At this moment, Han Yimo brought out her momentum completely. Her invisible majesty seemed to contain some kind of power to destroy the heaven and the earth. It is really embarrassing for a woman to be strong enough to reach her state.

I thought that since Peng Yi was afraid of Han Yimo's reputation, Han Yimo only needed to go down this step and take me away safely. In this way, it would be very simple to solve the matter, and it would be all over.

However, to my surprise, Han Yimo is really overbearing. At this time, she even helped me to seek justice from the Haibang. What's more, she has revealed her true identity now. She is the right hand of the ghost king. As such a mythical woman, she still continues to emphasize that I am her son Save me, in order to keep my identity from being exposed, she doesn't care about her reputation.

Such a generous kindness, let me move at the same time, but also let me more and more difficult to understand, I really do not understand, how can she do so for me?

With a complex mood, I stood quietly in the same place. Even if my heart was not calm again, my surface did not show any special abnormality. I had to cooperate with Han Yimo and continue to camouflage.

With some mystery in my eyes, I stare at the scene quietly and quietly observe the following situation. In the face of Han Yimo's fierce questioning, Peng Yi can't help but show embarrassment. His handsome face, which is not in line with his age, can no longer keep calm. His eyes are flashing.

If I don't know Han Yimo's identity, he can get to the bottom of my identity and keep his original insistence that I am solo.

But now, he has already known that this extraordinary woman is Han Yimo. Of course, he should be cautious and reconsider his original insistence.

After a long pause, Peng Yicai said in a heavy tone: "Liu HUFA, this is really a misunderstanding. How could I have thought that Jiangnan Feng would be your son? You don't know. Recently, our Haigang is severely arresting a man named Suluo. This boy has many similarities with your son, so I thought she was Suluo. I asked your son who his master was, and he was also It's only by refusing to say it all the time that this situation has been created! "

Peng Yi's explanation was sincere, and he didn't play any tricks. It was just because he didn't play tricks that his sincerity was revealed. This shows that he no longer doubts me.

All of a sudden, I just felt comfortable in my heart, just like a Wang Qingquan flowing through. All the worries and worries in my heart were dispersed. The turbid air floating on my eye membrane disappeared instantly. My eyes were clear and the whole world in front of me was bright. Now, just like a dream, it was unbelievable, too surprised and too happy.

Han Yimo, a woman who has such a deep source with the ghost king, suddenly became my mother. This has already excited me enough. What's more, her identity has eliminated the doubts of Haibang on me. It's really a surprise.

Originally, the biggest suspicion of the Hai Gang towards me was also the most difficult problem for me to explain. I was young enough to have such profound skills. Moreover, I was still stunned that I could not tell who my master was. This is my biggest suspicion.

However, there is an indisputable fact that I am the son of Han Yimo. Although she is a girl, she is strong in force and her identity is not simple. As her son, can I be poor in strength?

In this way, I don't need to say who my master is. My mother is my teacher, and I don't have to explain why my strength is so extraordinary, because my mother is not human.

I can't help but come back from my lost confidence. My decadent spirit is swept away suddenly. The whole person only feels refreshed, and even the whole body's strength has recovered a lot.

Before Han Yimo replied to Peng Yi, I suddenly broke free of Uncle snake's help, and then called out to Peng Yi impolitely, "I've said that for a long time. I'm low-key. What qualifications do you have to force me to say?"

Now I, also very crazy, as the son of Han Yimo, not crazy point, I am sorry for this identity.

I immediately blocked Peng Yi's face. Seeing that he was eating shriveled, I felt comfortable. At this time, Han Yimo also opened his mouth at the right time and said, "I told him to keep a low profile and not to expose my name outside!"

Liu Longyin's gentle words completely wiped out Wu Lai's shadow. Before, when I faced the threat of death, I refused to give my master's name. This must be a reason why I can't say it. Now, this reason is very reasonable. Because Liu Longyin has been hiding her name for so many years, she will not reveal her identity. I will obey my mother's advice It's normal to keep this secret.

At this moment, Han Yimo exposed his identity for me, which can explain everything. At this moment, Peng Yi is in trouble, and he has no confidence. This is not only because the person he is facing is the famous Han Yimo, but also because he has done his best to fight me. Now, the only evidence he has to correct me is gone, and he has nothing to do Yes.

