This sound is particularly abrupt, which is obviously filled with anger. It is like a thunderbolt, which thunders in my ear and stops my tongue biting action.

At the same time, Peng Qing, who was still holding my lifeline, let go of his hand and let me breathe because of the voice.

Finally, my body pain no longer deepened, but the rest of the pain did not stop, I felt every inch of the body in pain, the pain of my whole body fatigue, or the left and right sides of the people continue to pinch me, let my body stand, this moment, my embarrassment is still so clear.

I tried to prop up my eyelids and looked at the source of the voice with my turbid eyes. I saw Peng Xuefei, who was dressed in black and had no time to change clothes, was running towards me from the other end of the path. The voice just now was just from Peng Xuefei, who was eager to change clothes.

At the moment, she ran under the street lamp, the light pulled out her long shadow, let her be like the night elf general, nimble and lively, let my dead heart have some rekindling.

Soon, Peng Xuefei ran in front of me. She gasped and looked at me eagerly. Her eyes were full of heartache and pain. Seeing me so embarrassed and injured, her eyebrows were tightly wrinkled together. Her expression was extremely anxious and extremely painful.

When she was able to breathe, she made a whining voice and asked me, "Jiangnan wind, are you ok?"

Her voice is very thin, but her tone is full of guilt and endless heartache. I want to open my mouth to reply to her, but my voice has become hoarse and can't make any sound at all. I can only show a smile that is worse than crying.

Peng Xuefei was not blind. She could see how much I was hurt and how deeply I suffered. She could not help but flash a little tears in her eyes. Her eyes immediately filled with anger. She quickly turned her head and glared at her father. She scolded loudly: "father, what do you mean? Don't you promise to let the wind from the south of the Yangtze River leave? You are doing this now What

With these words, Peng Xuefei's eyes were red and red, and her tears were shining in the light, as if the person in front of her was not her father, but her enemy.

Peng Yi! Did not explain my matter, just to Peng Xuefei dissatisfaction way: "how did you come?"

Peng Yi's voice has just dropped, and summer also follows Peng Xuefei's footsteps to the scene.

As soon as he saw Peng Yu, Peng Yi immediately denounced him: "didn't you let you look at your sister? How did you let her come over?"

Peng Yu lowered his head and looked like he had done something wrong. He said in a low voice: "after my sister went back, I saw that you and uncle were not here. I guessed that something had happened. I wanted to come out. I couldn't stop it!"

Obviously, Peng Yu still respects this elder sister. Otherwise, how can Peng Xuefei be stopped by his strength.

When Peng Xuefei saw that her father didn't explain my problem, she scolded her younger brother. She was even more upset. She directly yelled at Peng Yi: "don't blame Peng Yu. I forced her to come out with death. I asked you, why do you want to repent? Why should we aim at Jiangnan style?"

A roar, burst out Peng Xuefei all grievances and anger, she has already collapsed, so hysterical, her tears in the eyes, finally rolling down.

For her father, she has always been dissatisfied, dissatisfied with her father's ruthlessness, dissatisfied with her father only as a chess piece, until today in the hall, she saw her father's other side, saw her father's care for himself, so she felt lucky and felt the father's love that she had never experienced.

However, this kind of feeling came and went faster. In the blink of an eye, her father's love that she enjoyed collapsed suddenly. Her father, who rarely showed kindness, suddenly became a devil again. She hurt the man she loved in such a way behind his back. How did Peng Xuefei bear her pain, her disappointment and her anger were all reflected in her tears.

See Peng Xuefei so, Peng Xuefei's face is not good-looking, however, he did not make too much explanation, just a simple reply: "he is Suluo!"

Four words, concise and comprehensive, but show everything.

When Peng Xuefei heard this, she was more angry and her tears were more fierce. She cried and cried to Peng Yi: "no way, he is not Suluo. He is my boyfriend, Jiangnan style!"

The last three words, Peng Xuefei almost roared out, it sounds so heartrending and painful. She never doubted me, not only because I was her favorite man, but also because Suluo was the enemy of her family. She didn't want to and would not connect me with Suluo. She pushed the two people around me directly after roaring "Let him go!" he said as he pushed

Two people were pushed away by Peng Xuefei one after another, and my only support point was gone. Immediately, my whole person collapsed on the ground.

Peng Xuefei saw this and was shocked. She quickly squatted beside me and propped up my head. She said in panic, "Jiangnan wind, what's wrong with you? Are you ok?"

Now I feel like a waste man, physically and mentally exhausted, physically and mentally devastated, and my heart even more tortured. It can be said that if Peng Xuefei did not suddenly appear, I would have been forced to death by these demons.However, Peng Xuefei only gave me a moment of light, when I recovered, my heart became gray again, I had no idea of living.

Peng Yi can't help her, but if I don't feel exhausted, I just hope that I can't help Xuesheng.

My tragedy let Peng Xuefei more and more anxious, she shed tears, while trying to hold me, but also want to forcibly lift me from the ground.

