Think about it carefully. Since I was caught in the dungeon, I haven't used my mobile phone. Fortunately, I don't know many people in Jiangnan style. It doesn't matter whether I use it or not.

However, as soon as I got to the back garden, the phone rang suddenly.

Press the connect button, Peng Xuefei's dissatisfied voice rang out in the phone immediately: "Jiangnan wind, what did you do today? I can't get through my cell phone all day long. I think of making up my card so late!"

I ha ha smile, said: "well, I was too tired last night, a sleep to now, the mobile phone or my bodyguard for me to get it!"

Peng Xuefei snorted coldly. She didn't say anything more. After a few seconds, she suddenly changed her voice and said in a serious tone: "I had a nightmare last night. I dreamt that you lost. You don't want me. Jiangnan wind, don't compare, OK? I always have a bad feeling. Why don't we elope? I feel my father's meaning. He still wants to climb the Sheng family, so he deliberately makes trouble to you

One day later, Peng Xuefei was still worried about this problem. Indeed, in the eyes of anyone, Sheng Mingjie and I were fighting against each other with eggs. There was no comparison between the two of us. Peng Xuefei, in particular, cared too much about me and was afraid that I would lose.

And I, after listening to Qiqi's persuasion, have a higher opinion of Sheng Mingjie and dare not have the slightest carelessness. I also realize that in this confrontation, there must be a crisis. If I am careless, I may die on the spot.

But even so, I still can't shrink back, because if I don't win Peng Xuefei and fight into the Hai Gang, I can't know the specific location of the dark moon hall. In this way, even if I have the strength to compete with the Hai Gang, I can't save my father. Therefore, I must go all out in this contest and take death as my goal.

Thinking of this, my eyes once again gave out the light of determination, and my tone also could not help becoming firm, and said to Peng Xuefei, "Feifei, don't think about it, I don't want you to believe me? Don't worry, I won't let you down! "

My words expressed my confidence, but Peng Xuefei still panicked after listening. She wanted to believe me and encourage me, but she was more afraid of the consequences of losing and the possibility of being separated from me in the future. This kind of fear made her uneasy.

Although, last night, she said that she believed me, but that word was also blurted out in the situation that she had no choice but to. After that, her heart was still only worried. The more she wanted to be, the more worried she was. If she had not been watched by her family, she would have run out to look for me.

Hearing Peng Xuefei say these, I feel bad, anyway, it is I who hurt her. She used to have a unique personality, open and easy, and lived her own attitude. Even if she became a victim of the family, at least, she did not fall in love like now. Once a woman falls in love with a man, she will lose herself and devote herself to love If you lose the one you love, you lose everything.

She is so worried about losing me, because she fell in love with me, but I, how can't return to her same deep love, I can give her doomed only to fail, this one let me feel more guilty for her.

However, at present, I want to put aside all the women's kindness, calm should be connected to the next thing, Peng Xuefei's current state is very bad, only I can persuade her, I advised her on the phone for a long time, she slowly relieved down.

Before hanging up, Peng Xuefei also said to me solemnly: "Jiangnan wind, promise me, must not lose!"

I repeatedly returned her a word, and then hung up.

After that, I answered two more calls. One was from Lu Ping, a provincial university. He lost contact with me for so long. Now he can contact me. His mood is obviously very excited.

At the beginning, he explained to me about the beacon fire.

Since I disappeared, the beacon fire immediately fell into a state of depression, a gang, without a leader, and I was an accidental disappearance, which inevitably makes people unstable. In addition, the final examination is about to be held, and the school is about to have a holiday, and everyone's mind is more and more scattered. Therefore, the gang of beacon fire, which was once in the ascendant in the University, suddenly fell into the biggest difficulty I can't support it any more.

But today, it revived its vitality again, because I showed up, even as the son of Han Yimo, and I was about to fight Sheng Mingjie. Although the students didn't know who Han Yimo was, they knew clearly that he was a very powerful person, and the wind in the city was enough to know this How powerful the name is.

As Han Yimo's son, I naturally raised the class in an instant, let everyone know that I am an extraordinary rich second generation, which directly promoted the morale of the beacon fire.

