Her words really gave me a hard slap. Listening to her meaning, she was standing here for a long time. I didn't even notice that Han Yimo was really powerful, and his strength was so high that he didn't even know it.

However, what shocked me even more was that she could see through me at a glance and knew my current situation, which was also my most distressing thing. Therefore, I did not hide it and said frankly: "well, yes, as long as I release all the hidden strength in my body, I am a little uncontrollable and impulsive, which makes it easy for people to guess that I am solo, That's why I've been looking for ways. I want to burst out my strongest strength without showing any flaws! "

I said my situation in detail. Han Yimo listened, but her expression still did not change. She seemed to have seen everything in her eyes and knew my situation without any more explanation from me.

Perhaps, because he knew my situation, Han Yimo couldn't help but say to me, "if you practice like this, you will never make progress in your whole life. As far as I just observed you, you seem to fall into a dead circle, if there is no other person to guide you. You can't jump out of this dead circle. Even if you are a martial arts talent, you must be guided to succeed! "

Han Yimo's words, once again let me suppress, a kind of unspeakable emotion, quietly breeding in my heart, I seem to have a little excitement, a little expectation, because I heard the meaning of Han Yimo's words, she seems to be saying that she can guide me and lead me to success.

Sure enough, then Han Yimo opened the conversation. From a professional point of view, she explained the mystery to me in detail and taught me some ways to breathe and breathe.

Listen to your words, better than read ten years of books, this is indeed a well-known saying, I practice here alone, practice until death may not be able to achieve results, and Han Yimo came to guide me, I immediately like an open mind, epiphany.

In the past, I was still too stupid. Just like the bull, I would be savage and crazy when I launched willai. This was completely because I didn't know the skills of martial arts and how to better control my internal power. Now, with the guidance of Han Yimo, I suddenly understood the mystery. I was shocked by the breadth and profundity of martial arts once again, and the moves were nothing but external The internal force is invisible.

You may be able to create your own moves in external skills because of your excellent talent. However, in internal skills, if you only use them indiscriminately without the instruction of the predecessors, it is absolutely impossible. If you can't do it well, you will even be possessed by the devil.

Now I, is the light has the powerful power, but does not know how to guide and use. Once you burst out of your own power, you only know how to release it quickly to vent your infinite power. This may be my blind spot, which is what Han Yimo called the dead circle.

When I got out of this dead circle, I really understood that, to make better use of our internal force, we should make every cell absorb this powerful force. The most important thing in human body is cells, and each cell has a strong absorption function. As long as the cells can quietly absorb the infinite power, then you will not appear to be crazy The same, you will not let yourself out of control, on the contrary, you can play a greater power.

In addition, the strength emitted is absorbed by the body cells. There is also an advantage, that is, the hardness of your body should be higher, and it can withstand the attack. Some people's hard Qigong is good at this aspect, so they can be invulnerable. Of course, I don't need to do that. I just need to learn how to let the cells absorb my infinite power, so that my whole person will not be in a state of insanity, and no one can see the flaws.

It didn't take long for Han Yimo to give me the way to breathe and breathe. I finally learned how to deal with this kind of anger and let it emit silently, so that it can be used freely.

When I really learned this point, my whole person's excitement has reached the extreme. This feeling is like removing the magic spell that entangles me all my life, that kind of relief, that kind of excitement. The sense of achievement is overwhelming.

I finally understand why masters like Han Yimo can be so indifferent when they make a move, just like they don't need to work hard. Originally, it's not that they don't play a strong role, but they hide this powerful power well, and they can hide it without showing any trace. It seems to others that they play very easily. In fact, every move they take is powerful The person who can do this is a real master.

Of course, I did not reach their level, but at least, I would not be like a mad dog after the outbreak of a powerful force. I have been able to use my strength perfectly. Even when I am completely out of the state, I can also make the outsiders can not see the flaws, so as not to doubt my identity.

This, even my greatest achievement tonight, is also an achievement in my martial arts life. When this achievement was achieved, the sky had already broken, and the dim light had covered the whole sky. I suddenly realized that I had practiced all night, and had delayed Han Yimo's sleep.