But at this time, Peng Yi couldn't look down and suddenly snapped, "that's enough!"

Two words, extremely majestic, let Peng Xuefei ton live, she looked up at Peng Yi blankly, some despair said: "you have beaten people like this, what do you want to do?"

Peng Yi's eyes were cold and his face was serious. He gave a cold drink and said, "don't worry about this matter. You should leave it alone."

Peng Xuefei said without hesitation: "I don't!"

In order to protect me, Peng Xuefei is completely free, she has no matter what is her father or what, she just protect me.

Peng Yi is obviously displeased with Peng Xuefei's obstinacy. However, Peng Xuefei has just come back from a narrow escape. He is not good at losing his temper. He can only slow down his tone and say mildly, "Feifei, be obedient. You should be aware of the gratitude and resentment between Hong Gang and Suluo. Don't make any mischief, OK?"

All in all, Peng Yi took me for Suluo, which was the most painful place for Peng Xuefei. When she heard this, she directly called out, "but he is not Suluo?"

Peng Yi immediately said in a deep voice, "he is. He has stopped talking to himself."

Even Peng Qing, who was next to him, echoed: "good niece, don't make a fool of yourself. He's really Suluo. Don't be petty!"

This fact is cruel to Peng Xuefei. She is so unwilling to believe this fact. However, her family members deal with me because of this reason, which makes Peng Xuefei have to face it. She finally turned her eyes to me and looked at me with a complicated face. After holding for a long time, she asked me, "are you really Suluo?"

I can feel how painful Peng Xuefei felt when she said this, and her voice trembled. Maybe it was more painful to accept the fact that I was solo than to kill her.

Originally, I always insisted on not exposing my identity. I didn't want to be at the mercy of Peng Yi's old fox. I didn't want my father to die because of my problems. Therefore, I insisted. Now, for Peng Xuefei, I couldn't expose myself. I couldn't let Peng Xuefei suffer from being betrayed until I died.

With such determination, my paralytic body finally began to move, slowly, I struggled to climb up from the ground.

At the moment, I have recovered some strength. However, due to the great pain just now, my feet still tremble. But my willpower is very strong, and my heart is unyielding. I look at Peng Yi indignantly, pulling my hoarse voice and swearing: "fuck you, I'm your mother's Suluo!"

Or too excited, a word out, I with blood spit star son all spray to Peng Qing's face, suddenly, Peng Qing was angry, roared at me: "you want to die!"

With that, he was going to attack me, but Peng Xuefei was quick in his eyes and quickly blocked me in front of me to protect me. At the same time, he cried bitterly: "Jiangnan wind has said that he is not Suluo. How can you determine that he is Suluo? Why do you beat him like this?"

Peng Qing saw Peng Xuefei in the way, but Peng Yi swept me with sharp eyes, and then he said to Peng Xuefei, "Feifei, why are you so stupid? Can't you see his abnormality? Just now we have tried his skill, very good, do you think an ordinary student has such a powerful skill? When I asked him who his master was, he couldn't answer. In this way, if you asked him to tell me who his master was, I would admit that he was from the south of the Yangtze River. How about that? "

When Peng Xuefei heard this, she immediately wiped away her tears. As if she had found hope, she quickly folded herself and pulled me. She said eagerly, "Jiangnan wind, tell my father who your master is."

This problem is the most important issue that Peng Yi and his staff think that I am Suluo, and it is also a problem that I can't explain. Because I really can't say why, my only insistence is not to say, to kill or not to say.

Therefore, I have to continue to insist: "I do not say, can not say!"

In a word, it represents my determination. Peng Xuefei's eyes flashed a trace of bad looks, and seemed to have some doubts. Taking advantage of this, Peng Yi immediately answered: "Feifei, see, I said, he is Suluo. You should believe what my father said, I won't wronged people, you should get out of the way!"

Peng Xuefei's body is a little stiff, she is more and more tangled and painful, but after all, she still looks firm, raises her head and straightens her chest, and says unyielding: "no, I don't allow you to move the south wind of the river!"

Hearing this, Peng Yi's look returned to coldness. He said with a slight displeasure: "he is not the wind from the south of the Yangtze River, he is Suluo!"

Peng Xuefei still retorted: "you do not have actual evidence, how can you be sure that he is Suluo, even if he is really Suluo, you are not allowed to move him!"Suddenly heard Peng Xuefei's words, I was confused. I can't imagine that Peng Xuefei could say such words on such an occasion. Her feelings for me are so deep that she doesn't care about my identity and whether I approach her through the identity of Jiangnan style. She seems to care nothing about everything, just to protect me.

For this sentence, Peng Yi is more Leng, he is difficult to set channel: "why?"

In the face of her father's silence, Peng Xuefei's determination still remained. However, two lines of sad tears slipped down her firm eyes, and her voice became hoarse. She said, "because he saved me, I would have died without him. I can't be ungrateful. Besides, I brought him to my home today. If he had an accident today, I would have been happy all my life Yes, so, in any case, you are not allowed to move him today, certainly not! "

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