At the thought of this, I only feel that my head is big and upset. Peng Xuefei, who is held by me, also appears a little surprised and flustered. She may not have expected Sheng Mingjie to suddenly appear, and her body is slightly shaking, but she is still trying to restrain herself and pretend to be indifferent.

I glanced at Peng Xuefei with the rest of my light, and then looked at Sheng Mingjie. What should come will come. There is always a Chu Jie between me and Peng Xuefei. If I want to be with her, I must get rid of Sheng Mingjie. Even if he is not easy to provoke, I will continue to move forward.

Ziyi's life is in danger. She can't wait. I don't have time to delay. I have to move forward quickly. God blocks and kills gods. Buddha blocks Buddha.

Thinking like this, my eyes suddenly became very firm, for Sheng Mingjie's anger. Not only did I not listen, but I hugged Peng Xuefei more tightly. Then, I squinted at him and said with disdain: "Feifei is my girlfriend. Is it abnormal for me to hold her?"

Hearing the speech, Sheng Mingjie was in a hurry and suddenly opened the door and stepped out of the car. However, he did not immediately hand it to me. He just looked at Peng Xuefei with red eyes and asked in a deep voice, "Xiaoxiao, is what he said true?"

In the eyes of outsiders, Sheng Mingjie's role has always been a cultured person. Therefore, even if he was not willing to be angry again, he would not act rashly in front of so many people.

In fact, no one can bear this kind of thing. Sheng Mingjie must have heard the news of Peng Xuefei's return when he came here in such a hurry. However, he saw that Peng Xuefei and I were so close at the first time, and they were still in front of Peng Yi and others. How could he bear it? The anger in his eyes was burning rapidly.

In the face of such Sheng Mingjie, Peng Xuefei's heart will certainly have some consideration, but now nothing can change her faith with me. She did not hesitate, directly nodded to Sheng Mingjie and firmly expressed her meaning.

Before Sheng Mingjie had time to say anything, Peng Yi's old fox stood out in a hurry, forced Peng Xuefei away, and said to Sheng Mingjie in a harmonious voice: "ah Jie, don't misunderstand. I haven't agreed to this matter yet."

In the end, Peng Yi did not dare to offend the Sheng family. Before Sheng Mingjie was absent, he insisted that Peng Xuefei and I should not be together. Even if Han Yimo gave him so much pressure, he could not make a decision. He only had a little compromise at the last moment. But now, Sheng Mingjie appeared, and he immediately showed his attitude. This old fox, after weighing, still chose This thigh of Sheng family.

But Sheng Mingjie listened to Peng Yi's words, and his anger was slightly extinguished. However, his expression was still serious, obviously dissatisfied, but not obvious.

His eyes did not continue to stay on Peng Xuefei and I, but keenly observed the scene in front of him. Then, he turned his eyes to Peng Yi and said coldly, "Uncle Peng, what's the situation? How can you watch the Jiangnan wind and Feifei embrace each other without stopping?"

In truth, Sheng Mingjie has no right to interfere with Peng Xuefei's freedom of love before he and Peng Xuefei are officially engaged, and he has no right to censure Peng Yi. However, Sheng Mingjie thinks that the woman he likes must be his woman, or he thinks that Peng Yi has promised his marriage to Peng Xuefei It's a matter of course. No one can get involved.

Crazy, really crazy. Sheng Mingjie's madness really comes from his bones. No matter how polite he is on the surface, he can't hide the madness in his essence. Moreover, the object of his speech in such a tone is not others, but Peng Yi, the leader of the Haibang.

Peng Yi's dignity in the Haibang is beyond doubt. Even, he is the godfather of the whole H Province. What he enjoys has always been the admiration of thousands of people and the arrogance of a king.

But tonight, this king like figure first lowered his posture in front of Han Yimo, and now he was censured in public by a younger generation. He must be in a bad mood. But for the sake of his family's justice, he can tolerate what ordinary people can't bear. At present, he wants to climb the big tree of Sheng family, so he won't offend Sheng family or Sheng Mingjie, but at the same time, It's not good for him to offend Han Yimo face to face. It's like two steel plates, and Peng Yi is a bit unable to breathe.

When Peng Yi was in trouble, Han Yimo stood up at the right time. Her posture was still dignified, her eyes were still cold. She swept down Sheng Mingjie, who was extremely arrogant, and said softly: "this should be the young master of the Sheng family. As a young talent of the Sheng family, it's really unusual. However, you are a little too overbearing, my son and Peng Miss, you and I are willing to go through life and death together again. Now they have decided to be together. I'm here to talk about the engagement with leader Peng tonight. So, it's OK for my son and Miss Peng to hold each other together!

Han Yimo's tone once again reveals her domineering spirit, which is exactly this domineering. Sheng Mingjie finally turned his eyes to her. However, Sheng Mingjie did not respect Han Yimo in his eyes.

