However, one of the most important clues for her to confirm my identity is my persistence. In the pursuit of Peng Xuefei, I showed the persistence and strength that ordinary people do not have at all. It's easy for her to think that my persistence comes from the fact that I want to get close to Peng Xuefei, so as to fight into the sea gang and save my father. However, Qiqi's meticulous observation shows that what she really sees in Jiangnan wind is her obsession with love.

Although, she knows that my love for Peng Xuefei is not from the heart, but I pursue her that emotion, is the ordinary man can not play, I never say die spirit, also can not play out, so Jiangnan wind caused Qiqi's attention, drawn by this line, Qiqi through various details, all aspects of the combination, thus guess that I am Suluo.

Since she knew that I was Suluo, if I had something to do, she would not care. Last time, she knew that I was at Sheng Mingjie's party with Peng Xuefei. She knew immediately that I was going to have an accident.

So, she just kept on arriving at the party. If it was true, my performance at the party was exactly the same as Qiqi expected, so she saved me and fully confirmed my identity.

After listening to Qiqi's explanation, I can't help but have a new understanding of her. I feel that her height has risen to a higher level in my heart. She is really a talented woman. Fortunately, Qiqi is not on the opposite side of me. Otherwise, I'm afraid I would have been ruined.

However, I haven't had time to express my shock and admiration. As soon as Kiki finished the explanation, she immediately turned to me and apologized: "I'm sorry, solo. It's all because of me that your father was arrested and you're on this dangerous road!"

I know what Qiqi refers to. I know the whole story of this. I know that she didn't participate in this and didn't hurt my father's heart. But that's enough. So I looked at her sincerely and said freely: "you don't have to apologize. I already know that. It has nothing to do with you!"

Qiqi, with a bitter smile, said implicitly, "but no matter what, it's all because of me. It's my illness that makes your father's eye on. The reason why Haibang will attack your father is also the default reason of my family. If it's not for the conditions given by my family, Haibang doesn't need to try to catch your father and grab the so-called magic medicine."

I looked at Qiqi deeply and said solemnly, "I know, but you didn't participate in this, so you don't need to blame yourself!"

Qiqi looked at my eyes without any taboo, and returned to me with a more solemn attitude, and said, "don't you blame me at all?"

I shook my head and said firmly: "it's not strange at all. It's because I still regard you as a friend, so I'll admit my identity."

Hearing this, Qiqi was obviously relieved, but she still looked a little worried. In her clear eyes, there was more sadness. With this light sadness, she turned her eyes to the lake which gradually lost its light.

The setting sun almost completely set, the deep red on the lake has turned into a very light red, and the sky is also slowly dark, just like Qiqi's eyes at the moment, with an indescribable dark color, she gazed at the lake for a long time, then slowly opened her mouth and said, "don't you wonder why I went to the university you read at the beginning? ”

Qiqi's words made my heart tremble. It was because of this that I couldn't understand that I was a little wary of Qiqi. But now we sat down and had a good talk. I didn't know how to ask. Once asked, it would appear that I was ill at ease. I was afraid that the trust I had just built would collapse again. I felt as long as she didn't harm me It didn't hurt my dad. I didn't mind the rest. So, on balance, I still chose not to ask.

But I didn't expect that Qiqi even took the initiative to mention it. She seemed to have predicted that I would have such a difficult question to ask. Since she led the question out, I would naturally answer: "why?"

Smell speech, Qiqi's eyes can not help but become deep up, she gently raised eyes, looked at the end of the lake to the horizon, seems to be immersed in meditation, eyes full of stories.

After a long time of stagnation, she said to me in a voice: "in fact, at the beginning, I didn't want to die. I hated the unfairness of heaven. Why did I have to suffer from a stubborn illness since I was a child? Why did I have to bear the pain of the disease? Why should I be sentenced to live less than 30 years old? I was not willing to. So, I cooperated with my family to seek medical treatment everywhere, but it was useless, and my illness will last forever Far from getting better, the root of the disease could not be removed, and even, more and more serious, I began to become disheartened and lost the hope of life.

But last year, my family finally found a way to cure my disease. However, it needed a single drug guide. But this thing is too rare and rare in the world. After many inquiries, we found out that your father had it. My family immediately sent someone to find your father. However, no matter how rich the conditions we promised, your father would not give it to us.

The opportunity was right in front of me, but I couldn't get it. At that time, I was too eager to live, so I didn't lose heart and volunteered to tell my family that I would try my best. Then, I went to your university. I knew that you were your father's favorite son. Since it was not feasible from your father, I also wanted to start from you To the Millennium snow Ganoderma lucidum.However, as soon as I went to school, I heard about your legendary story. Your legend deeply moved me, made me heartache, and touched an undeveloped feeling in my heart.

