When I heard Sheng Mingjie's words, I suddenly remembered that today was Peng Xuefei's birthday. It was precisely because of this that Peng Yi set Biwu today. I didn't expect that Sheng Mingjie would put Peng Yi's birthday at the top of the list. However, I made it more important than Wudang and forgot Peng Xuefei's birthday. This really made me feel ashamed I feel guilty for Peng Xuefei's deep love for me. She only has me in her heart, but I don't have her in my heart.

involuntarily, I turn my eyes to Peng Xuefei. At the moment, she looks very tangled. Obviously, she doesn't want to accept Sheng Mingjie's intention, but in front of the whole audience and her father's face, she doesn't Good intention to refuse Sheng Mingjie, but under the helpless, she had to look at me helplessly.

Peng Xuefei and I are supposed to be boyfriends, but today my performance is not as good as Sheng Mingjie. He is more like a boyfriend. It can be said that he is sure of the victory of today's martial arts competition, and he is also determined to win Peng Xuefei.

Sheng Mingjie's self-confidence and high-profile really upset me. Today, however, it was a fair competition between the two of us, but he did such a thing before the competition. Maybe, he was really interested in Peng Xuefei, but at the same time, it was also a way for him to show off. He was showing off his self-confidence, which made me lose him in the bottom line. I can't show weakness and I can't look at it See Peng Xuefei in trouble.

Therefore, when Peng Xuefei cast a look for help to me, I immediately jumped from the challenge arena with a domineering posture, and then went straight to Peng Xuefei.

On the way to her, I picked off a fake flower used for decoration beside the audience seat, and then went to the other side of Peng Xuefei's seat. Without hesitation, I handed the small artificial flower in my hand to Peng Xuefei, and said affectionately, "happy birthday, Feifei!"

Sheng Mingjie and I did the same action and said the same words. People with a clear eye could see that we were fighting before the fight. Before the competition started, we had a silent contest. However, in the end, I had the advantage. Peng Xuefei's heart was on my side.

As for Sheng Mingjie's big bunch of roses, she hesitated to accept it. However, for a fake flower I handed over, she immediately reached out to take it and showed a happy smile, dimple like a flower.

In Peng Xuefei's eyes, the fake flowers I picked casually are more precious and beautiful than the bright roses carefully prepared by Sheng Mingjie. After she took over the flowers, she also gave me a gentle reply: "thank you!"

Peng Xuefei's action is like a loud slap in the face of Chu Jie. The audience at the scene can't help but gape at this scene. Many people are optimistic about Sheng Mingjie, but they didn't expect that the result of the contest is uncertain, but Sheng Mingjie's mind is determined first. The meaning is self-evident.

Of course, Sheng Mingjie, who is a big and young Sheng family, is most proficient in disguise. His heart is also extremely strong, and his endurance is even less. Although Sheng Mingjie's actions have embarrassed him and made him lose face in front of so many people, he didn't get angry or impulsive. He just showed an embarrassed smile, and then took back the rose and handed it to the people behind him 。

Many of the people who came with Sheng Mingjie this time were heavyweights. They were also very powerful in the Chu family. They saw that Sheng Mingjie was so unreasonable that he was obviously displeased. Even some people wanted to say something, but Sheng Mingjie stopped him.

At the moment, Sheng Mingjie only concentrated his anger on me and said to me, "the competition is about to start, see you on the stage!"

Finish saying, he walked toward the ring, the action is still so free and easy.

His anger is hidden in the invisible. On the surface, he can always be calm, calm and confident. However, I know that his inner anger is overwhelming, and his light words are enough to show that he will burn all the flame on me. The arena is the place where he burns me, and the martial arts competition is the way he burns me.

With Sheng Mingjie's departure, the group of heavyweights behind him also left one after another and took their own seats respectively.

However, Peng Yi, who is beside Sheng Mingjie, looks cloudy and sunny at this time. For Sheng Mingjie's actions, he does not show obvious anger, but his gloomy color reveals his inner displeasure. His heart must be full of clouds.

Peng Xuefei doesn't care about Peng Yi, but the happy smile on her face has faded away. What is full of in her eyes is only worry. Just after Chu Jie put down a cold word, Xia Xiaoxiao must have heard the murder. Therefore, she was afraid, panicked and couldn't help it. She whispered to me: "Xu can, be careful!"

I smile, the expression is free and easy, the tone is forthright way: "well, wait for me here, finish, I accompany you to have a good birthday!"

The voice falls, I directly natural and unrestrained turn, stride toward the arena.

