When the malpractice is exposed, my situation is getting worse and worse. After I made a fierce attack on Sheng Mingjie, there was no other move to use. I had to continue to play claw skill. After that, Sheng Mingjie basically understood my way of attack. What's more, my unstable mind gradually revealed my flaws.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Sheng Mingjie played a Yin move for me at the most critical moment. He first made a false move to me. After diverting my attention, his fist suddenly hit me on the head.

This strong blow was extremely fierce and powerful. If I was hit, my head would be cracked like a watermelon. Sure enough, Sheng Mingjie finally killed me. He didn't care about human life. From what he said to me at the beginning, he wanted me to die.

I'm not afraid of death, but I'm not willing to die in the arena like this. I'm not willing to end my life in this way, and I'm not willing to save my father's way. When I get here, I have to give up all my previous achievements. But what if I'm not willing to die? When I react and want to escape, it's too late. I just feel that my body is sealed by Sheng Mingjie's powerful aura. My soul is locked by death and can't move.

At this moment, the picture seemed to freeze, and the stadium was very quiet. Countless spectators in the audience all showed a startled look. Everyone's eyes were different, but they were full of nervous anticipation. Some people covered their mouths and opened their eyes. They were very excited to look at the stage. Peng Xuefei, who has been red eyes, suddenly roared: "Jiangnan wind, be careful!"

Her voice was so loud that it completely broke the silence of the space, woke up the man who had lost my soul, and at the same time, she inadvertently shocked Sheng Mingjie.

It has to be said that Sheng Mingjie still cares about Peng Xuefei. When he heard Peng Xuefei's startled voice, his flexible body seemed to be stiff for a moment, and his movement of striking me with a fatal blow was obviously slower. His slight absence made me gasp and let me seize the opportunity of life. Suddenly, I stretched out my hand and grabbed him Arm, smash his fist off me.

At once, my other hand attacked Sheng Mingjie's head, and the speed was as fast as I could. If I could, I really want to burst Sheng Mingjie's head. However, where can Sheng Mingjie be an ordinary person? He reflected in an instant. When I caught him, his head suddenly turned back, and the speed was very fast.

However, even so, my claws still caught his face. Suddenly, there were five striking scratches on Sheng Mingjie's white and handsome cheek, just like being scratched by a cat's paw.

After eating the shriveled Sheng Mingjie, he stepped back again and again. When he stopped, he couldn't help touching his face. Immediately, his fingers were stained with blood, and his fingertips felt the strange temperature. He knew that he was broken. In this moment, his eyes suddenly turned red, he was angry, and he was really angry. Up to now, I am Sheng Mingjie He was really more powerful than I could imagine. He was in an explosive state. He felt that I was going to be beaten to death by him. Under such circumstances, there was only one way for me, that is to be abused and killed by Sheng Mingjie.

Of course, Peng Xuefei also found Sheng Mingjie's motive. She could not care about the occasion and directly cried out, "Sheng Mingjie, don't fight, stop it!"

When Peng Xuefei saw that I was beaten like this, she could not bear it. She seemed to have seen that I was going to die. Her eyes were so frightened and her voice was so hoarse.

However, now Sheng Mingjie, where will listen to Peng Xuefei's words? Even, the more Peng Xuefei speaks for me, the more angry he becomes and the heavier his hand is.

Blood constantly comes out of my mouth. The corners of my mouth and my body are covered with bloodstains. Peng Xuefei sees that it is more and more crazy. She sees that it's useless to obstruct, but she still wants to rush over, but she is held by Peng Yi. She can't move at all under Peng Yi's eagle's claw. How she struggles, she can't move forward.

Peng Xuefei is weak in the end, and she can't change all this. Moreover, outsiders can't stop this kind of underground boxing match. Unless one side voluntarily admits defeat, or one of them falls down and can't get up again within the specified time, the game will be over.

But Sheng Mingjie, the devil, never gave me the chance to admit defeat. He just wanted to kill me. Even if I wanted to admit defeat, I couldn't say anything and couldn't open my mouth. Besides, my personality doomed me not to be soft. If I wanted to admit defeat to Sheng Mingjie, I would rather be killed by him.

My indomitable, Sheng Mingjie's violence, cast a miserable picture. If my physique was a little worse, I would have been beaten into mud by him. However, even if my body was strong, it was almost mud at the moment. Sheng Mingjie's steel fist was so merciless, so cruel and so violent that it hit me continuously and continuously.

There was violence and blood on the stage, silence and strangeness under the stage, and different expressions of the audience in the venue. Everyone showed extreme looks and colorful colors. Some people who like to watch the excitement were full of expectation and exuberant. They were not afraid of big things, but afraid of not having a good play to watch. Some timid girls showed their unbearable attitude, and their eyes could not help but show a trace of panic, and some even covered them Face, the two eyes show faintly, want to see but dare not see.All these different eyes are focused on me. I can't feel other people's eyes. I just feel pain. The pain makes me lose consciousness. My eyes gradually become loose. My internal organs seem to be shattered. The breath in my body is chaotic. My soul seems to be dissipated.

Time, at this time, also become very terrible, every past minute, I feel very sad, do not know how long the past, Sheng Mingjie suddenly stopped beating me.

Lost balance of me, immediately collapsed to the ground, at the moment I, the whole body is weak, quadriplegia, image unbearable, I have been unable to move, can not move.

According to the rules, as long as I haven't got up after the specified time, Sheng Mingjie even won the game, but obviously, the victory can't satisfy Sheng Mingjie. Especially after his face was scratched by me, he wanted me to die.

So, after I fell down, he stepped in front of me with one foot. His eyes looked down on me with disdain. His mouth showed a magic smile. Suddenly, he raised his right foot and stepped down heavily on my head.

In an instant, the air around me solidified, a kind of gold pressure on the top of the power, hard to hold me, let me can not breathe, my fuzzy eyes, can only see Sheng Mingjie that wide shoes to me quickly.

His foot must have used all his strength. Once I was stepped on, then, even if I practiced iron head skill, my head would burst open.

Sheng Mingjie is so unabashed that he uses killing moves. This is not a miss killing, but a deliberate one. However, Sheng Mingjie is strongly supported by the Sheng family. He is not afraid of anything. Now he has only one purpose. He wants me to die.

Those people with different expressions in the field almost opened their mouths when they saw this scene. Their actions were miraculously unified. However, their eyes were still different. The excited people were more excited, while the timid girls were more frightened. They did not dare to look at the cruel scene and turned their heads one after another.

The situation is extremely critical. Life and death are on the front line. The audience under the stage are excited, frightened, and expecting. All of them hold their breath. But Uncle snake, who has been paying close attention to the contest, stands up in a hurry and shouts to the stage: "stop it!"

Peng Xuefei, who was held by Peng Yi, is even more heartbreaking and shouts to Sheng Mingjie on the stage: "Sheng Mingjie, don't, Jiangnan wind has given up, I'll give up for Jiangnan wind!"

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