My arrival did not make a statement, but went straight through the crowd to the gate of the boxing hall. It was my instinct to keep a low profile. Although the crowd in the field were talking about me, I didn't want them to know that the protagonist of their discussion was right beside them.

However, sometimes, you want to keep a low profile, but you can't do it. Many of the people who come here know me, or in other words, many people have already known my appearance. So, I was recognized by people as soon as I was crowded into the crowd. In the noisy air, a sharp voice suddenly burst out: "look, the wind from the south of the Yangtze River is coming!"

This is a girl's scream, loud and sharp, directly pierced the air, through the noise, into many people's ears.

All of a sudden, countless eyes were directed at me, an invisible chain effect spread out, more and more eyes focused on me, the scream wave after wave, some people crazy, some people shout, some people take pictures, some people crowd towards me.

This moment, I seem to have become a star sought after by millions of people. It's just that I am different from the Jiangnan style in the past. Now I have another mysterious identity, the son of Han Yimo. This identity has covered me with a mysterious veil. I don't need to publicize any more. Mystery and low-key are my ultimate nature.

I didn't look around. I still went straight ahead, as if everything had nothing to do with me. Uncle snake and uncle gang did their duty to break through the crazy crowd and open the way for me.

Among all the stars, I came to the gate of the boxing hall. There were some security personnel at the gate. They kept order here. A group of guards specially checked the audience who entered with tickets.

I don't have a ticket. However, my identity is a pass. In the entrance examination, I calmly took off the sunglasses. Suddenly, the security guard who led me respectfully welcomed me into the boxing hall.

As my bodyguards, uncle gang and uncle snake are also eligible to enter. However, they are only welcomed into the auditorium, while I take the VIP channel directly to the rest room of the boxing hall.

When I got to the rest room, I was arranged to do some simple preparation before the match. The staff also prepared me with a black combat robe. This kind of clothing was specially prepared for the boxing competition personnel. It was very aggressive and convenient to fight, but I didn't wear it. For the masters at my level, the clothes could not hinder me, as long as they didn't wear too thick, If I specially put on the war robe, it will make me not adapt, or my clothes are simple and casual.

With a little preparation, the time was almost over. Without further delay, I went straight out of the lounge and walked leisurely towards the stadium.

Soon, I was in the track of the stadium.

At the moment of my appearance, the audience immediately burst into a boiling, violent boiling, all kinds of cheers, screams, one after another, concussion in the huge space of the venue.

Of course, these ghosts roar and scream are made by some young people. The older people are obviously more calm. What's more, these people are not ordinary people. They all have a certain identity and status. This kind of height makes them maintain a corresponding attitude. Naturally, they will not go crazy at will and show exaggerated expressions easily And action, not to shout.

The building of this boxing hall is very grand. The boxing field covers an area of very wide area. The ceiling is very high. The central arena also looks majestic. There are countless spectators around. But even so, the whole venue is still full, and every seat is occupied.

It has to be said that the people who can get tickets are extraordinary. They are rich or expensive. They have everything. Many of them have been on TV. They are all interested in watching the game. But, needless to say, many of them sell their family face.

As for me, there are also some hard core fans. The most striking ones are Lu Ping and Chen Xiao.

At the moment, the two of them are sitting in the corner. This is the worst seat, but it is also the ticket that Lu Ping spent a lot of effort to get. They are in the periphery of the audience, but their cheering voice is the biggest. They almost didn't break their throat. In order to fuel me up, they almost all gave their lives. I felt that the atmosphere of the scene was just by them Two for lighting.

In addition to the two of them, my other supporting figure is mu Nan. Of course, Mu Nan is different from them. No matter how he is a leader of a gang, he has his identity and status. He will not scream and shout like the two of them, and will not do anything that has lost his identity. What's more, his relationship with me is still in a hidden state, and no one knows He didn't show anything. He just nodded to me when I looked at him.

In addition, in the VIP audience seats near the challenge arena, there are many faces I am familiar with. Most of these seats are occupied by the people of the Haibang. After all, this is their territory, and most of the big men of the Haibang appear in the VIP seats.

