Peng Yi ignores Peng Qing, but just keeps his eyes on the woman. His steps can't help but walk two steps towards her. When he comes to her, Peng Yicai stops his pace.

At this time, the woman's eyes were still open to Peng Yi's fierce gaze. They two instantly evolved into two sculptures, standing face to face and looking at each other.

However, these two sculptures are not ordinary statues. There is an invisible aura around them, and their eyes towards each other also emit a faint anger. They have a common feature, which is extremely hidden. But the vague momentum is enough to make people feel scared and panic.

Time seems to be still. I don't know how long it has passed. Peng Yicai finally opened his voice and said to her in a voiceless voice: "finally, let's have another chance. What's your identity?"

Peng Yi's words are obviously full of threat. It seems that this is his last tolerance. The gunpowder on his body, which is ready to be launched, has been quietly spreading and is becoming more and more powerful. As if, if this woman does not tell the truth, he will swallow her up.

In fact, I understand what Peng Yi is concerned about. As he said, a strong armed person must have a master who has a backstage. Like this woman, she has an invisible momentum, which is enough to show that her strength is extraordinary. In addition, she has two bodyguards with high military strength. If you want to say that she is just an ordinary female president, no one will believe her, let alone the shrewd Peng Yi His insight is much stronger than that of ordinary people. He can see at a glance the extraordinary dignity of a dignified woman. With the wisdom of leader Xia and his meticulous and thoughtful handling of affairs, he will never rashly take action without knowing the details of each other.

After all, although his Haibang is the largest gang in the city, the provincial capital is also full of talents and talents. Many high-ranking people hide among them. Once he offends carelessly, the consequences may be unimaginable. Peng Yi is a person who never makes loss making business. Of course, if he is forced to hurry up, he can do everything. In this moment, he has given an ultimatum to this woman.

Of course, she felt the anger that was about to burn in Peng Yi's body. At last, she had a slight movement in her unchanged look. However, she did not show any fear. Instead, she seemed to recall some distant past, and her eyes revealed profound complexity and depth.

Perhaps, she knew that as long as she lit a lead, the fire on the other side of the Haibang would burn. She also knew that once the other party started, there would be no profit for us. So she did not hide any more. She just slowly raised her head and looked into the vast night sky. She thought and said, "I said, my name is Xu pinru, but many years ago I do have another name

Sure enough, Jiang pinru is not her real identity. I'm afraid she and I are all using fake identities. This makes the tide in my heart roll violently.

I have always been curious about the mysterious master of Jiang's family. Today, when I finally found out her true face, I was shocked. What shocked me was the feeling she gave me, her aura, her self-confidence, and her confidence. I never understood how she was so special and how she didn't pay attention to the Haibang. Until this moment, I suddenly realized that all these things, Ken The capital must have something to do with her other identity.

Thinking of this, I became more curious about her, and my inner expectation became even more serious. Unconsciously, I had cocked up my ears and waited for her next word with concentration and breath holding.

On the other hand, when Peng Yi heard her words, he did not show any surprise, but asked urgently, "what's your name?"

Peng Yi's words brought the woman's thoughts back to reality. She withdrew her sight and turned her eyes to Peng Yi again. This time, her eyes were no longer deep, but still full of cold. She looked at Peng Yi coldly, opened her lips, and sent out a quiet voice: "Han Yimo!"

Three words, floating in the night sky, like a ghost's smile, make people shudder, and this name makes Peng Yi and other big men of the sea Gang, including Peng Qing, change their faces greatly. These senior members of the sea Gang seem to have heard of the name, or they all fear it, because the name caused a stir among them is too intense , almost caused a violent expression storm, concussion from a variety of startling colors, dazzling.

But when I listened to the answer, I didn't feel any surprise when I heard the name, because I was very strange to the name and never heard of it. In other words, I didn't know such a person at all.

But after a few seconds, I can't help but wave in my heart, because the more elaborate the name is, the more intriguing it is. Han Yimo, Yimo and Xiangruyimo are full of love.

