Peng Yi's spirit is different. When he spoke, a powerful aura came and covered us.

However, under such pressure, this woman is still unchanged. Her hidden momentum is still there. Her eyes are still sharp and cold. Facing the majestic Peng Yi, she is not weak at all, and her tone is sonorous: "I am the mother of Jiangnan style, Jiang pinru!"

A woman can have such an aura, which really makes me wonder and makes me blush. It can be said that in the face of Peng Yi, I can only be easily trampled on, but women are still very strong, as if the person opposite is not the leader of the Hai Gang, but a small role.

As for a woman, it directly determines what I think in my heart. She is undoubtedly a human being. Peng Yi has already guessed this. He looks cold and says calmly: "I know that Jiang pinru, President of Jiangshi group, has been growing up rapidly in H Province. However, I think you should not be so simple on the surface."

Peng Yi's greatest characteristic is that he is shrewd and excellent. He can see through everything when he treats anyone and anything. For this woman, he must have seen something before he said so.

It is true that how can an ordinary businessman have such courage, let alone a businesswoman.

Looking at this woman, she didn't care about Peng Yi's words at all. What she aimed at was my business. In the face of strong Peng Yi, she once again issued a very impolite voice: "I'm not simple and unimportant. The important thing is, why do you bully more and hurt my son?"

Her voice is still ethereal, but there is a surging momentum hidden in it. She is not afraid of the powerful Haibang at all, and only dissatisfaction is shown on her face.

It is because of Jiang's domineering and strong, I feel a strong sense of security, I feel that with her around, I am not afraid of Hong Gang's demons.

Not only me, but even Peng Qing must have felt her special powerful atmosphere. Therefore, he was so grumpy that he kept holding back and didn't get angry. But when he saw my fake mother's arrogant attitude, he couldn't help it. He suddenly stood up and yelled, "don't play tricks here. No matter what character you are, it's not good to offend us What's more, don't play dumb with us. Jiangnan wind is Su Luo, the most wanted person. We have already investigated it out! "

Peng Qing's momentum was also extraordinary, and her voice was more like a Hong Zhong. He broke through the point by saying that they had investigated my identity. Fortunately, at the beginning, I had explained to the fake mother that the other party only suspected me. Perhaps because of this, she didn't care about Peng Qing's words. On the contrary, she burst out a burst of silver bell like laughter That is to say: "ridiculous, my son Jiangnan Feng, how can it be Suluo? Do you have any evidence? If there is no evidence, I will sue you for lynching

Her words showed her boundless confidence and her courage. Peng Qing felt her strength again, which made him furious. He was no longer polite, and directly roared: "the evidence is that Jiangnan wind has amazing force, which is the evidence. If you ask him who his master is, you can't say it. It's obvious that things have happened!"

Peng Qing's words were immediately echoed by other members of the Hai Gang. Many people criticized me, saying that I was su Luo, that I had hidden my strength, that I could fight, and finally refused to expose my master. Obviously, it was a guilty conscience.

It seems that all the sea gang members in the hall have identified my identity as Suluo. At the scene, Peng Xuefei was the only one who argued for me weakly, saying that I was not Suluo. Obviously, the appearance of Jiang pinru also made Peng Xuefei see hope and hope that I could be rescued. Even because of her appearance, she dispelled her doubts about me and deeply believed me. Because of this belief, she did not so painful, she spared no effort to insist on love, for me to do a powerless excuse.

As a matter of fact, I am still flustered at this stage, because I don't know the master of Jiang family very well. Even if she gives me the feeling of being protected, I don't know why she is so confident from a calm and objective point of view. I don't know how much energy she has. In principle, it should be She is not as good as Haibang. After all, she is just a woman and a businessman. Therefore, I am worried that if my identity is exposed, she will be implicated.

However, she did not seem to worry at all. From the beginning to the end, her face was unshakable, and she had the mentality that Mount Tai collapsed in front of her. When everyone attacked me in succession, she still maintained the posture of holding injustice for me at the beginning. Her eyes were still cold and her voice became more and more arrogant. She directly scorned the group of people who rushed to the sea and said, "you depend on this, you You think my son is solo? Our Jiang family's bodyguards all have this strength. Can we also be regarded as the people you are looking for. If you are weak, you are not allowed to be strong? "

From the beginning, she was not polite to Haibang. At this moment, she showed her domineering spirit incisively and vividly. While arguing for me, she also belittled the Haibang people.