After seeing you, contacting you and knowing you, I found that the more you know, the more interested I am in you. This interest makes me feel that life is wonderful. I cherish this wonderful and cherish you as a friend.

Because I regard you as a friend, and I really want to have you as a friend. Therefore, I give up using you to get snow Ganoderma lucidum. I don't want to add color of utilization to our friendship. If I put forward my need, then everything I have done to you has become purposeful. The friendship between us is not pure. Maybe that's your root Ben wouldn't have thought of me as a friend.

In fact, I also know that the reason why your father refused to give us tough is because it is what he needs. I have no right to deprive others of precious things.

Of course, the more important thing is that you let me look at you, let me feel that death is not so terrible, heaven is not a person unfair to me, everyone is equal, everyone has his destiny, his sorrow and helplessness. And I, is not completely unfortunate, at least, it gave me a happy family, and good wisdom, as for disease, that is my life.

Everyone's fate is arranged by God. If naivete wants me to die, it's useless for me to struggle again. People can never fight against heaven. After all, I choose to comply with the destiny and let it be.

In this way, I become happy instead. I don't need to live in fear. In my only life, I would rather cherish the precious time of living, do meaningful things, and live my own wonderful life. After thinking about it, I not only gave up my selfishness, but also advised my family to respect other people's choices. If they don't give up, don't stop I tried to get it.

I thought it would be over at this point, but I didn't expect that my family still cared too much about my life. They didn't look for your father again. However, they reached an agreement with the Haibang, saying that as long as they could cure my illness, they would agree to my marriage with Peng Yu.

In fact, in the final analysis, they still hope that the Hai Gang can get blood Ganoderma lucidum from your father by means of evil means, because at that time, Peng Yu also knew that my disease could be cured by medicine.

I didn't know about it at the beginning. I didn't know until your father was arrested. However, at that time, the Haibang arrested your father, and many people died, which caused a great sensation. Since then, the matter has become big and has become irreconcilable. Even if I want to stop it, it is impossible for the Haibang to lose face, even if it is not for Xue Lingzhi And they wouldn't let people go.

After that, you lost a lot of money to the Haibang as a thirteen, and your conflicts were irreconcilable. In fact, even if the Haibang people got xuelingzhi, I didn't want to marry Peng Yu, because I didn't like him, and I didn't want to be the victim of the family marriage. However, I had no right to speak. I can't change anything. All I can do is hope you can be safe, don't What's the matter. Now, I'm glad to see that you're OK and growing up

Qiqi's long speech was very slow, just like telling a story. She was not in good health. She stopped several times, but she still insisted on finishing.

She said very free and easy, but I can feel that her heart is very heavy, such a weight should not be her age a little girl can bear, young she, there is a kind of see through life, this is how strong the heart.

I think that I can't be like her, look down on everything, even life can be relieved, but this is her, her mind and bearing, her wisdom and heart, all belong to her miracle.

I understand her, more will not blame her, she is helpless, she did not insist on my father's blood Ganoderma lucidum, but she can not control her family's ideas, indeed, which parents will let their children die young, will not grasp the straw of life, so, I can understand the Xia family's good intentions.

What makes me fluctuate in my heart is still the meaning of Qiqi's potential connotation. I feel that this girl is really special to me. She has a kind of ignorant taste. She feels that she is in love. The feeling separated by a piece of paper is just not pierced. I can't tell. What makes me entangled is the matter of blood Ganoderma lucidum. Indeed, the root of everything lies in it. Qiqi really does It is too much in need of it, although her words are to give up, but who really want to die, she certainly does not want to, but she does not want to interfere with me, implicate me.

If, not because Ziyi also needs it, I will not hesitate to promise her, but now, I can not make any choice, this thing I will only give Ziyi, can not give her, because Ziyi paid too much for me.

For a moment, I don't know how to answer, complex emotions entangled in my heart, let me stop.

After a long silence, I suppressed the complex emotions in my heart. I looked at Qiqi seriously and said seriously, "I believe you, you don't need to explain so much to me. We are friends and will always be. Even if something happens to me here, I won't blame you. But you've come here to see me today, and you're not just talking about the past, are you? "Since I can no longer talk about the blood ganoderma, I have to choose to change the topic. Of course, this is also an invisible escape.

But Qiqi listened to my words, suddenly returned to her mind. She took her eyes back from the distant sky, turned her head to look at me, and quietly replied, "Well!"

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