The sky gradually brightened up, until the sun sprinkled infinite gold, I finally gave Han Yimo to my kung fu understanding. Finally, I could use it easily. Her moves combined with my anger, which was really powerful.

Involuntarily, I raised my head, looked at the horizon of the sun, my mouth slowly curved up, showing a confident smile.

After that, I went straight back to the villa and went to my room. After practicing martial arts all night, my sweat had already wet my clothes and my body was sticky. However, I felt so tired that I ignored everything else. I didn't want to take a bath, so I fell asleep once I went back to my room.

Originally turbulent H Province, this day, is quietly changing, and I, immersed in their own dreamland, ignorant, may be too tired and tired, this sleep I sleep very heavy, sink to seem to forget all the trivial things, in the dream live their own happy life.

From the rising of the sun until the sun was about to set, I was in a dream. Finally, I was awakened by the voice of snake uncle.

Being woken up from a dream is a very uncomfortable thing, but I know that uncle snake is a man of great rules. He can't wake me up without special things. Therefore, I didn't blame him. I just looked at him sleepily and asked blankly, "what's the matter?"

Snake uncle solemnly replied: "the guests are coming from home. I want to see you by name!"

"Who?" I asked

Uncle snake replied, "Miss Xia, Xia Yuqi!"

Qiqi, did she come to my house?

I remember that the last time we met, it was Sheng Mingjie's party. She appeared at the right time and saved me. However, I doubted her, didn't trust her, and deliberately concealed my identity. This is a blow to Qiqi. Although she didn't blame me on the surface, she was certainly uncomfortable in her heart, but even so, she didn't spare no effort to help me in the hospital. Finally, she left the ward because she was ill.

Her kindness to me is really speechless. She helped me so many times and confided in me. In the end, I didn't trust her. Even I despised her. If Peng Xuefei had not explained everything to me in the dungeon, I would not have trusted Qiqi very much.

There is a saying that good, with the heart of a villain, gentleman's belly, my prudence cast my little heart, after all, I still misunderstood Qiqi, she and my father were arrested, there is no connection, it can be said that the matter arose because of her, but she did not participate, she did not harm my father's heart.

Knowing this, my heart is still happy. For her, my most urgent thing is to express my thanks and apologies. I also know that Qiqi is the master of Sanbao hall. She came to me specially, and it must be something.

At the thought of this, I was too lazy to brush my teeth and wash my face. I jumped out of bed directly and said to Uncle snake eagerly, "go, take me to see her!"

After the voice dropped, I have come to the side of Uncle snake, uncle snake did not say any nonsense, directly led me to the living room.

In the living room, I saw Qiqi. At this time, she was sitting quietly on the sofa. Her posture was casual and not formal, but there was another kind of upright attitude. Maybe, this is the cultivation of ladies.

Qiqi is the same as before. Her face is bloodless, just like a person who has lost the breath of life. However, she has more vitality than other patients. Maybe, this vitality comes from her mentality. No matter how weak she is on the surface, she looks very good. There is no gloomy or decadent look in her look, and her dress is relaxed.

She is wearing sportswear, looks very simple and sunny, in her body, you can not find any impurities, at first glance, she is a simple little girl, but in fact, she has a very calm mind and an extremely intelligent mind, anything, she can do calm, calm like water, encounter any problem, she can think in a very short time Out of a way to resolve, even in the face of death, she can maintain a good attitude, live a day is a day.

At a young age, it's really not easy to do this for her. However, it is also because of her intelligence and composure that I can't see her through. Up to now, I'm almost sure that she is a good person, but I can't treat her like a common friend. There seems to be something between us. At least, my identity at this moment is still Jiangnan style.

Therefore, I tried to get rid of some complicated and melancholy feelings in my heart, and kept the surface casual, natural and vague. I could not help but show some dandy attitude as a rich second generation. When Qiqi looked at me, I said, "Miss Xia, do you want me?"

Hear me speak, Qiqi quickly get up, eyes stay on me, eyes turn, inadvertently look at me, then, she slightly apologetic to me: "I am not too bold, disturb you!"

I knew what she meant and quickly replied, "no, I've had enough sleep, but I just got up and didn't have time to wash and gargle."

Qiqi slightly wriggled under the lip corner, politely said: "then you go, I can wait for you!"Without thinking, I replied: "no, you have something to say directly!"

