I heard Sheng Mingjie's words, and I couldn't help beating drums. He said it was true that the ghost king was so powerful that he had retreated. Han Yimo was only related to the ghost king. Now, maybe both of them have lost their connection completely. Therefore, Han Yimo relies on his words, how can he compare with the prosperous family with deep roots of the tree.

Unconsciously, the bottom QI I built in my heart began to swing again, but again, facing the pressure of Sheng Mingjie, Han Yinyin didn't retreat at all. She still looked unchanged and said firmly: "I only care about my son's happiness. Since he likes Miss Peng's family, I will help him to handle the family affairs. As for other things, I don't care! ”In a word, she is determined and overbearing. She is clear. Han Yimo is not afraid of shengmingjie's family, even less prosperous family.

Hear here, my that swaying, slowly also followed firm up, feeling, have Han with foam in I can arrogant group male.

Sheng Mingjie, who thinks he has made his words clear, thinks he has stood at the commanding point of the scene. But Han Yimo's words directly flattened his pride. He is just good at self-cultivation and can't bear it. He suddenly increases the volume and says to Han Yimo: "Han Yimo, I respect you as your predecessor, and speak well with you. I hope you don't want to stop you from saying it well If you are in this city, you don't know what it means to be engaged by Fifi. I advise you that since you choose to withdraw, do your business well, and don't trouble yourself, so as not to get into trouble! "

At this moment, Sheng Mingjie's words are full of threat flavor. However, Han Yimo has no concern about the threat of shengmingjie. Her eyes are cold and she throws out three words politely: "try!"

Sheng Mingjie is crazy, Han Yimo is even more crazy, shengmingjie threatens, Han Yimo provokes. This silent battle is really fierce. I just feel the ups and downs of my heart. Really, Han Yimo is really a female Xia in my heart. I have never seen a woman with such a tyranny and such a powerful force. She has exceeded my cognition, It also brought me too much moving and inspiring, and at the same time, it also covered me with a dazzling light.

Originally, in the eyes of Sheng Mingjie, I can not even be a mole ant. He can easily step on me. It is because he despises me, so he doesn't allow me to be with pengxuefei because he thinks I am unworthy, but Han Yimo comes out, and my aura suddenly brightens, and it makes people want to ignore me.

Remember before, Sheng Mingjie trampled on my dignity. In order to climb Sheng family and want to kill me, pengxuefei decided to choose Sheng Mingjie because of the pressure of his family. But today, things were completely reversed. Sheng Mingjie was flat. Peng Yi hesitated. Everything was developing in my direction. This is the greatest blessing for me.

In order to cooperate with Han Yimo, I am a son who is not proud. I shot at the side of shengmingjie with a very cold and proud eyes.

Sheng Mingjie ate a flat food at Han Yimo, and at this moment, he touched my proud eyes again. His anger could not hold back, and he was about to attack.

Pengxuefei, seeing the situation is wrong, hurriedly shouted to shengmingjie: "Sheng Mingjie, don't make a noise. I'm sorry for you. I have decided to be with the wind in the south of the Yangtze River"

this is like a bucket of water, pouring it on Sheng Mingjie's head and making him feel very embarrassed.

As a person who is called by the wind and rain, the most important thing is face. Now, almost everyone in the city knows that pengxuefei is a woman to be engaged with shengmingjie, but the woman he wants to be engaged with must be with other men. This is the face of red fruit.

This, even if Sheng Mingjie does not love Xia Xiaoxiao, he can not allow Xia Xiaoxiao to be with me. The woman he sees little in Chu can never fly away from his hands. More importantly, he will never let himself lose to me. Once Xia Xiaoxiao finally succeeds with me, it means that he Chu Jie is not as good as me. This is that Chujie can never accept it Yes.

If Chu Jeju loves pengxuefei, he will not let his beloved woman give up. With his character, he will insist on love to the end and never retreat.

But no matter what, the woman he looks at doesn't like him. It has hurt Sheng Mingjie's self-esteem. At this moment, his face is stifled and ugly.

But Pengyi, who has been stuck in the middle of hesitation, clearly saw the abnormality. Before Sheng Mingjie turned over his face, he took the lead in opening his mouth to pengxuefei and said, "stop talking!"

Peng Yi opened a sound, the silent night sky seemed to blow up a huge fireworks, such as a flood of bells, the air cloud.

At this moment, the old fox finally stopped hesitating. He must know that if this is not done, he can not get good on both sides, and he will suffer the final loss. Therefore, he suddenly became hard, and the arrogance of his generation of overlord also showed up in a moment.