Lu Ping also told me that he had made a lot of connections and spent a lot of money to finally get two tickets to the boxing hall. Tomorrow night, he and Chen Xiao will go to watch the match to cheer me on and be the most loyal backup for me.

Lu Ping, who used to be an influential figure in the provincial university, has now completely evolved into my younger brother, loyal younger brother. For me, he is a brother. Even though we don't spend much time together, at some stage of my life, we have met together, suffered together, and worked together. This is our fate. The world is so big, and one person's strength ends It is too small, everyone should have friends or brothers, in order to develop the strength.My beacon fire, although the personal ability of its members is relatively weak, but they are tied into a rope, and their strength can not be underestimated. I can't let the beacon fire dissipate as a play. I must try my best to develop it and strengthen it.

Now, the contest between Sheng Mingjie and me is an excellent opportunity to cheer up my brothers. Once I win Sheng Mingjie, my deterrent power will naturally increase by countless times. An invisible dignity will rush out on me, and my brothers will be more convinced and praise me. Therefore, this competition is of great importance to me.

After talking to Lu Ping, Mu Nan, the leader of the party, contacted me again. He was an old man in the lake. He was very good at talking. He congratulated me on my successful return. Then he immediately talked about Han Yimo. As a leader of a gang, he naturally heard of such mythical figures. Because of this, he could not help but admire me a little.

He said that when he first joined me, he guessed that I was extraordinary. He said that I was a dragon among men, and that I would be promising in the future. However, he did not expect me to have such an arrogant identity. Now, he is glad to follow me.

Of course, he didn't contact me mainly to flatter. At present, the most sensational and important thing is the confrontation between Sheng Mingjie and me tomorrow. Mu Nan of course also knows this matter. Although he has seen my strength, he is still worried about me, because he also knows how unfathomable Sheng Mingjie is.

In his opinion, no matter how fierce I am, I may not be able to fight Sheng Mingjie. Therefore, when he called, he also advised me to be cautious.

In the same way, many people have told me, but I still solemnly told Mu Nan that I had to compete in this match. He recognized my determination, so it was not good to say anything. He just told me that he would also watch the game.

For more than an hour, I was on the phone, so after chatting with Mu Nan, I turned off my mobile phone directly because I wanted to concentrate on practicing martial arts.

After I turned off my cell phone, I tried to empty my brain and clear away those disturbing emotions. Then, I devoted myself to martial arts.

The first thing I want to practice is how to make all my strength burst out and be absorbed by the cells, and then convert it into internal force. For this point, although I have already made it impossible for outsiders to see that I am Su Luo, I want to be like Peng Yi and Han Yimo. When using internal force, I can be ignorant and indifferent Show great power.

In order to achieve this goal, I have been speculating and practicing repeatedly.

After a few hours of hard work, I have been able to use my internal power freely and feel the potential change of myself. This is a small progress for me.

With the improvement of internal power, I immediately studied the external skill moves and practiced the Kung Fu taught me by Han Yimo. After this set of claw skills was well used by me, I began to study the moves I learned.

Anyway, this evening I became like a madman. I didn't have a rest for a moment. I just kept practicing and Pondering over and over again. I was immersed in my own world and couldn't extricate myself.

Slowly, I suddenly felt that I was infatuated with such a state. I felt that I was not afraid of hard work and tireless efforts, not only because I wanted to win Shengming jiejie, but also because I was obsessed with the breadth and profundity of martial arts. Naturally, I wanted to study, break through, and go to a higher level.

Having witnessed the power of Han Yimo, Peng Yi, Wu Tianhao and others, I suddenly felt that I was small and fragile. Such a small me gave me the motivation to want to be powerful and showed my unyielding spirit.

I'm not afraid to bear hardships. I want to be stronger. At least I can make people believe my ability. Instead, everyone comes to persuade me to retreat. Everyone thinks that there is too much difference between Sheng Mingjie and me. I want to be strong enough to let others believe me. Standing beside me, I can feel incomparable sense of security.

In a trance, every factor in my body seems to be full of vitality. Every part of my heart seems to have power. Various factors urge me to practice. My hobbies make me invest. I feel like I have lost my soul. I am immersed in profound martial arts.

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