Han Yimo is really a double-sided character. In the eyes of outsiders, she is a cool and gorgeous queen. She can't help but make people feel cold. But in front of her own people, she can show a completely different side. She looks very kind. She is a mature woman, gentle and virtuous.

I can't believe that such a woman would have been a famous protector of Han in the world if I hadn't seen her with my own eyes. However, since Han Yimo has retired from the world and has changed her new identity, she can also understand her disguise.

But what I can't understand is that she should pay so much for me. At the moment, the tone of her talk to me and the meaning of her words make me feel strange. She said that this is what she should do.

It's like saying, "it's natural for her to help me.".

When I heard what she said, I was in a trance and confused.

But Han Yimo seemed to realize that he had said something wrong and quickly added: "after all, you are the man entrusted to me by the white old man!"

Finish saying, she also smile, but smile some farfetched, total feeling, her words have the implication.

On the face of it, her explanation is barely in the past, because since she has been entrusted by her friends, she has to complete the trust and treat me well.

But when I think about it carefully, I think it's not right. What identity is Han Yimo? She's a legend that I can't reach. It's not normal for such people to disclose their identities for so many years for me, but all these can be explained as being entrusted by grandfather Bai.

White grandfather and her relationship, if only friends, she does not need to pay so much, is she so righteous people?

I can't think of it, I really can't figure it out. The feeling Han Yimo gives me is too profound. I can't see through her, and I can't analyze her inner thoughts. I didn't continue to tangle. I just said from the bottom of my heart: "thank you!"

Han Yimo said with a smile: "don't be polite. I feel relieved to see you are OK."

In a simple sentence, after summarizing everything she wanted to say, Han Yimo did not ask how I was captured, why I had disappeared for so long, and how I was rescued. It seems to her that as long as she saw that I was safe enough, she didn't care about the rest.

However, I can read only from her sentence, she cares about me.

Although she didn't say much, I can feel that her sudden appearance now may be related to my disappearance. After all, I have lived in her house for so long, and I have never seen her face. She is like a deep-sea animal. She hides very deep and never shows up unnecessarily.

Maybe this time, because I disappeared without any reason, she would appear. During this period, she should have been inquiring about my whereabouts. Otherwise, it would be impossible for her to come to Peng's manor that night to save me.

Anyway, as she said, I am safe and sound now, better than anything else. I have returned smoothly, and even escaped from Peng Yi's tiger. This is the most fortunate thing.

However, although I escaped from the tiger's mouth, I also got into trouble. The martial arts contest with Sheng Mingjie still weighed heavily on my mind.

I know clearly that Peng Yi and Sheng Mingjie are birds of a feather. They just let me jump into the trap they set, and then firmly trap me, or even get rid of me. If the result is really like that, then all I have done will still be wasted.

However, I had no choice but to promise to compete in martial arts. What's more, when I touched Han Yimo's eyes at that time, I couldn't help but be full of confidence. I always felt that her resolute consent to Peng Yi should be her way.

Thinking of this, I immediately asked Han Yimo, "that"

for a while, I didn't know how to call Han Yimo, so that I couldn't even say what to say next.

Han Yimo saw my tangle and said directly: "when there is no outsider, call me aunt Han!"

Her voice is always so soft and friendly, which makes the listener feel comfortable. My reserve and embarrassment are swept away at this time. Therefore, I did not beat around the Bush and went straight to the theme: "aunt Han, why do you want me to agree to compete with Sheng Mingjie? I feel that I am not his opponent. Do you have any way to let me win?"

My words are not implicit. I really want to know why han Yimo didn't take Wudang as an example. In her eyes, Sheng Mingjie was not afraid at all.

However, let me suddenly shocked is, Han Yimo listened to my words, unexpectedly faintly threw to me three words: "no way!"

I was shocked and said, "then how can you ask me to agree?"

Han Yimo gently pursed his mouth and said casually: "Peng Yi said it. This is the final concession he made. What can you do if you don't agree? Your task is to catch up with Miss Peng."

