if I don't?

I can't think or hesitate. I don't have time to think about any better reasons. Once I'm in a dilemma, I'll expose myself. I have to continue acting and say to Peng Yi with false anger, "I've said everything. I'm low-key. Then, my master is more low-key. How can I tell you who taught me martial arts and who are you qualified to interrogate me?"

Although this is a refutation, it is an unreasonable refutation. For Peng Yi, it is equivalent to admitting my identity in disguise. Up to now, I have not come up with a reasonable explanation for him to dispel his doubts. Therefore, at this moment, he is more sure that I am Suluo. He looked at my eyes also become more profound, in his eyes I have no escape.

After staring at me for two seconds, Peng Yi once again uttered a deep voice and said to me, "Jiangnan wind, don't be hard mouthed. Admit it. Don't waste your time. I really want to confirm your real body. I can directly take you and Su Qiyao for a paternity test. I just don't want to waste that time. Besides, I'm not afraid to tell you if you are su Luo, As long as you cooperate well with my work, you still have a chance to live. But if you are not solo, you must die. You are also a smart man, and you should know what I mean! "With that, Peng Yi's eyes gradually sent out a cold light, the light permeated people, especially in this bleak night, more terrifying.

After hearing Peng Yi's words, I felt a sense of despair in my heart. I tried so hard to hide my identity and just wanted to save my life. But as a result, this cunning fox told me directly that if I wasn't Suluo, I would be dead.

Peng Yi is really vicious. He really didn't intend to give me a way to live from the beginning. Yes, even if I was Jiangnan style and a second generation of rich people, according to Peng Yi's character, he would not let me go. At Sheng Mingjie's party, the people of the Hai Gang would dare to kill me in public. If Qi Qi Qi didn't come in time, I would not have Life, in the eyes of the sea Gang, Sheng Mingjie is the best son-in-law. If he offends the Sheng family, they will have no good. How can they tolerate me and Peng Xuefei together.

What's more, I witnessed their civil strife tonight and learned something I shouldn't know. Of course, Peng Yi doesn't want to spread today's events. He is bound to kill me. I was originally a person who had disappeared, but now I am dead, I am dead quietly. He can give up any reason, even if Kiki wants to show me the way.

Peng Yi's move is really too poisonous. This hypocrite really has no human nature. Anyway, I am his daughter's savior, and even more, his daughter loves me. He does not hesitate to put me to death. He does not care about his daughter, and there is nothing humane to say. He only considers his own interests. His so-called family justice and supervision What's the difference between family interests?

Knowing Peng Yi's true face, I became more and more aware of my own situation. I couldn't escape to death. Although Peng Yi said that as long as I admitted my identity, there would be a chance to live, but it was obviously a lie to a child. I couldn't believe it, let alone be deceived. Without thinking, I yelled at him: "I've said it many times, I'm not Suluo, Are you despicable people who are so lawless that they are not afraid of retribution? "

In my opinion, I would rather die bravely as a Jiangnan style than admit that Suluo died of cowardice. In that case, my father might be involved. Since I was forced to a desperate situation, I had to die simply, not to drag anyone down.

The threat of death did not force me to tell the truth. Peng Yi finally did not want to waste words with me. He shook his head in disappointment, and then said with great dissatisfaction: "stubborn!"

Peng Qing, standing at the left rear of Peng Yi, seemed to understand Peng Yi's meaning. He immediately asked Peng Yi to take the initiative and said, "you can't do this at all. You'd better look at me. I'll see if he has a hard mouth or a hard bone."

After that, Peng Qing immediately ran to me like a killer, stretched out his two hands and pinched it on my shoulder. As I was wondering what he was going to do, all of a sudden, my whole body was numb, and my muscles and veins seemed to have been electrocuted. The whole person trembled.

A moment later, I just felt a sharp pain sweeping my whole body, stinging every cell of my body, including the internal organs. After a while, I couldn't help but hiss and roared. The roar broke the whole night sky and brought out endless sadness.

Once, in order to play a good Jiangnan style, I always pretended to be fragile and vulnerable, but at this moment, I was really in pain, pain to the heart and lung, pain to numbness.

Although, my ability to bear is much stronger than ordinary people, all kinds of suffering have been suffered, but those pain compared with the pain I am suffering at the moment, directly became a pediatrics. I don't know where Peng Qing pinched my shoulder. It seems that Peng Qing pinched my numb tendons and pain points at the same time, which made the muscles and veins in my body bear the pain of paralysis and the cells of my body bear the fracture of acupuncture Anyway, I feel numb and painful all over my body. This kind of pain is really beyond human endurance. Only by venting like conditional emission and shouting can I avoid sudden death.

At this moment, I absolutely want to burst out, anyway, there is no way to live, I don't need to be teased and tortured by them.

But Peng Qing suddenly seemed to hold my gate of life, so that I couldn't break out at all. I became a weak chicken in his hand and could only be held by him. I couldn't lift the root of Qi in the elixir field, and my strength could not be exerted. I just wanted to push him away with my hands, because I was caught dead by two people who helped me get up. I was like one Like a puppet, only being manipulated by others has become an extravagant hope.

At this moment, in this area, in this endless night sky, I constantly resound through my heartrending roar, which is more tragic than the howling of ghosts and wolves.

I kept sweating, and soon wet my ragged clothes. My tears were uncontrollable. My face was full of tears. Now I am as miserable as I want to be. What's more, endless pain doesn't make me comatose. I can only stand here and bear the pain, which is worse than death.

Peng Qing's method is really too cruel, just like he said, look at my bones hard, but even if my bones are hard, they can't bear the pain. I'm so helpless and miserable. My voice is hoarse in the end, and I can't make a sound slowly. My anger and resentment are gradually dissipated in the shouting, and the only remaining remains in me Endless pain.I can't imagine how my father persisted in their test. I don't know how much he suffered. I only know that I can't bear the taste. It's too much worse than death. This kind of torture has exceeded the limit of human beings. But this is just the beginning. There may be more and more cruel pain waiting for me. In the end, I still can't escape death.

There are many kinds of death. I don't want to be tortured to death by them. I don't want to be a puppet used by them. I want to let them know that I would rather die than surrender.

As soon as this belief sprouted, my heart suddenly became extremely firm, and the pain on my body became deeper and deeper. However, I tried to hold back all the pain, took a deep breath, and pumped up a little residual strength in my body to my teeth.

Then, I was ready to bite my tongue and commit suicide, but at this critical moment, a voice suddenly came from the dark sky: "stop it!"

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