After thinking about it, my expression became firm and resolute. I looked at Han Yimo very firmly and said solemnly, "Auntie Han, I understand. I will try my best."

Hearing this, Han Yimo looked at me with deep meaning. Then he stretched out his hand and stroked my head. He said leisurely, "I believe you!"

Peng Xuefei also said the same four words to me just now. But Peng Xuefei believed that she could not say any more disheartened words, because she had to say them, but Han Yimo's taste was totally different. It seemed that Han Yimo really believed me, and she felt that she could surely defeat Sheng Mingjie with my ability.

I don't understand why she is so confident in me. However, Han Yimo is so optimistic about me, and I should be more optimistic about myself. At this moment, my self-confidence can not help but be a little bit more, and my inner confidence begins to be firm again. Immediately, I heavily toward Han Yimo nodded, that I would not let her down.

Han Yimo chuckled and didn't speak any more. She just gently took back her hand and continued to keep her eyes closed and immersed in her own world.

Silence returned to the car, and after that, nothing happened.

In the early morning, the car finally arrived at Jiangjia manor. Because it was too late, Han Yimo didn't ask me for help. She asked Uncle snake to take care of me, so she went back to her villa.

At the end of the day, I was really exhausted. The day was longer than the first century. I got up early in the morning and started from sun Yihan's home. I was on the road all day, walking and riding. I didn't come to the city until evening.

As soon as he came back, he met with a riot in the provincial capital. Then he fought with a gang of thugs and drove their van to escape the scene.

Just out of the wolf's nest and into the tiger's den, the abyss of Pengjiazhuang garden is really too terrifying. All the things I experienced in it can be written into an adventure. My spirit almost collapsed and my body nearly destroyed after several times of escape from death. It was really too ups and downs and too dangerous.

Now, to be able to safely return to their own home, this feeling has been wonderful, do not know how to describe.

When Han Yimo went back, I also went to the bathroom. I took a shower and washed away all the tiredness and bad luck of the day at one time, and achieved a new self.

After taking a bath, uncle snake treated my wound. After the wound was treated, the servants also helped me to prepare the food. On this day, I did not have a meal, so I ate a little dry food to satisfy my hunger. Up to now, I almost starved to death. So, when I came to the restaurant, I directly jumped on the table and gobbled up.

After eating and drinking enough, I suddenly feel that I have finally become a normal person, but I am a normal person who is tired to the extreme.

At the moment, it's past one o'clock in the morning. According to my present mental state, I should fall asleep as soon as I fall out of bed. But when I think of the martial arts competition with Sheng Mingjie the day after tomorrow, I lose my sleepiness, because I know in my heart that confidence is not enough. The most important thing is to have strength.

There is no strength, and ultimately only the life of being ravaged, so I directly let uncle snake and his servants go to rest. I came to the back garden of the villa alone.

In the back garden in the early morning, the air is much fresher than usual. As soon as I enter the garden, I feel relaxed and happy. The night wind blows away some of my tiredness, which makes me energetic. All aspects are ready. I quickly enter the state and concentrate on practicing martial arts.

For me, time is tight, only two days, two days is very short, and Sheng Mingjie's opponent is too strong. So, regardless of everything, I couldn't wait to practice.

If I want to improve myself as soon as possible, the first thing I have to do is to absorb the moves used by Peng Yi. Although I have experienced all kinds of hardships today, it is also an eye opener, witnessing the confrontation of countless masters. It gives me a new understanding of martial arts, and also learns a lot of profound moves.

From now on, I can easily use my ability of never forgetting what I have learned to put it into practice. Of course, I can't copy it as it is, which is sure to be found. I just learn from it, understand while learning, and try to change. I, who has the advantages of hundreds of schools, can also play a set of boxing with model and kind through constant understanding and learning.

However, it is almost impossible for me to surpass the talents trained by Sheng Mingjie. Others must have undergone special training, and the only martial arts I have mastered is Taijiquan.