All these masters of the Hai Gang are of extraordinary strength, but now a woman says that they are weak. How can they stand it? What's more, her explanation is almost the same as my explanation. In the opinion of the Haigang people, they are eloquent. In the final analysis, we still can't come up with a practical statement to prove that I'm not Suluo.Therefore, the patience of the Haigang people has been worn away, and their anger is even more aroused. Peng Qing, who is very angry, can't bear it. The flame is burning wildly in his eyes. He raises two eyebrows and yells at Peng Yi in a rough voice: "leader, don't delay with this girl. This boy is Suluo. She must not be a good bird. She caught them together It's a hundred! "

Peng Qing's proposal was strongly supported by the other members of the Hai Gang. They were so angry that they couldn't help it. At the moment, they were all ready to kill us all.

Seeing this situation, my heart is more and more bottomless. My previous sense of security is gone. Even if I want to deceive myself, I can't help it. Anyway, there are only a few people here. Even if Uncle snake's force goes against the sky, they can't withstand the joint attack of so many top experts of the Hai Gang. In the end, we are crushed by each other, that is to say, now Not only did I die alone, but I also implicated the fake mother and them.

The more I think about it, the more melancholy I feel in my heart. But the woman beside me is still not worried about the sea Gang tigers and wolves. On the contrary, she boldly takes two steps forward.

The light makes her shadow long and brings out a special meaning. Her expression is cold and rigorous. Her eyes are like a bottomless pit, which is extremely deep and can't be seen through. Her deep eyes look directly at the tiger and wolf lion of the Hai Gang. Her red lips open and she makes an unfathomable voice: "do you want to burn yourself Try it

In the night sky, the voice of a dignified woman reverberates for a long time. At this moment, her whole body seems to emit a different kind of brilliance, showing her majesty like a queen. What a woman can show is how powerful it is. What she said makes my heart shake. I don't know what she is relying on. It is more difficult for her to have such a big tone Imagine how she can be so confident and domineering. Is it that she has any special preparation that she is not afraid of the encirclement and suppression of the sea Gang experts.

Not only she, but also uncle snake, who was holding me, and uncle tie, who was standing on one side, both of them were indifferent. Their eyes showed no fear or other look, just like the robot, they had no expression.

Compared with their calm, I am more anxious, I have no bottom in my heart, but she gave me hope, and let me eager to live, but it is not easy to survive?

If we say that this is another place, we may have a chance to escape, but this is the headquarters of the Hai Gang. There are all the top experts of the Hai Gang. I have seen their power. Ordinary people can't deal with them. Even those powerful figures led by Wu Tianhao are completely destroyed in their hands. Why is this woman so confident? Even if the police come here, they have to think twice before they act?

I'm totally muddled. I can't understand. Of course, my fake son doesn't understand, and the Haigang staff don't understand. In their opinion, she is insulting the Hai Gang, but anyone with a little blood can't bear to despise and insult.

However, no matter how eager they are, they dare not act rashly without Peng Yi's order.

However, Peng Qing is an exception. He is Peng Qing's elder brother no matter what he says. Just now, he still wants to fight for the opinions of the gang leader. But now, facing the arrogance of women, he can't bear it any more, and directly roars: "arrogant!"

After that, he rushed to the woman, extremely fast and powerful.

Normally speaking, it's disgraceful for a man to beat a woman, but even I can feel her hidden extraordinary momentum. Peng Qing can detect more. Therefore, he didn't take into account the difference between men and women, and he was rude. In addition, his power this time was particularly fierce. If I could not bear his power, let alone her A slim woman.

However, it is strange that in this critical situation, uncle snake and uncle Gang, the two bodyguards, did not show any concern at all. They did not seem to be worried about her safety, and she was even more straightforward. She seemed to have not seen the attack of the old man with white eyebrows standing in the same place and standing still.

Standing on the side of me, can not help but pinch a sweat for this woman, my heart is mentioned to the throat.

Just when Peng Qing's fist was about to hit the woman, Peng Yi seemed to feel something and called out in time: "wait a minute!"

At once, Peng Qing stopped, and his movement stopped. Then he turned his head to Peng Yi. He was a little discontented and exclaimed, "leader, what are you talking about with her? Just take it!"

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