The streetlights on both sides of the road, compared with those on the exclusive path of Pengjia manor, lack a bit of overbearing and luxurious flavor. However, the lights are also very bright. Under the illumination of the lights, the snake uncle who bows his head and bends down is clearly illuminated.

Although uncle snake is nominally only a bodyguard of the Xu family, he is not an ordinary person. From the first time I saw him, I felt that he was special. The owner of the manor was not there. He was responsible for all the affairs of the Jiang family. His role was obviously more than a bodyguard. However, he was low-key and hard to see through.

Ever since I became a Jiangnan wind and entered Jiang's family, uncle snake has taken good care of me. However, he seldom interferes with my affairs outside. In other words, he seldom shows up in front of me. The only time I saw him stand out is that in University, I had a friction with Ouyang Jing. Under special circumstances, I called Uncle snake and asked him to come stage-vacancy-filling.

At that time, uncle snake quickly arrived at the school with a group of people in a very short period of time, and the scenery was boundless. Moreover, he made a phone call to get the president of the University settled. It can be seen that his ability is not ordinary.

Such a low-key person is opening the door of a Land Rover with such a low-key attitude at the moment. How can I not be surprised and excited? Since I contacted uncle snake, I have never seen him so respectful. Even if he is a fake young master of Jiang family, the most important thing is to be polite. I can't make him kowtow to me. So, let me have a look at the scene in front of me It can be concluded that the person in the back seat of the car must be the master of the Jiang family.

It is just because of this that my heart beat violently and I am shocked and excited. The shock is that the mysterious master of Jiang family finally appears, and I can finally see his real face. The excitement lies in the fact that I feel the hope and the hope of living. At this moment, I realize how precious it is for me to live Happiness.

With this hope, my listless spirit can't help but cheer up. Even, my turbid eyes have miraculously become clear. I almost hold my eyes to the maximum, staring at the Land Rover with nervous expression.

All the other people on the scene, also with fantastic heart, looked at the Land Rover under the street lamp. The door was opened by Uncle snake. Then, in the whole audience's attention, under the salute of Uncle snake, a man slowly walked out of the car.

When this person appeared in my sight, my decadent body suddenly trembled for a moment, and my brain also shook violently, as if I had been shocked. It was just incredible.

It's not because this person is so familiar and incredible to me, but the person who came down from the car is actually a woman.

God knows, before I got off the bus, I had such deep expectations and illusions. I had such deep illusions that he was so domineering, so powerful, so imposing. I was eager that his arrival would let me get out of the clutches of the Hai Gang and keep this life that I wanted to cherish so much.

However, how could I have expected that a woman would fall into my eyes at first, which was so incredible that my eyes became more and more intense, staring straight at the car, expecting another person to come down from the car.

But no, after the woman got out of the car, uncle snake closed the door and led the woman towards me.

This time, even if I don't want to admit it, I have to admit that this woman is probably the mysterious master of Jiang family.

All of a sudden, a deep sense of disappointment filled my heart, which made me feel depressed again. However, on second thought, I suddenly felt a flame of hope in my heart. I suddenly felt a sense of excitement. Although this feeling is very sharp, it is my spiritual medicine.

Yes, it's just because of my fixed idea that the owner of the villa naturally thinks of him as a man. Therefore, I have a preconceived concept, and I feel frustrated when I see that the other side is a woman.

But think carefully, regardless of gender, the identity of the master of Jiang family is not ordinary. If she can easily get me out of the prison, she should have her specific skills. What about a woman? As long as she is the mysterious owner of the Jiang family's villa, can't she?

Thinking of this, my eyes once again glowed with bright color, my eyes tightly fixed on the woman in front of me.

Under the light, her slender posture is plump and graceful, with moon eyebrows and star eyes, but she is cold and gorgeous. Her eyes are light and cold, and she seems to be able to see through everything. Her skin is scarlet, with a taste of national color and natural fragrance, and her face is very beautiful.

A standard professional suit seems to be tailor-made for her. The clothes match with the people, which is almost impeccable. She has a pair of high-heeled shoes under her feet, which makes her slender body more tall.

The most peculiar thing is that some women will look graceful and enchanting when they step on high-heeled shoes, but she is different. She walks leisurely on high-heeled shoes, but she exudes a strong sedate and dignified temperament all over her body.