After the invisible contest between Sheng Mingjie and me, the atmosphere of the scene obviously changed and became more lively and noisy. In particular, the faces of people in the field became more colorful. They read the story behind the contest from the incident just now. Many people have guessed that Peng Xuefei and I are Lang's affectionate concubine, but Sheng Ming's identity is not Tong Fanxiang, and he and Peng Xuefei have an engagement before, that is to say, our love triangle, hidden in a fierce secret fight.Emotional entanglement can make people's emotions extreme. The love between Peng Xuefei and I must have stimulated Sheng Mingjie. Even if the audience didn't see the change of Sheng Mingjie's expression, they must have felt Chu Jie's invisible anger. In other words, this competition will be more wonderful than they imagined. Of course, they will become more expectant and the atmosphere in the field will become more boisterous.

In a fiery atmosphere, I boarded the challenge arena and stood opposite to Chu Jie on the stage.

A moment later, the referee came on the stage. As soon as he arrived, he introduced Sheng Mingjie and I. although we both know the identity of both of us, the referee added some adjectives to say it. Listening to it, it was still passionate, and virtually covered us with a stronger glory.

After a wonderful introduction, he outlined the rules of the game. The rules are very nice to listen to. They are just bullshit. In the arena of this underground boxing hall, many people have died and fooled them by accident. Ordinary people in Hong Gang can't check the rules. Therefore, the rules can't be implemented.

It seemed that after a long time, the referee's nonsense was finally finished. Then, he consciously retired from the arena and left me and Sheng Mingjie standing on it.

Up to now, the two of us still keep the posture of standing opposite each other, and our expression is indifferent. Even if we hate each other in our hearts, our identity is not ordinary, and we will not show our emotions on our faces at will, especially Sheng Mingjie, the hypocrite, even reaches out a gentleman's hand and gives me a friendly handshake.

I couldn't refuse, so I could only hold it together. At this time, Chujie took the opportunity to put his mouth to my ear and whispered, "Jiangnan style, you can make headlines tomorrow. Unfortunately, you can't see it yourself. Don't blame me. It's all from you!"

Sure enough, Sheng Mingjie really killed me. Before the duel began, he directly declared my death penalty. His self-confidence and his killing intention were all reflected in this sentence.

When I heard his words, my expression was still calm as water, but my eyes became firm and rebellious. I glanced at him slightly with my remaining light. Then, he said sonorously, "don't talk nonsense, let your horse come here!"

As soon as my voice dropped, we both let go of each other's hands almost at the same time, then we each stepped back a few steps, leaving a safe area.

Our bodies stand proud on the arena, our eyes, looking directly at each other, our faces, cold and merciless, like two statues.

The atmosphere of the scene, also with the silence of the two of us, slowly quieted down. No one screamed, no one yelled, no one made a little noise. The huge boxing stadium left only infinite loneliness.

Everyone's expression seems to be frozen, staring at me and Chu Jie on the challenge arena. At this moment, everything is quiet.

Suddenly, a sound broke the silence and exploded in the air.

It was the trumpet above the challenge arena, which burst out four words: "the contest begins!"

This sound, too abrupt, and the silence of the scene, formed a big contrast, overturned the small waves in everyone's heart.

All of a sudden, the quiet scene, once again burst the pot, not easy to concentrate on holding their breath of the crowd, and can not help but make a voice, have been talking about it, everyone's eyes, are blooming out of hot light, light and sound combined, forming a vigorous picture.

However, Sheng Mingjie and I still kept calm, as if we didn't hear the first four words of the contest. My body was still, and Chujie's body was not moving. Even our eyes didn't blink, we just looked at each other closely.

Time, minutes and seconds passed, the air factor, little by little cooling, Sheng Mingjie and I were so cold that the surrounding air seemed to solidify. The excited crowd on the scene was shocked by the two of us. Their warm flame slowly extinguished, and no one could understand the actions of Chu Jie and I. according to reason, for the arena competition, only At the beginning of the game, both sides can't wait to take the initiative.

However, Sheng Mingjie and I are still here, allowing time to elapse. How can the audience understand this? Many people are getting impatient and panicking. However, because of the identity of Sheng Mingjie and I, they dare not complain. If they are dissatisfied, they can only swallow it in their stomach.

Also do not know how long, the scene finally have not afraid of death of the people endure the internal injury, suddenly roared out a voice: "fight ah!"

The voice is full of anxiety and helplessness. It can be seen that they are looking forward to it. The more they look forward to it, the more anxious they are. They rush to come here to watch a wonderful competition. As a result, after waiting for a long time, what they see is two sculptures, which makes them less dissatisfied, but more anxious than ever.

If I can, I would like to solve Chu Jie as soon as possible and win the contest as soon as possible. But I still dare not act rashly, because I don't know Sheng Mingjie very well. I don't know how to deal with him. For me, it's not to seize the opportunity, but it's easy to show flaws and seize the gap for the other party. Therefore, I've been holding on and waiting for Sheng Ming Jay's first move.Who knows, Sheng Mingjie is here to brake.

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