When I heard this, I was speechless. Sure enough, she did not give me a good way to go. She was still trapped in Peng Yi's setting. As the most powerful force, she would not lose the contest without fighting. I was her son, and she would not admit that her son was inferior to others in front of outsiders. More importantly, as she said, this is Peng Yi's final concession. What can we do if we don't agree?If I don't promise, I will lose my qualification to be with Peng Xuefei. If I promise, there will be at least a glimmer of hope, although this hope is very slim.

In fact, to say that there is little hope, I still deceive others. From the attitude of Peng Yi and Sheng Mingjie, I have no hope at all. At that time, if I lose, it will affect not only me, but also Peng Xuefei. With my understanding of Peng Xuefei, she has determined that I am me, and she will not be with Sheng Mingjie. What happened to me or I will lose forever After the chance to be with her, she really doesn't know what she will do.

The more I thought about it, the more disappointed I felt in my heart. I couldn't help but cry out to Han Yimo: "but I don't have to beat Sheng Mingjie too much."

At this moment, I was obviously lack of confidence. When I spoke with Han Yimo, I could not help but murmured. To be honest, my last hope lies in Han Yimo. Her strength has reached an unfathomable state. If she really wants to help me and teach me some unique skills, maybe I still have a little chance to win.

But Han Yimo didn't plan to help me at all. She just looked at me seriously and said seriously, "this is your business. If you don't have confidence in yourself, no one can help you. Some things can only be known by trying. And when you try, you should have faith in yourself. Just like this evening, if the people of the Haigang are really angry and they want to deal with me, I'm afraid I'll be planted there. After all, I've retired, and some of them are just a false name. Even if Peng Yi deals with me, I can't help it, but he doesn't. I also have the confidence that he dare not deal with me. Therefore, people must have confidence in themselves.

As for the contest between you and Sheng Mingjie, you can't escape. Your goal is to win Peng Xuefei. Even if there is no contest, Sheng Mingjie will find you and even play Yin. You will be more dangerous. Now, you just take this opportunity to have a fair fight with him. Wouldn't it be better? If you win, it's natural. If you lose, you will accept your life and give up the idea of saving your father, because you don't have the strength or the capital! "

Such a long talk from Han Yimo's mouth is really a world wonder. Since I saw her, I knew that she was a person with few words. She had her principles and her way of dealing with people. Under normal circumstances, she would not break this rule. But at this moment, she said so much to me at one time, and her words were like this Proverbs.

After listening to her words, I immediately felt like a flash of light. Yes, what Han Yimo said was very reasonable. Anyway, the contest between Sheng Mingjie and me was inevitable. Why not fight him openly and honestly instead of being concealed by him.

If I can't even beat Sheng Mingjie, what can I do to fight against the Hai Gang? Why should I rescue my father? Therefore, if I want to save my father, we must break through one hurdle after another. The first hurdle now is to defeat the invincible Sheng Mingjie.

She is right. If I want to have self-confidence, how can I lose first? Han Yimo, a woman, is not afraid of many big men in the sea gang. She is so natural and arrogant. What she relies on is her confidence in her bones? With self-confidence, her aura, her dignity will be even higher.

It's true that Han Yimo has been out of the world for a long time. She is estimated to be a loner now, but the Haibang is very strong. I really want to work together to deal with her. Even if Han Yimo has three heads and six arms, she can't carry her, but the Hai Gang still doesn't dare to move her. This is totally convinced by her momentum. Han Yimo is a woman who can fight against Qunying. How can I be discouraged as a man?

Originally. I also simply thought that Han Yimo only cared about her face and ignored the consequences at all, so she would calmly agree to Peng Yi's martial arts competition. I really didn't expect that she was so farsighted and analyzed all the fundamental problems. It's no wonder that Peng Yi, the old fox, and the arrogant Sheng Mingjie were all killed by Han Yimo. She deserves to be one In the old world, things are different.

Her words in enlightening me at the same time, but also inspired me, let me know, some things still rely on themselves.

Grandfather Bai is very good, but he is an old man. He cured my body, improved my strength, and introduced Han Yimo to me. This has helped me a lot. I can't drag him on.

Han Yimo is fierce, but after all, she has been in seclusion for many years. She rescued me from the sea Gang, ruled out the suspicion that I was Suluo, and offended Sheng Mingjie for me. This has been a great kindness to me. How can I think of continuing to rely on her.

Everything, still depends on myself, the key to success or failure is in one fell swoop!

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