Maybe, when Han Yimo didn't speak, Sheng Mingjie didn't notice that there was such a person at all. Now, Han Yimo suddenly appears and talks furiously. How can Chu shengmingjie not be surprised? You know, even Peng Yi is polite to Sheng Mingjie, but Han Yimo doesn't care about Sheng Mingjie. Sheng Mingjie can't stand it. He is more than Han Yimo "Are you the mother of Jiangnan style?" he sneered at her? The president of Jiangshi groupHearing this, Han Yimo showed a very implicit smile and said, "yes

Hearing this, Sheng Mingjie's disdain was even worse. He seemed to be puzzled by a businesswoman's arrogance, and was even more displeased with such a small person's arrogance. Inadvertently, he snorted and laughed scornfully. Then, he said to Han Yimo in a tone of extreme playfulness: "what a mother and son, they are all so frivolous What qualifications do you have to talk to me like this? What qualifications does your son have to be with Feifei? Believe it or not, I only need a word, I can let your Jiangshi group be destroyed! "

When it comes to madness, no one can compare with Sheng Mingjie. He almost regards himself as the son of heaven. However, Sheng Mingjie does have this ability. At the beginning, Du Haichao's father was destroyed by Sheng Mingjie, so a senior official is still like this. Now Han Yimo is a small president, how can Sheng Mingjie pay attention to it.

And Han Yi Mo estimated to know Sheng Mingjie's madness, so she did not get angry. She continued to keep that implied smile, and said faintly, "don't believe it!"

In fact, I really don't know whether Han Yimo has the ability to compete with the Sheng family, but on the surface, the Sheng family obviously has the ability to crush everything, while Han Yimo has only such a chilling name. I feel that if we really fight with the Sheng family, the chances of winning will be small.

But even so, Han Yimo didn't give Sheng Mingjie even a little face for me. Her action really puzzled me, but it also made my heart very warm.

Of course, how could Sheng Mingjie, who was so crazy to heaven, bear the arrogant attitude of Han Yimo. When he heard Han Yimo's loud words, he felt as if he had been hit twice with a hammer. Suddenly, he was furious and ready to attack.

Seeing this, Peng Yi grabbed Sheng Mingjie and said seriously, "ah Jie, don't mess around. She's Han Yimo!"

In the last five words, Peng Yi especially accentuated the tone, showing that he attached great importance to this person.

Seeing Peng Yi's attitude, Sheng Mingjie can't help but look puzzled. He seems to have heard of Han Yimo, but he is not sure. After a pause, he doubts and asks, "that Han Yimo!"

Peng Yining tightened his eyebrows and said in a deep voice: "one of the right arms of the ghost king"

ghost king, who heard the two words like thunder, Sheng Mingjie was no exception. At the moment he heard this, a flash of amazement flashed in his eyes. At this moment, Sheng Mingjie fully understood why there was such a big noise on the scene. Suddenly, his face was also on his face With his mood changing.

After brewing for a long time, Sheng Mingjie stared at Peng Yi and asked in a low voice, "Uncle Peng, you were in a dilemma just now because of her identity."

Peng Yi nodded his head gloomily.

Sheng Mingjie replied in a dull voice: "I know!"

Four words, once again bring out Sheng Mingjie's invisible pride. He knows clearly that Peng Yi is in a dilemma because he takes into account Han Yimo's identity. He also knows that Peng Yi can't be expected to do this any more. He has to solve it by himself.

So he turned his head and looked at Han Yimo. He said in a strange way, "who should I be? I have the courage to go to Peng's family to propose marriage. I'm still so arrogant. It turns out that he's a famous master in the world. I'm really disrespectful."

Sheng Mingjie was born in a big family. His high sounding words are full of sarcasm. After making some false courtesies, he immediately turned his words and said in a sharp tone: "however, your old people are all figures of more than 20 years ago, and the ghost kings have all retired. Do you want to go out of the mountain and set off a bloodbath again? Even if you want to go out of the mountain, do you think you can shake the status of our Sheng family with your ability? "

After saying this, Sheng Mingjie's eyes obviously flashed a fierce color, and his expression was extremely arrogant. He made it clear to the audience that Sheng Mingjie didn't care about Han Yimo's identity at all.

Sheng Mingjie is young, but he is really smart. He analyzes the current situation in a short time. He can see that all the people in the sea, including Peng Yi, are underworld people and naturally care about the mythical ghost king. Therefore, he cared about the ghost King's men, Han Yimo.

If Sheng Mingjie also shows that he cares about Han Yimo, he will be a little lower in momentum. In this way, the sea gang will naturally look up to Han Yimo.

On the contrary, Sheng Mingjie directly uses the Sheng family to suppress Han Yimo. He also gives a hint to the Haibang people that Sheng Jia is the big tree they can rely on, and Han Yimo is in the past, so they don't have to be afraid at all.

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