If the sky did not gradually light up, I did not know that I had been through the night again. I never thought that the time of one night would be so short. What makes me happy is that after this night's practice, my state of mind seems to have been improved, and my internal power has become more and more comfortable and profound. What's more, after a night's practice, I didn't feel sleepy and wanted to continue.

However, remembering that I had to compete with Sheng Mingjie in the evening, I gave up the idea of continuing. After all, it was the most important to keep up the spirit. Therefore, I went straight back to the villa and didn't want to take a bath, so I fell asleep.

This time, I didn't sleep as hard as I did yesterday. I could sleep until I forgot myself. But today, I always have to worry about the martial arts competition in the evening. I can't oversleep, and I can't shake the shadow of the contest.

I don't know how long it took me to wander in my dream land for a while. After two swings, I suddenly woke up again and again. Until more than four o'clock in the afternoon, I simply got up. It was not long before the appointed time. I didn't sleep well in bed, so I got up and prepared.

When I came to the bathroom, I washed myself from the beginning to the end, washed away the tiredness, the uneasiness, the bad luck accumulated, and a new me.

However, I know that this is another invisible encouragement. It is the first step to make myself full of self-confidence. When I see myself in the mirror, I can't help but smile with confidence, and I can't help but feel more confident in my heart. Then, I solemnly face myself in the mirror and firmly say to myself: "come on, win the affirmation It's you

With this confidence, I walked out of the bathroom and into the dining room.

By this time, the time had come to 5:30. Uncle snake knew the time of my martial arts competition, so he asked the servant to prepare dinner in advance. When I got to the restaurant, the dinner was ready.

However, up to now, I still haven't seen Han Yimo. Since she went out yesterday, she hasn't come back. This dinner, I ate with Uncle snake. I don't want to say that this is the last dinner. Instead, I regard it as a celebration banquet to celebrate the victory of my flag opening tonight. This is another invisible encouragement to myself, and we should have confidence in eating.

After dinner, the clock on the wall shows that the time is 6:05 and the time of the competition is 8:00. But there must be some preparation before the official start of the competition. I must arrive in advance.

So, the moment I put down my chopsticks, I directly got up from the table and said to Uncle Snake: "uncles, eat slowly, I'll go first!"

Snake uncle, they listened to my words, quickly got up, said in unison: "we send you!"

I smile and say, "no, wait for my good news."

My tone is free and easy and confident, but in fact, I don't want to go alone, especially Han Yimo, which adds a little bit of loss to my confident heart, but no matter what, I still want to maintain that part of my confidence.

But when Uncle snake saw my refusal, he immediately said seriously, "let's go with you. The master has explained that he is afraid that the people of the sea gang will play tricks and tell us to follow."

Hearing this, the loss in my heart suddenly dissipated. It turns out that Han Yimo still remembers me, but in a different way. Since she specially told uncle snake, I don't need to be brave any more. I looked at them deeply and said, "OK, let's go!"

When the voice dropped, I walked out of the villa with them.

At ten past six, the three of us officially moved towards the place where the game was going.

The car in front of the sunset light, all the way, my thoughts also follow flying up.

In the mind, flashed one face after another, many people, accompanied by many things, interwoven into a complex picture.

These years, along the way, I have experienced too many ups and downs, but I always think that happiness is in front of me, but whenever I am about to touch this happiness, it disappears.

Now, I don't want much. I just hope to save my father and wake up Ziyi. For such a goal, I have worked hard for a long time. And tonight's contest will determine whether I have a chance to touch the happiness I desire. This is a crucial step and a difficult hurdle.

However, the more difficult the hurdle in front of me, the more I have to have confidence in myself. Once I lose confidence first, then I have lost momentum in the challenge arena, and it will be more difficult for me to have a chance to win.

Reading one message after another, the radian of my mouth became deeper and deeper, and my heart became more and more firm. I must win this competition.

After reading the text message, I put my mobile phone back into my pocket without replying to anyone or calling anyone.

The car is quiet. Uncle snake and uncle gang are both less talkative. They don't even say words of encouragement. One drives attentively and the other looks straight ahead, just like robots.

I didn't talk to them, but I just looked out of the window, looking at the fleeting scenery outside the car, quietly in a daze.

I saw a group of people bullying a poor man who looked like a beggar on the side of the street. This was originally a very common thing. Therefore, although there were many onlookers, they were all watching with cold eyes and no one was dissuaded.But I was suddenly attracted by the eye, because I know both sides.

It was Zhang Xiong and a group of his friends who bullied others. However, the poor man who was bullied was also my old acquaintance, the leader of the Xuanwu society, Lin Xuanwu.

However, at the moment, he completely lost his original high spirited spirit, which was reflected in his body, only depressed and pitiful.

He was originally a one eyed dragon, and his false eye was gone. Now, his left eye has become empty, which looks like a panic. However, his two arms were abandoned by wasabi. It seems that they have been completely abandoned. They are still not good. There is no difference between them.

Seeing this scene, I almost can't help shouting: "stop!"

Immediately, uncle snake stopped the car and stopped. His eyes followed me and looked out of the window. At the moment of seeing the side of the road, uncle Gang immediately understood what was going on. He directly advised me: "young master, there is not much time. It's better not to make trouble!"

Now the time has come to 6:50, I do not have extra time to delay, but to see the frustrated Lin Xuanwu, my heart can not help but touch. In a moment, I saw Lin Shihan's face, I saw her tears, saw her pain, saw her dying pain and regret.

I'm really sorry for Lin Shihan, but Lin Xuanwu is her own father. In the end, I can't get rid of him when he comes to this stage. However, my original purpose was to kill him, but I didn't expect that he didn't die. Instead, today, I killed his son and I made him die for me. I created his tragedy, and it's even worse for Lin Shi Han is so guilty that I can't be indifferent when I see him being bullied.

After a pause, I said directly to Uncle Snake: "it's OK. You wait for me for a while."

With that, I got out of the car and walked towards Zhang Xiong and others.

Now Zhang Xiong, also no longer in the past high spirited, the people around him are only a group of useless residue, are a group of total waste, he himself also appears a bit of vicissitudes of life, to be honest, he lost his father, looks pitiful.

Zhang Xiong, intoxicated, became more and more indignant. At last, he almost yelled at Lin Xuanwu and said, "if I didn't want to get into trouble now, I would have killed you as a cripple."

When I heard this, I suddenly realized that both sides had great hatred. It was because of Lin Shihan that they made such a scene.

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