Although the game started, we didn't fight directly. The enemy didn't move, and I didn't move. The two of us always adhered to this principle. In the end, Sheng Mingjie broke the deadlock and took the lead in saying, "come on!"

His tone, full of provocative taste, but I do not eat his set, just lightly grin the corner of the mouth, disdain said: "you come!"

Sheng Mingjie snorted coldly, and two words came out of his mouth: "coward!"

Then he stopped standing still and attacked me directly.

However, unlike ordinary people, Sheng Mingjie pays attention to speed as soon as he attacks. Instead of galloping towards me, he slowly comes over, step by step, as if to come to say hello to me.

His steps seem to be very casual, just like normal walking, but I found the difference. His every step is heavy and powerful. Moreover, when he walks, his defense is very good, and there is no flaw. It is estimated that it is to prevent my surprise attack.

We are not far away, he quickly came to me, a close to me, he did not nonsense, raised his leg to my chest is a foot.

This move does not have any fancy, very simple, as if it is an ordinary student's fighting moves, but I have been attentive, but I dare not be careless. In my opinion, Sheng Mingjie is a hungry wolf. As long as he bites me, I can't underestimate the enemy. Therefore, at the moment of his feet, I move my feet and retreat, while I reach out to block.

Sheng Mingjie's sole, in this way, the solid kick to my arm, let me suddenly surprised is that Sheng Mingjie is really a hidden master, he is such a casual foot, but very powerful.

I was clearly prepared for defense, and I stepped back and blocked with force, but in the end, I flew back to the edge of the arena until I touched the railing on the edge, and then I stopped abruptly.

For a moment, my face was flushed, and I felt like I couldn't lift my breath in my chest. It was very uncomfortable.

Just one face-to-face, I suffered a great loss, but also deeply felt Sheng Mingjie's terror. Now I finally understand why all of them persuade me to give up the game. It turns out that they don't look down on me, but they know Sheng Mingjie better than I do. They already know Sheng Mingjie's terror.

The audience was in an anxious wait. Later, they heard Sheng Mingjie's voice breaking the silence, and their inner passion began to burn. When Sheng Mingjie took the lead, they were even more excited. However, Sheng Mingjie's slow motion close to me and his careless footwork made everyone feel a little boring, but in the end, all of them felt bored People are very surprised, Sheng Mingjie this simple test ox knife, but showed such extraordinary power.

Immediately, cheers and cheers were heard everywhere. The atmosphere of the scene suddenly became lively. The interest of the audience was ignited again. Some of them were shouting Sheng Mingjie's name.

Sheng Mingjie, who was warmly praised by all the people, did not care about the reaction of the audience at all. He just felt a little surprised and deeply disdained for my vulnerability. He seemed to be very disappointed with me. He shook his head in contempt and walked towards me. At this moment, his momentum hidden in his body gradually released.

Finally, it seems that he has a scholar temperament, no longer hidden, his suffocating strong air burst out, the whole person's temperament has undergone earth shaking changes, he does not show the mountains and dew, this is a moment of momentum, there is a king's tyranny between the eyebrows, people shudder.

At the edge of the challenge arena, I have no way out. If I am beaten by him again, I will roll off the arena. Therefore, in the face of Sheng Mingjie's invisible pressure, I can only clench my teeth, move and rush up.

I can't approach him slowly like Sheng Mingjie. On the contrary, I'll attack him with quick and fierce force. Almost in a blink of an eye, I rush to him without half a minute pause. I hit him with both hands and feet.

My moves are all learned and sold now, and there is no routine to talk about. What I pay attention to is that the speed is fast and the power is great, and how to play with ease.

If the other side is an ordinary person, he can't resist my fierce attack, but Sheng Mingjie is different. He is strong and unusual. Facing my raindrop like attack, he doesn't panic. He just blocks slowly. His block action is elegant and handsome, and looks slow and reasonable.

However, in his slowness, he has his unique strength and the imperceptible change of movement. Inadvertently, he can make the defense seamless and defend himself, so that I can't attack him at all. It seems that no matter what moves I use, I can be caught by his keen eyes, and then easily resist it.

For me, it seems that there is a protective cover around his body, which can't be broken or close to. The more I hit him, the more angry I feel. It can't be controlled at all. It's not decided by the usual mentality.

