However, Sheng Mingjie didn't think so. He was still elegant and polite. After I fell to the ground, he did not chase me, but looked down at me from a commanding position and said: "Jiangnan wind, if you don't use all your strength, you will never have a chance!"

Sheng Mingjie's strength is high and his ability to feel is naturally strong. He can clearly feel that I have not fully exposed my strength. Indeed, although I showed my strength just now, I didn't give full play to it. Even though I was angry and anxious, I didn't show my card.

The battle is a gradual process. I will not be so stupid as to expose my cards as soon as I go on the stage. In that case, if I fail, there will be no chance to turn over. What I have just done can be regarded as a trial. However, at the end of the test, I really feel powerless. Sheng Mingjie's strength makes me lose confidence. I know that even if I show my cards and take them out of them I am not his opponent with all his strength. His force is beyond my imagination.

In my long life, I have never had a fight with a master of this level. This is a slim chance. If there seems to be, this is my last desperate gamble, and the success or failure will be in one fell swoop.

In order to grasp the last straw, my brain seemed to be enlightened. It turned very fast, and the claw skill moves were fleeting in my mind and flashed again in an instant.

Then, I opened my eyes suddenly. A light shot from my eyes and shot at Sheng Mingjie in front of me. At the same time, my hand also became a claw. When the audience was noisy, I suddenly yelled: "come again!"

When the two words reverberate, my body has already taken the momentum of wind and clouds, towards Sheng Mingjie's swift and violent impact.

My voice is steady and powerful, but my body is like a flying arrow, swift and sharp.

At this moment, my momentum has risen to the extreme, and my powerful power erupts. The powerful internal power hidden in my body suddenly appears, which makes me look very different, just like a real master.

My outburst, like the awakening of wild animals, completely shocked the indifferent audience. The atmosphere of the scene was instantly ignited, and many people's eyes could not help but shine. Some people yelled, some people screamed, and the scene burned.

Sheng Mingjie, who has always been aloof and aloof, has finally put up a rigorous attitude this time. For my fierce outburst, he didn't pay attention to it. His calm expression finally showed a slight change, and his invisible momentum also exploded.

When I rushed to him, he did not retreat, but went forward. He suddenly met me. We two directly fought in the middle of the challenge arena.

It can be said that as soon as we collide, the huge arena seems to vibrate because of our momentum, and the air in the field becomes more and more fiery. The competition seems to have reached a violent climax in this moment.

The warm atmosphere of the scene and the screams of the audience seemed to burst the whole space. My blood could not help becoming more boiling. My heart was surging. I felt that my internal power was endless.

What's more, I still have the anger to Sheng Mingjie and the power of longing for victory in my heart. The strong emotion and strength make me exert my strength against the heaven. The Kung Fu taught by Han Yimo is incisively and vividly displayed by me, and it has great power.

The authentic moves are extraordinary, because they are very coherent and have great lethality. At the same time, they can also do a good defense. They can be called perfect.

My gorgeous movements, my weird moves, and the infinite power I showed all awed the audience's eyes. The warm scene finally gradually became calm. Most people began to concentrate on watching the fight on the arena and did not dare to be slightest slightest slightest neglect.

A small number of people were so shocked that they could not help but murmur: "look, I know Han Yimo's son is extraordinary!"

"Yes, he didn't use real Kung Fu just now. Now he has the demeanor of master Han!"

"Yes, no matter what, Han Yimo was a powerful figure in those years, a heroine in the middle of the country."

"This competition is worth watching at last

"Han Yimo's son really did not insult her reputation!"

The fight between Sheng Mingjie and I became more and more fierce in the discussion of the crowd. There was a spark between the fist and the foot.

I am quick, Sheng Mingjie is quick, I am fierce, Sheng Mingjie is fierce, my moves are fierce, and Sheng Mingjie's moves are also fierce. At this time, Sheng Mingjie no longer has the slow and indifferent posture before, but it shows the opposite side, just like an instant from an angel to a devil.

In order to deal with the devil, I almost played all the skills I had learned all night long. This extraordinary move was shown to the air, but I didn't realize the power. Once I got angry with people, I knew how shocking its power was. Every move, every form, was like flowing clouds and flowing water, incoherent, and sometimes tricky, Play a strange power.With such a powerful move, I believe that even the master at the same level as the housekeeper can be easily knocked down by me. However, Sheng Mingjie is different. His force may have reached the peak. He not only has a profound external move, but also has a powerful internal force. What's more, Sheng Mingjie's moves seem to be the natural enemy of my kung fu Effectively restrain my strong attack.

Sheng Mingjie is good at fists. His fists can be used by him. He feels like Tianma meteor boxing. He can make illusions and dazzle people.

It doesn't matter. The most important thing is that when he attacks me, he will also use his feet at the same time. Although he mainly attacks boxing, his leg skills are also very powerful, flexible and fierce. Moreover, his legs are like steel bars. As long as you kick them on your hands, you can feel the pain of being hit by steel bars.

As time goes by, I just feel that I have met an invincible master. Even if I break out completely, I still can't win Sheng Mingjie, and I can't take advantage of him.

Up to now, my body has been wet with cold sweat, and my hairstyle has become messy. I have no image of heroism any more. I have only one idea in my heart, that is, to win and defeat Sheng Mingjie. However, the more I feel, the more incompetent I feel. My strongest strength is shown without reservation, and I still can't hurt him, which makes me anxious Burn.

But the more anxious I am, the more flustered I am. Even if I try so hard to calm myself down, it is difficult to do it. In the process of fighting, I can't control my mind at all. Especially, when I exert all my strength, I still can't beat Sheng Mingjie. This kind of oppressive and bending feeling makes me unable to calm down, but I will become more and more irritable.

Sheng Mingjie, on the other hand, has always been on the winning side. He doesn't need to worry at all. He only needs to speak with strength. The stronger I am, the more confident he is. The more confident he is, the stronger his strength will be. This is a very beneficial virtuous circle. This cycle keeps him in a high position all the time, which makes him just look down on me from the beginning to the end, and also makes his mentality possible No matter how strong my attack is, he will not be flustered. In other words, Sheng Mingjie does not lose the word in his dictionary. It is precisely because he is so confident that he plays more and more dominant.

The two of us have different mentality. Therefore, even if I can use the same powerful moves as him, I will suffer losses. As time goes on, this kind of loss will become more and more obvious. What's more, what I learned from Han Yimo's move is only part of it. After all, the claw skill she taught me is one of her one-off skills. I will use this set of claw skills After using it, I feel like I'm in a hurry.

However, Sheng Mingjie is different. His martial arts skills are the same as his talent. He can't finish using them. There are too many moves. He doesn't worry about not having any moves to play. After using these moves, new moves will come out immediately. Moreover, every move can be used thoroughly. He is not a half water like me. He is a genius born for martial arts Almost all of them can learn a complete set of martial arts.

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