Thinking of this, I quickly grateful to Han Yimo: "aunt Han, really thank you, I have learned now, the day is bright, let's go back to rest!"Han Yimo listened to my words, but not in a hurry, slowly looked at me, then, leisurely said: "do you think with your strength now, can you beat Sheng Mingjie?"

This is like a slap in the head, which immediately wakes me up. I think that if I practice my strongest state without being noticed, it is already a success. But I forget that even if I exert my strength in a completely frenzied state, it is not necessarily better than Sheng Mingjie. You know, his strength is also the existence of adversity.

So I quickly shook my head and whispered back, "I'm not sure, but I'll try my best."

Han Yimo sneered, and then walked to the open space in the back garden, and said: "in the eyes of outsiders, you are my Han Yimo's son. If you don't learn some of my unique skills, others will not believe your identity. I've heard that you have the ability to never forget what you've learned. I only teach it once. Whether you can understand it depends on your ability!"

With these words, she had already demonstrated her unique skill in the open space.

On the bus back last night, Han Yimo pretended not to care about the match between Sheng Mingjie and me. She also stressed that self-confidence was the most important thing for me. However, now she doesn't sleep and keeps giving me directions. She even finds an excuse that I'm her son and teaches me unique skills. All these measures really shocked me and made me feel great at the same time Move.

I know that she cares about me and always cares about me. For this contest, she must hope that I win from the bottom of her heart, so she will spare no effort to help me. For her kindness, I really don't think I can repay. However, at this time, I don't have time to sigh. Almost the next second, I enter the state and stare in front of me Han Yimo, absorbed.

At the moment, Han Yimo is wearing only a thin Pajama, but it does not affect her strength. On the contrary, she is dressed in a white dress, which makes her look like a fairy. Her posture is smart and magical in the dim light. Her movements are graceful and gentle, but they seem to contain infinite power.

My eyes moved with her posture. My brain emptied everything and absorbed her movements. I found that Han Yimo was good at claw skill, which was similar to the kind of nine Yin white bone claw. No wonder she could subdue he Yunxiang with only two fingers in Haibang before, because the power of her claws was so powerful that I felt her claws could be grasped casually , can bring out the astonishing power, moreover, each of her moves has the routine, like the flowing clouds and flowing water.

Seeing her hovering on the flat ground, I unconsciously felt that she had entered the world of ancient martial arts. Her martial arts were soft and strong, and her movements were beautiful, but she was full of power. She was just like the nine Yin white bone claws trained by Zhou Zhiruo. She was domineering and fierce. But this set of powerful claw skill is played by Han Yimo, but it is beautiful and dazzling.

The scenery of the back garden is very beautiful, especially in the early morning of dawn. The beautiful scenery and Han Yimo's posture reflect each other, showing a perfect picture.

I stood aside, not taking into account the beautiful scenery and beauty, only immersed in Han Yimo's moves. Speaking of it, my observation ability should be considered powerful. But Han Yimo's impeccable claw skill still dazzles me. I can't see it even if I concentrate on it.

Fortunately, Han Yimo will explain to me when she is performing a set of difficult movements. After she has played a complete set of movements, the time has passed more than ten minutes. During the ten minutes, Han Yimo's movements have not stopped. However, after her demonstration, the whole person is still the same as usual. Her face is not red, her heart is not jumping, and her breath is not much Light with me said: "I can teach all I have taught, the rest, you slowly understand it!"

The voice falls, she then with the natural and unrestrained posture, walked toward the villa, leaving only a dull face of me, standing alone in the back garden, let the wind blow.

I didn't move or open my voice. I just closed my eyes gently. My heart precipitated at this moment. Only my brain was turning. The picture in my mind was very clear. The characters in the picture were still Han Yimo, and every action she had just made and every detail in the action flashed through my mind one by one.

I remember those moves in my heart, and then keep thinking and analyzing. Then, I open my eyes and go to the open space and use them.

I will absorb all the moves, sprinkle exercise, time, again in ignorance, quietly passed.

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