If you are strong, you will be strong. The more difficult Sheng Mingjie is to attack, the stronger my momentum will become, and my moves will become more fierce. However, no matter how fast and strong I am, I can't do anything to Chu Jie and hurt him. Seriously, Sheng Mingjie's metamorphosis has exceeded my imagination. His way is so exquisite. I feel that he does everything from head to foot When it comes to strict defense, every action is planned, not messy at all. Even his breath is very stable. He is so indifferent to me as an enemy.After a fight, my veins swelled, my face flushed, and I was short of breath. Sheng Mingjie, like nobody else, kept his superior posture and easily resisted it. This scene was like a bullfight. I was the mad bull in the bullfight field. I was very tired and panting. Sheng Mingjie was the one with a piece of red cloth Matador, he is playing with me in that relaxed and happy way. I'm so tired that he doesn't change his face and his heart doesn't jump.

The more like this, the more angry I am and the more aggressive I am. In particular, when I hear the audience cheering wildly for Sheng Mingjie, I feel more cowardly and more frustrated. I just want to attack him quickly and hit him quickly.

But in the fight, the most need to avoid is too eager, once people have that kind of urgent heart, although the attack is fierce, but the more flaws will be revealed, in the end, my attack is almost full of flaws.

Sheng Mingjie didn't want to waste time with me. He seized the opportunity and took advantage of a gap to blow a punch in my chest. As I retreated, he immediately gave me a whirl kick, which made me defenseless.

In an instant, my body soared into the air, and finally fell to the edge of the challenge arena. This time, Sheng Mingjie showed his power and ferocity, with an overwhelming momentum. My internal organs and six internal organs seemed to be damaged. As soon as I landed, I couldn't help spitting out a big mouthful of blood. My eyes were full of red blood, and the corners of my eyes were blurred.

After losing, the audience in the venue can all see that I was blown up by Sheng Mingjie.

For this result, they were not surprised, but they were disappointed that I lost so quickly. They only felt that they did not enjoy watching it, which made them look forward to it in vain.

For a while, the scene became extremely messy and noisy, and all kinds of rustling voices were heard:

"Oh, Han Yimo's son, but it is so!"

"If you can't say that, Jiangnan style is still very powerful. At least, few of the younger generation can do it!"

"Yes, the wind in the south of the Yangtze River is not weak. It's just that the young master of the Sheng family is too strong. You know, he is the key person cultivated by the Sheng family."

"But their strength is also too big, this just a few times, Jiangnan wind fell, it is really boring."

"Yes, Young Master Sheng won the contest without any damage. The difference between them is not a little bit."

All kinds of comments, mixed with all kinds of shrieks and shouts, were scattered in the sky above the stadium. All the people expressed their respect for Sheng Mingjie, and some girls cheered wildly for Sheng Mingjie.

Although I don't care what others say, I still can't calm down. I'm completely shocked by Sheng Mingjie's strength. He can't practice such a situation overnight. It's estimated that he was born for martial arts and was taught from childhood. Otherwise, he would not He may have such ability. His force is so incredible.

The wall of self-confidence that I built before the competition collapsed at this moment. I kept cheering myself, and all of it had been vented. I had no confidence to defeat Sheng Mingjie again. But when I thought of the consequences of losing, my heart couldn't help shaking. This is an invisible fear, which I can't face.

Unconsciously, I turned my head and looked at the area in front of me and found that Qiqi had raised her face and looked at me anxiously.

Peng Xuefei, on the other side, was more excited and nearly collapsed. Her eyes were red, her expression was anxious, nervous and painful. She was cold in the past. At this moment, her face was full of emotions. She was worried about me, cared about me, and hurt my heart.

As for Peng Yi, he didn't show too much emotion. He just looked at the arena with great interest. He seemed to have expected the end, so he didn't have much shock.

Look at other people, everyone's looks are different, but no one sympathizes with me except for a few of my subordinates. The competition is so realistic. The winner is brilliant and becomes the idol in everyone's mind. The loser is doomed to be ignored and forgotten.

At this point, it seems that the whole audience thought that the competition they had been waiting for would come to an end so quickly.

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