After a long silence, Peng Yicai turned his head and apologized to me: "I'm sorry, Jiangnan wind has wronged you!"The leader of the Tang Hai Gang bowed his head and apologized to others. What a strange thing. Moreover, he was asked to apologize to a yellow haired boy who was so much younger than he was. This had a great impact on his reputation. But it did happen. Peng Yi apologized to me in a low voice.

In the past, I didn't even dare to think about it. But now, I think it's natural. Even, it's not enough, because I know that Peng Yi's words are hypocritical. He is too insidious. People who do it on the surface are convinced. But behind his back, he is a wolf. He is very vicious. When I think of the crime I just suffered, I feel angry.

So, I didn't hide it and said to him again: "if you want to apologize, if it's useful, why do you still need the law? I'll kill you and apologize to you again?"

Crazy, at this moment, I was really crazy to the point of getting more than one inch. But for my arrogant words, Han Yimo even nodded and agreed: "indeed, my son's injury can't be in vain. I don't embarrass you. Whoever fights, hand him over!"

Han Yimo's words sounded light, but in fact they were full of deterrence, which made the people of Haibang fall into silence.

Before, they didn't know that I was Han Yimo's son. According to their consistent style, let alone doubt that I was Suluo. Even if they really wanted to kill me, no one would dare to say "no". They are so rampant. But now, facing Han Yimo who is hanging in the sky, they have to lower their attitude and dare not be rampant again.

Under the aggressiveness of Han Yimo and I, everyone's facial expression was not good, especially Peng Qing. If you want to say that it was another group of people who hurt me, but the one who really tormented me was Peng Qing.

If the Haibang really wants to hand over someone, I'm afraid it's him. How could Peng Yi hand Peng Qing out, and how can Peng Qing endure humiliation? He has been holding his breath for a long time. Now he can't hold his breath. He strides forward directly and says to Han Yimo Li: "I beat people. I'm really wrong, but we've already apologized, you What else do you want? Don't forget that this is the territory of our sea Gang, and you have quit the river and lake. Do you really think that you can ignore the whole sea gang by your own strength? "

Peng Qing's tone was particularly discontented. A word seemed to blow out all his anger. Obviously, he had endured it for a long time. However, they were also the biggest gang in this area. In this area, they were the leaders. However, Han Yimo despised the Haibang and showed arrogance. He did not pay attention to the Haibang at all, Even if Han Yimo's fame and strength are no longer strong, Peng Qing can't stand it.

What's more, Han Yimo has changed his face. He is not a general who followed the ghost king to fight in the world. Instead, he is a sea gang. Now he is as good as a cloud. He feels that there is no need to be afraid of Han Yimo, a woman.

However, Peng Qing thinks so, but Peng Yi doesn't think so. After Peng Qing's words are finished, Peng Yi quickly stops and says, "step down!"

Two words, full of anger, I can see that although Peng Yi's tone is fierce, he is not polite to his elder brother, but in fact, he is helping Peng Qing, because I have already felt Han Yimo's displeasure. Peng Yi made a strong start before Han Yimo broke out. He still cares about Han Yimo very much. Indeed, the so-called lean camel is bigger than the horse Even if Han Yimo can't represent the ghost king, who can guarantee that Han Yimo has no accomplice? If he is going to fall out, it will not be good for the sea gang.

Peng Yi, such a shrewd man, will certainly not take such a risk. He will not let his gang suffer any loss as far as he can.

After drinking, Peng Qing quickly apologized to Han Yimo and said, "I'm sorry, Han HUFA. My elder brother is too reckless. Don't worry. However, I can't hand over the person who beat your son. After all, I gave the order. I'll hand over the person. I'll be the leader of the gang. I won't be able to stay in Haibang any more No, you and your son go to my manor to sit down, I solemnly apologize to you, do you think

The old fox always spoke in a systematic way. It's hard for you to get angry. Just now I stayed in the manor and said that it was too late to entertain me. Now he offered to be courteous, so he tried to erase the blame.

However, it is not easy for me to investigate again. Just now, I actually rely on my own reason. I will not really argue with them. After all, Peng Xuefei is still here. Her family can ignore her to deal with me, but I can't ignore her to deal with her family members openly. Up to now, I have just lifted my own crisis, although this is my biggest Fortunately, but this is only the first step. Next, I still have to find a way to save my father.

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