At this moment, Peng Xuefei was not so excited, but surprisingly calm. It was because of this special calm that I realized that she began to doubt me. She did not blindly trust me. She clearly saw my speechlessness and her father's uncle's conviction of my identity. She had to doubt me, but because of this doubt, her heart was more painful Yes.

For her, the fact that I am Suluo is really cruel, almost equivalent to breaking her into pieces. However, she put aside her own pain and just took care of me. For me, she tried everything to compete with her father and protected me without hesitation. She was a girl with principles, and she would not repay good for evil. She knew better that she would not bring me into her home without her, I can't be what I am now, so, no matter what, she won't abandon me or die.

After listening to Peng Xuefei's words, Peng Yi's eyes jumped out of anger. He was no longer polite and said angrily, "Feifei, do you know what you're talking about?"

This is the first time tonight that Peng Yi is so angry with his daughter who has just returned home. He is completely angry.

Normally, Peng Xuefei should be afraid of Peng Yi, who is furious. However, she did not. At the last party of Sheng Mingjie, she withdrew because of a phone call from her father. This time, she did not shrink back. She looked her father's eyes directly and said very obstinately, "I know, I can't control what you will do in the future, but I'm not allowed to move Jiang Nanfeng today, If you want to hurt him, kill me first

With that, Peng Xuefei's tears, like the river burst its banks, were more and more rampant, but her expression was so resolute, showing a passion of giving up life to death.

Peng Xuefei's love for me will never die. Anyone who has a little affection should be infected and moved. However, the members of the sea gang are not ordinary people. Each of them has been wandering in the river and lake for many years. They have no sympathy and pity for us, but only incomprehension and resentment.

Peng Yi, especially as the leader of the Hai Gang, as Peng Xuefei's biological father, saw his daughter disobey himself several times and fought against himself. Regardless of the overall situation of the gang, he would rather die than protect me as an outsider. How could he be affected? Suddenly, he burst into a rage and roared: "nonsense, come on, bring her down to me!"

Peng Yi is so angry that the earth will shake. Several people behind him immediately rush over and try to pull Peng Xuefei.

However, at this time, Peng Xuefei where will yield, she recklessly showed a shrewd side, directly hit these pull his people, let them not move her.

After all, these people are subordinates, and they dare not be unreasonable to Peng Xuefei. Seeing this, Peng Yi suddenly shouts: "pull it off!"

At this moment, it seems that the love between father and daughter is completely broken. Peng Xuefei is crazy, and Peng Yi is also bold. In order to deal with me, he even ignores his daughter.

His men took orders, and forced Peng Xuefei to subdue her and drag her away. Even though Peng Xuefei was still rude, she was a weak woman after all. How could she compete with men? Under the brute force of these people, she could not resist at all, but even though her body was pulled away, she was still struggling, crying and crying like a naughty child His legs kept kicking, and his mouth kept accusing his father.

I watched Peng Xuefei, who was pulled to one side and struggled to cry, felt a warm current in my heart, but her leaving made me lose everything. Standing alone in the night wind, I swayed with the wind. The warmth of Peng Xuefei in my heart was gradually blown away by the wind. Peng Yi's ruthlessness and viciousness made me feel the coldest chill in the world. At the moment, I stayed in the My heart, only lost and unwilling.

At this time, Peng Yi used his most cruel voice to send a final greeting to me: "now you can admit that you are Suluo!"

In the end, he still wanted to suppress me with his majesty, or he wanted me to yield and obey in front of him. However, the more he was like this, the more unyielding I was. My expression was still persistent and stubborn. I did not hesitate to say firmly again: "my name is Jiangnan wind."

My body showed a kind of stubborn spirit, but my voice can not hide the desolation, constantly reverberating in the night sky, resentment.

When Peng Yi heard me say this, his eyebrows suddenly rose, and in a deep voice, he ordered, "take away his hands!"

Peng Yi's voice had no emotion at all. As soon as his voice dropped, Peng Xuefei, who was pulled aside, immediately yelled, "No. then, in a hoarse voice, she called to me:" Jiangnan wind, run, run! "

Peng Xuefei's words like a compass, guiding my direction, let me suddenly wake up, yes, I'm not bound now, why should I sit and wait for death, even if I break out, it's impossible to beat these people, but at least I'm not a mole ant to be trampled by others. I can fight and rush out, at least, not waiting for death.

Suddenly, my eyes shot out a strong cold light, my vision reflected the shadow of the first person, he got Peng Yi's order, just wanted to hit me, I burst out before he hit me.

The spirit of anger and unyielding let my body's anger roar out. Between the electric light and flint, I raised my foot and kicked it towards the people in front of me. This foot was full of mountains and seas.The red faced man may not have thought that I, seriously injured, can burst out such amazing strength and speed, he is simply defenseless, directly kicked by me.