Among them, Peng Yi and Peng Xuefei are sitting in the main seat. Peng Xuefei is the heroine today. She is naturally treated differently, which can be regarded as the focus of the whole audience. At the moment when she saw me, her look changed. However, due to her father's side, she was not good at doing anything. She just used her eyes to convey feelings to me.However, up to now, her eyes are still very complicated, all kinds of colors interweave, among which the color of worry is the most. No matter how hard she tries to encourage me, believe me, in the end, she is still worried about me. Her confidence is very weak, and she is vacillating. This shows that she has no confidence in me at all, but she expects me to win. This contradiction makes her too nervous and overburdened Worry.

Seeing her like this, I can't help but grin at her. My expression is very calm, which shows my mentality and comforts her.

But to my surprise, I saw a familiar person after I swept Peng Xuefei.

The audience, no matter how powerful the characters appear, I am not surprised. However, when I sweep Qiqi on the VIP seat, I feel shocked. Qiqi is the last one who likes such lively occasions, especially in noisy places like boxing hall. Her physical condition is not suitable for such places, but she is still low-key It's on display.

Although she wore a baseball cap on her head, half of her face was in the shade, but I found her at a glance. She came here regardless of everything, obviously because she was too worried about my safety. In Qiqi's opinion, if I lose, I will probably die here. Maybe it is because of this that she will show up to save me from danger Among them, for her love, I don't know how to respond, but my heart is inexplicably warm.

I did not stop on her body, quietly shifted my eyes, only when I did not see her in general. Then, I looked at other places, my feet were more than, shuttling on the track, my eyes flow, constantly scanning the boiling crowd, scanning the familiar and unfamiliar faces inside.

On the way, I have actually adjusted my mentality to the best and opened up a lot of things. For the upcoming contest, I also deal with it in a normal way, so that I can not be surprised by the honor or disgrace.

However, when I was really involved in it, especially when I went to the challenge arena and felt the strong and exciting atmosphere on the scene, my heart still couldn't help surging. It was the natural rolling of blood in my body, and I couldn't control it even if I wanted to control it.

I finally understand why so many people like to fight and some people like to watch boxing. In the final analysis, it is because of the atmosphere of the scene, which can ignite the blood in the human body thoroughly and make you feel the excitement and surging unprecedented.

Just when I was boiling with blood, the audience suddenly roared. For a moment, the scream became louder and denser, just like a cannon.

This sudden big movement, let me suddenly come back to my mind, my eyes, can not help following the eyes of the whole court, shot at the other entrance of the track, I just found that it was Sheng Mingjie who appeared.

His arrival set off a huge wave on the scene. The boiling crowd became more boiling and the noisy scene was more noisy. Obviously, his influence was much greater than mine. I could only set off a small wave, but he could bring a big climax. I walked to the arena alone, but he almost brought a regiment behind him. There were more than a dozen heavyweights following him This virtually added endless momentum to him.

When he came near the challenge arena, he did not go directly to the challenge arena, but went to Peng Xuefei, who was in charge.

Today's Sheng Mingjie is very well dressed. Obviously, he looks more handsome than me after some elaborate dressing up. This gives me the feeling that he doesn't care about the competition at all. He doesn't come to compete at all, but to pretend to be cool. He also holds a bunch of gorgeous red roses in his hand, which is quite eye-catching. Therefore, people's screams are even worse The crazy girl couldn't help calling his name.

Sheng Mingjie's influence in the upper class is really extraordinary loud, but for this kind of scene, Sheng Mingjie, the young master, seems to be used to it. He doesn't care at all. At this moment, there is only one person in his eyes, that is Peng Xuefei. His eyes are infinitely gentle, and his steps are firm and close to her.

As soon as he came to Peng Xuefei, Sheng Mingjie immediately handed the rose to Peng Xuefei in a very handsome posture, and said softly, "Feifei, happy birthday!"

I can't help but amaze me that my voice is so loud and loud.

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