However, I dare not use this Kung Fu in public. Once I use Tai Chi, it will be easy for people to connect me with Suluo. In this way, if I want to win, I have to suppress Sheng Mingjie in terms of internal power. I know that the real master's moves are only on the one hand. The potential internal power and speed are very important. Just like Han Yimo, she subdued the invincible he Yunxiang in an instant. With only two fingers, there was no fancy move. She relied entirely on her bandits The speed and agility of Yi Si, when this ability reaches a certain level. It can make people more vulnerable.

But my own strength is limited, but my fury gas, the power is incomparably huge, only, I still have some scruples after all, can't completely erupt, can't unscrupulously display own strongest power.In other words, Sheng Mingjie and I have a lot of consideration in the war. I am bound to suffer losses. However, through a fight in the evening, I can say that I can use my anger to fight. At that time, I had already released more than half of my anger, which was within my control, and was able to make others ignorant and unable to connect me with solo.

Now, what I want to practice is to release all the anger in my body, but it can be imperceptible. As long as I do this, I believe I still have a chance to defeat Sheng Mingjie.

Since no one is to be a companion, I can only imagine an enemy. In this constant practice, countless outbreaks, but countless failures. Although, I can control the fury in the Dantian at will. But as soon as I burst out, I was as impulsive as a madman.

If I want to give full play to the strong breath in my body, I need to release it. If it is too strong, I will feel a little uncontrollable, and the power will be very abnormal. It is too difficult and difficult for outsiders to detect it.

However, no matter how hard it was, I didn't give up. Under the night sky, I was just like a mad cow, bumping around, falling down and getting up. Sometimes I was so angry that I couldn't help shouting.

Until four o'clock in the morning, I didn't understand the fury in my body. I felt that it was impossible to do this. The faith in my heart was gradually consumed. I was sweating and had some signs of collapse.

Involuntarily, I will be unable to lie on the grass, looking up at the boundless sky, more than four o'clock, the day is not bright, the sky is still a bleak, just like my mood at the moment, seriously, I really can't support, the body and fighting spirit are fast supporting, I want to give up, but the only belief in my body tells me that I can't give up I can't lose and can't afford to lose. Ziyi is in danger. My father is waiting for me to rescue him. Even if I risk my life, I will stick to it.

With this thought, my faith became firm again. The whole person was full of fighting spirit. The slack in my heart was completely eliminated. An invisible force penetrated my whole body. Suddenly, I got a carp to fight back, turned over and prepared to continue practicing.

But the moment I got up, my body couldn't help shaking violently, and almost fell back without being scared. I even saw a person standing straight in the shade of the tree in front of me. Her body was still. The white pajamas swayed in the wind, and her shawl was distributed again, just like the female ghost who came to revenge before.

In terms of courage, I should be considered as the type of courage. But at this moment, before dawn, under the dark night, in the lonely back garden, suddenly there appeared a figure of such an image. Even if I was brave, I could not help but be shocked.

What's more, the position of this person is just under the shade of a tree that can't be illuminated by the light. I can't see her face at all. There's a white shadow and black hair floating there. It's really frightening.

After calming down for a long time, I finally got the courage to walk towards the ghost like figure. When I got close to her, I was shocked to find that the woman in pajamas and dishevelled hair was Han Yimo.

At the moment, she took off her make-up, took off that professional dress, dressed casually, plain faced in front of me, at first glance. I didn't recognize her at all.

Of course, she is quite different from before, but her appearance has changed. As for the plain face, it is still very beautiful. Her skin is really like the skin of a young girl. It is very tender and smooth without any defects. Her facial features are also delicate. Compared with her made-up, it is a different kind of beauty.

I didn't go to appreciate her beauty. I just looked at her in amazement and asked in disbelief, "Auntie Han, how are you here?"

Han Yimo gently grinned the corner of his mouth and said in a soft voice, "come and see you!"

She said, I am a little embarrassed, can not help but, I bowed my head, sorry to say: "excuse me, is not I disturb your sleep!"

Han Yimo chuckled: "no, just because you didn't have a rest. So I came to see you. I just saw you practice and found that you have a lot of strength in your body, but you can't master it. Sometimes you can't control it, right?"

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