Don't say that he and other people were shocked by my strength. Before they could react, I started to run.

My body has accumulated a strong strength, which is not for fighting. To fight with them, I just hit the stone with an egg. My powerful strength is to prepare for running away. Running has always been my strong point. Long ago, I was a man of the world in sprint and long-distance running. It was also because of running that I made a name in college, so even now I was seriously injured But when I was running, I was not ambiguous, especially when my life was threatened, I was flying on the road like a sword.

My goal is the road at the exit of this path. At this moment, I have been desperate, and I have only one belief in my heart, that is, to run, to run hard, to run, to run out of this grotto, to run the birth of hope.

But did not run a few steps, behind me rang Peng Qing manic voice: "want to run, looking for death!"

Immediately, I felt the crazy murderous spirit coming from behind me. And, as I got closer and closer, no matter how fast I ran, I couldn't get rid of this murderous spirit. Even as I ran, the more murderous spirit became, I seemed to be dragged by something. The more I ran, the harder I ran, but I still tried my best to run forward.

Seeing that I was about to run to the intersection, I was about to rush to the road. I was so excited. But at this moment, my back suddenly shook and got a strong foot. This foot was powerful. I flew into the air and fell heavily in the middle of the horse road. My mouth suddenly spattered with blood.

I know that Peng Qing is the one who kicked me. Although, he is a lot of years old, when a person's strength reaches the peak, his speed and explosive power will be incomparable. Peng Qing's Kung Fu has already reached a certain level. As soon as he bursts out, the speed is more crazy than that of cheetahs. Under his pursuit, my fate is only like this.

At this moment, my injury became more serious, but I was still unyielding and wanted to get up strong, but I was too tired physically and mentally. Just now Peng Qing's foot was too overbearing, as if one foot had broken my bone. I want to struggle to get up, it is very difficult.

Bai pengqing saw that I still wanted to get up and continue to attack me. His power was very fierce. I only felt a ghost like black cloud pressing on me. My sense of despair became stronger. But just as Peng Qing was about to rush to my side, a Land Rover suddenly came from the end of the road. The speed was so fast that when I met Peng Qing, I didn't slow down Towards Peng Qing.

However, Peng Qing is still in his prime. As soon as the car hit him, he quickly made a somersault, and the Land Rover passed directly under him. Then, he applied an emergency brake and stopped.

Immediately, a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes came down from the driver's seat of Land Rover.

On the other side, after Peng Qing turned over, he fell to the ground. Because the scene just came so suddenly and quickly, Peng Qing turned over in such a hurry that he could not help but stagger when he landed. It took him a while to recover.

Once he was in a trance, he immediately became furious, swearing at the middle-aged man who came down from the Land Rover: "NMD, how do you drive?"

Peng Qing, who is a high-ranking and powerful member of the Haibang group, can't help but burst out his rude words at this moment. At the same time, Peng Yi's people also came to the road from the path. Among them, many people of the Haibang also saw that the short eyed car almost hit Peng Qing. They were immediately angry and scolded. However, the middle-aged people who were bombed by the group completely ignored all of them, as if they were air. He just walked quickly towards me.

As soon as he came to me, he helped me up without saying a word, and asked with concern: "young master, are you ok?"

Hearing this voice and seeing the man in front of me, my despairing heart immediately ignited a strong hope, and the tide in my heart suddenly rolled up. All kinds of emotions interweaved, which made me surprised and happy. Because he was no other than uncle snake, one of the two bodyguards of Jiangjia villa.

I feel that I haven't seen this familiar face for a long time. In this city, he is my family member. I only feel warm and kind when I see him, but I am more shocked. I can't imagine that he will appear so domineering at this moment, which makes me shocked. Just like in a dream, I can't slow down for a while Uncle snake's question, as if he had not heard it, was ignorant.

What surprised them more than me was, of course, the people of the Hai Gang. They didn't think that there were people who were so lawless and dare to act wild near their Peng family manor. Of course, what surprised them most was that this lawless middle-aged man called me young master.

At the scene, only shrewd and experienced Peng Yi kept calm. He stared at Uncle snake with his sharp eyes and said coldly, "who are you?"

Uncle Peng, a glimpse of the snake's familyAs soon as Uncle snake's voice dropped, the door of the co driver's seat of the Land Rover opened, and a middle-aged man came out of it. He was another bodyguard, uncle gang.

However, when Uncle gang got out of the car, he didn't come to me. Instead, he went to the back seat of the car and opened the back door respectfully. Seeing uncle Gang's respectful gesture, my brain immediately buzzed. In a moment, I realized that the mysterious master of the Jiang family appeared

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