Sure enough, Qiqi must have something else to do with me. A single word is enough to show that her coming here is not only to explain the past to me, but also that I can get away from those tangled things.

So, after Kiki's reply, I immediately asked, "what else can I do for you?"

Qiqi buried the last point in her eyes, and she completely recovered from her past feelings. Then, she looked at me seriously and said in a deep voice, "I heard that you are going to compete with Sheng Mingjie tomorrow night?"

I am surprised to say: "how do you know?"

In my opinion, this is a private agreement between Sheng Mingjie and me. There should be no need to make it public. After all, it is not a glorious thing for two men to fight for a woman. The Haibang doesn't need to publicize this matter, so I don't understand how Qiqi knew it so soon.

I was surprised, Qiqi was even more surprised. Her look at me was full of doubts. After a second, she said to me speechless: "this has caused a stir in the whole city. Who doesn't know?"

When I heard this, I realized that it was I who lost contact with the real world on this day, and went to the dream and Zhou public private meeting. When I was dreaming, the situation in the city had changed dramatically.

Then, Kiki told me about the big changes that have taken place today.

Originally, H Province has always been in turmoil. Many small gangs took advantage of the Shanghai Gang's civil strife to make a mess in the city, and various gangs scrambled for territory. However, today, the Hai Gang launched a strong attack, and transferred people from other cities to severely crack down on those restless gangs and set an example to others.

It can be said that in half a day, the powerful Haibang, with the momentum of thunder, slowly restored the chaotic H Province to its former order and began to have a stable appearance.

In terms of combat effectiveness, the sea Gang is really powerful. Ordinary gangs can't compete with it at all. As soon as the sea Gang attacks and the city shakes, they are equivalent to a total annihilation. In a short period of time, they have suppressed many agitators.

However, although the Hai Gang has made the small Gang behave better through martial arts, the rumors can't be controlled. Most people still don't know what the internal situation of the Haigang has become. Therefore, the Hai Gang takes advantage of today to release news that Peng Xuefei has successfully returned home, and the Hai Gang has also made a martial arts contest to recruit relatives. Sheng Mingjie, the young master of the Sheng family, is fighting against each other The Jiangnan style of the second generation of rich and the second generation of Hei.

The so-called "rich second generation plus black second generation" means obviously that I am the guardian of the ghost king. Han Yimo's illegitimate son is no longer a secret. It is widely spread in the upper class and underground forces in this city. This incident, like a blockbuster, shocked all high-level people and underworld figures. Therefore, the martial arts contest tomorrow night will make the tickets of Haibang underground boxing ground stir up It's skyrocketing.

First of all, this is the life and death of the eldest miss of the Hai Gang. In such a situation, her life event has a great influence on the Hai Gang. Naturally, this martial arts contest will attract the attention of many people. The most important thing is that Sheng Mingjie and I are the two sides participating in the contest.

Sheng Mingjie, as a young man, has already been a man of the day in the upper class circles of black and white. His every move has been paid close attention to. This martial arts competition is more related to his life events, and of course it will be more noticeable.

However, I was originally a nobody, but my mysterious identity came out overnight, which shocked the older generation, not to mention the new generation of black and white. In their eyes, the ghost king is a myth, a legendary character. All the people who touch with him in that year will be worshipped and looked up to, let alone the ghost King's left Right arm.

As a general of the ghost king, Han Yimo became the focus figure directly. I was the son of the focus character, and I had to compete with another person of high status. What they were fighting for was the eldest lady of the Hai Gang. When these piles were connected together, the martial arts contest of tomorrow would become a big event that would make people cry for ghosts and gods.

This is an absolute hype. Through this, the Haibang has gained a great reputation, and the haze that once haunted them has been completely dispelled. Even at this moment, the Haibang's reputation is even louder than before. I finally understand why Peng Yi proposed that Sheng Mingjie and I compete in martial arts. It turns out that he not only solved the deadlock of last night, but also could make use of it To restore the reputation of his Hai Gang, this old fox is really smart to the extreme.

Jiang is always old and hot, especially Peng Yi, the old rule. He is too farsighted and can think of anything far-reaching. Yesterday, when Han Yimo and Sheng Mingjie clashed, he stood beside him and kept silent and didn't come out to dissuade him. At that time, he had already made a plan. Thanks to his idea of "a", a contest, killing three birds with one stone, Han Yimo was free In other words, he thinks that Sheng Mingjie's son-in-law can be preserved. Thirdly, he can restore the reputation of the Haibang at the speed of light. To put it bluntly, he is still planning for his Haibang. For him, nothing is more important than the development of the Haibang, including family ties.