In my opinion, in the face of Qiqi, I don't care about any image. In other words, Qiqi is the kind of girl who can see my heart directly with her eyes. My external is just a layer of shadow.

Hearing this, Qiqi didn't get entangled in this matter, but said frankly to me: "if it's convenient, let's go out for a walk."

I knew that she wanted to have a private conversation with me. Some words she didn't want to be heard by others. I didn't hesitate to say, "let's go."

Then, Qiqi and I went out of the villa together and walked on the path in the suburbs. At the moment, the setting sun was hanging in the sky, and the whole earth seemed to be covered with a layer of red, which was extremely beautiful. And Qiqi's pale face also seemed to show the color of blood. This is the light color of the setting sun, just like Qiqi's life, coming to the end, and matching the color of the setting sun It is full of another kind of regret beauty.

But my hair was messy and my beard was ragged. I was not awake. We both walked quietly all the way, and neither of us spoke first.

In the past, I was absolutely transparent in front of Qiqi. On the contrary, Qiqi was mysterious. But at that time, I could not help but trust her and regard her as a friend who could talk to her. I almost knew everything and could have a happy chat with no scruples.

However, now I have changed and become more and more complicated. I have a lot of things I have to do, so I can't believe anyone easily. Although I'm basically relieved of Qiqi, she didn't show her intention, and I don't know how to speak first. My current identity is really embarrassing.

Unknowingly, we came to a lake reflecting the red clouds. Qiqi directly sat on the ground, looked at the lake, and said to me carelessly: "it's good to see you all right. I thought I'd never see you again!"

When she said this, Qiqi's tone didn't sound emotional, but her meaning was clear. She cared about me.

I heard that Qiqi also put pressure on the Haigang because of my disappearance yesterday. It can be seen that she cares about me very much. Now, when I come back, she comes to see me for the first time. This friendship really moves me. The city wall that I am on guard against is also slowly collapsing.

With a warm feeling, I sat down beside her and said sincerely, "thank you for your concern."

Qiqi turned her head and looked at me. She asked earnestly, "do you still don't trust me? Solo

The last two words, Qiqi especially increased the volume, obviously, she is completely sure of my identity.

Seeing her clear eyes, I was more convinced that she had nothing to do with my dad's arrest.

I know that I don't need to hide my identity any more. If Qiqi is really unfavorable to me, the Haibang will be able to confirm my identity, and I will not be able to sit here safely. Therefore, at this moment, I will face Qiqi and say frankly: "I believe you, yes No, I haven't told you the truth before

My tone was very sincere. At the same time, I expressed my apology and showed that I trusted her.

Qiqi immediately changed her look and became very pleased. She gave me a bright smile and then said, "it's OK. I didn't blame you. In fact, you have a good defensive psychology, which proves that you have grown up."

Sure enough, Qiqi's bearing is extraordinary, she is not only smart, kind-hearted, but also so understanding. I was a little embarrassed when she said so. After a long pause, I suddenly said, "by the way, how do you know I'm solo!"

Qiqi a corner of the mouth, enigmatic way: "guess it!"

I was shocked. Seeing that she was so sure of my identity, I thought she had solid evidence. Unexpectedly, she guessed it. I asked mysteriously, "how do you guess?"

Then Kiki showed me her bright side again. She explained to me that she had come back not long after I came here.

At the beginning, I disguised as thirteen and became famous in this city for a time. At that time, Qiqi actually saw that I was Suluo. She didn't have Ziyi's long time with me and her love with me. However, she had Ziyi's incomparable mind and keen insight. She could associate a lot of things through small things and basically look at me Through, therefore, I disguise again good, also difficult to escape her law eye.

However, although she knew that thirteen was me, Qiqi did not interfere with me. She knew that I had something I wanted to do. She could not manage it well, nor could she expose my identity. She still lived her own life and did not pay much attention to me.

Until, I was crazy about Ziyi's suicide in Wutang. After that, I disappeared out of thin air. There was no more thirteen in H Province, not to mention Suluo. Qiqi suddenly worried about me and attached great importance to my affairs. She knew me well and knew that I would not give up saving people. She knew that I would never give up saving people and that I had a stubborn spirit of never giving up.Therefore, she immediately guessed that she had changed my identity and hid here. After investigation and screening, Qiqi finally targeted herself on Jiangnan Feng, a famous figure in the University of H Province. With her focus on Jiangnan style, Qiqi gradually confirmed my identity.

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