What is reflected in her body is indeed an extremely contradictory feature. At first glance, she was a gorgeous girl, but the closer she was, the more unusual I could feel. Her girlish appearance and skin may only show her good maintenance, because her cold and deep eyes, as well as her mature and dignified temperament, can be fully exposed She's actually an elderly woman.Even more surprising to me is that the woman's bones exude a certain kind of domineering spirit that can't be erased by the years. Even if she is well hidden, I can still feel that unique momentum, which makes people feel awe.

I have felt this momentum in Peng Yi, but never in a woman. It can be seen that this woman is indeed very special.

However, all my feelings for her were not as violent as the last shock. When she was closer and closer to me, when her appearance was more and more clearly reflected in my eyes, I suddenly felt a familiar taste.

This sense of familiarity is reflected in her facial features. Her facial features are very delicate, which is a little similar to a person I have seen before. That person is sun Xiangru's daughter, sun Yihan.

But this sense of familiarity is fierce, and it disappears quickly, because the temperament of this woman and that little girl is really too bad. It is totally two extremes, which makes me eliminate this illusion in an instant. Think about it, it is just an illusion, so, there is no longer any connection between them.

Unconscious, the woman has come to me, and as soon as she comes to me, she calmly reaches out her hand and caresses my head. At this moment, her cold and gorgeous eyes, has ignored everything, only me, her eyes cold gradually dispersed, replaced by full of soft, she gently looked at me, gently stroked me, let me feel the long lost maternal love.

After a long time, she asked me with concern: "the wind, are you ok?"

Her voice is very ethereal, floating in the silent night, it seems beautiful and graceful, like the voice of the gods.

From her body, I found the care of maternal love, my heart can not help but produce warmth, at the same time, also more a kind of courage and self-confidence, I looked at her deeply, tried to open my mouth, issued an extremely hoarse voice: "nothing!"

At the moment, my throat has been dry and hoarse. When I say these two words, I can taste the taste of blood in my throat.

When the woman saw me like this, the chill in her eyes flashed again. Obviously, she was angry because I was hurt. She didn't say any more nonsense. She asked me directly, "what's going on?"

This is the second time she opens her voice. Her voice is still ethereal, but there is a little bit of cold smell. From her tone and eyes, I can see that she wants to understand my situation and then seek justice for me.

However, I didn't have a clear explanation for what happened here, and I didn't have much time to explain it. After a few seconds of brewing, I immediately replied weakly: "they attacked me because they suspected that I was solo!"

In a word, a simple and clear summary of the key points in this matter, I am well aware that a woman knows my true identity. If she wants to protect me, she must find out whether I have been completely exposed, so that she can implement the corresponding countermeasures.

Sure enough, the woman got the bottom of her heart after listening to it. She immediately gave me a look with me at your ease. Then, she turned around arrogantly and looked at the people of Haibang with sharp eyes. She said in a cold voice, "you beat people like this indiscriminately. Are the people of Haibang so lawless?"

Her tone is quite impolite, and her eyes are unconquered, showing a chill of discontent.

Once again, I was subdued by the upright women. You know, the people we are facing at the moment are the senior personnel of the largest gang in H Province, including the leader of the gang. However, she doesn't care at all and just wants to get justice for me.

The woman's words immediately aroused the dissatisfaction of the sea Gang staff. Originally, the Land Rover car hit Peng Qing, which made them unhappy. Now, the woman is so impolite and rude, which makes them more angry. One of them suddenly rushed over and swore: "die three or eight, do you know who you are talking to?"

However, this person is not close, as a bodyguard of the snake uncle suddenly attack, lightning like toward the man.

Snake uncle under the light, only a virtual shadow, suddenly, the night sky sounded the pain of the man's howl, followed by the sound of the man flying back to the ground.

The second kill is really a second kill. Uncle snake killed the elite members of the Hai Gang in an instant. This scene shocked all the members of the Hai Gang. At this point, everyone should know that this woman is really extraordinary.

However, the people of Hong Gang are more angry than shocked. This is their territory. Uncle Ying drives directly into the old man with white eyebrows. The dignified woman is not polite to the Hong Gang. Now uncle tie directly hits their people. How can they stand it? For a moment, they are in a rage and want to take action.

But at this time, Peng Yi suddenly issued a stern voice: "stop it!"

Immediately, all the members of the gang stopped moving. Then Peng Yi went straight to us. He faced the woman and said, "who are you?"

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