Facing the supreme majesty of Pengyi, pengxuefei unconsciously lowered his head and dared not say anything. The rest of the scene also focused on Pengyi. Even Sheng Mingjie, who was about to erupt the volcano, temporarily suppressed his anger and looked at Pengyi.

In the whole field of attention, Peng Yi stood up, slowly turning his eyes, and turned his eyes to Han Yimo and shengmingjie.Then, he looked at them with great determination and solemnly said: "both of them are people with status, so don't argue. I have made a decision about Feifei's marriage."

Peng Yi is one of those who have already made a big splash if he doesn't sing. Just now, Sheng Mingjie and Han Yimo fought against each other, but he has been silent. In fact, he has made a decision quietly.

The meat between the steel plates jumped out so quickly that he even made up his mind about his daughter's marriage.

At the thought of this, my heart couldn't help pounding. When I looked at Peng Yi's eyes, I couldn't help but emit a strong light, because what he said next was really too important for me.

Since I became the Jiangnan wind, my only task is to pursue Peng Xuefei. After so long, I have tried hard, struggled and tried my best. I have escaped from death many times and paid too much. Finally, I finally captured Peng Xuefei's heart. But this is only the first step to success. At present, the biggest obstacle in front of me is Peng Yi.

As long as Peng Yi agrees with me, even if I successfully complete the task, I will be able to successfully fight into the sea Gang, so as to more quickly implement the plan to save my father.

At this moment, I was supposed to hand in an answer sheet for my efforts of so many days, and Peng Yi was about to announce the results to me. How could my heart not be excited.

Of course, up to now, saving my father is always the first thing. But it is undeniable that I want to be with Peng Xuefei and have some other selfish intentions, that is, to destroy Sheng Mingjie's pride and, at the same time, to disintegrate the alliance between Shengjia and Haibang.

Sheng Mingjie is a typical hypocrite. His city is too deep and he is too crazy. I'm always trampled on by him. I'm really unwilling. I just want him to try the taste of being compared by me.

In addition, if Sheng Mingjie and Peng Xuefei get married, the Haibang will be protected by the Sheng family. At that time, it will be extremely difficult for me to save my father. Therefore, at this moment, my eyes dare not leave Peng Yi for a second. I am waiting for him to announce the final answer.

At this time, Peng Xuefei was the one who was as nervous as me. After hearing Peng Yi's words, she immediately raised her head and looked at her father with complicated eyes. As the focus figure, Peng Yi was not in a hurry. His eyes were still on Han Yimo and Sheng Mingjie. Facing the two figures he valued, he naturally did not dare to neglect him In a very sincere tone, he said to both of them, "well, my daughter's marriage is not easy either. One is Feifei's own choice, and the other is the engagement I have promised. Alas, I'm in a dilemma here, but I have to come up with an idea anyway. For the sake of fairness, we should follow the rules of our maritime gang and respect martial arts as our respect! "

After that, his eyes suddenly shifted to Sheng Mingjie and me, and continued: "you are both the best of the younger generation. How about using martial arts to discuss your superiors? It happens that the day after tomorrow is Feifei's birthday. You will have a competition on this special day. Whoever wins, Feifei will be betrothed to whom. What about my proposal? "

At this moment, when I heard Xia gang leader's words, I just felt that my head was buzzing a few times. It was too unexpected and too shocked.

I kept staring at Peng Yi and waiting for his answer. I thought there were only two kinds of answers. Peng Xuefei belonged to me or to Sheng Mingjie. But he, an old fox, even played a circuitous tactic and made a martial arts contest to recruit his wife. It was like a smoke bomb, which confused me instantly.

However, Sheng Mingjie's expression was completely opposite to mine. There was no shock in his eyes. It seemed that he had expected Peng Yi to say so. So, after listening to Peng Yi's words, he gave me a contemptuous look, and then he said to Peng Yi, "I agree!"

Three words, full of confidence, is the kind of confidence with absolute confidence. This kind of confidence is enough to show that Sheng Mingjie doesn't care about me at all. In other words, he thinks he can win me.

But before I had time to answer, Peng Xuefei suddenly stood up. At this moment, she once again showed her courage and her determination of desperation. She directly said to her father, "I don't agree. Father, you are partial. You know Sheng Mingjie is more powerful. You deliberately make such a contest. I have already made it very clear, I'm going to be with the Jiangnan wind, and no one can stop it! "

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