However, even if I know what Peng Yi's plan is, I can't shrink back. I will take part in the contest anyway. Besides, it doesn't harm me if the contest spreads out. After all, if I win, Sheng Mingjie's arrogance will be completely suppressed and he can be prevented from doing so Bad, or repentance.However, Han's identity as son of foam spread out, which still makes me feel some egg pain, I feel that I drag her down, let her retire completely surfaced, this should be what she did not want.

When I was distracted, Qiqi's voice suddenly interrupted my thoughts: "you are not really Han Yimo's son?"

After listening to Qiqi's words, I couldn't help rolling my eyes and said without a word: "do you think it's possible?"

If others believe it, there is no doubt. After all, my identity outside is Jiangnan Feng. My mother is Jiang pinru, and Jiang pinru's real identity is Han Yimo. Jiang Nanfeng is Liu Longyin's son. But I didn't expect that Qiqi knew that I was solo and could say such ridiculous words. Moreover, Qiqi's appearance didn't look like a joke.

Seeing my retort, she blinked. Then she said, "even if Han Yimo is not your mother, your father is still very good. He should know such a person. In fact, to be honest, my family didn't dare to be tough before, and they also care about your father's identity. My grandfather said that your father used to be a man of influence in the army. He was famous for a time, but he didn't know Why did he retire from the army? It seems that he was expelled from the army, but his reputation is still very big. Many of them have become generals in the army. Therefore, my family dare not mess around, for fear of leaving a handle.

Last time, I met your father when you were fighting with Buddha, and I was convinced by his momentum. However, I still thought that he was only famous in the Taoism. I really didn't expect that your father was so big in the underworld. "

After Qiqi's words, she also showed an incredible look, as if my father had become a legend in her eyes. Maybe she had a special view of my father, and naturally felt that it was my father and Han Yimo who met that made her spare no effort to help me.

Although, I know Han Yimo not through my father, but through my grandfather Bai, but Qiqi's words have awakened me by mistake. Yes, if Han Yimo has nothing to do with me, she can't help me in the face of grandfather Bai. It can even be said that grandfather Bai can't help me like this. So, why do they help me so Would it really have something to do with my dad?

Grandfather Bai and my father know each other. I know this. What I don't know is the specific relationship between them. But if grandfather Bai really helped me because of my father, it would be too strange.

What I can't imagine is that Han Yimo has paid so much for me, will it also have something to do with my father? If I want to give her face to my father, I really want to know my father again.

Originally, he was so powerful in the army that Zhang Lei could worship him so much, and even his reputation spread to the Xia family. I was shocked.

Wu Tianhao was just a driver before him, and now it has become so mysterious. In addition, if my father was involved with Han Yimo, then my father's background was too big. I can't imagine it.

Of course, this is all my guess. Maybe Han Yimo doesn't know my father at all, and my grandfather Bai doesn't help me because of my father. Everything is just my conjecture, which is not practical.

Therefore, for Qiqi's words, I can only cope with one sentence: "I don't know, my father's affairs rarely tell me!"

Qiqi obviously saw my perfunctory behavior, and she didn't study this matter deeply. She just suddenly changed her voice and said to me seriously: "no matter what relationship you have with Han Yimo, I come here today mainly to tell you not to compete with Sheng Mingjie!"

Smell speech, I can't help a Leng, Qiqi specially came to find my purpose, just for this?

I looked at her a little puzzled and asked, "why?"

Qi Qi solemnly explained: "I heard Peng Yu say that Han Yimo had a conflict with Sheng Mingjie last night, and you are the thorn in Sheng Mingjie's eye. Sheng Mingjie is a man who will repay his hatred. The reason why he will agree to this contest and want to win over Peng Xuefei must be on the one hand, more important, or he wants to take the opportunity to get rid of you. When he comes to the arena of martial arts competition, he will live and die It can also be said that it is a mistake. After all, Han Yimo's name is in the past. If you really have something wrong, she certainly can't help it. After all, the Sheng family is powerful now, and Sheng Mingjie must have a way to cover up the past. If you take part in the competition, you will bet your life! "

After listening to these words, I realized that Qiqi came here today. Originally, she was still concerned about my safety and was afraid that I would die in the arena.

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