But coincidentally, sun Yihan's father, sun Xiangru, has the word "Xiangru" in his name. When he and the woman's names match, they just like each other. It sounds like a pair. However, when I first saw this woman, I unconsciously thought of sun Yihan's little girl's face. The combination of these two words really surprised me, Unconsciously, I feel that the father and daughter may have some kind of vague relationship with this woman.But it's impossible to think about it carefully. Sun Xiangru and his daughter lived in the remote mountain village. If I hadn't escaped from the dungeon and just fell into a coma in that mountain area, I would not have known the father and daughter at all. The most important thing is that although sun Xiangru's name is quite poetic, he is a simple and honest farmer who will not fight back even if he is beaten, and sun Yihan is one A simple little girl, who has never seen the world, is eager to go out of the mountain village to see the outside world.

It can be said that both father and daughter are similar to extinct human beings. They are primitive human beings living in the most poverty-stricken and backward way. In common terms, it's really hard for me to connect them with the female president. No matter in terms of temperament or living environment, there is no relationship between them at all. It's just a heaven in heaven Underground.

Thinking about it, my mind seems to be drifting too far away. When my mind is misty, Peng Yi has already recovered from surprise. However, his expression still can't recover the calm and calm of the past. His eyes staring at women are still full of incredible, even with some fear. He said cautiously to the woman in a very cautious tone "Are you Han Yimo, one of the two Dharma protectors under the throne of ghost king

For the first time, I heard Peng Yi's words as calm as a mountain. It was even more surprising that his tone of voice was beyond the limit. At this moment, his kingly spirit disappeared.

It can be seen that his attitude towards duanhan Yimo has suddenly changed and become quite awe stricken. Other members of the Hai Gang also showed different looks at this moment. The color is still complex, and most of them are shocked and awed.

Even I suddenly came back to the reality from the misty thoughts, and then my heart was very excited. Although I had never heard of Han Yimo, I had heard of the ghost king, a new star. His reputation was so strong that I could not even think of it.

It is said that the ghost king was born more than 20 years ago. As soon as he entered the road, he beat the world's invincible hands. He took a group of his men and captured one city after another at a breathtaking speed. He was like a cloud. Wherever he went, he fell into darkness. People in the underworld didn't need to see him. They just shuddered at his name Bravery, his appearance made the underworld people reach the point of self danger. Like a god of war, he unified more than half of the underground forces in the country within a few years, and became the first Godfather worthy of his name.

At that time, no underground force could compete with him. In other words, the underground kingdom he created had reached an unprecedented level. At the same time, he was frightening, but also made many people admire him.

Let me ask, whose youth is not hot blooded, who does not want to be like him, galloping on the battlefield, lonely to defeat, his story can be compiled into a book, passed on to future generations.

But what makes everyone wonder is that such a godfather with infinite scenery suddenly disappeared after a few years of scenery, and disappeared completely. There was no news at all.

It is said that he is alone, because he can no longer find opponents, so retired.

According to the grapevine, the state felt the pressure from the ghost king and thought that his action was too big, too powerful and too influential, so he was executed secretly. Of course, this statement is groundless and unreliable.

In short, since then, the ghost king has never appeared again. In the past 20 years, the underground forces in the country have been constantly updated and replaced, and many powerful overlords have appeared. However, people often mention the legendary figure of that year, the ghost king.

Even I, a non gossip person, have heard about the legend of the ghost king. Many times, I regard this mythical task as the object of worship, as the belief in my heart, which supports me to walk on the way to the thorns. However, I never thought that this is a legendary figure in my mind, which can only be discussed by us at ordinary times The unreachable myth has such a special relationship with the woman in front of me.

In a flash, I suddenly felt that I had touched the stars in the sky. How could I think that the woman who had been protecting herself like a baby protector would be one of the two great Dharma protectors around the king of ghosts. Isn't that to say, she is also one of the gods of war who fought with the ghost king on the battlefield.

In my opinion, it's a great honor to know the ghost king, and this woman is not only to know the ghost king, but also to be his effective leader. What an honor. In a trance, my admiration for her was like a torrent of water.

It's so unexpected and shocking that such a dignified and beautiful woman's real identity is a shaking big man. It's so incredible that I can't believe that I can know such a person. Although she is not the ghost king himself, her identity is beyond our reach, which can be regarded as a big myth.

Unconsciously, I will look at the woman in front of me, so far, her image in front of me once again tall, she is still her, just a layer of dazzling light.

The night wind slightly blows, blowing her light hair. The past like wind brings her long lost memory. Her eyes seem to contain thousands of stories. Scenes flash through her eyes. She doesn't look at Peng Yi any more. She just looks at the distance dimly. This time, her voice seems to come from a long time ago: "yes, it's me."

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